Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): CARROLL, William, L. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE Walker Wharton Research Professor, Department of Pathology eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) wrwharton EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION MM/YY FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) Rockhurst College, Kansas City, MO University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC B.S. M.S. Ph.D. PostDoctoral 1966-1970 1970-1974 1974-1978 1978-1981 Chemistry Psychology Pharmacology Cellular/Molecular Biology A. Personal Statement I will be responsible for the identification of targeting molecules for the relevant antigens, the engineering and construction of all cell lines expressing ectopic transcripts (either fluorescent proteins or tumor antigens), and the design of all particles. In addition I will be responsible for the evaluation of all leukemic cell for expression of the relevant antigens being targeted by protocells. Finally, I will be responsible for maintaining interactions with the Grupp lab ensuring that they have all appropriate cells and reagents including particles for in vivo experiments. B. Positions and Honors 9/81-5/86 Staff Member, Experimental Pathology Group, Life Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory 5/86-7/91 Group Leader, Cellular and Molecular Biology Group, Life Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory 7/91-10/95 Staff Member, Cellular and Molecular Biology Group, Life Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory 6/86-8/96 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of New Mexico School of Medicine 8/96-12/01 Research Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Oncology, Moffitt Cancer and Research Center, Tampa, Florida 12/01-2/08 Research Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine University of New Mexico School of Medicine 3/08-6/10 Research Associate Professor, Department of Pathology University Of New Mexico 7/10-present Research Professor, Department of Pathology University of New Mexico C. Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. Walker Wharton. Newborn Human Skin Fibroblasts Senescense In Vitro Without Acquiring Adult Growth Factor Requirements. Experimental Cell Research 154:310-314 (1984). 2. E.M. Wakshull and Walker Wharton. Stabilized Complexes of Epidermal Growth Factor and Its Receptor on the Cell Surface Stimulate RNA Synthesis but not Mitogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82:1513-1517 (1985). 3. Walker Wharton. Cell Cycle Constraints on Peroxide- and Radiation-induced Inhibitory Checkpoints. Cancer Research 55:5069-5074 (1995). PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): CARROLL, William, L. 4. Kiyoshi Komatsu, Walker Wharton, Haiying Hang, Chun Wu, Sujay Singh, Howard B. Liberman, W.J. Pledger, and Hong-Gang Wang. PCNA Interacts with Hus1/Rad9 in Response to DNA Damage and Replication Inhibition. Oncogene 19:5291-5297 (2000). 5. Walker Wharton, Jason Savell, W. Douglas Cress, Edward Seto, and W.J. Pledger. Inhibition of Mitogenesis in BALB/c-3T3 cells by Trichostatin A: Multiple Alterations in the Induction and Activation of Cyclin/CDK Complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275:33981-33987 (2000). 6. Dominic Sinibaldi, Walker Wharton, Gordon Peters, James Turkson, Tammy Bowman, W.J. Pledger, and Richard Jove. Induction of p21WAF1/CIP1 and Cyclin D1 Expression by the SRC Oncoprotein in Mouse Fibroblasts: Role of Activated STAT3 Signaling. Oncogene 19: 5419-5427 (2000). 7. Yi-Zhe Wang, Walker Wharton, Roy Garcia, Alan Kracker, Richard Jove, and W.J. Pledger. Activation of STAT3 Preassembled with Platelet-derived Growth Factor Receptors Requires Src Kinase Activity. Oncogene 19:2075-2085 (2000). 8. Tammy Bowman, Martin Broome, Dominic Sinibaldi, Walker Wharton, W.J. Pledger, John Sedivy, Rosalyn Irby, Timothy Yeatman, Sara A. Courtneidge, and Richard Jove. STAT3-mediated Myc Expression is Required for Src Oncogenesis and PDGF-induced Mitogenesis. Proceedings National Academy Sciences 98:7319-7324 (2001). 9. Jason Savell, Sumeeta Rao, W.J. Pledger, and Walker Wharton. Permanent Growth Arrest in Irradiated Human Fibroblasts. Radiation Research 155:554-563 (2001). 10. Roslyn J. Jackson, Robert W. Engelman, Dominic Coppola, A.B. Cantor, Walker Wharton, and W.J Pledger. p21Cip1 Nullizygosity Increases Tumor Metastasis in Irradiated Mice. Cancer Research 63:30213025 (2003). 11. Y.-H. Zhang, Walker Wharton, Z.-G. Yann, S.-C. Tsai, Nancy Olashaw, and Edward Seto. Activation of the Growth-Differentiation Factor 11 Gene by the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Trichostatin A and Repression by HDAC3. Molecular and Cellular Biology 24:5106-5108 (2004). 12. Jason Savell, Y.-H. Ma, Kristin Morrow, Richard Jove, Nancy Olashaw, Pope L. Moseley, W.D. Cress, and Walker Wharton. AG490 Inhibits G1/S Traverse in BALB/c-3T3 Cells Following either Mitogenic Stimulation or Exogenous Expression of E2F-1. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 3:205-213 (2004). 13. Walker Wharton. Repression of G0/G1 Traverse in Human Fibroblasts Exposed to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279:43667-43674 (2004). 14. Karol Dokladny, Walker Wharton, Rebecca Lobb, Thomas Y. Ma, and Pope L. Moseley. Induction of Physiological Thermotolerance in MDCK Monolayers: Contribution of Heat Shock Protein 70. Cell Stress Chaperones 11:268-275 (2006). 15. Shuhong Guo, Walker Wharton, Pope L. Moseley, and Honglian Shi. Heat Shock Protein 70 Reduces Cell Injury Induced by Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation through Enhancing Cellular Redox Status. Cell Stress Chaperones 12:245-254 (2007). 16. Karol Dokladny, Walker Wharton, Thomas Y. Ma, and Pope L. Moseley. Lack of Cross-tolerance following Heat and Cadmium Exposure in Functional MDCK Monolayers. Journal of Applied Toxicology 28:885894 (2007). 17. Robert L. Engelman, Rosyln J. Jackson, Dominic Coppola, Walker Wharton, A.B. Cantor, and W.J. Pledger. Loss of Nuclear p21CIP1/WAF1 -irradiated p21 Hemizygous Mice. Experimental and Molecular Pathology 82:234-244 (2007). 18. Richard C. Harvey, Xuefei Wang, Kevin K. Dobbin, George S. Davidson, Edward J. Bedrick, I.-Ming Chen, Susan R. Atlas, Huining Kang, Kerem Ar, Carla S. Wilson, Walker Wharton, Maurice Murphy, Meenakshi Devidas, Andrew J. Carroll, Michael J. Borowitz, W. Paul Bowman, Charles G. Mullighan, James Downing, Mary Relling, William L. Carroll, Bruce Camitta, Gregory H. Reaman, Malcolm Smith, Stephen P. Hunger, and Cheryl L. Willman. Identification of Novel Cluster Groups in Pediatric High Risk B-Precursor Lymphoblstic leukemia by Unsupervised Gene Expression Profiling: Correlation with Genome-Wide DNA Copy Alterations, Clinical characteristics, and Outcome. Blood 116:4874-4884 (2010). 19. Richard C. Harvey, Charles G. Mullighan, I-Ming Chen, Walker Wharton, Fady M. Mikhail, Andrew J. Carroll, Huining Kang, Wei Liu, Kevin K. Dobbin, Malcolm A. Smith, William L. Carroll, Meenakshi Devidas, W. Paul Bowman, Bruce Camitta, Gregory H. Reamon, Stephen P. Hunger, James R. Downing, and Cheryl L. Willman. Rearrangement of CRLF2 is Associated with Mutation of JAK Kinases, Alteration of IKZF1, Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity and a Poor Outcome in Pediatric B-Progenitor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Blood 115:5312-5321 (2010). PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): CARROLL, William, L. 20. Huining Kang, I-Ming Chen, Carla S. Wilson, Edward J. Bedrick, Richard C. Harvey, Susan R. Atlas, Stephen P. Hunger, Meenakshi Devidas, Xuefei Wang, Maurice Murphy, Kerem Ar, Walker Wharton, Michael J. Borowitz, W. Paul Bowman, Deepa Bhojwani, William L. Carroll, Bruce Camitta, Gregory H. Reaman, and Cheryl L. Willman. Gene Expression Classifiers for Relapse Free Survival and Minimal Residual Disease Improve Risk Classification and Outcome Prediction in Pediatric B-Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Blood 115:1394-1405 (2010). 21. Carlee E. Ashley, Eric C. Carnes, Genevieve K. Phillips, David Padilla, Page A. Brown, Tracey N. Hanna, Juewen Liu, Brandy Comyford, Nichlaus Carroll, Xingmao Jing, Ingred Spielman, Cheryl L. Willman, Dimiter N. Petsev, Deborah G. Evans, Bryce Chackerian, Walker Wharton, David S. Peabody, and C. Jeffery Brinker. Protocells – A Universal Nanocarrier for Targeted Delivery of Multicomponent Cargos to Cancer. Nature Materials 10:389-397 (2011). 22. Carlee E. Ashley, Eric C. Carnes, Genevieve K. Phillips, Paul N. Durfee, Mekensky Buley, David P. Padilla, Brandy Phillips, Mark B. Cantor, Cheryl L. Willman, C. Jeffery Brinker, Bryce Chackerian, Walker Wharton, and David S. Peabody. Cell-specific Delivery of Diverse Cargos by Bacteriophage MS2 Viruslike Particles. ACS Nano 5:5729-5745 (2011). D. Research Support Ongoing Research Support: 7372-07 (PI: Felix; Project 1 PI: Willman) 10/1/06-9/30/11 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Specialized Center of Research (SCOR): Targeted Therapies for Infant Leukemia Project 1: Identification of Drug Targets in Infant Leukemia via Microarray Analysis This LLS SCOR is focused on the development of novel therapies for the treatment of leukemia arising in infants. Project 1 (PI: Willman), refines gene expression profiles and develops molecular classifiers, and, identifies novel targets for therapeutic intervention. 1 U01 CA151792-01 (Contact PI: Willman, Multi PI: Brinker) 9/1/10-8/31/15 NCI Nanotechnology Platform Partnership: Peptide-Directed Protocells and Virus-Like Particles: New Nanoparticle Platforms for Targeted Cellular Delivery of Multicomponent Cargoes PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 06/09) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page