The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams (2007) Volume

The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams (2007) Volume Fourteen, issue 1, 80 - 83
Combined flow prediction and reservoir control system
optimizes production at Hoa Binh
H. Madsen and J. Høst-Madsen, DHI Water & Environment, Denmark
Long Le Ngo, Water Resources University, Vietnam
D. Rosbjerg, Technical University of Denmark
A combined flow prediction and control system is described for the optimization of multi-purpose
reservoir operation. The system integrates a numerical model for simulation of river flow and
reservoir operation with an optimization tool. The procedure is applied for optimization of
reservoir operation rule curves of the Hoa Binh reservoir in Vietnam, considering hydropower
production and downstream flood control, and demonstrates that it could be possible to generate
an extra 210 GWh/year on average.
Reservoir operation is a complex problem that involves a number of often conflicting objectives, including flood
control, hydropower generation, water supply for various users, navigation control and so on. Traditionally, fixed
reservoir rule curves have been used for guiding and managing the reservoir operation. These curves specify
reservoir releases according to the current reservoir level, hydrological conditions, water demands and time of
the year. Established rule curves, however, are often not very efficient for balancing the demands of the different
users. Moreover, reservoir operation often includes subjective judgements by the operators. Thus, there is a
potential for improving reservoir operating policies, and even small improvements can lead to large benefits.
For optimization of reservoir operation, procedures based on coupling simulation models with numerical search
methods have been developed. In this paper the MIKE 11 modelling system developed by DHI Water &
Environment is adopted for simulating the flow in the river system and reservoir operations. The structure
operation module in MIKE 11 allows for the implementation of complex control strategies, whereby reservoirs
can be operated by defining a number of different control strategies with various conditions. The use of several
control strategies makes it possible to simulate multi-purpose reservoirs, which take into account a large number
of objectives.
The MIKE 11 modelling system is combined with a numerical optimization tool that is used to optimize
different control variables defined for the reservoir operation strategies. The optimization tool includes a general
multi-objective optimization framework that searches for the set of non-dominated or Pareto-optimal solutions
according to the trade-offs between the various objectives.
The simulation-optimization procedure is used in an off-line mode for optimization of reservoir operation rule
curves using historical data. Implementation of the optimised rule curves with MIKE 11 then provides a baseline reservoir operation system. This operation system can be further improved in real-time by fine-tuning the
reservoir releases using real-time and forecast information. In this case, the MIKE 11 modelling and reservoir
control system uses weather forecasts to provide forecasts of reservoir inflows, which are combined with the
optimization tool to derive short-term, Pareto-optimal operation strategies.
1. System description
The simulation-optimization approach has been applied for optimizing the operation of the Hoa Binh reservoir in
Vietnam. Hoa Binh is the largest reservoir in the country, with an active storage of 5.6 x 109 m3. It is a multipurpose reservoir providing flood control, hydropower and water supply. The powerplant is equipped with eight
turbines, with a maximum unit capacity of 240 MW corresponding to a total power generating capacity of 1920
MW. It produces on average 7800 GWh/year.
The Hoa Binh reservoir is on the Da River, which is the largest tributary of the Red River system. The Red River
basin is in the northern and north-eastern part of Vietnam and has a total catchment area of 169 000 km2, of
which 48% is in China and about 1% in Laos. Three major upstream tributaries the Da, Thao and Lo, join and
form the Red River delta near Hanoi. The annual average discharge at Hanoi is about 3700 m3/s, of which Da
River contributes more than 50%. The seasonal variability is significant with about 80% of the annual rainfall
occurring in the flood season from May to October. In the analysis, the conflict between flood control and
hydropower generation in the flood season is specifically addressed.
Fig. 1. MIKE 11 model setup of the lower part of the Red river basin, including the Hoa Binh reservoir.
The MIKE 11 modelling system is set up for the lower part of the Red River basin to simulate inflow to the Hoa
Binh reservoir and water flow in the downstream part (see Figure 1). To simulate the releases from the Hoa Binh
reservoir, operational structures, including bottom sluice gates, spillways and turbines, are specified as control
structures in MIKE 11. The control structures are implemented with control strategies which determine how the
structures are operated, based on the reservoir level and the water level at a downstream flood control point in
Hanoi. The operations consist of specifying the discharge through turbines as well as opening and closing
bottom gates and spillways. The control strategies are defined using a list of logical statements according to
priorities of the different controls.
Opening and closing of the bottom gates and spillways for flood control are described according to flood control
rule curves in terms of target water levels in the reservoir and water levels at the flood control point in Hanoi.
The discharge through turbines is defined according to hydropower control curves in terms of critical, lower and
upper reservoir level curves.
2. Optimization of reservoir rule curves
The control variables to be optimized consist of the reservoir water level curves and water level targets at the
flood control point at Hanoi. The operation rules are optimized using a two-step procedure. First, the flood
control variables are optimized with respect to two objectives:
 Flood control in terms of the downstream water level; and,
 Hydropower potential in terms of reservoir level.
In the second step, the hydropower control variables are optimized with respect to the hydropower generation in
the flood season and the reservoir level at the end of the flood season (used as a surrogate for hydropower
generation in the low flow season). For the optimization, selected data from the historical record are used as
input to the MIKE 11 model.
The main purpose of the optimization is to highlight the trade-offs between the flood control and hydropower
objectives. Multi-objective optimization seeks the non-dominated or Pareto-optimal set of solutions with respect
to the given objective functions for evaluation of these trade-offs. A set of solutions are identified, where none of
the objective functions can be improved without violating one or more of the others. From this curve (denoted
the Pareto front) the decision-maker can choose a preferred strategy. One important benefit of using Pareto
optimization is that different objective functions measured in different units can be optimized simultaneously
without the need to use a common monetary unit, which is often difficult to apply.
The results of the optimization of flood control variables are shown in Figure 2. The optimization problem is
defined as minimization of the hydropower deficit compared with the maximum hydropower generation capacity
(denoted hydropower objective in Figure 2) and minimization of the maximum water level at Hanoi (denoted
flood control objective in Figure 2). As expected, a significant trade-off is observed between the two objectives.
That is, an improvement in hydropower generation (decrease of hydropower deficit) can only be obtained by an
increase in the maximum water level at Hanoi, and vice versa. The figure shows a balanced optimum solution
obtained as part of the optimization, which is seen to provide an appropriate balance between the two objectives.
In the figure also shows the point corresponding to using the present reservoir regulations. Importantly, the
optimization provides Pareto-optimal solutions that are better with respect to both hydropower generation and
flood control. Thus, more optimal flood control rules can be implemented that provide an increase in
hydropower production in the flood season without violating the basic flood control objective.
Pareto optimum
Hydropower objective
Flood control objective
Fig. 2. Pareto optimal solutions for optimization of flood control variables compared to the present regulations.
Also in the case of optimisation of the hydropower control curves a significant trade-off between the two
considered objectives is observed. That is, an increase in hydropower production in the flood season can only be
obtained by a decrease of the water level at the end of the flood season, and vice versa. The results of this
optimization show that Pareto-optimal solutions can be chosen which are better with respect to both objectives
compared with the present regulations, that means, more optimal solutions can be chosen to provide increased
hydropower production in the flood season as well as larger reservoir level at the end of the flood season (and
hence increased hydropower potential in the low flow season).
3. Simulation with optimized rule curves
A 20-year historical record was used as input to the MIKE 11 model to simulate reservoir operation using the
present regulations and the balanced Pareto-optimal solution. The hydropower generated in the analysed flood
seasons using the two operation strategies, is shown in Figure 3. In most flood seasons the balanced optimum
solution provides an increase in hydropower production compared with the present regulations. On average an
increase of 1.8 percent is obtained, corresponding to 80 GWh/year.
Balanced optimum
Hydropower (million kWh)
Present regulations
Fig. 3. Simulated hydropower generation in the flood season using, respectively, the present regulations and the balanced
Pareto-optimal rule curves.
The simulated reservoir level at the end of flood season using the two operation strategies is shown in Figure 4.
In most seasons the balanced optimum solution provides an increase in water level compared with the present
regulations. Importantly, the balanced solution provides a substantial increase in water level in the dry years. On
average an increase of about 3 m is obtained. The increase in water level at the end of the flood season provides
an increased hydropower potential in the low flow season, corresponding to about 130 GWh/year on average.
Thus, in total, the balanced optimum solution offers an increased hydropower production of 210 GWh/year on
average without compromising flood control.
Reservoir level (m)
Present regulations
Balanced optimum
Fig. 4. Simulated water level at the end of the flood season using, respectively, the present regulations and the balanced
Pareto-optimal rule curves.
4. Real-time optimization
Operation of reservoir systems using optimized rule curves will provide a general optimal operation of the
system. To further improve the performance, real-time optimization can be adopted, where real-time and forecast
information about reservoir levels, reservoir inflows and water demands for various users are used. In this case,
the reservoir system is optimised with respect to the short-term operation, using both short-term and long-term
objectives. Often there is a conflict between short-term and long-term benefits, and hence the inclusion of longterm objectives in the optimization is important.
For the Hoa Binh reservoir a real-time optimization strategy has been implemented. The control variables that
include discharge through turbines and opening and closing of bottom gates and spillways are optimized at 6
hour time intervals in a three-day forecast period. Short-term objectives are defined in terms of hydropower
production and flood risk at Hanoi in the forecast period. Long-term objectives are implemented by penalizing
the deviation of the reservoir level at the end of the forecast period from the target levels defined by the
optimized rule curves. Thus, short-term optimizations resulting in operations that provide large deviations in
reservoir level compared with the rule curves are penalized. In the Pareto optimization the trade-off between
short-term operation objectives and long-term penalizing terms is evaluated. From the Pareto-optimal set the
decision-maker can then choose a preferred solution taking other considerations into account.
A real-time optimization test is considered in a situation where a large flood is forecasted in the Da River as
inflow to the Hoa Binh reservoir (see Figure 5). The forecasted inflow show a peak about 12 hours after time of
forecast, followed by a decrease in the remaining forecast period. Thus, in this case a preferred operation
strategy is to try to keep as much water in the reservoir as possible, to reduce the downstream flood risk. That is,
a Pareto-optimal solution is chosen that allows a larger water level in the reservoir at the end of the forecast
period compared with the flood control rule curve to reduce the water level at Hanoi. At the same time an
increase in hydropower production during the forecast period is obtained. The results of this preferred solution
are shown in Table 1 and can be compared with the results obtained by operating the reservoir according to the
optimized rule curves. Real-time optimization provides an increase in hydropower production in the forecast
period of 5.5 GWh (4.3 percent) and a decrease in the maximum water level at Hanoi of 0.81 m.
Da River
Thao River
Lo River
Inflow [m /s]
Time of
Fig. 5. Inflow forecasts at the three upstream tributaries used for optimising short-term reservoir operations.
Table 1 Comparison of simulation results using the optimised rule curves and the real-time optimal solution.
Reservoir level at the
end of the period
Hydropower generation
Maximum water level
at Hanoi
Optimized rule curves
Real-time optimal solution
5. Summary and Conclusions
A combined flow prediction and control system has been developed for optimization of multi-purpose reservoir
operation. The system combines the MIKE 11 modelling system for simulation of river flow and reservoir
operation with a numerical optimization tool. The optimization tool includes a general multi-objective
framework for estimation of Pareto-optimal solutions.
The simulation-optimization procedure has been applied to optimization of the operation of the Hoa Binh
reservoir in Vietnam, considering flood control and hydropower generation. A two-step procedure was adopted
for optimization of flood control and hydropower rule curves. The results showed that Pareto-optimal solutions
can be chosen that are better with respect to both flood control and hydropower generation in the flood season. In
addition, the water level at the end of the flood season can be increased with the optimized rule curves, hence
providing a larger hydropower potential in the low flow season. By using the rule curves of the balanced
optimum solution an increase in hydropower production of about 210 million kWh on average per year is
obtained compared with the present regulations.
To improve the reservoir operation further, and hence increase the hydropower potential, a real-time
optimization system has been developed which is based on real-time and forecast information about reservoir
levels, reservoir inflows and water demands. In this case, short-term operation for a three-day forecast period is
optimized considering the trade-off between short-term hydropower and flood control objectives and long-term
objectives in terms of deviations from the optimised rule curves. The analysis demonstrates that the real-time
optimization and control system improves the performance and enhances the flexibility of the reservoir operation
compare with a strict application of the rule curves
The Authors
Henrik Madsen is Senior Research Scientist in the Water resources Department at DHI Water & Environment.
He has more than ten years of experience in hydrological modelling, water resources management, extreme
value analysis and flood forecasting. He has managed and participated in several national and international
research projects on data assimilation, parameter estimation, optimization and uncertainty assessment in
hydrodynamic and hydrological modelling. He is responsible for the R&D activities and software development
of DHI’s parameter optimization tools tailored towards model calibration and water resources optimization
DHI Water & Environment, Agern Allé 5, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark.
Long Le Ngo is a lecturer at the Department of Hydrology and Environment, Water Resources University,
Hanoi, Vietnam. He obtained his PhD in 2006 at the Technical University of Denmark on optimization of
reservoir operation. He has experience in the use of hydrological and hydrodynamic simulation models to
investigate a wide range of river basin management issues, including reservoir optimization. He has participated
in several projects on integrated water resources management in Vietnam.
Department of Hydrology and Environment, Water Resources University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dan Rosbjerg is Professor in Hydrology and Water Resources at the Institute of Environment & Resources,
Technical University of Denmark. He has more than 35 years of research and teaching experience in
hydrological modelling and water resources management. From 1978 to 1989 he was Head of the Institute of
Hydrodynamics and Water Resources, and in the period 1989-2001 Director of the Groundwater Research
Centre. He was President of the water resources systems commission of the International Association of
Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) from 2001 to 2005. Since 1986 he has been the editor of the international
scientific journal Nordic Hydrology.
Institute of Environment & Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Building 115, DK-2800 Kongens
Lyngby, Denmark.
Jacob Høst-Madsen is Head of the River and Flood Management Department at DHI Water & Environment.
He has comprehensive experience in the management of surface water and groundwater resources. Through
national and international professional assignments and through his research career he has accumulated a
comprehensive knowledge of modelling of surface water and groundwater resources. He has been responsible
for DHI's flood forecasting activities in a number of developing countries and is in charge of the development
and application of flood forecasting and related hydrological models at DHI.
DHI Water & Environment, Agern Allé 5, DK-2970 Hørsholm, Denmark.