Pe~ateni trudovi od Tehnolo{ko-Metalur{ki Fakultet vo spisanija so

Pe~ateni trudovi od Tehnolo{ko-Metalur{ki Fakultet
vo spisanija so Impakt Faktor
Za 2010/2012 god.
2010 :
1. P. Paunović, O. Popovski, E. Fidančevska, B. Ranguelov, D. Stoevska Gogovska, A.
T. Dimitrov, S. Hadži Jordanov, Co-Magneli phases electrocatalysts for
hydrogen/oxygen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35, 10073–
10080 (2010)
2. A. Grozdanov, M. Avella, A. Buzarovska, G. Gentile, M. E. Errico, Reuse of natural fiber
reinforced eco-composites in polymer mortars, Polymer Engineering and Science, 50 (4), pp.
762–766 (2010)
3. A. Grozdanov, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva,
Carbon Fibers/Polyamide 6 Composites based on hybrid yarns
J. Thermo.Plast.Comp., 23, 99–110 (2010)
4. V. Daniloska, J. Blazevska-Gilev, V. Dimova, R. Fajgar, R. Tomovska, UV LIGHT
COMPOUNDS, Applied Surface Science 256, 2276–2283 (2010)
5. E. Winkelhausen, E. Velickova, S.A. Amartey, S.Kuzmanova: Ethanol production
using immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae in lyophilized cellulose gel. Applied
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI 10.1007/s1201-010-8995-z (2010)
6. E. Velickova, P. Petrov, Ch. Csvetanov, S. Kuzmanova, M. Cvetkovska, E.
Winkelhausen, Entrapment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells in u.v. crosslinked
hydroxyethylcellulose/poly(ethylene oxide) double-layered gels. Reactive and
Functional Polymers 70, 908–915 (2010)
7. D. Bicanic, D. Dimitrovski, S. Luterotti, C. Twisk, J. G. Buijnsters, O. Dóka,
Estimating rapidly and precisely the concentration of beta carotene in mango
homogenates by measuring the amplitude of optothermal signals, chromaticity indices
and the intensities of Raman peaks, Food Chemistry, 121, 832–838 (2010)
8. D. Bicanic, D. Dimitrovski, S. Luterotti, K. Marković, C. Van Twisk, J. G. Buijnsters,
O. Dóka, Correlation of trans-lycopene measurements by the HPLC method with the
optothermal and photoacoustic signals and the color readings of fresh tomato
homogenates, Food Biophisics, 5, 24–33 (2010)
9. S. Jancev, S. Bogoevski, B. Bliznakovska, Results of the preliminary regional ecogeochemical mapping of the agricultural soil samples from the Skopje city area,
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, JEPE, vol.11, No 3, 854–865
10. B. Mangovska, G. Demboski, I. Jordanov, Utjecaj oplemenjivanja na svojstva
odjece od pamuka i mjesavine s elastanskim vlaknom, Tekstil 59(4) 136–143 (2010)
11. I. Jordanov, B. Mangovska, B. Simoncic, P. Forte-Tavcer, Changes of Non-
Cellulosic Components of Cotton Surface after Mercerization and Different Ways of
Scouring, AATCC Review, 10(6), 65–72 (2010)
12. I. Jordanov, B.Mangovska, P.Forte-Tavcer,Influence of Enzymatic Scouring
Temperature of Drying on Cotton Yarns Properties, Tekstil, 59(10) 439–446
13. L. Raka, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, J. Loos, Characterization of polypropylene/layered
silicate nanocomposites prepared by single-step method, J. Thermal Anal. Calorim.
100, 629–639 (2010)
14. T. Dobreva, R. Benavente, J. M. Pereña, E. Pérez, M. Avella, M. García, G. BogoevaGaceva, Effect of different thermal treatments on the mechanical performance of poly
(L-lactic acid) based eco-composites,
J.Appl. Polym. Sci. 116 (2) 1088–1098 (2010)
15. L. Raka, A. Sorrentino, G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, Isothermal crystallization kinetics of
polypropylene latex based nanocomposites with organo-modified clay,
J. Polym. Sci. Part B- Polymer Physics Vol. 48, 1927–1938 (2010)
16. R. Jovanovic-Malinovska, M. Cvetkovska, S. Kuzmanova, Ch. Tsvetanov,
E. Winkelhausen, Immobilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in novel hydrogels
based on hybrid networks of poly(ethylene oxide), alginate and chitosan for ethanol
production. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 29
(2)169–179 (2010)
17. I. Mickova, Photoelectrochemical study of anodically formed oxide films on
niobium surfaces, Croatica Chimica Acta, 83 , 113–120 (2010)
18. D. Dimitrovski, D. Bicanic, S. Luterotti, C. Van Twisk, J. G. Buijnsters, The
concentration of trans-lycopene in postharvest watermelon: An evaluation of
analytical data obtained by direct methods,
Postharvest Biology and Technology, (2010), 58, 21–28 (2010)
1. C. Schwandt, A. T. Dimitrov, J. Derek Fray, High-yield synthesis of multi-walled
carbon nanotubes from graphite by molten salt electrolysis, Carbon, In Press,
Available online 7 November 2011
2. P. Paunović, D. Stoevska Gogovska, O. Popovski, A. Stoyanova, E. Slavcheva, E.
Lefterova, P. Iliev, A. T. Dimitrov and S. Hadži Jordanov, Preparation and
Characterization of Co-Ru/TiO2/MWCNTs Electrocatalysts in PEM Hydrogen
Electrolyser, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 9405–9414 (2011)
3. P. Paunović, O. Popovski, D. Stoevska Gogovska, E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva, A. T.
Dimitrov, Electrocatalytic activity of hypo-hyper d-electrocatalysts
(Me/TiO2/MWCNTs) based on Co-Ru in alkaline hydrogen electrolyzer, Maced. J.
Chem. Chem. Eng., 30, 55–65 (2011)
4. P. Paunović, D. Stoevska Gogovska, O. Popovski, E. Lefterova, I. Radev, E.
Slavcheva, A. T. Dimitrov and S. Hadži Jordanov, Non-platinum electrode materials
for hydrogen evolution: effect of catalyst support and metallic phase, Bulgarian
Chemical Communications, 43, 74–80 (2011)
5. E. Toshsikj, B. Mangovska, Effect of Laundering of Cotton Knitted Fabrics with
Different Detergents on the dimensional Stability and Color Fastness, Tekstilna
industrija, 2, 5011 (2011)
6. B. Mangovska, A. Ivanovska, Uporedba Makedonskih omeksivaca sa uvoznim,
Tekstilna Industrija, 4, 5–12 (2011)
7. G. Bogoeva-Gaceva, N. Herakovic, D. Dimeski, Effect of sonication applied during
production of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites evaluated by differential scanning
calorimetry and thermo-gravimetric analysis, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 30 (2)
189–195 (2011)
8. E. Velickova, U. Tylewicz, M. Dalla Rosa, E. Winkelhausen, S. Kuzmanova, and F.
Gómez Galindo, Effect of vacuum infused cryoprotectants on the freezing tolerance of
strawberry tissues. LWT - Food Science and Technology, (2011),
9. E. Velickova, S. Kuzmanova, M. Cvetkovska, E. Winkelhausen, A lag-time model for
substrate and product diffusion through hydroxyethylcellulose gels used for
immobilization of yeast cells. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, 30 (1), 85–96 (2011).
V. Dimova,
Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 35, 109–120 (2011)
M. Jankulovska, I. Spirevska, V. Dimova
J. Iran. Chem. Soc., 8 (2), 502–512 (2011)
M. Koleva, A.Zheglova, V. Vassilev, E. Fidancevska, Composites containing
waste materials, Chapter in the book: Advances in the composites materials – Analysis
of natural and man-made materials, Edited by Pavla Těšinova, In Tech, September
D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Batch
Adsorption of Nickel from Aqueous Solution by Natural Zeolite-Equilibrium Study,
Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Vol.5, 6, 528–534(2011)
D. Dimitrovski, Z. Bozinovski, K. Lisichkov, S. Kuvendziev, Adsorption of
nickel (II) ions from aqueous solutions using alumina, Quality of life, Vol.2, 3-4, 51–
57 (2011)
S. Kuvendziev, K. Lisichkov, D. Dimitrovski, Modelling of biological reactor
for municipal wastewater treatment, Materials Protection, 52, 4, 291–294 (2011)
P. Paunović, O. Popovski, D. Stoevska Gogovska, E. Lefterova, E. Slavcheva,
A. T. Dimitrov, Electrocatalytic activity of hypo-hyper d-electrocatalysts
(Me/TiO2/MWCNTs) based on Co-Ru in alkaline hydrogen electrolyzer, Maced. J.
Chem. Chem. Eng., 30, 55–65 (2011)
P. Paunović, Environmental electrochemistry – importance and fields of
application, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 30, 67–74 (2011)
P. Paunović, Electrometallurgy: electrochemical, economic and environmental
(3E) aspects, Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 30, 75–83 (2011)
K. Smilkov, L. P. Tozi, T. P. Ivanovska, N. Geskovski, R. Petkovska, M. G.
Dodov, K. Baceva, D. Dimitrovski, K. Mladenovska, Effects of formulation variables
on viability of l. Casei loaded in whey protein-ca-alginate microparticles in simulated
in vivo conditions, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.44, Suppl.1
128–129 (2011)
I. Mickova - Electrochemical and Corrosion Behavior of Niobium in Corrosive
Media - International Review of Chemical Engineering (IRECHE)Vol.3 N.5, 550–562
I. Jordanov, B. Mangovska, Accessibility of Mercerized, Bioscoured, and
Dried Cotton Yarns, Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile Research, 36(3), pp. 259–265,
B. Angjusheva, Production and Characterization of Glass-Ceramics From
Waste Materials, Quality of Life 2(1-2) 13–20 (2011)
E. Velickova, M. Cvetkovska, S. Kuzmanova, E. Winkelhausen, A lag-time
model for substrate and product diffusion trough hydroxeethylcellulose gels used for
immonilization of yeast cells. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering, 30 (1), 85–96 (2011)
1. B.Minceva-Sukarova,B.Mangovska,G.Bogoeva-Gaceva,V.M.Petrusevski, MicoRaman and Micro-FT-IR Spectroscopic Investigation of Raw and Dyed Pan Fibers,
Croatica Chemica ACTA 85 (1) 63–70 (2012)
2. A. Buzarovska, A.Grozdanov, BiodegradablePoly(L-lactic acid) /TiO2
nanocomposites: Thermal properties and degradation, J Appl Polym Sci, 123, 2187–
2193 (2012)
3. B. Angusheva, E. Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, Production of ceramics based on fly ash,
Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quaterly, Vol.17,
4. V. Rafajlovska, V. Dimova, R. Slaveska-Raicki, J. Klopceska, D. Dimitrovski,
Solvatochromic study on UV-VIS spectra of hot red pepper extracts, Natural Products
An Indian Journal, Vol.8, 3, 121–127 (2012)
5. D. Dimitrovski, Z. Lj. Bozinovski, K. T. Lisichkov, S. V. Kuvendziev, Arsenic
removal through coagulation and flocculation from contaminated water in Macedonia,
Materials Protection, 53, 1, 57–62 (2012)
6. J. Blazevska-Gilev, M. Urbanova, D. Pokorna, J. Šubrt, J. Pola, IR laser-induced
decomposition in thiirane for gas-phase deposition of conjugated organosulfur
polymer incorporating cycloheptasulfur, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
93, 165–169 (2012)
7. B. Angjusheva, E. Fidancevska, V. Jovanov, Production of Ceramics from Fly Ash,
Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, DOI
10.2298/CICEQ110607001A, OnLine-First(00) 1–1 (2012)
8. T. Petreska Ivanovska, L. Petrusevska-Tozi, M. Dabevska Kostoska, N. Geskovski, A.
Grozdanov, C. Stain, T. Stafilov, K. Mladenovska, “Microencapsulation of
Lactobacillus case in Chitosan-Ca-Alginate microparticles using spray-drying
method”, Maced.J.of Chem.and Chem.Eng.-MJCCA9 597, 31,1,115–123(2012)
9. V. Rafajlovska, S. Sinadinović-Fišer, O. Borota and M. Srbinoska. Characterization
and extraction of marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) cultivated in the Republic of
Macedonia, ICOSTAF 2010, 3-4 November 2010, Szeged, Hungary, Analecta Techica
Szegedinensia, vol.1-2, 45–49, 2012.
10. M. Srbinoska, N. Hrabovski, V. Rafajlovska and S. Sinadinović-Fišer,
Characterization of the seed and seed extracts of the pumpkins Cucurbita maxima D.
and Cucurbita Pepo L. from Macedonia. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and
Chemical Engineering, vol. 31(1), 5–78, 2012
1. J. Blazevska-Gilev, V. Jandova, J. Kupcik, Z. Bastl, J. Šubrt, P. Bezdicka, J. Pola,
Laser hydrothermal reductive ablation of TiO2: Hydrated TiO particles with modified
Ti/O surface, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 197, 337–344 (2013)