Newsletter 13 June 2015 word doc

Executive Committee:
Eve Moyse
Tony Huntley
Secretary/Public Officer
Leonie O'Brien
John Moyse
Newsletter No 13
June 2015
Dear Members
It has been a long time since our last newsletter.
In my defence, I can only say that my time and stress level have interfered with my
brain getting around to doing newsletters.
Many grandparent carers will recognise these symptoms as what happens when you
are going through the court system to get PR for you grandchildren.
The main concerns for kinship carers seems to be the Budget threat to Family Tax
Benefit B.
Present information is that those families already in the system receiving this benefit
will remain on FTB; however people entering the system will not.
It remains to be seen if this measure will pass the Senate.
Members are encouraged to contact their local Federal MPs to make their concerns
Of serious concern to local Grandparent Carers is losing our much loved and much
appreciated GAPS co-ordinator Karen Lizasoain.
A number of farewell lunches are being arranged around the Newcastle/Lake
Macquarie/Hunter to farewell Karen. She will be sorely missed and we thank her for many
years work providing vital support and information to kinship carers.
Leonie O’Brien, GRANDS Secretary and Morisset GAPS member is organizing a
lunch to which everyone will be invited. Likely venue is Toronto Workers Club sometime
after school holiday. More information on this later.
Leonie has also put together the following round up of information for this newsletter. Many
thanks, Leonie for this wonderful job.
Grandparent Carers Information Round-up
by Leonie O’Brien
On Tuesday 3 February this year, East Maitland GAPS very graciously hosted a
meeting with Annette Smith, then Hunter Regional Director of FACS and other Directors
who had travelled from Sydney to speak on behalf of Minister Upton to outline changes to
FACS policy and the new legislation.
This meeting was very well attended by GAPS and some GRANDS members
The presenters answered questions particularly where practice did not seem to be in
keeping with policy e.g. the meaning and role of “Guardianship”.
The presenters took stories of hardship from individual carers and informed where
and who can assist.
Many of the carers were not accessing the resources and services offered by the “Keep them
Safe” agencies and interagencies.
It was made clear that FACS policy and practice covers protection and does not
extend into repair. The Directors were more than willing to take our concerns to the
They also encouraged carers to tap into the NDIS where appropriate.
Many thanks to East Maitland Gaps for organizing such a valuable meeting which allowed
the carers themselves to learn of the changes to the legislation and enjoy a refreshing morning
Further information was given by FACS about parental responsibility and Guardianship at
Cardiff RSL on Wednesday 11 March, 2015.
GRANDS Raising Kids NSW Inc held their AGM on 16 February. Copy of the minutes is
On Friday 20 March, GRANDS Members attended a Seniors Expo organised by the NSW
Independent State member for Lake Macquarie, Greg Piper who has on several occasions
spoken in Sate Parliament about the situation of Grandparent Carers. Mr Piper continues to
support Grandparent Carers.
On Wednesday 27 May Charlestown GAPS organized a round table meeting with other
GAPS groups and GRANDS members to discuss the financial health of GAPS groups and
how they may be able to support the Grandparent Carers when the Co-ordinator’s role is
Community fund raising ideas were discussed with some already successful.
GRANDS committee members explained how funds raised for specific projects could be
processed through GRANDS if required.
GAPS project funds deposited with GRANDS cannot be used for any other purpose than the
one specified. The protection is written into the GRANDS Constitution as a by-law.
Charlestown GAPS members provided an additional forum for Grandparent Carers to express
their views, concerns and gratitude. They also provided a delicious and welcome morning tea.
Thank you Charlestown GAPS.
On Thursday 4 June Charlestown GAPS hosted a meeting for Grandparent Carers organized
by Karen Lizasoain, co-ordinat for Kinship Care/Samaritans Foundation to meet and be
informed by Edwina Muir, dedicated Grandparent Officer from Centrelink; Robyn, financial
Information Services Officer from Centrelink and Jackie from Benevolent Society Family
Referral Service.
All three will often work together to find solutions for Grandparent Carer problems.
Edwina Muir explained that existing Grandparent Carers with Centrelink will continue to
receive the Family Tax Benefit B for each child in their care. It will not terminate when the
child turns six years old.
Unfortunately the changes to the proposed legislation apply to any new Grandparent Carer
families. For these families the FTB will cease for each child at age six. (Provided the
legislation passes the Senate).
Edwina Muir serves the East Coast of NSW, Sydney, Wollongong and parts of western
Sydney. She can be contacted by phone and solves many problems for carers through her
contacts. Freecall 1800 245 965.
The Department of Human Services, Medicare, and Financial Information Services will be
housed together. This has already started in some areas.
Edwina’s research of Grandparent Carer Families indicates numbers over 52 000 nationally,
not the official figure of 14 500.
Grandparent Carers on “Income support” can receive up to 50 hours per week of childcare
per child. No child care support if carers received combined income of $100 000 or more
annually. This legislation is before the Senate.
Edwina has applied some creative methods of assisting elderly Grandparent Carers, such as
contacting the Men’s shed to assist with yard work or minor house repairs or contacting a
local high school to help with driving lessons for a carer’s grandchild.
Robyn from Centrelink financial Information Services. This service is available is available
for anyone, not just people on Income Support. A full-time office is housed at Cardiff RSL
for the Lake Macquarie Area. Phone: 1300 006 480.
Karen Lizasoain, outgoing Kinship carer co-ordinator introduced her replacement, Barbara
White. Barbara will work two days a week. Her role will be to offer telephone support for the
GAPS Volunteers and grandparents.
We, the participants in this day’s information sharing are very grateful to Karen, Edwina and
Robyn, Jackie, Barbara and all the Charlestown GAPS members and those who asked
searching questions that were helpful to all. Thanks also for the delicious morning tea.
On Tuesday 9 June, Pat Conroy, Labor Member for Charlton, conducted his Mobile Office at
Morisset Shopping Centre assisted y his staff members Heather and Melissa Many members
of GRANDS attended to discuss issues concerning Grandparent Carers and the welfare of
their grandchildren.
The Charlton office has been a long time supporter of GRANDS and continues to do so,
seeking out community groups that could further enhance the lives of our vulnerable children,
as well as working with political interest personnel.
Thank you, Leonie for the above information
Attached is a copy of a news item from the Newcastle Herald.
Some useful pamphlets will follow in a separate e-mail.
Eve Moyse
22 June, 2015