1 Secondary constriction region (qh) variations in individuals from Jilin Province with 2 reproductive failure 3 4 Ru-Lin Dai, M.D., Yun-Qing Yang, M.D., Rong-Rong Han, M.D., Xin Yun, M.D., Yuan Dong, 5 M.D., and Rui-Zhi Liu, Ph.D.* 6 7 Center for Reproductive Medicine, First Hospital, Jilin University, Changchun, China 8 9 *Corresponding address: Rui-Zhi Liu, Center for Reproductive Medicine, First Hospital, Jilin 10 University, Changchun 130021, China. Tel: +86-13331643399; Fax:+86-431-85654528. Email: 11 lrz420@126.com 12 13 14 Running title : Secondary constriction region (qh) variations 15 Abstract 16 Objective: To investigate the relationship between secondary constriction region (qh) variations and 17 abnormal reproduction in individuals from Jilin Province, China. The study also included a 18 comparison of qh variations with populations in the United Kingdom, U.S.S.R. and India. 19 Materials & Methods: Four hundred and twenty-eight individuals with reproductive failure and 200 20 control individuals were enrolled. Karyotype analysis using Giemsa (G)-banding was performed. 21 Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of 1qh+ (P = 0.21), 9qh+ 22 (P = 0.65) and 16qh+ (P = 0.44) between Chinese individuals with reproductive failure and controls 23 enrolled in this study. There was also no statistically significant difference in the frequency of 1qh+, 24 9qh+ and 16qh+ between normally reproductive Chinese people in this study and the data of people 25 from other countries who were included in this study (P > 0.05). 26 Conclusion: In contrast to the findings of other researchers for other populations, we conclude that 27 there is no relationship between qh variations and reproductive failure. 28 29 30 Keywords: 1qh+; 9qh+; 16qh+; abnormal reproduction 31 Introduction 32 33 Infertility is best defined as the inability to conceive or produce a child after one year of 34 unprotected intercourse (1, 2). It is caused by many factors, including tubal damage, reduced sperm 35 count, motility and morphology, hormone or chromosomal abnormalities, and others. Recently, there 36 has been great interest in the putative relationship between chromosomal abnormalities and infertility 37 (3,4). The role of variations in the secondary constriction (qh) regions of chromosomes on 38 reproduction is not well studied. 39 Variations in the heterochromatic qh regions are classified by comparison with the short (p) 40 arm of chromosome 16. The qh may be a significantly enlarged heterochromatic region of the long (q) 41 arm which is greater than, or equal to, twice the size of the p arm of chromosome 16 (qh+). 42 Conversely, the variant may be a very short or deficient region in the q arm (qh-) (5). In the past, 43 most clinicians considered the qh variations to be a chromosomal polymorphism indicative of no 44 abnormality, as qh resides in heterochromatin which has no coding potential, and nucleolar 45 organizing regions contain the genes coding for rRNA (6). However, recent reports indicate that 46 chromosomal polymorphisms are related to infertility and recurrent abortions (6-9). In order to 47 clarify whether the qh influences reproduction, we analyzed the incidence of qh variations in patients 48 who had experienced an abnormal reproductive outcome. 49 50 Materials and Methods 51 52 53 Patients From January 2007 to March 2010, 428 patients with any kind of reproductive failure including 54 infertility and complete or missed abortion, and attending the First Affiliated Hospital and Cell 55 Biology Department of Norman Bethune College of Jilin University, were enrolled in this study. A 56 detailed medical history was taken from each patient. We also investigated patients’ medical 57 histories, family backgrounds, reproductive problems, and possible consanguinities. A physical 58 examination was conducted in all cases, in order to identify anatomical problems. Two hundred 59 individuals with normal reproductive function were enrolled as a control group. The study was 60 approved by the Chinese Association of Humanitarianism and Ethics. 61 In order to analyze whether there is a statistical difference in qh variants between various 62 normal populations, we compared chromosomal data from our control groups with data from the 63 United Kingdom, U.S.S.R. and India. 64 65 66 67 Chromosomal analysis Chromosomal analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes was performed according to the criteria 68 established by the International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (10). In 428 infertile 69 patients, chromosomal analysis was performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes by chromosome 70 Giemsa (G)-banding. Briefly, peripheral blood lymphocytes with RPMI-1640 media (Gibco, 71 Invitrogen, USA), phytohaemagglutinin (Shanghai Yihua Medical Technology, China), and fetal 72 bovine serum (Beijing Dingguo Biotechnology, China) were cultured, followed by treatment with 73 colcemid after a 72-h incubation period. G-banding of metaphase chromosomes was performed using 74 the standard protocols for hypotonic fixation, trypsinization, and Giemsa staining. At least 50 75 metaphase spreads were analyzed from each subject. 76 77 78 Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 79 11.5 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA) software. Student’s t-test was used as appropriate. Statistical 80 significance was assessed at a probability (P)-value of P < 0.05. 81 82 Results 83 84 In the group of individuals with poor reproductive outcome, there was one patient with 1qh+ 85 (0.23%), 5 with 9qh+ (1.17%) and 2 with 16qh+ (0.47%). In the control group there were 2 patients 86 with 1qh+ (1.00%), 4 patients with 9qh+ (2.00%) and one patient with 16qh+ (0.50%). There was no 87 statistically significant difference in the frequency of 1qh+ (0.23% vs. 1.00%; P = 0.21), 9qh+ 88 (1.17% vs. 2.00%; P = 0.65) or 16qh+ (0.46 % vs. 0.50%; P = 0.44) between individuals with 89 reproductive failure and controls (Figure 1). 90 There are similar published data from other countries in people with normal reproductive 91 outcome (11-13). While in the Chinese the frequencies of 1qh+, 9qh+, and 16qh+ were 1.00%, 92 2.00% and 0.50%, respectively, the frequencies in the United Kingdom (11) were 0.5%, 1.20% and 93 0.88% (P = 0.65, 0.51, 0.87), with no statistically significant difference between the two countries. 94 For the U.S.S.R. (12), the frequencies of 1qh+ and 9qh+ were 0.9% and 5.7%, respectively, a result 95 that is not statistically different from the Chinese (P = 1.00 and 0.15). In India (13) the frequency of 96 16qh+ was 4%, which is not statistically different from the Chinese (P = 0.08). 97 The different types of qh variants that were studied are shown in Figure 3. 98 99 Clinical analysis 100 Out of the 428 patients in the reproductive failure group, 8 had qh variants. They had no history 101 of smoking or drinking, had no significant medical problems and were diagnosed by peripheral blood 102 lymphocyte analysis to be phenotypically normal. The reproductive outcome of the 8 patients with 103 qh variants are described below: 104 Case 1: Male, with primary infertility. 105 Case 2: Male, with primary infertility whose sperm analysis showed oligoasthenoteratozoospermia 106 (sperm count <20 × 106 mL, motility <40%, normal forms <40%). 107 Case 3: Male, whose wife had had 3 miscarriages, all at about 50 d gestation. 108 Case.4: Female, with one spontaneous abortion in 2006, and another at about 50 d gestation in 2008. 109 Case 5: Male. The first fetus had facial dysmorphosis, and the second fetus died at about 30 d 110 gestation. 111 Case 6: Male. Spontaneous abortion 3 times, with no other abnormality except the abnormal karyotype 112 46,XX,9qh+. 113 Case 7: Female; her uterus developed abnormally. 114 Case 8: Male; infertility and his karyotype is 46, XY, 16qh+. 115 Table 1 shows the profiles of all the qh detected in these patients. Among the 428 patients with 116 abnormal reproduction, the total number of qh variants was 8, including two aberrant karyotypes: 117 47,XXY,9qh+ and 46,XX,inv(9)(p11q12),16qh+. 118 119 120 Discussion In this study, karyotype determination was solely based on G-banding. The existence of qh 121 variants was easily detected, based on the location of heterochromatin. However, further 122 specification of the breakpoints by band formation analysis was not possible. This limitation of 123 secondary constriction region analysis based on G-banding may be the same as that found by most 124 investigators in China. 125 The lengths of the qh regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 vary with the degree of contraction 126 of the chromosomes, but these constrictions in the heterochromatin contract less than the achromatic 127 portions (14). No relationship could be established between qh+ heteromorphisms and chromosomal 128 anomalies or reproductive failures (15-17). These results are inconsistent (18) mainly due to the lack 129 of objective C-band evaluation and well paired-controls (19). 130 The variability of qh in chromosome 1 was associated with recurrent miscarriage in one study 131 (8), but was not confirmed by another (20). In our study, there was only one case with 46,XY,1qh+, 132 and its clinical symptom was primary infertility. The frequency of 1qh+ is lower than that of the 133 control group. The total number of individuals with qh variants in our study is too small and the 134 chance of bias therefore is greater. In our study, 1qh+ is not associated with reproductive failure. 135 Some reports observed a high frequency of 9qh+ in parents of chromosomally abnormal 136 abortuses (6,7,9) while in one study a significant difference in the 9qh+ regions between couples 137 who had miscarriages and controls was found (20). There was one case of Klinefelter’s (47,XXY) 138 syndrome in our study, with the karyotype 47,XXY,9qh+. This syndrome is the most frequent 139 genetic cause of human infertility, occurring in 3% of infertile men (21). We cannot conclude 140 whether the reproductive problem of the individual with this karyotype was caused by 9qh+ or by 141 142 143 144 47,XXY. In our study, the frequency of 9 qh+ was 2% in the control group and there was no significant difference compared with individuals of abnormal reproductive outcome (1.17%). Nielsen et al. (22) did not observe any association of 16qh+ with developmental or reproductive 145 effects. In our study, there was another aberrant karyotype, and it is 46,XX,inv(9)(p11q12),16qh+. 146 Some reports questioned the possibility of an association of inv(9)(p11q12) with fertility (23). 147 However, we cannot distinguish whether the abnormal reproductive problem of this patient was due 148 to either 16qh+, or inv(9)(p11q12). In our study, the frequency of 16qh+ is 0.47%, and there was no 149 significant difference when compared with the control group. Therefore our study supports the 150 opinion that 16 qh+ has no relationship with abnormal reproductive outcome. 151 152 Conclusion 153 In summary, we think that qh variations do not play a role in reproductive problems. 154 However, our report is limited by only using cytogenetic detection methods, without confirmation by 155 genetic testing. In some reports from other countries, the researchers concluded that abnormal 156 reproduction is related to qh variations (6-9). Thus, there is no agreement regarding the putative 157 association. Further research on qh variations is wanted, since pharmacological treatments for 158 patients with such reproductive problems are not considered a productive line of research. 159 160 Conflict of interest: None declared. 161 References 162 1. Balkan M, Tekes S, Gedik A. Cytogenetic and Y chromosome microdeletion screening studies 163 in infertile males with Oligozoospermia and Azoospermia in Southeast Turkey. J Assist Reprod 164 Genet 2008; 25: 559–565. 165 2. Zhu YJ, Liu SY, Wang H, Wei P, Ding XP. The prevalence of azoospermia factor microdeletion 166 on the Y chromosome of Chinese infertile men detected by multi-analyte suspension array 167 technology. Asian J Androl 2008; 10: 873–881. 168 3. of testicular failure. 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Eight variations in the secondary constriction (qh) region among 428 patients Case Age Gender # (y) 1 27 M 2 42 M 3 30 M 4 26 F 5 29 M 6 26 M 7 29 F 8 32 M *F: female; M: male 228 229 Reason for chromosomal analysis primary infertility primary infertility miscarriage miscarriages intrauterine fetal demise spontaneous abortions intrauterine fetal demise primary infertility Karyotype 46,XY,1qh+ 47,XXY,9qh+ 46,XY,9qh+ 46,XX,9qh+ 46,XY,9qh+ 46,XX,9qh+ 46,XX,inv(9)(p11q12),16qh+ 46,XY,16qh+ 230 231 232 Figure 1 233 234 235 Figure 2 236 16qh+ 9qh+ 1qh+ 46,XX,inv(9)(p11q12)(16qh+) 47,XYY(9qh+) Figure 3 21 / 21