504 Accommodation Worksheet

504 Accommodation Worksheet
Physical Arrangement of Room:
Seat student near the teacher
Seat student near a positive role model
Stand near the student when giving directions or presenting lessons
Avoid distracting stimuli (air conditioner, high traffic area, etc.)
Increase distance between desks
Additional accommodations:
Lesson preparation:
Pair students to check work
Write key points on the board
Provide peer tutoring
Provide visual aids, large print, films
Provide a peer note taker
Make sure directions are understood
Include a variety of activities during each lesson
Repeat directions to the student after they have been given to the class: then have the
the student repeat and explain the directions to the teacher
Provide a written outline
Allow the student to tape record lessons
Have the student review key points orally
Teach through multi-sensory modes, visual, auditory, kinetics’, olfactory
Use computer-assisted instruction
Accompany oral instructions with written directions for the student to refer to
Provide a model to help students, post the model and refer to it often
Provide cross age peer tutoring to assist the student in finding the main idea
underlining, highlighting, cue cards, etc.
Break long presentations into shorter segments
Additional accommodations:
Give extra time to complete work
Simplify complex directions
Hand worksheets out one at a time
Reduce the reading level of the assignments
Require fewer correct responses to achieve a grade (quality vs. quantity)
Allow student to tape record assignments/homework
Provide a structured routine in written form
Provide study skills training/learning strategies
Give frequent short quizzes and avoid long tests
Shorten assignments; break work into smaller segments
Allow typewritten or computer printed assignments prepared by the students or dictated
by the student and recorded by someone else if needed
Use self-monitoring devices
Reduce homework assignments
Do not grade handwriting
Student should not be allowed to use manuscript or cursive writing
Reversals or transpositions of letters and numbers should not be marked wrong
Do not require lengthy outside reading assignments
Assignments/Worksheets: (continued)
Teacher monitor students self-paced assignments (daily, weekly, bi-weekly)
Arrange for homework assignments to reach home with clear, concise directions
Recognize and give credit for student's oral participation in class
Additional accommodations:
Test Taking:
Allow open book exams
Give exams orally
Give take home tests
Use more objective items (fewer essay responses)
Allow student to give test answers on tape recorder
Give frequent short quizzes and avoid long tests
Read test item to student
Avoid placing student under pressure of time or competition
Additional accommodations:
Provide peer assistance with organizational skills
Assign volunteer work buddy
Allow student to have an extra set of books at home
Send daily/weekly progress reports home
Develop a reward system for in-school work and homework completion
Provide student with a homework assignment notebook
Additional accommodations:
Use timers to facilitate task completion
Structure transitional and unstructured times (hallways, lunchroom, locker room, etc.)
Praise specific behaviors
Use self-monitoring strategies
Give extra privileges or rewards
Keep classroom rules simple and clear
Make prudent use of negative consequences
Allow for short breaks between assignments
Cue student to stay on task (nonverbal signal)
Mark student's correct answers, not mistakes
Implement a classroom behavior management system
Allow student time out of seat to run errands
Ignore inappropriate behaviors not drastically outside of classroom limits
Allow legitimate movement
Contract with the student
Increase the immediacy of rewards
Implement time-out procedures
Additional accommodations:
Name of
Suggest parent program(s)
Monitor student closely on field trip
Inservice all relevant school personnel on student's disability
Alert bus driver
Suggest agency involvement
Provide group/individual counseling
Provide social skills group experiences
Develop intervention strategies for transitional periods (cafeteria, P.E., etc.)
Provide specific time limits for extra help outside classroom time
PARTICIPANTS: (name and title)