Instructions for contact lens wearers

As you have just become a contact lens wearer, both your eyes and the contact lenses (CL)
will require special care. This sheet contains instructions for normal wear and care of your CL.
Your CL will have been supplied with an appropriate case and solutions. It is important that
you read the instruction leaflet supplied with the solutions and discuss any concerns or
queries about the procedure that is recommended. You should not change the type of CL
solutions you use without consulting us first.
Before handling your CL you must always ensure that you thoroughly wash your hands.
When inserting and removing the CL it is important that you follow the procedure you have
been shown by your practitioner. It is best to handle CL over a clean flat surface to avoid loss
or damage. If rinsing over a sink, remember to put the plug in first! Replacements are
As well as keeping the CL clean it is important that you look after your storage case. Once
you have inserted your CL into the eyes you should empty all solution from the case, rinse it
with saline and leave it to dry in the air with the lids off. At least fortnightly you should clean
the case with your CL cleaner and a cotton bud then rinse with saline, OR put the empty case
with the lids off in boiling water for 1 minute. You should have a new case every 3 months.
To allow your eyes to adapt to the CL you will have been told how long you can safely wear
the CL for during the first few weeks.
You should not exceed the recommended wearing times even if the CL feel comfortable.
Over-wearing the CL may lead to severe pain several hours after removal of the CL and may
damage your eyes. If you are unable to wear your CL on any particular day, you should
reduce your wearing time on the following day. If in doubt, seeks advice from your
It is normal to experience some discomfort and minor difficulties with your vision. For
example: reflex tearing, abnormal blinking, itching, stinging and sensitivity to light. To
minimise discomfort, avoid wearing your CL in dusty, smoky or dry environments.
It is possible that your CL may decentre and move on to the white of your eye. Do not panic
as they cannot be lost behind your eyes. Gently manoeuvring the CL with the eyelid or
removing the CL and reinserting in the correct position can easily re-centre all types of CL.
Again, you will have been shown how to do this when you collected your CL.
With rigid gas permeable CL you may also notice slight blurring of your vision when you
return to wearing your glasses after CL wear. This should clear within 30 – 60 minutes.
Take care when applying any form of make up, hair spray or perfume
Always clean your CL exactly as instructed
Always keep your CL and CL solutions out of the reach of children
Always try to keep an up-to-date pair of spectacles available
Always attend your CL appointments at the hospital – rearrange if you can not attend
Your CL appointment at the hospital is NOT a full eye examination therefore you should
continue having eye examinations at your high street Optometrist at least once every 2 years
Never sleep or nap in your CL
Never wear a chipped or torn CL as this can damage your eye
Never swim in your CL unless you wear goggles
Never use eye drops to ‘cure’ any redness caused by CL wear
Never clean, wet or store your CL with saliva, tap water household detergents, chemicals or
cleaning fluids.
After you have been fitted with your CL and received instruction on insertion / removal and
associated lens care, a series of aftercare appointments will be needed. These will check
that the CL fit your eyes properly and that your eyes are still healthy. The timing of these
appointments will vary depending on your particular clinical requirements.
When attending for aftercare appointments you should always attend wearing your CL
(preferably had them in for more than an hour) and also bring your CL case and spectacles
to the appointments.
Payment for new and replacement CL will be discussed with you.
There are statutory NHS charges for CL unless you are in an ‘exempt’ category.
CL are not automatically free of charge because they are supplied to you through the hospital
If you lose a CL or need a replacement you do NOT need to attend the clinic.
Telephone (0115 924 9924 ext 65128) or write, stating your full name, address and hospital
number. If you wear a pair of CL, make it very clear which CL needs replacing (right or left).
We will notify you when the CL is ready for collection. CL are sometimes posted out to the
patient – this can be discussed when you notify us of your requirements.