Would I enjoy occupations in the Agriculture concentration?

The AGRICULTURE CONCENTRATION prepares students for occupations in farm
and farm-related fields such as agriscience, biotechnology, turf management,
landscaping, food science, forestry, environmental science, agricultural engineering,
and agribusiness management. This educational program combines agricultural
technical skills with rigorous coursework, leadership training, and an exploration of
the ethical and philosophical issues related to genetic engineering and other current
agricultural topics.
The Agriculture concentration is further divided into
PATHWAYS that are more specialized areas of study with an identified coherent
sequence of courses. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within the
concentration. Click here to see sample Peach State Pathways: Program of Study.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Agriculture concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the Agriculture field. The
primary Holland Code for these type occupations is (R) Realistic. Go
to GACollege411, Career Keys to discover your Holland Codes. The
secondary codes vary with the occupation . Or answer these
questions. Are you a nature lover? Are you practical, curious about
the physical world, and interested in plants and animals? Do you like
to be physically active? Do you think it’s important to provide the
best quality food at the cheapest cost for the state, the nation and
the world? Do you value the beauty of our natural world? Do you
enjoy seeing something you have created? If so , there may be a
pathway in this concentration for you.
What is Agriculture education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory work that covers a variety
of skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to be
successful in the agriculture world of work;
 Work-related experiences through the Supervised
Agricultural Experience Program (SAE)
 Membership in the Georgia FFA Association where students
develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth,
and career success through agricultural education
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Agriculture Mechanics
Animal Science
Veterinary Science
Arts & Humanities
The ARTS & HUMANITIES CONCENTRATION prepares students who wish to
promote and preserve the arts and social values. Jobs center on areas like the
performing arts, visual arts, writing, religion, history, and museum work. The
Arts & Humanities concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS that are more
specialized areas of study with a self-selected identified sequence of courses in
that area. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within the concentration. A
sample pathway program of study is not available at this time.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Arts & Humanities concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Arts & Humanities field. The primary Holland Code for most of
these occupations is (A) Artistic. Secondary codes vary according
to the occupation. Go to GACollege411, Career Keys to discover
your Holland Codes. Or answer these questions. Are you a creative
thinker? Are you imaginative, innovative and like original ideas?
Do you have special talent like singing or dancing? Do you value
fine art and how it represents humankind? Are you interested in
history and man’s reaction to history? Do you like to read? If so,
this may be the concentration for you.
What is Arts & Humanities education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory components that assist
students in learning the skills, knowledge and attitudes
to be successful in the world of work,
 Work-based learning through possible internships,
school-sponsored projects/competitions,
 And membership in a wide range of extra-curricular
activities that reflect interest and abilities such as
the marching band, orchestra, annual and school
newspaper staff, and drama .
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Foreign Language
Architecture, Construction, Communications &
CONCENTRATION prepares students for occupations such as telecommunications
line installer and repairer, plumber, aircraft maintenance, construction manager,
truck driver, auto technologist, electrician, pilot and air traffic
controller. The Architecture, Construction, Communications &
Transportation concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS
that are more specialized areas of study with an identified sequence
of courses in that area. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within the
concentration. Click here for sample Peach State Pathways: Program of Study in
Architecture, Construction, Communications, and Transportation.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Architecture, Construction, and
Communications & Transportation concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Architecture, Construction, Communications, & Transportation field. The
primary Holland Code for this concentration varies—for Architecture,
Construction and Transportation the code is (R) Rea listic and for
Communications the code is (A) Artistic. Go to GACollege411, Career Keys
to discover all your codes. Or answer these questions. Do you enjoy
building things? Do you enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together? Do you
value creativity? Do you like to work with your hands combined with knowledge and skills?
Are you mechanically inclined? Are you curious about how thing work? Are you practical?
If so, this may be the concentration for you.
What is Architecture, Construction,
Communications & Transportation education in
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory components provide students
with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in these
highly technical pathways,
 Membership in Georgia SkillsUSA
(www.skillsusageorgia.org) to build leadership and
teambuilding skills,
 And work-based learning through Georgia’s Diversified
Cooperative Training Program (DCT) and Youth
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Transportation Logistics
Transportation Logistics
Flight Operations
Aircraft Support
Architectural Drawing &
Graphic Design
Graphic Communications
Broadcast Video Production
Collision Repair
Business & Computer Science
The BUSINESS & COMPUTER SCIENCE prepares students for occupations
such as legal secretary, accountant and auditor, personal financial advisor,
computer systems analyst, computer software engineer, small business
owner and cost estimator. Business focused students learn how to create
and implement a successful business plan and manage people, products, and
budgets. Students work with the latest tools and technologies in the
curriculum. The Business & Computer Science concentration is further
divided into PATHWAYS that are more specialized areas of study with an
identified sequence of courses in that area. Educational levels, salaries, and
demand vary within the concentration. Click here for sample Peach State Pathways:
Program of Study in Business & Computer Science.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Business & Computer Science concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Business & Computer Science field. The primary Holland Code
would be (C) Conventional. Secondary codes vary with specific
occupations. Go to GACollege411, Career Keys to discover all your
codes. Or answer these questions. Do you like being a leader? Do
you like to organize people and things? Do you value creativity? Do
you value order and neatness? Do you like to work with technology?
If so, this may be the field of study for you.
What is Business & Computer Science education
in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to
 Classroom and laboratory components including AP
Computer Science through a partnership with Georgia
Tech and instruction that meets industry validated
 Work-based learning in the form of internships,
cooperative education, school-based enterprises and
Youth Apprenticeship,
 And membership is the Future Business Leaders of
America (FBLA) www.gafbla.org which provides cocurricular activities to build leadership and teamwork
skills related to the concentration.
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Small Business Development
Financial ManagementAccounting
Financial ManagementServices
Interactive Media
Administrative/ Information
Computer Network Systems
Computer Systems & Support
Culinary Arts
The CULINARY ARTS curriculum prepares students for positions as chefs,
cooks, and food preparation workers who prepare, season, and cook a wide
range of foods—from soups, snacks, and salads to entrees, side dishes, and
desserts. They work in a variety of restaurants and other food services
establishments. Students work with the latest tools and technologies in the
curriculum. Occupational levels of education, salaries and demand vary across
the concentration. Click here for a Peach State Pathways: Program of Study
in Culinary Arts.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Culinary Arts concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Culinary Arts field. The primary Holland Code would be Realistic
(R). Secondary codes vary with specific occupations. Go to
GACollege411, Career Keys to discover all your codes. Or a nswer
these questions. Do you like to assume responsibility? Are you a
“take charge” type person? Can you handle sometimes -difficult
situations? Do you like details? Do you like decision -making? If so,
this pathway may “fit” you.
What is Culinary Arts education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory components and instruction
that meets industry validated standards,
 Work-based learning in the form of internships,
cooperative education, school-based enterprises and
Youth Apprenticeship,
 And, membership in the Family, Career & Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA) www.gafccla.com An
organization which provides opportunities to build
leadership and competitive skills necessary in the world
of work and in the community.
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Culinary Arts
The EDUCATION CONCENTRATION prepares students for
occupations in teaching and early childhood education. The Education
concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS that are more
specialized areas of study with an identified coherent sequence of
courses in that area. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary
within the concentration. Click here for sample Peach State
Pathways: Program of Study in Education.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Education concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Education field. The primary Holland Code is (S) Social.
Secondary codes vary with specific occupations. Go to
GACollege411, Career Keys to discover all your codes. Or answer
these questions. Are you trustworthy and dependable? Do you
enjoy interaction with other people? Do you value lea rning? Are
you flexible and sensitive to the needs of others? If so, this may
be the field of study for you.
What is Education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to
 Classroom and laboratory components combine
hands-on projects with a rigorous curriculum to
prepare students for a most challenging program.
 Work-based learning opportunities through the
Youth Apprenticeship Program (YAP) and other
career- related activities,
 And, currently membership in the Family, Career &
Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
www.gafccla.com An organization which provides
opportunities to build leadership and competitive
skills necessary in the world of work and in the
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Teaching as a Profession
Early Childhood
Engineering & Technology
students for occupations such as engineering in various fields such as
civil, electrical, textile, nuclear, mechanical and chemical, engineering
technicians, mechanical drafter, numerical control tool programmers,
and industrial production supervisors. The Engineering & Technology
concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS that are more
specialized areas of study with an identified sequence of courses in
that area. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within the
concentration. Click here for sample Peach State Pathways: Program
of Study in Engineering.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Engineering & Technology concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Engineering & Technology field. The primary Holland Codes vary
within the concentration. For Engineering the code is (I)
Investigative or Technology the code is Realistic (R). Secondary
codes vary with specific occupations. Go to GACollege411, Career
Keys to discover all your Holland Codes. Or answer these
questions. Are you curious about the way things work? Do you
enjoy using tools, problem solving and designing? Are you creative?
Can you picture an idea in your mind? Do you like math? If so, this
may be the field of study for you.
What is Engineering & Technology education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory components combine hands-on
projects with a rigorous curriculum to prepare students
for the most challenging programs,
 Work-based learning opportunities through the Youth
Apprenticeship Program (YAP) and other career related
 And membership in the Georgia Technology Student
Association www.gatsa.org in which students participate
in co-curricular activities with the technology education
program to develop communication, leadership, and
competitive skills.
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Energy Systems
Engineering Graphics
& Designs
Family & Consumer Sciences
for occupations that focus on families, work, and their interrelationships.
Students learn to manage resources to meet the essential needs of individuals
and community; to promote optimal nutrition and wellness; and to accept
responsibilities for one’s actions.
Occupations include elementary and
secondary teaching, social and community service manager, school
psychologist, food service manager, chef, concierge and interior designer. The
Family & Consumer Sciences concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS
that are more specialized areas of study with an identified sequence of
courses in that pathway. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary widely within the concentration.
Click here for sample Peach State Pathways: Program of Study in Family & Consumer Sciences.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Family & Consumer Sciences concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Family & Consumer Sciences field. The primary Holland Code is (S)
Social. Other secondary codes vary with t he occupation. Go to
GACollege411, Career Keys to discover all your codes. Or answer
these questions. Are you friendly, open, outgoing, understanding
and cooperative? Do you like to work with people to solve
problems? Do you value the well-being of others? If so, this may
be the field of study for you.
What is Family & Consumer Sciences education in
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory elements provide students with
essential knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to
become responsible citizens and leaders in family,
community and work settings,
 The real world of work through a variety of work-based
learning programs and Youth Apprenticeship
 And, membership in the Family, Career & Community
Leaders of America (FCCLA) www.gafccla.com An
organization which provides opportunities to build
leadership and competitive skills necessary in the world of
work and in the community.
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Consumer Services
Family and Community
Interior and Fashion
Nutrition and Food
Government & Public Safety
students for occupations such as firefighters, parole and probation
officers, law enforcement, military service, lobbyist, legislative aide, law
clerk, judge, and political leader.
The Government & Public Safety
concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS that are more
specialized areas of study with an identified sequence of courses in that
area. The Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) is a program taught by retired
military personnel at selected public schools representing the nation’s four service braches--Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within
the concentration. Educational and career plans are not available for JROTC and Public Safety
at this time.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Government & Public Safety concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in
the Government & Public Safety field. The primary Holland
Code is (C) Conventional for Government and (S) for Public
Safety. The secondary codes vary with the occupation. Go to
GACollege411, Career Keys to discover all your codes. Or
answer these questions. Do you value rules and regulations? Do
you like leadership responsibilities? Are you willing to travel?
Do you value democratic principles? Are you willing to take a
stand on an issue? Do you like to debate? If so, this may be
the field of study for you.
What is Government & Public Safety education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to
 Classroom and laboratory components to teach
the skills, knowledge and attitudes students need
to be success,
 Work-based learning through Georgia’s Youth
Apprenticeship Program (YAP) and other careerrelated activities,
 And membership in extra-curricular organizations
such as the Rifle Team and the SkillsUSA student
organization www.skillsusageorgia.org .
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Law & Justice
Homeland Security
& Emergency
Healthcare Science
fast-growing occupations in the health industry. These occupations are
numerous, varied and cross multiple educational levels including mostly 4-year
and 2-year degrees. Most healthcare occupations are in great demand such
as doctor, nursing and physical therapist. Other occupations include home
health care aide, pharmacy technician, respiratory therapist, dental
hygienist, physician assistant, and occupational therapist. Some healthcare
occupations work directly with people, others work with the support
elements such as medical records and health information and medical and
clinical laboratory technologist.
The Healthcare Science concentration is further divided into
PATHWAYS that are more specialized areas of study with an identified sequence of courses in that
area. Educational levels, salaries, and demand vary within the concentration. Click here for a sample
Peach State Pathways: Program of Study in Healthcare Science.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Healthcare Science concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
Healthcare Science field. The primary Holland Code is (S) Social.
The secondary codes vary according to the occupations. Go to
GACollege411, Career Keys, to discover all your codes. Or answer
these questions. Do you dream of becoming a doctor or a nurse? Do
you value helping other people? Do you enjoy learning new things? Do
you value good health for yourself and others? Are you interested in
how the body works? If so, this
may be the field of study for you.
What is Healthcare Science education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to experience:
 Classroom and laboratory classes to build strong academic
knowledge, technical skills, problem-solving and
teambuilding skills,
 Practice the knowledge, skills and attitudes learned in the
classroom from internships to paid positions through the
Career, Technical and Agriculture Youth Apprenticeship
Program (YAP),
 And students are encouraged to participate in the Career,
Technical and Agriculture student organization, Health
Occupations Students of American (HOSA) which
promotes leadership and provides competitive events.
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009
Therapeutic ServicesNursing
Therapeutic ServicesEmergency Services
Therapeutic ServicesMedical Services
Health Informatics
Biotechnical Research &
Diagnostic Services
Personal ServiceCosmetology
Physical Medicine
Marketing, Sales & Services
for occupations such as advertising sales agent, public relations specialist, real
estate broker and sales manager. In Georgia the possibilities for a student with a
Marketing, Sales & Service background are numerous. Retailers, manufacturers,
the entertainment and hospitality industries, government agencies, hospitals, law
and medical offices, real estate and insurance companies, schools, and churches are
just a sampling of the employers who need marketing skills and knowledge. The
Marketing, Sales and Services concentration is further divided into PATHWAYS
that are more specialized areas of study with an identified sequence of courses in
that area. Educational levels, salaries and demand vary within the concentration.
Click here for a sample Peach State Pathways: Program of Study in Marketing,
Sales and Services concentration.
Would I enjoy occupations in the Marketing, Sales & Services concentration?
Check your career assessments for any match to occupations in the
marketing, sales & services field. The primary Holland Code for these
type occupations is (E) Enterprising. Secondary codes vary based on
the occupational environment. Go to GACollege411, Career Keys, to
discover all your codes. Or answer these questions. Do you enjoy being
a leader, organizing people, planning activities and talking? Do you like
to work with ideas and make them a reality? Do you value organization
and order? Do you enjoy doing a variety of things at one time? If so,
this may be the field of study for you.
What is Marketing, Sales & Services education in Georgia?
This program allows students the opportunities to
 Classroom and laboratory components to learn the
basic foundational skills and knowledge of
marketing and the functional areas of marketing
like purchasing and pricing and selling and
 Project-based learning, management of a schoolbased enterprise such as a school store, and/or
work with local businesses to produce strategic
marketing plans and promotional materials,
 And membership in the Association of Marketing
Students called DECA www.deca.org .
Fashion Marketing
Travel Marketing &
Lodging Management
Communication &
Marketing Management
Sports & Event Marketing
Georgia Department of Education/REV January, 2009