Child Health Research Institute – Grant Support NO

Child Health Research Institute – Grant Support
PI or Fellow Name:
Project Title:
Account Number (PTA):
Original Award Start/End Dates:
New NCX Request Start/End Dates:
1. No-cost extension (NCX) requests for CHRI Grant Support (formerly PRF) grants must be submitted at
least 30 days prior to the award end date.
2. Award recipient may not request a NCX of up to twelve (12) months.
3. Total study period cannot exceed two (2) years.
4. Requests must clearly describe reasons for the extension and include a revised budget with justification
and a revised study timeline.
5. The CHRI Review Committee will usually review NCX requests usually within 7 business days.
6. No more than one (1) extension is granted per award/study.
7. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.
8. Not all NCX requests are approved.
9. Any unexpended funds must be returned to the CHRI after the NCX period.
Submit your NCX Request by beginning at the end of this form below (or by a separate Word letter) with the
following eleven (9) sections:
1. In 250 words or less, write an executive summary of your project to date that will be understandable by
non-medical donors to the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health which supports the CHRI
awards. Include in your 250 words the following:
A. A summary of your research, why it is important, and its potential impact on the field.
B. A brief paragraph of how the CHRI Grant Support award has helped your career in your area of
2. Include the study title, account number (PTA), and the original award start/end dates.
3. State the new NCX exact start/end dates (MM/DD/YY) for the extension period you are requesting.
4. Reasons for the extension including a revised overall study time line.
5. Revised budget and budget justification, and use of funds remaining ($ amount).
6. Progress thus far in terms of project start up (logistics).
7. Progress thus far in addressing the specific aims of the study.
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8. Any abstracts, presentations, or publications thus far resulting from the study (citations only).
9. Any additional grants applied for and/or received (total direct cost $ amount).
Publications, Abstracts, and Presentations:
All CHRI Grant Support award recipients must acknowledge the research support of the Lucile Packard
Foundation for Children’s Health and the Stanford CTSA in all publications, abstracts, and presentations, as
“The project described was supported by the National Center for Research Resources and the
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through UL1
RR025744, and by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.”
I have or agree to acknowledge the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and the Stanford
NIH CTSA in all publications, abstracts, and presentations. Checking this box constitutes your electronic
1. Please number and label every page with your name.
2. Please limit your NCX request to a maximum of two (2) pages (excluding citations or additional grants
applied/received, Sections 10 & 11).
3. Please mark each section clearly so that it is easy to follow per instructions above (Sections 1
through 11).
4. Email this NCX form and your NCX Request to Gisela Hoelzl, Grant Programs Manager, at; and copy Lupe Makasyuk, Program Coordinator, at (
If you have any questions please call Gisela @ 650-736-0068 or Lupe @ 650-724-0279.
Please begin your NCX Request here:
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