Animations in Nerve and Muscle Physiology as an Effective Learning Aid for Students Sarah Barron May 22, 2004 Project Advisor: Timothy Rozell Kansas State University College of Agriculture Honors Program Abstract A study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of visual aids, in the form of animations, in helping students understand and retain information about the physiology of depolarization in nerves, muscle contraction, and glomerular filtration rate. The animations were compared to two other types of exercises: repetition of the material and an in-depth written description. The effectiveness of the exercise was evaluated by improvement of scores between a pre and post-quiz and a ranking of the exercise given by the students in the areas of understanding and remembering of the material. Introduction Students may have different methods of learning, including reading, audition, visual models, or hands-on experiences. However, it is believed that with some concepts that are quite abstract, having a visual model will help with comprehension. Subjects such as physiology can be challenging for students to grasp for a variety or reasons. Many are on the cellular, microscopic level, so creating a visual image is impossible from text alone. Also, many of the physiological processes contain many steps with multiple events happening simultaneously. This creates problems for students in attaining an understanding of what exactly is taking place and its order of events. The use of animations has practical applications especially in areas of science and math where many times visualization of concepts is difficult. Many students taking in-depth physiology courses at Kansas State University such as Anatomy and Physiology and Human Body, often complain of the abstractness of some processes that occur inside the body, especially on the cellular level. Therefore the student fails to adequately comprehend the material. Just by reading text alone, the student has no way to form a mental model of what each physical component looks like and how the process is carried out. The physiology is often so complex, that even pictures or diagrams are not adequate for understanding how the events are interconnected. Therefore animations should help students visualize each step and how each component is related. Two aspects of animation increase its effectiveness as a learning device: the sequential motion of objects and their spatial orientation (ChanLin 228). The movement of components in a particular order helps students learn the succession of events that take place. Having an illustration that shows the shapes of microanatomy helps the student grasp an idea that is abstract to make it concrete. It also shows the spatial orientation of each of the components and how they are interrelated to each other. To even further enhance the effectiveness of animations, other multimedia such as audio dialog could serve as a helpful supplement. Research suggests to maximize learning of subject matter, different methods should be used together such as audio and animations or written text and animation (Catrambone 495). It is also important fo the instructional material to be concise. Simplicity and organization of an animation may play a key role in the successful understanding of the subject matter by students. Methods After talking to the physiology instructors, three concepts were determined to create the most difficulty in understanding for students. These included: muscle contraction, depolarization and repolarization in different kinds of nerve cells (myelinated versus unmyelinated), glomerular filtration rate, and the influence of hormones on water reabsorption in the kidneys. In order to test comprehension and retention of the material presented, a pre and post-quiz was made for each subject matter. Animations were created using a mixture of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop for the illustrating of different components and then Adobe Live Motion was used for the animation. These programs were excellent in providing three- dimensional effects, realistic models for microanatomy, and the capability of performing complex animation. Live Motion had the capabilities for animation in the altering or skewing of shapes, rotation of objects, changes in opacity and color, and simultaneous movement of a large number of parts. A website was created for the delivery of each subject and quiz. The layout of the website required the student to take a pre-quiz over the material and write down his or her answers on a separate sheet of paper. The quizzes were comprised of a mixture of sequencing questions (placing events in the proper order of which they occur during a process) and multiple-choice. Then the student, according to last name, would perform one of the four exercises: a control, a set of animations, written descriptions, or repetition. For the control group, the students were given no instructional material between the pre and post-quiz. For the animations, the student was given access to two or three animations of a process such as muscle contraction or depolarization. The written exercise was an in-depth, textbook-like description of the process. For the repetition exercise, the students were given a sequential list of events covering the process and then were asked to write out the list at least five times. After the exercise was performed, the students took a post-quiz identical to the pre-quiz to determine if the exercise enhanced their learning or understanding of the material. A form was filled out in which the student recorded his or her pre and post-quiz scores as well as a numerical rating of the exercise in the areas of understanding and retention. This form was submitted electronically and recorded on a spreadsheet. The animations were presented after the material had been introduced and discussed in class. Therefore the students had at least a beginning level of understanding of the material. Some studies have indicated that presenting animations without some prior introduction of a concept causes confusion and may be less effective (ChanLin 228). Therefore these exercises were aimed at strengthening the students knowledge and the understanding of these processes. The animations for renal physiology were never tested with students. The events occurring in renal filtration are so complex and detailed, that it was difficult to cover each process that was going on while still keeping the animation simple and easy to understand. It was also difficult to precisely define which events were most important to illustrate for students. Results and Discussion There were a total of eighty-two participants in the nerve experiment and fifty-nin students participating in the muscle contraction experiment. For the nerve, 14 participated in the control, 28 participated in the animation, 17 participated in the description, and 23 participated in the repetition exercise. For the muscle, 9 participated in the control, 21 participated in the animation, 11 participated in the description, and 18 participated in the repetition exercise. The student’s last name determined what exercise they were supposed to perform. The variation in number of participants in each group can be attributed to two factors: there were more students with last names in certain areas of the alphabet and there was a small problem with a few students performing an exercise that did not match with their last name (i.e. not following instructions). The following chart shows the average improvement in scores, the average ranking in both understanding and remembering, and the level of variance for each exercise: Result Averages Exercise AverageIm provem ent U nderstanding Rem em bering Variance Muslce Control 0.3333 1 1 5 Muscle Anim ation 5.4762 3.5714 3.2857 10.4619 Muscle Description 5.6363 3.2727 3.0909 7.4545 Muscle Repetition 7.6667 3.2778 3.8889 8.5882 Nerve Control 0.3571 1.0714 1.0714 0.5549 Nerve Anim ation 5.6071 3.6785 4 13.0621 Nerve Description 4.2353 3.5294 3.0588 4.2353 NerveRepetition 5.7826 3.3913 3.9565 5.7826 In both the muscle and nerve exercise, students improved, on average, their quiz scores the most through the repetition exercise. This result can be explained by the fact that a large portion of the questions on the quiz asked about the sequence of events in the physiological process. The exact sequence on the pre and post- quiz was given in the repetition exercise, so if the exercise was completed correctly, students should have substantially improved their scores. However it should be noted, that the repetition exercise received very low ratings in understanding. This can be attributed to the fact that the exercise was designed for complete memorization of the process without background information about the steps taking place. The animation exercise on average improved scores second best in the subject area of the nerve, but came in last for the muscle. These scores were lower than expected for the muscle. It could be inferred that this was due to the complexity of the material, and an animation alone with no audio or written description supplementing it is not as effective. However, both the nerve and muscle animations received the highest average rating in understanding of the material and either placed first or a close second in retention. The description of depolarization and repolarization of nerves helped students to improve their scores the least for nerve physiology and was very closely tied to the animations score in muscle physiology. This is supported by the fact that many times the description got a high understanding rating but a lower retention rating. Since much of the quiz was based on sequence, the students probably did not remember the specific events as well, and failed to improve their score dramatically. The level of variance is quite high for both categories of animations. Different students learn better from different methods. In the raw data, there was a trend for the animation exercise to either significantly improve the scores of students (by nine to fifteen points) or to have little effect, only improving their score by a couple of points. It can be concluded that the students who are visual learners benefited greatly from this type of instruction while the students who learn better by other methods, did not benefit as much. This will cause the large spread in data. For the other exercises, the variance was much less. For repetition, memorization is an easy form of learning, so most students benefited from memorizing the sequence of events and therefore improved their scores significantly. Further statistical analysis was conducted including calculation of standard deviation and the pvalue. The following graphs illustrate the average improvement in score for each exercise, the standard deviation, and which exercises provided a difference in results as indicated by the superscripts: P V a l u e s P v a l u e s M u s l c e C o n t r o l M u s c l e A n i m a t i o n M u s c l e C o n t r o l 0 M u s c l e A n i m a t i o n N e r v e C o n t r o l N e r v e A n i m a t i o n N e r v e D e s c r i p t i o n N e r v e C o n t r o l M u s c l e R e p e t i t i o n 0 . 0 0 0 1 7 4 0 . 0 0 0 1 8 8 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 . 8 8 9 6 5 6 0 . 0 3 4 0 6 4 0 0 . 0 7 4 3 6 8 M u s c l e D e s c r i p t i o n P v a l u e s M u s c l e D e s c r i p t i o n N e r v e N e r v e N e r v e A n i m a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o nR e p e t i t i o n 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 3 9 0 0 . 0 0 0 2 9 70 . 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 0 . 2 1 6 3 6 1 0 . 8 6 3 1 6 0 0 . 1 7 8 3 4 6 The p-values (p<0.05) suggest that there is obvious difference in effectiveness between the control versus the animation, description, and repetition exercise for each subject. Some form of instructional material was better than none. The results were mixed between the nerve and muscle for the rest of the exercises. There was a difference between the description and repetition exercise and then between the animation and repetition exercise for the muscle. It can be concluded then that the repetition exercise was significantly more effective. There is no significant difference between the description and animation exercise, so therefore, one could not conclude that one form of exercise is more effective than the other. This can be attributed different learning styles for different people. The same inference can be made for the nerve simulation. However, this time, the p-value of the repetition indicated no significant difference in scores compared to the other two exercises. Conclusion The animations proved to be a fairly effective learning device for students. The improvement in pre and post scores was not as significant as hoped, especially compared to the other exercises. Repetition seemed to be the most effective for improving scores. However this type of learning could be argued not to be as effective since it is pure memorization without a lot of understanding. The description exercise seemed to be the least effective of the three, as it seemed to promote an adequate level of understanding of the material, but a poor amount of retention. This deviation from the expected results may be attributed to conflicting studies in the effectiveness of animations in learning and the sensitiveness of the animations effectiveness to design, layout, and complexity. In some studies, computer aided learning through the use of tools such as images and animations, were found to be less helpful (Devitt 139). The students may not like the manner in which an animation is set up, it may be too intricate, or some get a different interpretation of than what is intended by the designer, especially when there is no description to supplement it. If the experiment were to be performed again, an audio description of the process would compliment the animations. Then the effectiveness of the combination of audio and visual learning could be measured and is believed would provide the greatest improvement in scores as well as understanding and retention of the material. The renal system, and possible even the muscle system, would be reevaluated for design and set up. Also, a question would be asked as to what kind of learning the student learns best from: visual, audio, or written. The website also would be automated to randomly assign the student to a certain exercise. This would ensure equal distribution of participants for each exercise. Bibliography Attributes of Animation for Learning Scientific Knowledge. Lih-Juan ChanLin. Journal of Instructional Psychology, Dec 2000 v27 i4 p228. Computer-aided Learning: An Overvalued Educational Resource? Devitt, Peter and Palmer, Edward. Medical Education. 1999, 33, p136-139. Using Animations to Help Students Learn Computer Algorithms. Catrambone, Richard and Seay, Fleming. Human Factors, Fall 2002, v44 i3, p495.