Some Suggested Sources for Lady Audley's Secret Badowska, Eva. “On the Track of Things: Sensation and Modernity in Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret,” Victorian Literature and Culture 37.1 (March 2009): 157-175. Blodgett, Harriet. “The Greying of Lady Audley’s Secret.” Papers on Language and Literature 37.2 (2001): 132-46. Boyle, Thomas. Black Swine in the Sewers of Hampstead. New York: Viking Penguin, 1989. Brantlinger. Patrick. "What's 'Sensational' about the Sensation Novel?" Nineteenth-Century Fiction 37.1 (June 1982): 1-28. Briganti, Chiara. "Gothic Maidens and Sensation Women: Lady Audley's Journey from the Ruined Mansion to the Madhouse." Victorian Literature and Culture 19 (1991): 189-211 Boyle, Thomas. Black Swine in the Sewers of Hampstead: Beneath the Surface of Victorian Sensationalism. New York: Viking, 1989. 145-58. Carnell, Jennifer. The Literary Lives of Mary Elizabeth Braddon: A Study of Her Life and Work. Hastings, England: The Sensations Press, 2000 Chase, Karen and Michael Levenson. “Bigamy and Modernity: The Case of Mary Elizabeth Braddon.” The Spectacle of Intimacy: A Public Life for the Victorian Family. Princeton UP, 2000. 201-13. Cornes, Judy. “The Secret Life of Lady Audley.” Madness and the Loss of Identity in Nineteenth Century Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008. Cvetkovich, Ann. Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism. Rutgers UP, 1992 Donnelly, Brian. “Sensational Bodies: Lady Audley and the Pre-Raphaelite Portrait.” Victorian Newsletter 112 (2007 Fall): 69-90. Felber, Lynette. “The Literary Portrait as Centerfold: Fetishism in Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret.” Victorian Literature and Culture 35.2 (2007): 471-488. Lady Audley biblio. (2) Fisk, Nicole P. “Lady Audley as Sacrifice: Curing Female Disadvantage in Lady Audley’s Secret.” The Victorian Newsletter (Spring 2004): 24-27. Gilbert, Pamela K. "Madness and Civilization: Generic Opposition in Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret. Essays in Literature 23.2 (1996 Fall): 218-33 ----. Aeron Haynie, and Marlene Tromp, ed. Beyond Sensation: Mary Elizabeth Braddon in Context. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. Hall, R. Mark. “A Victorian Sensation Novel in the ‘Contact Zone’: Reading Lady Audley’s Secret through Imperial Eyes.” Victorian Newsletter (Fall 2000): 2226. Hart, Lynda. "The Victorian Villainess and the Patriarchal Unconscious." Literature and Psychology 40:3 (1994): 1-25 Haynie, Aeron. “An idle handle that was never turned, and a lazy rope so rotten: The Decay of the Country Estate in Lady Audley’s Secret.” In Beyond Sensation: Mary Elizabeth Braddon in Context, eds. Marlene Tromp, Pamela K. Gilbert, and Aeron Haynie. New York: State University Press, 2000. 63-74. Heinrichs, Rachel. “Critical Masculinities in Lady Audley’s Secret.” Victorian Review 33.1 (2007): 103-120. Houston, Gail Turley. 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