Act on Guidelines for Response to Emergencies and

Official Gazette
11.3.2005 - 25752
Act No. 5312
Adopted on: 3.3.2005
General Provisions
ARTICLE 1. — The purpose of this Act is, taking into account rights and obligations
emanating from international law and the domestic law on ensuring of marine safety and
prevention of marine pollution; to establish;
a) the guidelines for intervention and preparedness to be applied in emergency situations
in order to eliminate the risk of pollution stemming from ships and facilities on the shore or to
decrease, limit and remove pollution,
b) the guidelines for the determination and compensation of losses resulting from the
c) the guidelines for the performance of international obligations,
d) the powers, duties and responsibilities of the persons covered by the Act and of the
authorities defined in the Act of the institutions, organisations, ships and facilities covered by
the Act.
ARTICLE 2. — This Act covers the powers, duties and responsibilities of the
authorities of the ships in the areas of application or who wish to enter the areas of application
for any reason whatsoever, which have a capacity of five hundred gross tons or more, carrying
oil or other harmful substances; of the authorities of shore facilities engaged in activities with
oil or other harmful substances which might cause pollution; of ministries; and of public
institutions and organisations.
War ships and auxiliary war ships and ships belonging to any state or operated by the
state and used for non-commercial activities are not covered by the Act.
ARTICLE 3. — For the purposes of this Act;
a) ‘Emergency response team’ shall mean the unit set up, authorised and equipped
within the framework of the emergency response plans, in order to implement protective
measures or to cause protective measures to be implemented, to prevent pollution or to cause
pollution to be prevented, eradicate pollution or cause pollution to be eradicated, to extinguish
fire should a fire break out or to cause the fire to be extinguished,
b) ‘Emergency response plan’ shall mean national, regional or local level plans within
the scope of intervention activities, covering organisation, powers, duties and responsibilities,
actions to be taken, preparedness, intervention possibilities and capabilities and other issues,
c) ‘Ministry’ shall mean the Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
d) ‘Other harmful substances’ shall mean all substances except those listed in
Appendices II and III of Annex II of the International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and except for those radioactive substances not
limited to the ones which create pollution when mixed with the marine environment,
e) ‘Guarantor’ shall mean, pursuant to the provisions stipulated in this Act; the person,
organisation or state that undertakes liability for the compensation of losses apart from the
liable party, on behalf of the liable party and that provides the liability certificate,
f) ‘Preparedness’ shall mean the state of mobilisation of all the tools, devices,
equipment, materials and trained human power able to respond in order to take urgent and
effective measures in case of an incident and to minimise the loss that might be caused by the
g) ‘Shore facility’ shall mean a facility engaged in activities that may cause marine
pollution from oil and other harmful substances on the shore or in areas near the shore,
including open sea facilities and pipelines,
h) ‘Pollution’ shall mean the release of oil and other harmful substances to the marine
environment in a manner creating harmful effects such as harming living resources and
marine life, jeopardising human health, hindering marine activities including fishing and the
use of the sea for other legal purposes, altering seawater quality and upsetting the ecological
balance, as a result of an incident,
ı) ‘Protective measure’ shall mean measures taken in order to prevent or limit possible
pollution that may occur after an incident,
j) ‘Incident’ shall mean an event giving rise to pollution or damage or to a threat of
pollution or damage emanating from ships or shore facilities due to reasons such as collision,
breakage, fire, explosion or other reasons which necessitate implementation of emergency
response plans or emergency response,
k) ‘Response’ shall mean activities undertaken and the implementation of protective
measures to decrease, remove, limit the damage which will be caused by pollution from an
l) ‘Undersecretariat’ shall mean the Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs,
m) ‘Oil’ shall mean substances listed in Appendix I of Annex I of the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and, crude oil, fuel
oil, sludge, refined products and all kinds of liquid hydrocarbon compounds which naturally
exist under soil, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
n) ‘Liable party’ shall mean the owners, operators, masters, administrators, lessees,
possessors and guarantors of ships of five hundred gross tons or more carrying oil or other
harmful substances and of shore facilities, to whom responsibility can be attributed regarding
compensation of the damage and the financing of protective measures,
o) ‘Claimant’ shall mean real and legal persons making a claim for compensation of a
damage pursuant to the provisions of this Act,
p) ‘Areas of application’ shall mean, for the purposes of implementation of this Act,
Turkey’s inland waters, territorial waters, continental shelf and marine jurisdiction areas
consisting of her exclusive economic region, and the open sea areas beyond the territorial
waters in emergency cases provided for in this Act, limited with the purposes of response to
such cases and compensation of losses, depending on the decision to be given after the
opinions of the Undersecretariat, the Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other
relevant public institutions and organisations,
r) ‘Damage’ shall mean those losses specified in Article 6 of this Act and the costs for
determination and compensation of the loss and for the settlement of disputes,
s) ‘Innocent passage’ shall mean navigation in Turkish territorial waters for the
purposes of travelling over territorial waters without entering Turkish inland waters or
without calling at an anchorage or port facility out of inland waters, or in order to reach or
leave Turkish inland waters, stop at or leave an achorage or facility outside inland waters
Powers, Duties and Responsibilities
Powers, duties and responsibilities of organisations
ARTICLE 4. — For the purposes of implementation of this Act, the Ministry has the
overall coordination duty. The institutions and organisations powered with this Act are
obliged to notify the Ministry of the information obtained and operations undertaken within
the scope of this Act without delay.
The powers, duties and responsibilities regarding drawing up of emergency response
plans, implementation of emergency response plans in coastal areas, determination of the type
and effects of pollution, determination of harms to the environment and rehabilitation of areas
affected from pollution after the incident are vested in the Ministry; the executionary powers,
duties and responsbilities regarding implementation of emergency response plans for
prevention of marine pollution stemming from sea craft, preparedness, response to pollution,
compensation of losses and notification of liability guarantees are vested in the
Undersecretariat; and the powers, duties and responsibilities regarding public security and
police duties are vested in the Coast Guard Command.
Ensuring of navigational, life, property and environmental safety
ARTICLE 5. — The responsible parties of all ships and shore facilities within the
scope of this Act are obliged to take all measures regarding obligations stipulated by
international law and required by navigational, life, property and environmental safety,
including preparedness and protective measures, in order to prevent the occurence of the
incident, and in cases where the incident has already occured, to mitigate, remedy and limit
Ships flying a foreign flag which are covered by this Act, carrying oil and/or other
harmful substances, that cannot prove, with internationally recognised instruments,
compliance with standards established by conventions to which Turkey is a party, regarding
navigational, life, property and environmental safety or which have clear indications that the
ship is not in compliance with the standards, are not permitted to Turkish territorial waters
and inland waters for the purposes of calling at Turkish inland waters or an anchorage or port
facilities out of inland waters, except for force majeure to arise out of life saving services;
those which have already entered are forthwith expelled or given a maximum of thirty days to
ensure compliance with the standards. Ships determined to be in non-compliance with the
standards at the end of this period are immeadiately expelled out of territorial waters. Ships
carrying Turkish flag covered by this Act which are in non-compliance, on the other hand, are
fettered and are forbade to nagivate until compliance with the standards is ensured. In such
cases, the load of the ship is transferred to another suitable ship which is in compliance with
the standards by the ship’s or load’s proprietor and proper disposal of loads required to be
disposed of pursuant to legislation is ensured.
The ships covered by this Act must notify the Undersecretariat of the ship and load
carried fortyeight hours before entry to Turkish territorial waters for the purposes of calling at
Turkish inland waters or at an anchorage or port facilities out of inland waters; or in case of
ships for which the navigation time between the port of departure and entry to Turkish
territorial waters is less than fortyeight hours, right after setting off from the port of departure.
Ships which do not meet this requirement are not permitted to Turkish territorial waters and
inland waters; those which have already entered are forthwith expelled therefrom. The
procedures and guidelines for notification are set out with a regulation.
The measures taken to ensure navigational, life, property and environmental safety are
inspected by competent organisations according to the procedures and guidelines set out in
this Act, relevant legislation and international arrangements. The procedures and guidelines
for notification are set out with a regulation.
The procedures and guidelines for the staff, materials and equipment that the shore
facilities must have in place in order to respond to possible pollution are set out with a
regulation. Newly established shore facilities are not permitted to operate until the staff,
materials and equipment that they must have in place are completed.
Compensation of Losses
Liability due to loss
ARTICLE 6. — The liable parties of ships and shore facilities covered by this Act are
severally bound to compensate cleaning costs caused by pollution or threat of pollution due to
an incident stemming from ships or shore facilities in the areas of application; costs associated
with protective measures, damage done to living resources and marine life, costs for
recreation of the deteriorated environment, handling and disposal of collected waste, damages
to natural and living resources used for subsistence purposes, damages to private property,
losses due to injury or death of persons, revenue losses, damages to revenue and income
capacities and other public losses.
The liability of the guarantor does not remove other liable parties’ liability. Losses not
compensated by the guarantor are compensated by the other liable parties.
In the event of a loss in an incident to which two or more ships are a party, the liable
parties of all ships are jointly and severally liable.
The right of recourse of the payers of the loss caused by the incident to the ones who
caused the loss is reserved.
Limitation of liability
ARTICLE 7. — The provisions of international conventions to which Turkey is a party
are reserved regarding total liable party liability per ship and maximum compensation amount
to be borne by the liable party.
Liability guarantees
ARTICLE 8. — Ships carrying oil and/or other harmful substances which wish to enter
the areas of application must, pursuant to international conventions to which Turkey is a
party, have the liability certificates required from them, notify these to relevant authorities and
show them when requested.
Ships flying a foreign flag which are covered by this Act, determined not to have liability
guarantees provided for in the internationl conventions to which Turkey is a party, are not
permitted to Turkish territorial waters and inland waters for the purposes of calling at Turkish
inland waters or an anchorage or port facilities out of inland waters, except for force majeure
to arise out of life saving services; those which have already entered are forthwith expelled or
given a maximum of thirty days to ensure fulfilment of the requirements. Ships determined to
be not fulfilling the requirements at the end of this period are immediately expelled out of
territorial waters. Ships carrying Turkish flag covered by this Act which are in noncompliance, on the other hand, are fettered and are forbade to nagivate until compliance with
the requirements is ensured. In such cases, the load of the ship is transferred to another
suitable ship which fulfils the requirements by the ship’s or load’s proprietor and proper
disposal of loads required to be disposed of pursuant to legislation is ensured. .
Shore facilities must take out insurance against losses covered by this Act. Shore
facilities which do not fulfil the insurance requirement are not permitted to operate.
The compulsory liability insurance provided for in the above paragraph must be made
by insurance companies designated by the Undersecretariat of Treasury or a pool to be
established by these companies.
The Ministry, after obtaining the approval of the Undersecretariat of Treasury, can defer
the requirement for shore facilities to take out liability insurance for a maximum of one year
after entry into force of the general conditions, and tariffs and instructions regarding this
The insurance general conditions regarding the liability insurance to be taken out by
shore facilities are approved by the Undersecretariat of Treasury. Liability insurance tariffs
and instructions are determined by the Minister to whom the Maritime Undersecretariat
reports. The Minister to whom the Maritime Undersecretariat reports has the power to
decontrol the tariff.
Notification of liability guarantees
ARTICLE 9. — The copies of the documents mentioned in Article 8 of the ships
wishing to enter Turkish territorial waters for the purpose of reaching any Turkish port and
which, pursuant to this Act, must have in place liability guarantees, must, before entry to
Turkish territorial waters, be forwarded to the arrival port authority through an agency based
in Turkey.
The notification obligations for ships wishing to enter Turkish territorial waters for the
purpose of transit passage from Turkish straits are determined with the Turkish Straits
Maritime Traffic Regulations.
Ships which will use Turkish territorial waters for innocent passage, must notify all
kinds of communication devices and details of the liability certificates and the name of the
ship, call name, flag, port of registration, name of the proprietor of the ship and place of the
headquarters, the ship’s International Maritime Organisation number (IMO No), type of
guarantee, validity period of the guarantee, name of the insurer and place of its headquarters,
compensation limits and details about and documents of the load and amount of load of the
ship, the type of the ship, and the ports of departure and arrival to the nearest port authority.
Determination of losses
ARTICLE 10. — Chaired by the representative of the Ministry; representatives of the
Undersecretariat, Coast Guard Command, General Management of Coastal Safety and
Salvage Administrations and relevant governorships and municipalities, set up a loss
adjustment commission. The Commission may invite the representatives and experts of other
relevant institutions and organisations if it deems necessary. The procedures and guidelines of
the Commission’s activities are set out with a regulation.
The Commission may have part of the whole of loss adjustment made by specialised
Turkish or foreign persons and organisations. The amount of loss such adjusted is valid after
approval by the commission.
Claims for compensation and fee and payment thereof
ARTICLE 11. — The compensation claims of those who suffer loss due to the incident
and claims for fee of those who respond to or who dispose of the pollution are notified to the
Undersecretariat. The Undersecretariat, depending on the adjustment of losses and settlement
of disputes, ensures compensation of losses and payment of fees by the liable parties. In case
of agreement by the parties on the amount of loss determined by the commission, the
Undersecretariat is authorised to demand and collect the losses from the liable party or
guarantor and to disburse these to those who suffer loss.
In case the polluter cannot be identified, the Undersecretariat responds to or causes
response to the pollution.
The Undersecretariat, taking the opinions of the Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, may request help from the flag states for the compensation of losses caused in Turkey
by ships flying foreign flag, which cause pollution within the scope of this Act, but the
responsible parties of which could not be found.
Procedures and guidelines for compensation and payments are set out with a regulation.
ARTICLE 12. — The limitation period for compensation claims due to incidents
within the scope of this Act is, unless a longer period is stipulated in other acts, five years as
of the loss is learned or the responsible party is identified, and in all cases, 10 years as of the
date of occurrence of the incident (the last incident in case of a chain of incidents). Regarding
the limitation period, the provisions of international conventions to which Turkey is a party
are reserved.
Response Guidelines
ARTICLE 13. — Everyone who is a party to the incident, who sees the incident, hears
the incident or who has knowledge of the incident is obliged to notify the pollution or threat
of pollution to the relavant authority or emergency response teams. The authorities to which
notification is to be made and the procedures and guidelines for notification are set out with a
Determination of pollution
ARTICLE 14. — The Ministry undertakes or causes to be undertaken the necessary
activities regarding the type of pollution occurred, scope, amount, spreading direction and
speed, possible consequences and disposal methods and notifies these to the relevant
emergency response team.
ARTICLE 15. — The power to respond to pollution or pollution threat caused as a
result of the incident is vested in the Undersecretariat. The Undersecretariat may have this
duty performed by other public institutions and organisations and companies operating in this
field or established for this purpose which are based in Turkey. This does not remove the
Undersecretariat’s responsibility and does not give the authorised public institutions and
organisations and companies to directly claim compensation from the responsible party. The
rights of the General Management of Coastal Safety and Salvage Administrations regarding
salvage and assistance are reserved.
Powers specified in Paragraph 1 can be exercised by the Ministry when necessary.
In pollution caused by ships or shore facilities, the ships which are parties to the
incident, and ships nearby the incident and shore facilities nearby the incident, give the first
limited response with their staff, equipment and materials they have, and comply with the
instructions of the authorised emergency response team after the team’s response to the
incident. The Undersecretariat notifes the Ministry of response activities performed.
Pursuant to the provisions of international cooperation set out in conventions to which
Turkey is a party and in emergency response plans drawn up within this framework, the
Undersecretariat is powered to invite foreign emergency strike elements or send Turkish
emergency response teams to foreign countries and to pay or claim associated expenses,
taking the opinions of the Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The procedures and guidelines for the response power of private organisations and
public institutions and organisations which will serve as emergency response teams and
foreign country emergency strike elements invited within the framework of international
cooperation are set out with a regulation.
For the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the response activities, the
Undersecretariat can temporarily suspend or change sea traffic at the venue of the incident or
in sea areas related with the incident which it deems appropriate.
Handling and disposal of wastes
ARTICLE 16. — Transportation to and disposal at a suitable disposal facility of wastes
collected from the venue of the incident are performed according to the guidelines set out in
the emergency response plans.
Determination and rehabilitation of areas affected by pollution
ARTICLE 17. — After the response operations, monitoring programmes are carried
out by the Ministry for determination and rehabilitation of areas affected by pollution and
determination of the long term effects of pollution on human health, plant and animal
existence and natural and historical assets.
Emergency response plans
ARTICLE 18. — The national emergency response plan incorporating activities for
response and guidelines regarding international cooperation in emergencies of pollution of the
marine environment from oil and other harmful substances is drawn up by the Ministry in
coordination with the Undersecretariat taking the opinions of Turkey Emergency
Management General Directorate and the relevant organisations. The procedures and
guidelines for drawing up of the national emergency response plan and regional and local
level emergency response plans are set out with a regulation.
Coordination in the event of switching to emergency management
ARTICLE 19. — In the event of switching to emergency management, upon the
Ministry’s demand, due to an incident covered by this Act, pursuant to Article 11/A of Act No
3056 dated 10.10.1984, the emergency response team to be authorised within the scope of this
Act acts as an element of the centres to be set up.
If, even though it does not require switching to emergency management, an incident
within the scope of this Act affects the land as well, the emergency response team to be
authorised within the scope of this Act acts as an element of the centres to be set up pursuant
to the provisions of Paragraph 1.
In cases provided for in Paragraphs 1 and 2, the representatives of Turkey Emergency
Management General Directorate join the commission referred to in Article 10.
Miscellaneous Provisions
Designation of arbitrator for setttlement of disputes
ARTICLE 20. — If the Undersecretariat and the liable party or the guarantor agree, an
arbitrator or an arbitration committee may be designated for settlement of disputes to arise out
of the implementation of this Act. Arbitrators designated apply Turkish law. The arbitration
is, based on relevance, subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure No 1086 or
International Arbitration Law No 4686.
Acceptance of ships under threat to suitable and safe sea areas
ARTICLE 21. — The Undersecretariat is powered to accept a ship under threat to
suitable and safe sea areas, on demand by the ship. The procedures and guidelines for
acceptance are set out with a regulation.
Inspection of the ship and police duties
ARTICLE 22. — Where there is serious doubt that a ship will cause an incident or
pollution within the scope of this Act or it will pose such a risk, the Undersecretariat can
subject the ship to inspection for final determination. The Undersecretariat may, in cases
deemed necessary, devolve its power to relevant institutions and organisations.
All public security and police duties regarding the enforcement of this Act are
undertaken by the Coast Guard Command.
Pollution resulting from ship fuels and loads
ARTICLE 23. — The provisions of this Act are applicable except the third paragraph
of Article 5 and Articles 8 and 9 in the event of an incident for response to pollution or a
threat of pollution and determination and compensation of losses arising out of oil or oil
derivatives carried as fuel by a ship regardless of the fact whether the ship is covered or not
covered by this Act or out of other harmful substances/loads carried by a ship not covered by
this Act. The provisions of international conventions to which Turkey is a party are reserved.
ARTICLE 24. — Regulations regarding the enforcement of this Act are drawn up
jointly by the Ministry and the Undersecretariat, taking the opinions of the relevant ministries
and organisations.
Amended provisions
ARTICLE 25. — The following Paragraph (j) has been added to Article 3 of the Public
Procurement Law No 4734 dated 4.1.2002:
j) Within the scope of the provisions of the Act on Guidelines for Response to
Emergencies and Compensation of Losses in Case of Pollution of the Marine Environment
from oil and Other Harmful Substances, drawing up of emergency response plans and
response to pollution after an incident occurs and service procurement and tool, device and
material procurement which may be urgently needed for the execution of emergency response
ARTICLE 26. — The following paragraph has been inserted after the last paragraph of
Provisional Article 4 of Act No 4734:
The guidelines and procedures regarding Paragraph (j) of Article 3 of this Act are set
out with a regulation to be adopted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, taking the
opinions of the Ministry of Finance, Public Procurement Authority and Undersecretariat for
Maritime Affairs.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1. — The regulations which are provided for in this Act
are drawn up in one year at the latest as of the date of entry into force of this Act; general
conditions and tariffs and instructions regarding liability insurance are drawn up in six months
at the latest as of the date of entry into force hereof and promulgated in the Official Journal.
PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2. — The activities of facilities which are active at the
time of the entry into force of this Act and which cannot make good within the period defined
in the regulation their shortcomings regarding staff, materials and equipment that they must
have in place pursuant to the last paragraph of Article 5 of this Act are interrupted by the
Entry into Force
ARTICLE 27. — This Act shall enter into force three months after the date of its
ARTICLE 28. — The Council of Ministers shall enforce the provisions of this Act.
10 March 2005