
Manuscript number 2012GL054603
Shock compression of Fe-FeS mixture up to 204 GPa
Haijun Huang1,Shijie Wu1, Xiaojun Hu1,Qingsong Wang2,
Xiang Wang2, Yingwei Fei3
1 School of Sciences, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China.
2 National Key Laboratory of Shock Wave and Detonation Physics, Institute of Fluid Physics,
China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900, China
3 Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, District of
Columbia 20015, USA.
Supplementary Material
The Hugoniot temperatures for Fe-11.8wt%S are calculated based on the following
equation provided by Brown and McQueen (1986)
dT  T ( / V )dV 
[(V0  V )dP  ( P  P0 )dV ]
All the thermal parameters were from Huang et al. (2010). The Grüneisen parameter
in the equation includes contributions from the lattice l and electrons e [Anderson,
 eff  (CVl  l  CVe e ) / CV
The parameter l =1.78(6.50/)0.85 for Fe-11.8wt%S derived from the data on Fe and
FeS. We assumed e=2, the same as the electronic contribution for hcp iron [Anderson,
2002]. The specific heat of Fe-11.8wt%S was calculated from those of Fe and FeS
using the additive law [Jing, 1986].
CV   mi CVl   mi 0i ( 0i / i )i T
where mi is the weight percent of ingredient i. For hcp iron, the values for 0 and  are
0.091J Kg-1 K-2 and 1.34, respectively [Boness et al., 1986]. Using the measured
melting curve and the shock melting results of Brown et al (1984) for FeS, Anderson
and Ahrens (1996) proposed 0=0.25JKg-1K-2 assuming =1.34.
The calculated shock temperature for solid Fe-11.8wt%S intersects the eutectic
temperature of the Fe-FeS system [Kamada et al., 2010] at about 96GPa (Fig. 1S).
Therefore, the Hugoniot data (94-204 GPa) in this study represent the density of
Fe-11.8wt%S liquid.
Fig 1S: The calculated shock temperature for Fe-11.8wt%S along Hugoniot (solid line). At about
96GPa, it intersects the eutectic temperature of the Fe-FeS system, shown as dash-dotted line
[Kamada et al., 2010], and the dash lines [Morard et al., 2008].
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