REAL TIME IMAGE RECOGNITION Francesca Odone, Alessandro Verri, INFM – DISI Universita’ di Genova, Genova (I) Summary Themes of this chapter are the structure and the methods underlying the construction of efficient image recognition systems. From the very beginning we argue in favor of adaptive systems, or systems which can be trained instead of programmed to perform a given image recognition task. We first discuss the philosophy of the approach and focus on some of the methods recently proposed in the area of object detection and recognition. Then, we review the fundamentals of statistical learning, a mathematically well founded framework for dealing with the problem of supervised learning - or learning from examples, and we describe a method for measuring the similarity between images allowing for an effective representation of visual information. Finally, we present some experimental results of a trainable system developed in our lab and based on this similarity measure applied to two different object detection problems and discuss some of the open issues. Introduction Image recognition covers a wide range of diverse application areas (like, for example, security, surveillance, image-guided surgery, quality control, entertainment, autonomous navigation, and image retrieval by content). A fundamental requirement of an image recognition system is the ability to automatically adjust to the changing environment or to be easily reusable in different tasks. For example, an effective object detection system is expected to be able to operate in rather different domains and for a relatively broad range of different objects. One possibility to ensure this flexibility is provided by adaptive techniques based on the learning from examples paradigm. According to this paradigm, the solution to a certain problem can be learned from a set of examples. In the training stage this set of positive and negative examples - i.e., for object detection, images containing, or not, the object – determines a discriminant function which will be used in the test stage to decide whether, or not, the same object is present in a new image. In this scenario, positive examples, typically collected by hand, are images or portion of images containing the object of interest, possibly under different poses. Typically, positive examples are collected manually in the training stage. Negative examples, instead, though comparatively much less expensive to collect, are somewhat ill defined and difficult to characterize. In the object detection case, for example, negative examples are all the images or image portions not containing the object. Problems for which only the positive examples are easily identifiable are sometimes referred to as novelty detection problems. In the central part of this chapter, we will concentrate on these problems arguing that this is a fairly typical example of the sort of problems image recognition systems are required to solve. In essence, a typical trainable computer vision system consists of three modules: preprocessing, representation, and learning modules. In the system described later in this chapter the preprocessing is kept to a minimum and more attention is devoted to the representation and learning modules. The architecture of trainable systems is well suited for real time implementation. Typically, the test stage reduces to the computation of a function value which leads to a certain decision. The plan of the chapter is the following. After discussing some of the recent work on the topic of image recognition we describe a trainable system developed in our lab for addressing problems of object detection and recognition. To this purpose we first present the notions of statistical learning and the similarity measure which constitute the backbone of the system, and then illustrate the experimental results obtained in two different applications. Finally, in the concluding section, we discuss the real time issue and some open problems within the presented framework. Previous and Current Work The diversity of the computer vision methods lying at the basis of image recognition systems and the vast range of possible applications make it difficult to provide even a simple list of all the significant contributions. The most important advances can be tracked by following the pointers to the specialized literature given in the last section of this chapter. In this section we thus restrict our attention to the area of object detection and recognition from images. Object Detection Object detection refers to the problem of finding instances of different exemplars of the same class, or category, in images. Face detection in static images is possibly the most important instance of object detection problem. Example-based strategies can be found in [Leung et al., 1995; Osuna et al., 1997; Wiskott et al., 1997; Rowley et al., 1998; Rikert et al., 1999; Schneiderman and Kanade, 2000]. All these approaches attempt to detect faces in cluttered scenes and show some robustness to non-frontal views. Another active area of research is people detection, mainly tackled in image sequences [Wren, 1995; Intille et al., 1997; Haritaoglu et al., 1998; Bobick et al., 1999] but with more emphasis on the construction of ad hoc models and heavy use of tracking strategies. A third area of interesting research is car detection. In [Bregler and Malik, 1996] a real time system is described based on mixtures of experts of second order Gaussian features identifying different classes of cars. In [Beymer et al., 1997] a traffic monitoring system is proposed consisting of a car detection module that locates corner features in highway sequences and groups features from the same car through temporal integration. The object detection system originally proposed in [Papageorgiou et al., 1998] and later extended and refined in [Papageorgiou and Poggio, 2000] provides a very good example of a prototype system able to adapt to several object detection tasks. Essentially the same system has been trained on different object data set to address problems of face, people, and car detection from static images. Each object class is represented in terms of an overcomplete dictionary of Haar wavelet coefficients (corresponding to local, oriented, multiscale intensity differences between adjacent regions). A polynomial Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is then trained on a training set of positive and negative examples. The system reached very good performances on several data sets and a realtime application of a person detection system as part of a driver assistance system has been reported. Object recognition While object detection refers to the problem of finding instances of different exemplars of the same class, the task of object recognition is to distinguish between exemplars of the same class. The main difficulty of this problem is that objects belonging to the same class might be very similar. Face identification and recognition are classic problems of computer vision. Among the various proposed approaches proposed we mention methods based on eigenfaces [Sirovitch and Kirby, 1987; Turk and Pentland, 1991], linear discriminant analysis [Belhumeur et al., 1997], hidden Markov Models [Nefian and Hayes, 1999], elastic graph matching [Wiskott et al., 1997], and, more recently, SVMs [Guodong et al., 2000; Jonsson et al., 2000]. One of the most important problems for object identification is pose invariance. The learning from examples paradigm fits nicely with a view based approach to object recognition in which a 3D object is essentially modeled through a collection of its different views. This idea, which seems to be one of the strategies employed by our brain for performing the same task [Bülthoff and Edelman, 1992; Logothetis et al., 1995], has been explored in depth in the last few years [Murase and Nayar, 1995; Sung and Poggio, 1998]. In [Pontil and Verri, 1998] a simple appearance based system for 3-D object identification has been proposed. The system was assessed on the COIL (Columbia Object Image Library) database, consisting of 7200 images of 100 objects (72 views for each of the 100 objects). The objects were positioned in the center of a turntable and observed from a fixed viewpoint. For each object, the turntable was rotated by a few degrees per image. In the reported experiments the color images were transformed into grey level images of reduced size (32 32 pixels) by averaging the original images over 4 4 pixel patches. The training set used in each experiment consists of 36 images for each object. The remaining 36 images for each object were used for testing. Given a subset of 32 of the 100 objects, a linear SVM was trained on each pair of objects using the grey values at each pixel as components of a 32 32 input vector. Recognition, without pose estimation, was then performed on a one-vs-one basis. The filtering effect of the averaging preprocessing step was sufficient to induce very high recognition rates even in the presence of large amount of random noise added to the test set and for slight shift of the object location in the image. A major limitation of the above system was the global structure of the classifier, ill-suited to deal with occlusions and clutter. In order to circumvent this problem, one could resort to strategies based on object components. In [Brunelli and Poggio, 1993], for example, face recognition was performed by independently matching templates of three facial regions (eyes, nose and mouth). A similar approach with an additional alignment stage was proposed in [Beymer, 1993]. More recent work on this topic can be found, for example, in [Mohan et al., 2001]. Event Recognition Extending the analysis from static images to image sequences, image recognition systems can address problems of event detection and recognition. In the case of event recognition, most of the systems that can be found in the literature for detecting and recognizing people actions and gestures are based on rather sophisticated algorithmic front-end and, often, on a fairly complex event representation and recognition scheme. In [Bregler, 1997], for example, many levels of representation are used based on mixture models, EM, and recursive Kalman and Markov estimation to learn and recognize human dynamics. Pfinder [Wren et al., 1995] adopts a maximum a posteriori probability approach for detecting and tracking the human body using simple 2-D models. It incorporates a priori knowledge about people to bootstrap and recover from errors, and employs several domain-specific assumptions to make the vision task tractable. W4S [Haritaoglu et al., 1998] is a real-time visual surveillance system for detecting and tracking people while monitoring their activities in an outdoor environment. The system learns and models background scene statistically to detect foreground objects, if the background is not completely stationary, and distinguishes people from other objects using shape and periodic motion cues. W4S integrates real-time stereo computation into an intensity-based detection and tracking system without using color cues. KidRooms [Bobick et al. 1999] is a tracking system based on the idea of closed-world regions [Intille et al., 1997]. A closed-world is a region of space and time in which the specific context of what is in the region is assumed to be known. Visual routines for tracking, for example, can be selected differently based on the knowledge of which other objects are in the closed world. The system tracks in real-time domains where object motions are not smooth or rigid and multiple objects are interacting. Instead of assuming a prior model of the observed events, it is interesting to explore the possibility of building a trainable dynamic event recognition system. In [Pittore et al., 2000] an adaptive system was described for recognizing visual dynamic events from examples. During training a supervisor identifies and labels the events of interest. These events are used to train the system which, at run time, automatically detects and classifies new events. The system core consisted of an SVM for regression [Vapnik, 1998], used for representing dynamic events of different duration in a feature vector of fixed length, and a SVM for classification [Vapnik, 1995] for the recognition stage. The system has been tested on the problem of recognizing people movements within indoor scenes with very interesting percentages of success. Statistical Learning Fundamentals In this section we briefly review the main issues of statistical learning relevant to the novelty detection technique proposed in [Campbell and Bennett, 2001] and at the basis of the system described later in the chapter. We first emphasize the similarity between various learning problems and corresponding techniques, and then discuss in some detail the problem of novelty detection and the strong links between the solution proposed for this problem in [Campbell and Bennett, 2001] and SVMs for classification. For more details and background on the subject of statistical learning theory and its connection with regularization theory and functional analysis we refer to [Vapnik, 1995 and 1998; Evgeniou et al, 2000; Cucker and Smale, 2001]. Preliminaries In statistical learning, many problems - including classification and regression – are equivalent to minimizing functionals of the form I[ f ] = V(f (xi), yi) + f where (xi,yi) for i=1,…,N are the training examples, V a certain function measuring the cost, or loss, of approximating yi with f (xi), is for i =1,…,N. The yi are labels (function values) corresponding to the point xi in the case of classification (regression). The norm of f is computed in an appropriate Hilbert space, called Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space [Wahba, 1990; Evgeniou et al., 2000] defined in terms of a certain function K( , ), named kernel, satisfying some mathematical constraints [Vapnik, 1995]. The norm can be regarded as a term controlling the smoothness of the minimizer. For a vast class of loss functions, the minimizer f written as [Girosi et al, 1995] f (x) = i K(x, xi), where the coefficients i are determined by the adopted learning technique. Intuitively, for small the solution f will follow very closely the training data without being very smooth, while for large the solution f will be very smooth, though not necessarily close to each data point. The goal (and problem) of statistical learning theory is to find the best trade off between these two extreme cases. SVMs and Regularization Networks [Evgeniou et al., 2000] are among the most popular learning methods which can be cast in this framework. For a fixed learning strategy, like the method of SVMs for classification, the class of a new data point is then obtained by setting a threshold on the value of f(x), so that the point is a positive example if i K(x, xi) + b > 0, (1) and negative otherwise. The b in (1) is a constant term computed in the training stage. Novelty Detection We now discuss a technique proposed in [Campbell and Bennett, 2001] for novelty detection sharing strong theoretical and computational similarities with the method of SVMs [Vapnik, 1995]. Novelty detection can be thought of as a classification problem in which only one class is well defined, the class of positive examples, and the classification task is to identify whether a new data point is a positive or a negative example. Given xi for i=1,…,N training examples, the idea is to find the sphere in feature space of minimum radius in which most of the training data xi lie (see Figure 1). The possible presence of outliers in the training set (e.g. negative examples labeled as positive) is countered by using slack variables. Each slack variable i enforces a penalty term equal to the square of the distance of xi from the sphere surface. This approach was first suggested by Vapnik [Vapnik, 1995] and interpreted and used as a novelty detector in [Tax and Duin, 1999; Tax et al. 1999]. In the classification stage a new data point is considered positive if it lies sufficiently close to the sphere center. Figure 1 near here In the linear case, the primal minimization problem can be written as min R, p, R 2 + C i subject to || xi – p || 2 R 2 + i and i 0 for i=1,…,N, (2) with xi for i=1,…,N the input data, R the sphere radius, p the sphere center, the slack variable vector, C a regularization parameter controlling the relative weight between the sphere radius and the ouliers, and the sum is for i=0,…,N. The solution to problem (2) can be found by introducing the Lagrange multipliers i 0 and i 0 for the two sets of constraints. Setting equal to zero the partial derivatives with respect to R and to each component of p and we obtain p = i xi i = 1 C = i+ i (3) for i=1,…,N. Plugging these constraints into the primal problem, after some simple algebraic manipulations, the original minimization problem becomes a QP maximization problem with respect to the Lagrange multiplier vector (, …N or max i j xi xj - i xi xi subject to i = 1 and 0 i C for i=1,…,N. (4) The constraints on i in (4) define the feasible region for the QP problem. As in the case of SVMs for binary classification, the objective function is quadratic, the Hessian positive semi-definite, and the inequality constraints are box constraints. The three main differences are the form of the linear term in the objective function, the fact that all the coefficients are positive, and the equality constraints (here the Lagrange multipliers sum to 1 rather than to 0). Like in the case of SVMs, the training points for which i 0 are the support vectors for this learning problem. From (3) we see that the sphere center p is found as a weighted sum of the examples, while the radius R can be determined from the Kuhn-Tucker conditions associated to any support vector xi with i C. In the classification stage, a new point x is a positive or negative example depending on its distance d from p, where d is computed as d 2 = || x - p || 2 = x x + p p – 2 x p. In full analogy to the SVM case, since both the solution of the dual maximization problem and the classification stage require only the computation of the inner product between data points and sphere center, one can introduce a positive definite function K [Vapnik, 1995] which effectively defines an inner product in some new space, called feature space, and solve the new QP problem max i j K(xi , xj) - i K(xi , xi) subject to i = 1 and (5) 0 i C for i=1,…,N. We remind that, given a set X n, a function K : X X is positive definite if for all integers n and all x1,…, xn X, and 1,…,n , i j K(xi , xj) 0 The fact that a kernel has to be positive definite ensures that K behaves like an inner product in some suitably defined feature space. Intuitively, one can think of a mapping from the input to the feature space implicitly defined by K. In this feature space the inner product between the points (xi) and (xj) is given by (xi ) (xi ) = K(xi , xj). The sphere center is now a point in feature space, (p). If the mapping ( ) is unknown, (p) cannot be computed explicitly, but the distance D between (p) and a point (x) can still be determined as D 2 = K(x , x) + i j K(xi , xj) – 2 i K(xi , x). In addition, we note that if K(x , x) is constant, the dependence of D on x is only in the last term of the summation in right hand side. Consequently, we have that D is sufficiently small if for some fixed threshold i K(xi , x) (6) The striking similarity between (1) and (6) emphasizes the link between these two learning strategies. We now discuss a similarity measure, which we will use to design a kernel for novelty detection in computer vision problems. Measuring the similarity between images In this section we first describe a similarity measure for images inspired by the notion of Hausdorff distance. Then, we determine conditions under which this measure defines a legitimate kernel function. We start by reviewing the notion of Hausdorff distance. Haudorff Distance Given two finite point sets A and B, both regarded as subsets of some Euclidean ndimensional linear space, the directed Hausdorff distance h can be written as h(A, B) = max aA min bB || a - b ||. In words, h(A, B) is given by the distance of the point of A furthest away from the set B. The directed Hausdorff distance h, though not symmetric (and thus not a true distance) is very useful to measure the degree of mismatch of one set with respect to another. To obtain a distance in the mathematical sense, symmetry can be restored by taking the maximum between h(A, B) and h(B, A). This brings to the definition of Hausdorff distance H, that is, H(A, B) = max {h(A, B), h(A, B)} A way to gain intuition on Hausdorff measures is to think in terms of set inclusion. Let B be the set obtained by replacing each point of B with a disk of radius and taking the union of all of these disks. Then the following simple proposition holds: P1. The directed Hausdorff distance h(A, B) if and only if A B . Proposition P1 follows from the fact that, in order for every point of A to be within distance from some points of B, A must be contained in B(see Figure 2). We now see how these notions can be useful for the construction of similarity functions between images. Figure 2 near here Hausdorff Similarity Measure The idea of using Hausdorff measures for comparing images is not new. In [Huttenlocher et al, 1993], for example, the Hausdorff distance was used to compare edge, i.e. binary, images. Here we want to extend this use to the grey value image structure thought of as a 3D point set. Suppose to have two grey-level images, I and J, of which we want to compute the degree of similarity. Ideally, we would like to use this measure as a basis to decide whether the two images contain the same object, possibly represented in two slightly different views, or under different illumination conditions. In order to allow for grey level changes within a fixed interval or small local transformations (for instance small scale variations or affine transformations), a possibility is to evaluate the following function [Odone et al. 2001] k(I, J) = p (- min qN p | I [p] – J [q] | ) (7) where is the unit step function. The function k in (7) counts the number of pixels p in I which are within a distance (on the grey levels) from at least one pixel q of J in the neighborhood Np of p. Unless Np coincides with p, the function k is not symmetric, but symmetry can be restored, for example, by taking the average K(I, J) = ½ (k(I, J) + k(J, I)) (8) Equation (8), interpreted in terms of set dilation and inclusion, leads to an efficient implementation [Odone et al., 2001] which can be summarized in three steps: (a) Expand the two images I and J into 3D binary matrices I and J, the third dimension being the grey value. If (i, j) denotes a pixel location and g its grey level, we can write I(i, j, g) = 1, if I(i, j) = g, I(i, j, g) = 0 otherwise. (b) Dilate both matrices by growing their nonzero entries by a fixed amount (in the grey value dimension), and r andc (sizes of the neighborhood Np in the space dimensions). Let MI and MJ the resulting 3D dilated binary matrices. This dilation varies according to the degrees of similarity required and the transformations allowed. (c) Compute the size of the intersections between I and MJ and J and MI, and take the average of the two values obtaining K(I, J). If the dilation is isotropic in the spatial and grey level dimensions, the similarity measure k in (7) is closely related to the directed Hausdorff distance h, because computing k is equivalent to fix a maximum distance allowed between the two sets, and determine how much of the first set lies within that distance from the second set. In general, if we have k(I, J) = m we can say that a subset of I cardinality m is within a distance from J. In [Odone et al, 2001] this similarity measure has been shown to be have several properties, like tolerance to small changes affecting images due to geometric transformations, viewing conditions, and noise, and robustness to occlusions. We now discuss the issue of whether, or not, the proposed similarity measure can be viewed as a kernel function. Kernel functions To prove that a function K can be used as a kernel is often a difficult problem. A sufficient condition is provided by Mercer’s theorem [Vapnik, 1995] which is equivalent to require positive definiteness for K. Intuitively, this means that K computes an inner product between point pairs in some suitably defined feature space. Looking directly into the QP optimization problem, it can be recognized that a function K can be used as a kernel, if the associated Hessian matrix Kij = K(xi,xj) in the dual maximization problem is such that i j Kij 0 for all i in the feasible region. Hausdorff Kernel (9) We start with the case of novelty detection. We note that, by construction, Kij 0 for all image pairs. Since the feasible region is 0 i C for all i=1,…,N with i = 1, we immediately see that inequality (9) is always satisfied in the feasible region and, consequently, conclude that the Hausdorff similarity measure can always be used as a kernel for novelty detection. In view of extending the use of the Hausdorff similarity measure to the case of SVMs for classification, it is of interest to consider the problem of what happens to the inequality (9) when the feasible region is (see [Vapnik, 1995]) -C i C for all i=1,…,N with i = 0. (10) We start by representing our data (say MM pixel images with G grey values) as M 2Gdimensional vectors. In what follows we say that the triple (i’, j’, k’) is close to (i, j, k) if MI (i’, j’, k’) = 1 because I(i, j, k) = 1. (a) An image is represented by an M 2G-dimensional vector b such that bk = 1 if I(i, j) = g; bk = 0, otherwise, where k = 1,…, M 2G is in one-to-one correspondence with the triple (i, j, g), for i,j= 1,…, M and g = 1,…, G. Note that for each i and j there is one and only one grey value g for which bk =1, and hence only M 2 of the M 2G components of b are nonzero. (b) A given dilation of an image is obtained by introducing a suitable vector c. We let ck =1 if bk =1, and ck’ = 1 if k’ corresponds to a triple (i’, j’, g’ ) close to (i, j, g). (c) Finally, if Bi = (bi,ci) and Bj = (bj,cj) denote the vectors corresponding to images Ii and Ij respectively, the intersection leading to the Hausdorff similarity measure in equation (8) can be written as K(Ii, Ij) = ½ (bi cj+ bj ci). (11) The use of ordinary dot products in (11) suggests the possibility that K is an inner product in the linear span of the space of the vectors Bi. Indeed, for the null dilation we have ci=bi, cj=bj and equation (11) reads ½ (bi bj+ bj bi) = bi bj and thus K, in equation (11), reduces to the standard dot product in a M2G-dimensional Euclidean space. In general, for any nonzero dilation, K in equation (11) is symmetric, linear, and K(Ii, Ii) > 0 for all images Ii and corresponding vectors Bi, but K does not satisfy inequality (9) for all possible choices of i. However, it is possible to show that through a modification of the dilation step and, correspondingly, of the c vector definition, the function K in (11) becomes an inner product. For a fixed dilation - say = r = c, for simplicity - we write 1/ = (2+1)3 –1, and modify the dilation step by defining ck = bk + Δ k’ , (12) where the sum is over all k’ corresponding to triples (i’, j’, g’ ) close to (i, j, g). With this new definition of ci , the function K in (11) can be regarded as a non standard inner product defined as ½ (bi cj+ bj ci) = < Bi, Bj > in the linear span of the vectors Bi. Indeed, this product is now symmetric, linear and, as it can be easily shown by square completion, satisfies the nonnegativity condition for all vectors in the linear span of the Bi. Two questions arise. First, how much smaller are the offdiagonal elements in the corresponding Hessian matrix due to the presence of the factor in the dilation step of equation (12)? On average, one might expect that with sufficiently smooth images about (2+1)2 components of b (roughly, the size of the spatial neighborhood) will contribute to ck. From this we conclude that for each ck ≠ 0 we are likely to have ck bk + 1/2 . This means that, with respect to the original definition, the nonzero components of c can now be greater or smaller than 1, depending on whether bk = 0 or 1. To what extent this reduces the offdiagonal elements in the Hessian matrix remains to be seen and will ultimately depend upon the specific image structure of the training set. A second question is related to the fact that, in many practical cases, the image spatial dimensions and the number of grey levels are so much larger than the dilation constants that even the original definition of Hausdorff similarity measure gives rise to Hessian matrices which are diagonally dominant. This is consistent with the empirical observation that the Hessian matrix obtained with null dilation in all three dimensions is typically almost indistinguishable from a multiple of the identity matrix. In summary, the Hausdorff similarity measure can always be used as a kernel for novelty detection and, after the correction of above, as a kernel for binary classification with SVMs. Experiments In this section we present results obtained on several image data sets, acquired from multiple views and for different applications: face images for face recognition, and images of 3D objects for 3D object modeling and detection from image sequences. The two problems are closely related but distinct. As we will see, in the latter the notion of object is blurred with the notion of scene (the background being as important as the foreground), while in the former this is not the case. System Structure The system consists of a learning module based on the novelty detector previously described equipped with the Hausdorff kernel described in the previous section. In training the system is shown positive examples only. The novelty detector has been implemented by suitably adjusting the decomposition technique developed for SVMs for classification described in [Osuna et al., 1997] to the QP problem in (5). In the discussed applications we make minimal use of preprocessing. In particular, we do not compute accurate registration, since our similarity measure takes care of spatial misalignments. Also, since our mapping in feature space allows for some degree of deformation both in the grey-levels and in the spatial dimensions, the effects of small illumination and pose changes are attenuated. Finally, we exploit full 3D information on the object by acquiring a training set including frontal and lateral views. All the low resolution images used have been resized to 58 72 pixels: therefore we work in a space of 4176 dimensions. Face Identification We run experiments on two different data sets. In the first set of images, we acquired both training and test data in the same session. We collected four sets of images (frontal and rotated views), one for each of four subjects, for a total of 353 images, samples of which are shown in Figure 3. To test the system we have used 188 images of ten different subjects, including test images of the four people used to acquire the training images (see the examples in Figure 4). All the images have been acquired in the same location and thus have a similar background. No background elimination is performed since the face occupies a substantial part of the image -- about 3/4 of the total image area, implying that even images of different people have, on average, 1/4 of the pixels which match. Figure 3 near here Figure 4 near here The performance of the Hausdorff kernel has been compared with a linear kernel on the same set of examples. The choice of the linear kernel is due to the fact that it can be proved to be equivalent to correlation techniques (sum of squared differences and cross correlation) widely used for the similarity evaluation between grey level images. The results of this comparison are shown as Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. Each point of an ROC curve represents a pair of false-alarms and hit-rate of the system for a different rejection threshold in equation (6). The system efficiency can be evaluated by the growth rate of its ROC curve: for a given false-alarm rate, the better system will be the one with the higher hit rate. The overall performance of a system, for example, can be measured by the area under the curve. Figure 5 shows the ROC curves of a linear and Hausdorff kernels for all the four face identification problems. The curve obtained with the Hausdorff kernel is always above the one of the linear kernel, showing superior performance. The linear kernel does not appear to be suitable for the task: in all the four cases, to obtain a hit rate of the 90% with the linear kernel one should accept more than 50% false positives. The Hausdorff kernel ROC curve, instead, increases rapidly and shows good properties of sensitivity and specificity. Figure 5 near here In a second series of experiments on the same training sets, we estimate the system performance in the leave-one-out mode. Figure 6 shows samples from two training sets. Even if the set contains a number of images which are difficult to classify, only 19% were found to lie outside the sphere of minimum radius, but all of them within a distance less than 3% of the estimated radius. Figure 6 near here Other sets of face images were acquired on different days and under unconstrained illumination (see examples in Figure 7). In this case, as it can be seen from the scale change between Figures 3 and 7, a background elimination stage from the training data was necessary: to this purpose, we performed a semi-automatic preprocessing of the training data, exploiting the spatio-temporal continuity between adjacent images of the training set. Figure 8 shows an example of the reduced images (bottom row) obtained by manually selecting a rectangular patch in the first image of the sequence in the top row and then tracking it automatically through the rest of the sequence through the Hausdorff similarity measure. The tracking procedure consisted in selecting in each new frame the rectangular patch most similar, in the Hausdorff sense, to the rectangular patch selected in the previous frame. Figure 7 near here Figure 8 near here Figure 9 shows some of the images we used to test the system, our system, the performance of which, for the four identification tasks, is described by the ROC curves of Figure 10. The four different training sets were of 126, 89, 40, and 45 images respectively (corresponding to the curves in clockwise order, from the top left). See the figure caption for the test set size. With this second class of data sets, in most cases the results of the linear kernel are too poor to represent a good comparison, so we also experimented polynomial kernels of various degrees. In the ROCs of Figure 10 we included the results obtained with a polynomial of degree 2, the one producing the best results. One of the reasons of the rather poor performance of classic polynomial kernels may be related to the fact that the data we use are very weakly correlated, i.e., images have not been accurately registered with respect to a common reference. During the acquisition the subject was free to move and, in different images, the features (eyes, for instance, in the case of faces) can be found in different positions. Figure 9 near here Figure 10 near here 3D object recognition The second type of data represents 3D rigid objects which have been acquired in San Lorenzo Cathedral. The objects are six marble statues, and in particular the ones we used for these experiments are all located in the same chapel (Cappella di S. Giovanni Battista) and thus all acquired under similar illumination conditions: this results in noticeable similarities in the brightness pattern of all the images (see Figures 11 and 12). In this case no segmentation is advisable, since the background itself is representative of the object. Here we can safely assume that the subjects will not be moved from their usual position. Figure 11 near here Figure 12 near here Figure 11 shows samples of the training sets used to acquire the 3D appearance of two of the six statues; in what follows we will refer to these two statues as statue A and statue B. Figure 12 illustrates samples of positive (two top rows) and negative (bottom row) examples with respect to both statues A and B, used for preliminary tests of the system which produced the ROC curves of Figures 13 and 14, respectively. Notice that some of the negative examples look similar to the positive ones, even to a human observer, especially at the image sizes (58 72) used in the representation or training stage. From the point of view of representation, we have trained the system with increasingly small training sets to check for graceful degradations of the results. In Figures 13 and 14 the curves on the left have been obtained with bigger training sets (314 images for statue A and 226 images for statue B) than the ones on the right (97 images for statue A and 95 images for statue B). Notice that the results with the Hausdorff kernel are still very good. Figure 13 near here Figure 14 near here Conclusions In this concluding section we first discuss the real time aspect in the implementation of image recognition systems and then mention the main open problems in this framework. The real time implementation of trainable image recognition systems depends on two main issues. The first is the scale problem. If the apparent size of the object to be detected is unknown, the search has to be performed across different scales. In this case, a spatial multiresolution implementation is often the simplest way to reduce the computation time, possibly avoiding the need of special purpose hardware. The second issue is the location of the object in the image. Clearly, if some prior knowledge about the object location in the image is available, the detection stage can be performed on certain image regions only. Note that for both these problems a parallel architecture is well suited for the optimal reduction of the computing time. A preliminary version of a real time face detection and identification system based on the modules described in this chapter is currently under development in our lab. In this case both the scale and image location are determined fairly accurately in the training stage because the system has to detect faces of people walking across the lab main door. In this experimental setting, all faces have nearly equal size and appear in well defined portions of the image. Concluding, trainable image recognition systems seem to provide effective and reusable solutions to many computer vision problems. In this framework, a main open problem concerns the development of kernels able to deal with different kind of objects and invariant to a number of geometric and photometric transformations. From the real time viewpoint, it is important to develop efficient implementation of kernels and kernel methods. 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The Proceedings of the major conferences (International Conference of Computer Vision, International Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, European Conference of Computer Vision) are the simplest way to catch up with recent advances. Several workshops, like for example the International Workshop on Face and Gesture Recognition or the Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, cover more specific topics. A good starting point are the references of above and the references therein. Finally, for software, demos, datasets, and more search for the uptodate URL of the Computer Vision homepage on your favorite engine. List of captions Figure 1: The smallest sphere enclosing the positive examples x1,…, x5. For the current value of C the minimum of problem (2) is reached for 3 0, effectively considering x3 as an outlier. Figure 2: Interpreting the directed Hausdorff distance h(A,B) with set inclusion. The open dots are the points of set A and the filled dots the points of set B. Since all points of A are contained in the union of the disks of radius centered in the points of B, we have that h(A, B) Figure 3: Examples of training images of the four subjects (first data set). Figure 4: Examples of test images (first data set). Figure 5: ROC curves for the four training sets. Comparison beween the linear kernel (filled circles) and the Hausdorff kernel (empty circles). Figure 6: Examples of the data sets used for the leave one out experiments. Figure 7: Examples of training images of the four subjects (second data set) Figure 8: Background elimination: examples of reduced images (bottom row) for one training sequence (top row). Figure 9: Examples of test images (second data set). Figure 10: ROC curves for the four subjects of the second data set. Comparison between the linear and polynomial (degree 2) kernels and the Hausdorff kernel. Top left: training 126 images, test 102 (positive) and 205 (negative) images. Top right: training 89 images, test 288 (positive) and 345 (negative) images. Bottom left: training 40 images, test 149 (positive) and 343 (negative) images. Bottom right: training 45 images, test 122 (positive) and 212 (negative) images. Figure 11: Samples of the training sets for statue A (above) and statue B (below). Figure 12: Samples of the test set: statue A on the top row, statue B on the central row, and other statues on the bottom row. Figure 13: ROC curves showing the effect of decreasing the size of the training set for statue A, from 314 (left) down to 96 elements (right). The size of the test set is 846 (positives) and 3593 (negatives). Figure 14: ROC curves showing the effect of decreasing the size of the training set for statue B, from 226 (left) down to 92 elements (right). The size of the test set is 577 (positives) and 3545 (negatives).