SSA Policy Regarding Harassment

The Soaring Society of America, Inc.
Policy Regarding Harassment
The Soaring Society of America has zero tolerance for sexual harassment, or harassment,
harassment based on race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity or veteran status The SSA will also not permit retaliation
against anyone for making a good-faith complaint of harassment, or for cooperating in
SSA investigations of complaints relating to harassment.
This policy applies to and protects all SSA Directors, employees (regular, part-time or
temporary), and independent contractors ^. Such harassment or retaliation violates SSA
policy, regardless of whether it is committed by a Director, employee, contractor,
customer, vendor, agent, or other third party. Violation of this policy will result in
discipline, up to and including discharge.
Definition of Harassment
"Harassment" in this policy means conduct of a harassing nature, whether in the
workplace or off-site, which has the effect of interfering with a person’s work
performance, or which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working
environment. What is acceptable, amusing, or inoffensive to some may be unwelcome,
abusive, or offensive to others.
Complaint Procedure
If you believe you are being harassed or retaliated against, or if you observe
someone else being subjected to such conduct, report this immediately to your
immediate supervisor, the Chairman of the Administrative Committee, or the
Chairman of the Board of Directors.
How Complaints Are Investigated
Once an alleged violation of this policy is reported, the Administrative Committee will
begin a timely and thorough investigation. When it is concluded, SSA will take such
action as it deems justified by the facts.
All complaints of harassment or retaliation will be handled as confidentially as possible.
The fact that a complaint has been filed will be made known only to those persons who
need to be made aware of the complaint, such as the person’s supervisor, the alleged
wrongdoer, and witnesses who must be interviewed in connection with the investigation.
All persons thus contacted by the Administrative Committee will be told not to discuss
the complaint or the facts of the case with anyone else, and will be warned that retaliation
against the person making the complaint is strictly forbidden.
Prohibition Against Retaliation
The SSA prohibits retaliatory actions against anyone making a good-faith complaint of
harassment or by assisting or cooperating in an investigation of a complaint by someone
else, even if the SSA should ultimately find that complaint unfounded.
Responsibility of Persons Associated with the SSA
Every person associated with the SSA has the responsibility to make this policy work by
taking all of the following actions:
-If you believe you are the target of harassment or retaliation, to the extent you feel
comfortable doing so, tell the person to stop.
-Immediately report any violation of this policy (see the Complaint Procedure above).
-Cooperate with any investigation of a harassment complaint by providing factual
information to the SSA's investigating personnel.
-If other persons associated with the SSA tell you they find your behavior or conversation
unwelcome and ask you to stop, honor their request, even if you feel they are being
Penalties for Harassment or Retaliation
If the investigation finds that a person associated with the SSA has engaged in conduct
that violates this policy, penalties will depend on the nature of the offense. Any and all
breaches of this policy are considered serious. Appropriate discipline will be imposed,
even for a first offense, ranging from a verbal warning, up to and including discharge.
The SSA may modify this policy at any time.
6ssa10-2 – 02.07