Multiobjective Environmental/Economic Dispatch considering Prohibited Operating Zones Robert T. F. Ah King* Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Mauritius Reduit Mauritius Email: Harry C. S. Rughooputh Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Mauritius Reduit Mauritius Email: Kalyanmoy Deb Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, PIN 208 016 India Email: Abstract A thermal or hydro generating unit may have prohibited operating zones due to physical limitations of power plant components caused, for example, by vibrations in a shaft bearing which are amplified in a certain operating region. In this case, the unit can only operate above or below the prohibited operating zone. The effect of prohibited operating zones on the multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch problem is investigated in this paper. The IEEE 30-bus system with transmission losses has been considered with prohibited operating zones and simulation performed using NSGA-II for two constraint handling methods, namely penalty parameterless and decoder-based approaches. Simulation results show that both methods can equally handle this particular scenario in the environmental/economic dispatch problem. Different number of prohibited operating zones was considered for the six generators in the system yielding discontinuous and non-convex non-dominated fronts. A knee can also be obtained in some cases and the best compromise solution would be this particular solution. Keywords: Power Systems, Environmental/Economic Dispatch, Prohibited Operating Zones, Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. *For correspondences and reprints 1. Introduction Economic dispatch aims at finding the minimum fuel cost of generating units for a particular load demand on the power system. Due to rising environmental concerns, utilities can no longer focus on this sole objective. On the other hand, emission dispatch minimizes the emissions from the power generating plant. Thus, this has given rise to the multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch or economic emission dispatch problem which simultaneously considers both cost and emission objectives. In practice, a thermal or hydro generating unit may have prohibited operating zone(s) due to physical limitations of power plant components (e.g. vibrations in a shaft bearing are amplified in a certain operating region (Lee and Breipohl 1993). The unit can only operate above or below the prohibited operating zone. Prohibited operating zones will cause the decision space to be non-convex yielding a non-convex optimization problem which cannot be solved by classical methods such as the Lagrangian Relaxation (LR) method. The nonconvex economic dispatch problem could be solved by a dynamic programming approach but its computational requirements are quite large even for a small system. Lee and Breipohl (1993) and Fan and McDonald (1994) have proposed methods based on conventional LR approach for solving the reserve constrained economic dispatch problem with prohibited operating zone(s) after decomposing the non-convex decision space. A genetic algorithm was used by Orero and Irving (1996) to solve the non-convex economic dispatch problem. Su and Chiou (1997) considered an enhanced Hopfield neural network to solve the economic dispatch with prohibited operating zones problem. Moreover, Jayabarathi et al. (1999) used an evolutionary programming approach whilst Gaing (2003) presented a particle swarm optimization to handle the problem under consideration. All of the above mentioned studies have considered the economic dispatch problem with regards to prohibited operating zones. More recently, evolutionary algorithms have emerged as an effective tool for multiobjective optimization and have been applied to the problem at hand (Abido 2006, Ah King et al. 2005). In this paper, the multiobjective dispatch problem comprising of simultaneous minimization of fuel cost and emissions with consideration of prohibited operating zones by the elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is studied. This work represents a first attempt to study the effect of prohibited operating zones on the multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch problem with focus on the best compromise solution which represents the operating point which the power system operator shall consider in practice. 2. Environmental/Economic Dispatch Problem Environmental/economic dispatch is a multiobjective problem with conflicting objectives because pollution minimization is conflicting with minimum cost of generation. The environmental/economic dispatch involves the simultaneous optimization of fuel cost and emission objectives which are conflicting ones. The problem is formulated as described below. 2.1 Fuel Cost Objective The classical economic dispatch problem of finding the optimal combination of power generation which minimizes the total fuel cost while satisfying the total required demand can be mathematically stated as follows (Wood and Wollenberg 1996): n F ai bi PGi ciPGi2 (1) i 1 where F is total fuel cost ($/hr); ai, bi, ci are fuel cost coefficients of generator i; PGi: is real power generated by generator i (MW); and n is number of generators. 2.2 Emission Objective The minimum emission dispatch as opposed to the above classical economic dispatch minimizes the NOx emission objective which can be modeled using second order polynomial functions (Talaq et al. 1994): NOx Emission Objective n E NO x (a iN PGi2 biN PGi ciN ) (2) i 1 Unit of E NO X is ton/hr. The optimization problem is bounded by the following constraints: 2.3 Power Balance Constraint This is represented by an equality constraint: n P P i 1 i D PL 0 (3) where PD is total load (MW), and PL is transmission losses (MW). To calculate the transmission losses, a loadflow or powerflow solution has to be carried out and this involves an iterative process using Newton-Raphson method. In this case, the equality constraints on real and reactive power at each bus as follows (Abido 2006): N PGi PDi Vi V j [Gij cos( i j ) Bij sin( i j )] 0 (4) j 1 N QGi QDi Vi V j [Gij sin( i j ) Bij cos( i j )] 0 (5) j 1 where Vi and V j are voltages at bus i and j ; i and j are voltage angles at bus i and j ; QGi and Q Di are reactive power generated and reactive power demand at bus i ; and G ij and Bij are real and imaginary components of YBUS . Then, the real power loss in transmission lines can be calculated as: NL PL g k [Vi 2 V j2 2ViV j cos( i j )] (6) k 1 where NL is the number of transmission lines and g k is the conductance of the k th line that connects bus i to bus j . 2.4 Power Generation Limits Constraint The power generated PGi by each generator should lie between its minimum and maximum limits, i.e., PGi min PGi PGi max (7) where PGi min is minimum power generated; and PGi max is maximum power generated. 2.5 Prohibited Operating Zones Many studies have simplified the economic dispatch problem by assuming that the generation output of a unit can be adjusted instantaneously to meet its share of the load. However, in practice, the operating range of all on-line units is restricted by their ramp rate limits for forcing the units operation continually between two adjacent specific operation period. Consequently, the inequality constraints due to ramp rate limits are given (Chen and Chang 1995): 1) if generation increases Pi Pi 0 URi (8) Pi Pi 0 DRi (9) 2) if generation decreases where Pi is the current power output and Pi 0 is the previous output power. URi is the upramp limit of the i-th generator (MW/hr) and DRi is the downramp limit of the i-th generator (MW/hr). Practically, DRi is greater than URi . The feasible operating zones are described by the following (Lee and Breipohl 1993): Pi min Pi Pi ,l1 Pi ,uj 1 Pi Pi ,l j , j 2,3,..., ni (10) Pi ,uni Pi Pi max where j is the number of prohibited zones of unit i. Combining (1), (3), (8), (9) and (10), the economic dispatch problem when considering ramp rate limits and prohibited operating zones is modified as (Gaing 2003): n Minimize: F f i ( Pi ) i 1 n Subject to: P P i 1 i D PL max( Pi min , Pi 0 DRi ) Pi min( Pi max , Pi 0 URi ) and Pi min Pi Pi ,1l Pi Pi ,uj 1 Pi Pi ,l j , u max Pi ,ni Pi Pi (11) j 2,3,..., ni , i l ,..., n The generator cost function (input-output curve) is obtained from data points taken during "heat run" tests, when input and output data is measured as the unit is slowly varied through its operating region (Noyola et al. 1990). Wire drawing effects, occurring as each steam admission valve in a turbine starts to open, produce a rippling effect on the unit input-output curve. These "valve-points" are illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: Valve-point effects on the input-output curve (source: IEEE Committee Report 1971) To model the effects of valve-points, a recurring rectified sinusoid contribution was added to the input-output equation. The result is (Walter and Sheble 1993): Fˆi ( PGi ) Fi ( PGi ) ei sin( f i ( Pi min Pi ) (12) 3. Constraint Handling Any real world optimization problem will be subjected to constraints in the form of equality or non-equality constraints. These constraints are taken into account by including additional terms in the objective function thus causing solutions having constraint violation to have larger objective function values and thus lower fitnesses. A common method for handling constraint is by adding an exterior term (Deb, 1995) which penalizes infeasible solutions to the objective function: J K j 1 k 1 (13) F ( x) f ( x) R j g j ( x ) rk hk ( x) , where R j and rk are user-defined penalty parameters. The operator denotes the absolute value of the operand if the operand is negative while it returns a value of zero if the operand is non-negative. 3.1 Penalty Parameterless Approach In an attempt to circumvent problems associated with methods based on penalty functions such as artificial locally optimal solutions, Deb proposed a method which does not need any penalty parameter. The transformed objective function is (Deb 2000): f ( x), if x is feasible; J K F ( x) f max g j ( x ) hk ( x) , otherwise. j 1 k 1 (14) f max is the objective function value of the worst feasible solution in the population. Figure 2 clearly shows how the transformed objective function is obtained and that an unfeasibe solution always has an objective function which is larger than the worst feasible solution. Figure 2: Constraint handling with the penalty parameterless method (Deb 2000) 3.2 Decoder-based Method A decoder-based approach for solving constrained numerical optimization problems was proposed by Koziel and Michalewicz (1998). Their method uses a homomorphous mapping between n-dimensional cube and a feasible search space as described below. The homomorphous mapping transform the n-dimensional cube [1,1]n into the feasible region F where F can be concave or consists of disjoint (non-convex) regions. The search space S is defined as a Cartesian product of domains of variables, l (i) xi u (i) , for 1 i n , whereas a feasible part of F of the search space is defined by problem specific constraints g j ( x) 0 , for j 1,..., q . Then, any boundary point s of the search space S defines a line segment L between r0 and s . The one-to-one mapping g :[1,1]n S can be defined as g ( y ) x , where xi yi u (i ) l (i ) u (i ) l (i ) , for i 1,..., n . 2 2 (15) A line segment L between any reference point r0 F and a point s at the boundary of the search space S , is defined as L(r0 , s) r0 t.(s r0 ) , for 0 t 1 . (16) Thus, a one-to-one mapping :[1,1]n F for convex feasible search spaces F can be established as follows: r ymax .t0 .( g ( y / ymax ) r0 ) if if r0 ( y) 0 y0 (17) y0 where r0 F is a reference point and ymax maxin1 yi If we have k intervals of feasibility [t1 , t2 ],...,[t2 k 1 , t2 k ] instead of [0, t0 ] , an additional mapping which transforms the interval [0,1] into sum of intervals [t2i 1 , t2i ] : (t2i 1 , t2i ] . (18) (t2i 1 , t2i ] (0,1] (19) : (0,1] k i 1 The reverse mapping is defined as: : k i 1 as follows: (t ) (t t2i 1 j 1 d j ) / d , i 1 where d j t2 j t2 j 1 , d j 1 d j and t2i 1 t t2i . k (20) Thus, the mapping is reverse of : (a) t2 j 1 d j a (t2 j 1 ) (21) (t2 j ) (t2 j 1 ) where j is the smallest index such that a (t2 j ) . The mapping that transforms the constrained optimization problem into an unconstrained one for every feasible set F is given by: r t0 .( g ( y / ymax ) r0 ) if if r0 y0 ( y) 0 (22) y0 where r0 F is a reference point, ymax maxin1 yi and t0 ( ymax ) . A function i of one independent variable t (for a fixed reference r0 F and the boundary point s of S ) can be used to represent each of the m constraints gi ( x) 0 as follows: i (t ) gi ( L(r0 , s)) gi (r0 t.(s r0 )) , for 0 t 1 and i 1,..., m . By partitioning the interval [0,1] into v subintervals (23) [v j 1 , v j ] , where v j v j 1 1/ v (1 j v) so that equations i (t ) 0 have at most one solution in every subinterval so that the points of intersection can be determined by a binary search. 4. Decision Making Out of the non-dominated solutions constituting the Pareto optimal front, the decision maker may have to select one solution. Mathematically, every Pareto optimal point is an equally acceptable solution of the multiobjective optimization problem (Miettinen 1999). To select this operating point calls for the information not contained in the objective function and this detail differentiate a multiobjective optimization problem from a single objective optimization problem according to Miettinen. In this work, fuzzy set theory is used to select this operating point and the method is described as follows. 4.1 Best Compromise Solution using Fuzzy Set Theory A multiobjective optimization algorithm generates the non-dominated set of solutions known as the Pareto-optimal solutions. The decision maker who is in this context the power system operator may have imprecise or fuzzy goals for each objective function. To aid the operator in selecting an operating point from the obtained set of Pareto-optimal solutions, fuzzy set theory is applied to each objective functions to obtain a fuzzy membership function f i as follows (Dhillon et al. 1993): 1 f i max f i fi max min fi fi 0 f i f i min f i min f i f i max (24) f i f i max The best non-dominated solution can be found when Equation (25) is a maximum where the normalized sum of membership function values for all objectives is highest. N k M i 1 N k fi k 1 i 1 (25) k fi where M is the number of non-dominated solutions and N is the number of objective functions. 5. Simulation Results Previous studies (Abido 2006, Ah King et al. 2005) have presented results for the IEEE 30bus system to define a clear Pareto front for this test system. For ease of reference, the nondominated solutions obtained in Ah King et al. (2005) are reproduced in Figure 3 together with best objective and compromise values in Table 1. 0.22 NSGA-II epsilon-constraint NOx Emission (ton/hr) 0.215 0.21 0.205 0.2 0.195 0.19 605 610 615 620 625 630 Fuel Cost ($/hr) 635 640 645 Figure 3: Nondominated solutions for original system without Prohibited Operating Zones (Ah King et al. 2005) Table 1: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for original system without Prohibited Operating Zones Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.1182 0.3148 0.5910 0.9710 0.5172 0.3548 607.801 0.21891 Best NOX emission 0.4141 0.4602 0.5429 0.4011 0.5422 0.5045 0.19419 644.133 Best compromise solution 0.2697 0.3645 0.5545 0.6951 0.5619 0.4186 616.502 0.20089 In this study, the IEEE 30-bus system with transmission losses has been considered with prohibited operating zones and simulation performed using NSGA-II for two constraint handling methods, namely penalty parameterless (Deb 2000) and decoder-based (Koziel and Michalewicz 1998) approaches described in Section 3. As discussed in Section 2.5, the ramp rate limit restricts the generation level of a unit to lower and upper values and is relevant during the transition period of generator scheduling. This constraint is relaxed in the simulations since it is transitional. A population size of 100 individuals has been chosen and 500 generations of NSGA-II were completed for each simulation run. Different number of prohibited operating zones were considered for the six generators in the system yielding discontinuous and non-convex nondominated fronts as compared to previous studies (Abido 2006, Ah King et al. 2005) which did not consider prohibited operating zones. Figures 3 to 8 report the most interesting fronts obtained for 6 cases. The corresponding prohibited operating zones for the respective cases are given in Tables 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. The corresponding best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise solution are given in Tables 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 respectively. Results reveal that both the parameter-less and decoder-based constraint handling techniques are effective as NSGA-II achieves the same results with these two different methods. As seen from the nondominated solutions obtained, the extreme solutions (minimum (best) cost and minimum (best) emission solutions) are preserved in the cases considered as long as the optimal solution does not require power generation in prohibited operating zones. However, it does matter for instance for other solutions, more particular for the best compromise solution which may be any solution along the front. Starting from Case POZ 1 to Case POZ 3, as more prohibited operating zones are included, the number of discontinuities in the front increases. As expected, when generation (PG2) is not in the prohibited operating zones, the shape of the nondominated front is not affected as confirmed by Case POZ 5 from Case POZ 4 as opposed to Case POZ 6 (PG4). According to Branke et al. (2004), the most interesting solutions of the Pareto-optimal front are solutions where a small improvement in one objective would lead to a large deterioration in at least one other objective. These solutions are sometimes also called “knees”. It is worth noting that in the cases where prohibited operating zones are considered, a knee is obtained and the best compromise solution obtained using fuzzy set theory (Equation (25)) is not necessarily the knee solution as seen from Cases POZ 1, POZ 4 and 5. Table 2: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 1 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) None [0.30,0.45] [0.55,0.60] [0.60,0.80] [0.50,0.55] [0.30,0.55] Figure 4: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 1 Table 3: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 1 Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.1199 0.3000 0.6086 0.9877 0.5512 0.2997 608.169 0.22135 Best NOX emission 0.4017 0.4547 0.5316 0.3768 0.5501 0.5505 646.692 0.19428 Best compromise solution 0.2342 0.4502 0.5368 0.5995 0.4936 0.5506 625.361 0.19840 Table 4: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 2 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) None [0.30,0.45] [0.55,0.60] [0.40,0.95] [0.50,0.55] [0.30,0.55] Figure 5: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 2 Table 5: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 2 Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.1204 0.2999 0.6101 0.9871 0.5503 0.2992 608.175 0.22132 Best NOX emission 0.4041 0.4500 0.5316 0.3796 0.5502 0.5500 646.429 0.19428 Best compromise solution 0.2273 0.2997 0.5414 0.9501 0.5504 0.2989 609.655 0.21558 Table 6: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 3 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) [0.10,0.20] [0.30,0.40] [0.30,0.45] [0.55,0.60] [0.65,0.75] [0.90,1.00] [0.40,0.50] [0.60,0.70] [0.80,0.95] [0.50,0.55] [0.35,0.45] [0.50,0.55] Figure 6: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 3 Table 7: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 3 Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.0992 0.2999 0.6314 0.9887 0.4974 0.3499 607.884 0.22146 Best NOX emission 0.4124 0.4569 0.5488 0.3955 0.5527 0.4983 644.119 0.19421 Best compromise solution 0.2756 0.2996 0.5482 0.7210 0.5684 0.4522 615.940 0.20238 Table 8: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 4 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) [0.10,0.40] None [0.50,0.60] None [0.50,0.56] None Figure 8: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 4 Table 9: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 4 Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.0965 0.2927 0.6121 0.9954 0.4829 0.3877 608.019 0.22145 Best NOX emission 0.4151 0.4692 0.4998 0.4057 0.5600 0.5162 644.899 0.19430 Best compromise solution 0.4012 0.3719 0.5000 0.7063 0.4813 0.4057 622.496 0.20020 Table 10: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 5 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) [0.10,0.40] [0.25,0.26] [0.35,0.36] [0.50,0.60] None [0.50,0.56] None Figure 8: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 5 Table 11: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 5 Best fuel cost PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG5 PG6 Cost Emission 0.1000 0.3233 0.6055 0.9814 0.4884 0.3684 607.898 0.22005 Best NOX emission 0.4205 0.4682 0.4999 0.3993 0.5605 0.5179 645.725 0.19430 Best compromise solution 0.4021 0.3485 0.4995 0.7051 0.4971 0.4142 622.307 0.20030 Table 12: Prohibited operating zones for Case POZ 6 Generator Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prohibited Operating Zones (p.u.) [0.10,0.40] None [0.50,0.60] [0.40,0.60] [0.50,0.56] None Figure 9: Nondominated solutions for Case POZ 6 Table 13: Best fuel cost, best NOx emission and best compromise for Case POZ 6 Best fuel cost Best NOX emission Best compromise solution PG1 0.0995 0.4039 0.4005 PG2 0.3216 0.4654 0.3549 PG3 0.6049 0.6004 0.4992 PG4 1.0057 0.3956 0.6865 PG5 0.4833 0.4997 0.4938 PG6 0.3522 0.4985 0.4315 Cost 607.920 643.906 623.233 Emission 0.22189 0.19445 0.19952 6. Conclusions The multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch problem with prohibited operating zones has been addresses for the first time. Simulations performed using NSGA-II for two constraint handling methods, namely penalty parameterless and decoder-based approaches on the IEEE 30-bus system with prohibited operating zones. Results reveal that both constraint handling methods can equally deal with this particular scenario in the environmental/economic dispatch problem. Six cases of prohibited operating zones on the different generators in the system were presented and it has been shown that the nondominated fronts are discontinuous and non-convex in such cases. The extreme solutions (minimum (best) cost and minimum (best) emission solutions) are preserved in the cases considered as long as the optimal solution does not require power generation in prohibited operating zones. However, the best compromise solution can be affected when prohibited operating zones are considered. It is also interesting to note that the best compromise solution obtained using fuzzy set theory is not necessarily the knee solution. References ABIDO, M. A., 2006. Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for electric power dispatch problem. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 10 (3), 315-329. AH KING, R. T. F., RUGHOOPUTH, H. C. S. AND DEB K., 2005. Evolutionary multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch: Stochastic versus deterministic approaches. In: C. A. 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