National Record Type:1 #ABSCH-(A19-20) Model Contractual Clauses, Codes of Conduct, Guidelines, Best practices and Standards (A19-20) Mandatory information fields are marked with an asterisk. Failure to provide information for these fields may result in the record not being made available to the ABS Clearing-House. (To enter any text or to check the box, please double click the shaded area) Articles 19 and 20 of the Protocol require each Party to encourage, as appropriate, the development, update and use of sectoral and cross-sectoral model contractual clauses for mutually agreed terms, as well as voluntary codes of conduct, guidelines and best practices and/or standards in relation to access and benefit-sharing. These tools can serve to promote legal certainty and transparency, and reduce transaction costs in the implementation of ABS requirements, while taking into account the practices of different sectors. This common format is to be used for registering model contractual clauses for mutually agreed terms, as well as voluntary codes of conduct, guidelines and best practices and/or standards. If this tool is developed by a Party to support implementation of domestic ABS requirements as part of a country’s national ABS framework, please register that information using the common format for legislative, administrative or policy measures. This will allow the information to be displayed as part of the country profile and to be included in the list of national ABS measures. General Information 1. *Type of resource: Model contractual clauses Codes of conduct Guidelines Best practices Standards 2. *Title: 3. *Author(s):2 <Text entry> <Text entry> and/or Reference to the authoring organisation(s. Please enter the clearing-house record number containing this information or, if not registered, attach a “Contact details” common format: <clearing-house record number> National records contain information that is typically required to be reported as part of a Party’s obligations under the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing and must be validated by the ABS-CH publishing authority prior to being made available in the ABS Clearing-House. The information submitted through this common format will be made available at 2 Name of the person or organization who has authored the publication or information resource 1 1 4. *Publication year: <YYYY> 5. Rights:3 <Text entry> 6. Format:4 <Text entry> Access to the resource(s) 7. *Link to the resource(s):5 <Text entry> and/or <URL and website name> and/or <Attachment> <Select language> 8. Cover image(s):6 <Attachment> Information on the content of resource <Text entry> 9. Summary, abstract or table of contents: 10. Country(ies), regional or economic group(s) covered by the resource: <Country name> and/or <Geographical or political/economic group(s)> 3 Information about rights held in and over the resource, such as copyright holder, and availability for reproduction for educational or non-profit purposes. 4 Format may be used to identify the resource dimensions (e.g. size, number of pages or duration) or the software, hardware, or other equipment needed to display or operate it (e.g. “Requires Acrobat Reader for viewing.”) 5 Please always attach the relevant document(s) that will be stored in the database for users to download. When resources are available on the Internet, please also provide a link to them. 5 Please always attach the relevant document(s) that will be stored in the database for users to download. When resources are available on the Internet, please also provide a link to them. 6 Only JPEG and PNG formats are supported. 2 Keywords for facilitating online searches 11. *Thematic area(s): Access to genetic resources (Article 15 of the CBD) Nagoya Protocol Access Access to genetic resources, including prior informed consent For commercial purposes For non-commercial purposes Access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, including prior informed consent or approval or involvement For commercial purposes For non-commercial purposes Benefit-sharing Mutually agreed terms Monetary benefits Non-monetary benefits Compliance Compliance with domestic legislation or regulatory requirements On access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing On access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and benefit-sharing Non-compliance with regulatory requirements domestic legislation or Monitoring the utilization of genetic resources Checkpoints Permits or their equivalent constituting an internationally recognized certificate of compliance Compliance with mutually agreed terms Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources Community protocols Customary laws and procedures Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House Model contractual clauses Codes of conduct, guidelines, and best practices and or/standards 3 Transboundary cooperation Capacity-building Technology transfer, collaboration and cooperation ABS legislative, administrative or policy measures Types of organisms Plants Animals Microorganism Fungi Wild species Domestic species Area of access of the genetic resource Agricultural areas Forest Inland waters Dry and sub-humid areas Marine and coastal areas Mountains Protected areas Islands Ex-situ collections Soil and/or water samples Users of genetic resources Commercial purpose Agricultural sector Botanical and horticultural sector Food and beverage Industrial biotechnology, Personal care and cosmetics Pharmaceutical sector Non-commercial purposes Academic research Identification and taxonomy Intellectual property rights Relevant international agreements, instruments and organizations 4 Relationship with other international instruments Antarctic Treaty System Food and Agriculture Organization International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture World Health Organization United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Additional Information 12. Any other relevant information:7 <Text entry> Any other relevant documents: and/or <URL and website name> and/or <Attachment> 13. Notes:8 <Text entry> For offline submissions only: This form should be should be completed and sent by e-mail to or alternatively by Fax at +1 514 288-6588; or Postal mail to: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 rue Saint-Jacques, suite 800 Montreal, Québec, H2Y 1N9 Canada 7 8 Please use this field to provide any other relevant information that may not have been addressed elsewhere in the record. The field “Notes” is for personal reference and can be seen only when the record is being edited. 5