劉英麟 03-2654130; 0921-368876 E-Mail: ylliu@cycu.edu.tw 學經歷 表 姓名:劉英麟 學歷 生日:1968 年 11 月 8 日 婚姻:已婚 博士 1996.06 國立清華大學化工系 主修高分子化學與材料 學士 1991.06 國立清華大學化工系 1991.08 直升碩士班 1992.08 直攻博士 現職 2006.08-迄今 中原大學化工系 教授 2007.08-迄今 中原大學薄膜研究中心 副主任 2008.01-迄今 中華民國高分子學會 理事 The 2008.01-迄今 經歷 Aseanian Membrane Council Member Society (亞/澳洲薄膜學會) 2003.08-2006.07 中原大學化工系 副教授 2000.08-2003.07 中原大學化工系 助理教授 2004.08-2004.09 新加坡國立大學化學生物工程系 榮譽 訪問研究學者 1998.07-2000.07 長春人造樹脂公司研發部 主辦工程師 1996.07-1998.06 服役:馬祖防衛司令部 少尉輔導長 2009.09 經濟部 大學產業經濟貢獻獎 2007.11 -團體獎 台灣化學工程學會 傑出技術獎(團隊) 2007.01 台灣高分子學會 1 傑出青年科技獎 2005.07 中原大學 全校優良導師 2004.07 國科會 吳大猷先生紀念獎 2003.11 台灣化學工程學會 學術勵進獎 學術活動 2008-迄今 經濟部 SBIR 計畫主審委員 2009 經濟部 SBIR 計畫說明會講員 2006-2008 國科會工程處高分子學門複審委員 2009-迄今 擔任以下國際學術期刊的編輯委員(Editorial Board Member) The Open Analytical Chemistry Journal (Bentham Science Publisher,London) The Open Natural Products Journal (Bentham Science Publisher,London) 擔任三十餘種 SCI 期刊論文審查 2 劉 英 麟 論文發表與引用情形 2010 年 9 月 論文發表: 自 2000.08 加入中原大學化工系迄今已近十年,於 SCI 期刊發表學術論文 108 篇, 其中 75 篇論文發表於 Impact Factor 高於 3.0 的期刊上,並獲得 1 項美國專利、4 項我國 專利。期間,應邀於國際學術會議擔任 Keynote Speaker 2 次、Invited Speaker 12 次。若 以 2006-2010 之近五年間為計,則共發表 63 篇論文於 SCI 期刊,其中 48 篇論文發表於 Impact Factor 高於 3.0 的期刊上,平均每篇論文之 Impact Factor 為 3.373。 近五年發表論文選列五篇 1. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Su, C.M. Chang, Suryani, D.M. Wang, J.Y. Lai, “Preparation and applications of Nafion-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20(21), 4409-4416. [SCI, IF=4.795] 2. C.M. Chang, Y.L. Liu* “Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with non-reactive polymers through an ozone-mediated process for preparation of wide ranges of high performance polymer/carbon nanotube composites”, Carbon 2010, 48(4), 1289-1297. [SCI, IF=4.504] 3. Y.L. Liu*, M.H. Fanchiang “Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocomposites exhibiting ultra-low dielectric constants through POSS orientation into lamellar structures”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19(22), 3643-3647. [SCI, IF=4.795] 4. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Chang, W.H. Chen, “Preparation and self-assembled toroids of amphiphilic polystyrene-C60-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) block copolymers”, Macromolecules 2008, 41(21), 7857-7862. [SCI, IF=4.539] 5. Y.L. Liu*, W.H. Chen. “Modification of multi-wall carbon nanotubes with initiators and Macro-initiators of atom transfer radical polymerization”, Macromolecules 2007, 40(25), 8881-8886. [SCI, IF=4.539] 論文引用:以 ISI Web of Knowledge 資料庫查詢,於任職中原大學期間(2001-2010 間)所發表 之學術研究論文資引用資料如下。至 2010 年九月,個人於十年間所發表論文之總被引 用數為 1829 次,2009 年單年被引用數為 411 次,十年之 h-index 為 24(有 24 篇論文被 引用達 24 次或以上)。 3 4 劉英麟 任職中原大學後之著作目錄 (2001-迄今) (A) SCI 國際期刊論文 (* corresponding author) 2001 1. Y.L. Liu* (2001), “Flame Retardant Epoxy Resins from Novel Phosphorus-Containing Novolac”, Polymer, 42, 3445-3454. [SCI, IF=3.573] 2. G.H. Hsiue*, Y.L. Liu, and H.H. Liao (2001), “Phosphorus Containing Epoxy for Flame Retardant VI: An Approach from Organic-Inorganic Hybrid”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 39, 986-996. [SCI, IF=3.971] 3. Y.L. Liu, Y.L. Liu, R.J. Jeng*, and Y.S. Chiu (2001), “Triphenylphosphphine Oxide Based Bismaleimide and Poly(bismaleimide): Synthesis, Characterization, and Properties”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 39, 1716-1725. [SCI, IF=3.971] 4. R.J. Jeng*, J.R. Wang, J.J. Lin Y.L. Liu, Y.S. Chiu, and W.C. Su (2001), “Flame Retardant Epoxy Polymers Using Phosphorus-Containing Polyalkylene Amines as Curing Agents”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82, 3526-3538. [SCI, IF=1.2.03] 2002 5. Y.L. Liu* (2002), “Phosphorus-Containing Epoxy Resins from A Novel Synthesis Route”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 83, 1697-1701. [SCI, IF=1.203] 6. C.S. Wu*, Y.L. Liu, Y.S. Chiu (2002), “Epoxy Resins Possessing Flame Retardant Elements from Silicon Incorporated Epoxies Cured with Phosphorus or Nitrogen Containing Curing Agents”, Polymer 43, 4277-4284. [SCI, IF=3.573] 7. Y.L. Liu* (2002) “Epoxy Resins from Novel Monomers with Bis-(9,10-dihydro-9-oxa10-oxide-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-yl-) Substitiuent”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 40, 359-368. [SCI, IF=3.971] 8. C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu*, Y.S. Chiu (2002), “Synthesis and Characterization of New Organosoluble Polyaspartimides Containing Phosphorus”, Polymer, 43, 1773-1779. [SCI, IF=3.573] 9. Y.L. Liu*, S.H. Tsai (2002), “Synthesis and Properties of New Organosoluble Aromatic Polyamides with Cyclic Bulky Group Containing Phosphorus”, Polymer 43, 5757-5762 (2002). [SCI, IF=3.573] 10. C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu*, Y.C. Chiu, Y.S. Chiu (2002), “Thermal Stability of Epoxy Resins Containing Flame Retardant Elements: An Evaluation with Thermogravimetric Analysis”, Polym. Degrad. Stab. 78, 41-48 (2002). [SCI, IF=2.154] 11. C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu*, Y.S. Chiu (2002), “Preparation of Phosphorus-containing Poly(epichlorohydrin) and polyurethane from A Novel Synthesis Route”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 85, 2254-2259 (2002). [SCI, IF=1.203] 12. Y.L. Liu*, C.S. Wu, K.Y. Hsu, T.C. Chang (2002), “Flame Retardant Epoxy Resins From o-Cresol-novolac Epoxy Cured with A Phosphorus-containing Aralkyl Novolac”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 40, 2329 - 2339. [SCI, IF=3.971] 5 2003 13. Y.L. Liu*, Y.C. Chiu, C.S. Wu (2003), “Preparation of Silicon-/Phosphorus-Containing Epoxy Resins from Fusion Process to Bring a Synergistic Effect on Improving The Resins’ Thermal Stability and Flame Retardancy”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 87, 404-411. [SCI, IF=1.203] 14. C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu*, K.Y. Hsu (2003). “Maleimide-Epoxy Resins: Preparation, Thermal Properties, and Flame Retardance”, Polymer 44, 565-573. [SCI, IF=3.573] 15. Y.S. Chiu, Y.L. Liu*, W.L. Wei, W.Y. Chen (2003), “Using Diethylphosphites as Thermally Latent Curing Agents for Epoxy Compounds”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem 41, 432-440. [SCI, IF=3.971] 16. R.J. Jeng*, G.S. Lo, C.P. Chen, Y.L. Liu, G.H. Hsiue, W.C. Su (2003). “Enhanced Thermal Properties and Flame Retardancy from a Thermosetting Blend of a Phosphorus-Containing Bismaleimide and Epoxies”, Polym. Adv. Tech. 14, 147-156 [SCI, IF=1.532] 17. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsu, C.S. Wu (2003). “Polyimides Possessing Bulky Phosphorous Groups: Synthesis and Characterization”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 89, 791-796. [SCI, IF=1.203] 18. Y.L. Liu*, Y.C. Chiu (2003). “ Novel Approach of Chemical Modification on Poly(Vinyl Alcohol): Phosphorylation”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 41, 1107-1113. [SCI, IF=3.971] 19. Y.L. Liu*, C.S. Wu, Y.S. Chiu, W.H. Ho (2003). “Preparation, Thermal Properties, and Flame Retardance of Epoxy-Silica Hybrid Resins”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 41, 2354-2367. [SCI, IF=3.971] 20. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsu, M.L. Wang (2003). “A Novel Approach of Chemical Functionalization on Nano-Scaled Silica Particles”, Nanotechnology 14, 813-819. [SCI, IF=3.137] 21. Y.L. Liu*, Y.C. Chiu, T.Y. Chen (2003). “Phosphorus-Containing Polyaryloxydiphenylsilanes with High Flame Retardance Arising from A Phosphorus-Silicon Synergistic Effect”, Polym. Int. 52(8), 1256-1261. [SCI, IF=2.137] 22. Y.L. Liu*, W.L. Wei, W.Y. Chen (2003). “The Reversibility of Hydration and Dehydration Reactions of DOPO Pendent Attached on a Polyamide”, Polym. Int. 52, 1275-1279. [SCI, IF=2.137] 23. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsu, W.L. Wei, R.J. Jeng (2003). “Preparation and thermal properties of epoxy-silica nanocomposites from nanoscale colloidal silica”, Polymer 44, 5159-5167. [SCI, IF=3.573] 24. Y.L. Liu*, Y.J. Chen, W.L. Wei (2003). “Novel Thermosetting Resins Based on 4-(N-maleimidophenyl)glycidylether I. Preparation and Characterization of Monomer and Cured Resins”, Polymer 44, 6465-6473. [SCI, IF=3.573] 25. Y.L. Liu, Y.L. Lin, C.P. Chen, R.J. Jeng* (2003). “Preparation of epoxy resin/silica hybrid composites for epoxy molding compounds”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 90 (14), 4047-4053. [SCI, IF=1.203] 2004 26. Y.L. Liu*, W.L. Wei, K.Y. Hsu, W.H. Ho (2004). “Thermal stability of epoxy-silica hybrid materials by thermogravimetric analysis”, Thermochim. Acta 412(1-2), 139-147. [SCI, 6 IF=1.742] 27. Y.L. Liu*, Y.J. Chen (2004). “Novel Thermosetting Resins Based on 4-(N-maleimidophenyl) glycidylether II. Bismaleimides and Polybismaleimides”, Polymer 45(6), 1797-1804. [SCI, IF=3.573] 28. C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu*. (2004). “Preparation and properties of epoxy/amine hybrid resins from in situ polymerization”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 42(8), 1868-1875 [SCI, IF=3.971] (NSC-92-2622-E-253-003). 29. Y.L. Liu*, Y.S. Wang (2004) “Preparation and Characterization of Multi-functional Maleimide Monomers and Their Cured Resins”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 42(13), 3178-3188. [SCI, IF=3.971] 30. Y.L. Liu*, W.L. Wei, Y.J. Chen, C.S. Wu, M.H. Tsai (2004) “Novel Thermosetting Resins Based on 4-(N-maleimidophenyl)glycidylether III. Studies on The Thermal Degradation Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Cured Resins”, Polym. Degrad. Stab. 86(1), 135- 145. [SCI, IF=2.154] 31. Y.L. Liu*, S.H. Lee (2004) “Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Star Polymers Having Nano-sized Silica Cores”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 25(15) 1392-1395. [SCI, IF=4.263] 32. Y.L. Liu, Y.H. Su, J.Y. Lai* (2004) “In situ crosslinking of chitosan and formation of chitosan-silica hybrid membranes with using γ-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane as a crosslinking agent”, Polymer 45(20), 6831-6837. [SCI, IF=3.573] 33. Y.L. Liu*, S.H. Tsai, C.S. Wu, R.J. Jeng (2004) “Preparation and characterization of hyperbranched polyaspartimides from bismaleimides and triamines”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 42(23), 5921-5928. [SCI, IF=3.971] 34. Y.L. Liu*, J.M. Yu, C.I. Chou (2004) “Preparation and properties of novel benzoxazine and polybenzoxazine with maleimide groups”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 42(23), 5954-5963. [SCI, IF=3.971] 2005 35. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsu, Y.H. Su, J.Y. Lai (2005) “Chitosan-silica complex membranes from sulfonic acid functionlized silica nanoparticles for pervaporation dehydration of ethanol-water solutions”, Biomacromolecules 6(1), 368-373. [SCI, IF=4.502] 36. Y.L. Liu*, S.H. Lee (2005) “Using Silica Nanoparticles as Curing Reagents for Epoxy Resins to Form Epoxy–Silica Nanocomposites”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 95(5), 1237-1245. [SCI, IF=1.203] 37. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsu, K.Y. Hsu (2005) “Poly(methylmethacrylate)-silica nanocomposite films from surface-functionalized silica nanoparticles”, Polymer 46(6), 1851-1856. [SCI, IF=3.573] 38. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Wang, H.S. Chen (2005) “Novel Thermosetting Resins Based on 4-(N-maleimido)phenylglycidylether IV. Preparation and Properties of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites”, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 206(5), 600-606. [SCI, IF=2.570] 39. Y.L. Liu, Y.H. Su, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai* (2005) “Crosslinked organic-inorganic hybrid chitosan membranes for pervaporation dehydration of isopropanol/water mixture with a long-term stability”, J. Membr. Sci. 251(1-2), 233-238. [SCI, IF=3.203] 7 40. C.S. Wu, S.H. Tsai, Y.L. Liu* (2005) “One-Pot Synthesis of Linear and Branched Poly(amide-aspartimides) with Good Solubility in Organic Solvents”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 43(9), 1923-1929. [SCI, IF=3.971] 41. C.Y. Tu, Y.L. Liu, K.L. Lee, J.Y. Lai* (2005) “Surface grafting polymerization and modification on poly(tetrafluoroethylene) films by means of ozone treatment”, Polymer 46(18), 6976-6985. [SCI, IF=3.573] 42. Y.L. Liu*, C.I. Chou. (2005) “The effect of silicon sources on the mechanism of phosphorus-silicon synergism of flame retardation”, Polym. Degard. Stab. 90(3), 515-522. [SCI, IF=2.154] 43. Y.L. Liu*, C.I. Chou. (2005) “High performance benzoxazine monomers and polymers containing furan groups”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 43(21), 5267-5282. [SCI, IF=3.971] 44. Y.M. Sun*, T.C. Wu, H.C. Lee, G.B. Jung, M.D. Guiver, Y. Gao, Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Lai. (2005) “Sulfonated Poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) for Proton Exchange Membranes in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells”, J. Membr. Sci. 265(1-2), 108-114 (2005). [SCI, IF=3.203] 45. Y.L. Liu*, G.P. Chang, C.S. Wu, Y.S. Chiu. (2005) “Preparation and properties of high performance epoxy resins with using a maleimide-alkoxysilane compound as a modifier”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 43(23), 5787-5798. [SCI, IF=3.971) 2006 46. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsieh. (2006) “Crosslinked epoxy materials exhibiting thermal remendablility and removability from multifunctional maleimide and furan compounds”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 44(2), 905-913. [SCI, IF=3.971] (NSC 93-2216-E-033-002) 47. Y.L. Liu*, G.P. Chang. (2006) “Novel approach to preparing epoxy/polyhedral oligometric silsesquioxane hybrid materials possessing high mass fractions of polyhedral oligometric silsesquioxane and good homogenity”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 44(6), 1869-1876. [SCI, IF=3.971] 48. Y.L. Liu*, J.M. Yu. (2006) “Cocuring behaviors of a benzoxazine and maleimide derivatives and the thermal properties of the cured products”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 44(6), 1890-1899. [SCI, IF=3.971] 49. C.Y. Tu, Y.L. Liu*, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai. (2006) “Hydrophilic surface-grafted poly(tetrafluoroethylene) membranes using in pervaporation dehydration processes”, J. Membr. Sci. 274(1-2), 47-55. [SCI, IF=3.203] 50. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Hsieh, Y.W. Chen. (2006) “Thermally reversible cross-linked polyamides and thermo-responsive gels by means of Diels-Alder reaction”, Polymer 47(8), 2581-2586. [SCI, IF=3.573] (NSC 93-2216-E-033-002) 51. Y.H. Su, Y.L. Liu*, Y.M. Sun, J.Y. Lai, M.D. Guiver, Y. Gao. (2006) “Using silica nanoparticles for modifying sulfonated poly(phthalazinone ether ketone) membrane for direct methanol fuel cell: a significant improvement on cell performance”, J. Power Sources 155(2), 111-117. [SCI, IF=3.792] (NSC 92-2214-E-033-010) 52. Y.L. Liu*, G.P. Chang, K.Y. Hsu, F.C. Chang. (2006) “Epoxy/Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes nanocomposites from octakis(glycidyldimethylsiloxy) octasilsesquioxane and small-molecule curing agents”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 44(12), 3825-3835. [SCI, IF=3.971] (NSC 93-2216-E-033-002) 8 53. C.Y. Tu, Y.L. Liu*, M.T. Luo, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai. (2006) “Effects of Polymer Architecture and Composition on the Adhesion of Poly(tetrafluoroethylene)”, ChemPhysChem 7(6), 1355-1360. [SCI, IF=3.453] 54. C.C. Tsai, T.Y. Juang, S.A. Dai, T.M. Wu, W.C. Su, Y.L. Liu, R.J. Jeng* (2006) “Synthesis and montmorillonite-intercalated behavior of dendritic surfactants”, J. Mater. Chem. 16(21), 2056 2063. [SCI, IF=4.795] 55. Y.L. Liu*, H.C. Lee. (2006) “Preparation and properties of polyhedral oligosilsequioxane (POSS)-tethered aromatic polyamides nanocomposites through Michael addition between maleimide-containing polyamides and an amino-functionalized POSS”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 44(15), 4632-4643. [SCI, IF=3.971] (NSC 93-2216-E-033-002) 56. B. Liu, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Guiver*, Y.M. Sun, Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Lai, S. Mikhailenko, S. Kaliaguine. (2006) “Sulfonated poly(aryl ether ether ketone ketone)s containing fluorinated moieties as proton exchange membrane materials” J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 44(16), 2299-2310. [SCI, IF=1.586] (NSC 94-2214-E-033-002) 57. B. Liu, D.S. Kim, J. Murphy, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Guiver*, S. Mikhailenko, S. Kaliaguine, Y.M. Sun, Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Lai. (2006) “Fluoreny1-containing sulfonated poly(ary1 ether ether ketone ketone)s (SPFEEKK) for fuel cell applications” J. Membr. Sci. 280 (1-2), 54-64. [SCI, IF=3.203] (NSC 94-2214-E-033-002) 58. C.L. Li, C.Y. Tu, J.S. Huang, Y.L. Liu, K.R. Lee*, J.Y. Lai. (2006) “'Surface modification and adhesion improvement of expanded poly(tetrafluoroethylene) films by plasma graft polymerization”, Surf. Coat. Technol. 201(1-2), 63-72. [SCI, IF=1.793] 59. Y.L. Liu*, S.H. Lee, H.C. Li, K.Y. Hsu (2006) “Selective reactivity of aromatic amines toward 5-maleimidoisophthalic acid for preparation of polyamides bearing N-phenylmaleimide moieties”, React. Funct. Polym. 66(9), 924-930. [SCI, IF=2.461] 60. Y.L. Liu*, G.P. Chang, C.S. Wu. (2006) “Halogen-free flame retardant epoxy resins from hybrids of phosphorus- or silicon-containing epoxies with an amine resin”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 102(2), 1071-1077. [SCI, IF=1.203] 61. Y.H. Su, T.Y. Wei, C.H. Hsu, Y.L. Liu*, Y.M. Sun, J.Y. Lai. (2006) “Using a novel sulfonated silica nanoparticles for Nafion membrane for direct methanol fuel cell”, Desalination 200(1-3), 656-657. [SCI, IF=2.034] 2007 62. Y.L. Liu*, C.H. Yu, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai. (2007) “Chitosan/poly(tetrafluoroethylene) composite membranes using in pervaporation dehydration processes”, J. Membr. Sci. 287 (1-2), 230-236. [SCI, IF=3.203] 63. Y.L. Liu*, Y.W. Chen. (2007) “Thermally-reversible cross-linked polyamides with high toughness and self-repairing ability from maleimide- and furan-functionalized aromatic polyamides”, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 208 (2), 224-232. [SCI, IF=2.570] 64. Y.L. Liu*, M.T. Lou, J.Y. Lai. (2007) “Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) film surface functionalization with 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide as initiators for surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 28 (3), 329-333. [SCI, IF=4.263] 65. Y.L. Liu*, G.C. Lin, C.S. Wu. (2007) “Facile approach to functionalize polymers with specific chemical groups by ozone treatment: preparation of cross-linkable poly(vinylidene fluoride) 9 possessing benzoxazine pendent groups”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 45 (5), 949-954. [SCI, IF=3.971] 66. Y.L. Liu*, C.W. Hsu, C.I. Chou. (2007) “Silicon-containing benzoxazines and their polymers: copolymerization and copolymer properties”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 45 (6), 1007-1015. [SCI, IF=3.971] 67. Y.H. Su, Y.L. Liu*, Y.M. Sun, J.Y. Lai, D.M. Wang, Y. Gao, B. Liu, M.D. Guiver. (2007) “Proton exchange membranes modified with sulfonated silica nanoparticles for direct methanol fuel cells”, J. Membr. Sci. 296 (1), 21-28. [SCI, IF=3.203] 68. T.Y. Juang, C.Ch.Tsai, T.M. Wu, S.A. Dai, C.P. Chen, J.J. Lin, Y.L. Liu, R.J. Jeng*. (2007) “Organo-Clay Hybrids Based on Dendritic Molecules: Preparation and Characterization”, Nanotechnology 18(20), 205606. [SCI, IF=3.137] 69. Y.L. Liu* , C.S. Liu, C.I. Cho, M.J. Hwu. (2007)“Polyhedral oligomeric silsequioxane (POSS) monolayer as a nanoporous interlayer for preparation of low-k dielectric films”, Nanotechnology 18(22), 225701. [SCI, IF=3.137] 70. Y.L. Liu*, S.C. Chen, C.S. Liu. (2007) “Surface Grafting of Polyimide onto Silicon Surface: Preparation and Characterization”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 45(17), 4161-4167. [SCI, IF=3.971] 71. Y.L. Liu*, W.H. Chen. (2007) “Modification of multi-wall carbon nanotubes with initiators and Macro-initiators of atom transfer radical polymerization”, Macromolecules 40(25), 8881-8886. [SCI, IF=4.539] 2008 72. Y.L. Liu*, C.H. Yu, L.C. Ma, G.C. Lin, H.A. Tsai, J.Y. Lai. (2008) “The Effects of Surface Modifications on Preparation and Pervaporation Dehydration Performance of Chitosan/Polysulfone Composite Hollow-Fiber Membranes”, J. Membr. Sci. 311(1-2), 243-250. [SCI, IF=3.037] 73. Y.L. Liu*, C.H. Yu, J.Y. Lai. (2008) “Poly(tetrafluoroethylene)/Polyamide Thin-Film Composite Membranes via Interfacial Polymerization for Pervaporation Dehydration on An Isopropanol Aqueous Solution”, J. Membr. Sci. 315(1-2), 106-115. [SCI, IF=3.203] 74. C.C. Lin, T.J. Juo, Y.J. Chen, C.H. Chiou, H.W. Wang*, Y.L. Liu (2008) “Enhanced cyclic voltammetry using 1-D gold nanorods synthesized via AAO template electrochemical deposition”, Desalination 233, 113-119. [SCI, IF=2.034] 75. Y.L. Liu*, K.C. Lin, C.S. Wu (2008) “Preparation of polysulfone-g-poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) graft copolymers through atom transfer radical polymerization and formation of temperature-responsive nanoparticles”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 46(14), 4756-4765. [SCI, IF=3.971] 76. Y.L. Liu*, M.C. Tseng, M.H. Fanchiang (2008) “Polymerization and nanocomposites properties of multi-functional methylmethacrylate POSS”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 46(16), 5157-5166. [SCI, IF=3.971] 77. C.I. Chou, Y.L. Liu* (2008) “High performance thermosets from a curable Diels-Alder polymer possessing benzoxazine groups in the main chain”, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 46(19), 6509-6517. [SCI, IF=3.971] 10 78. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Chang, W.H. Chen (2008) “Preparation and self-assembled toroids of amphiphilic polystyrene-C60-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) block copolymers”, Macromolecules 41(21), 7857-7862. [SCI, IF=4.539] 79. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Chang, M. Liang (2008) “Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) (PPO) multi-bonded carbon nanotube (CNT): preparation and formation of PPO/CNT nanocomposites”, Polymer 49(25), 5404-5409. [SCI, IF=3.573] 2009 80. Y.L. Liu*, S.Y. Chen, K.S. Wang. (2009)“Polymeric Spheres on Substrates from A Spin-Coating Process”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 330(1), 73-76. [SCI, IF=3.019] 81. Y.L. Liu*, C.S. Liu, W.H. Chen, S.Y. Chen, K.S. Wang, M.J. Hwu (2009) “Ultra-low-k thin films of polyhedral oligometric silsesquioxane nanocomposites via covalent layer-by-layer assembly”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9(3),1839-1843. [SCI, IF=1.453] 82. H.W. Wang*, C.F. Ting,, M.K. Hung, C.H. Chiou, Y.L. Liu, Z. Liu, K.R. Ratinac, S.P. Ringer (2009) “Three-dimensional electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells: synthesis of indium-tin-oxide (ITO) nanowires arrays and ITO/TiO2 core-shell nanowires arrays by electrophoretic deposition”, Nanotechnology 20(5), 055601. [SCI, IF=3.137] 83. Y.L. Liu*, W.H. Chen, Y.H. Chang (2009) “Preparation and Properties of Chitosan/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites using poly(styrene sulfonic acid)-modified CNTs”, Carbohydrate Polym. 76(2), 232-238 (2009). [SCI, IF=3.167] 84. C.C. Tsai, T.Y. Chao, H.L. Lin, Y.H. Liu, H.L. Chang, Y.L. Liu, R.J. Jeng* (2009). “The facile Synthesis and optical nonlinearity of hyperbranched polyaspartimides with azobenzene dyes”, Dyes and Pigments, 82(1), 31-39. [SCI, IF=2.855] 85. H.L. Lin, H.L. Chang, T.Y. Juang, R.H. Lee, S.A. Dai, Y.L. Liu, R.J. Jeng* (2009) “Nonlinear optical poly(amide-imide)-clay nanocomposites comprising an azobenzene moiety synthesized via Sequential Self-Repetitive Reaction”, Dyes and Pigments, 82(1), 76-83. [SCI, IF=2.855] 86. G.P. Chang, R.J. Jeng, S.A. Dai, Y.L. Liu* (2009) “Preparation and supermolecular self-assembly of amphiphilic dendron-POSS nanohybrids”, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9(8), 4623-4632. [SCI, IF=1.435] 87. Suryani, Y.L. Liu* (2009) “Preparation and properties of nanocomposite membranes of polybenzimidazole/sulfonated silica nanoparticles for proton exchange membranes”, J. Membr. Sci. 332 (1-2) 121-128. [SCI, IF=3.203] 88. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Wu, C.Y. Hsu (2009) “Direct white light photoluminescence nanoparticles with one fluorophore”, Nanotechnology 20(23), 235704, 7 pp. [SCI, IF=3.137] 89. Y.L. Liu*, M.H. Chen, K.Y. Hsu (2009) “Preparation of dendron-like polystyrenes from atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) and direct chain-end functionalization”, React. Funct. Polym. 69(7), 424-428. [SCI, IF=2.461] 90. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Wu, R.J. Jeng, S.A. Dai (2009) “Functionalization of silica nanoparticles with 4-isocyanato-4’-(3,3’-dimethyl- 2,4-dioxo-azetidino)diphenyl methane, surface chemical reactivity and nanohybrids preparation”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 336(1), 189-194. [SCI, IF=3.019] 11 91. C.H. Yu, I. Kusumawardhana, J.Y. Lai, Y.L. Liu* (2009) “Preparation of PTFE/polyamide thin-film composite membranes using PTFE films modified with ethylene diamine polymer and interfacial polymerization”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 336(1), 260-267. [SCI, IF=3.019] 92. Y.L. Liu*, M.H. Fanchiang (2009) “Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocomposites exhibiting ultra-low dielectric constants through POSS orientation into lamellar structures”, J. Mater. Chem. 19(22), 3643-3647. [SCI, IF=4.795] 93. W.H. Ting, C.C. Chen, S.A. Dai, S.Y. Suen, I.K. Yang, Y.L. Liu, F.M.C. Chen, R.J. Jeng* (2009)“Superhydrophobic Waxy-dendron-grafted Polymer Films via Nanostructure Manipulation”, J. Mater. Chem. 19(27), 4819-4828. [SCI, IF=4.795] 94. Y, Chang*, W.Y. Chen, W. Yandi, Y.J. Shih, W.L. Chu, Y.L. Liu, R.C. Ruaan (2009), A. Higuchi. “Dual-thermoresponsive phase behavior of blood compatible zwitterionic copolymers containing nonionic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)”, Biomacromolecules 10(8), 2092-2100. [SCI, IF=4.502] 95. Y.H. Su, Y.L. Liu*, D.M. Wang, J.Y. Lai, M.D. Guiver, B. Liu (2009). “Increases in the proton conductivity and selectivity of proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells by formation of nanocomposites having proton conducting channels”, J. Power Sources 194(1), 206-213. [SCI, IF=3.792] 96. C.M. Chang, Y.L. Liu* (2009) “Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with furan and maleimide compounds through Diels-Alder cycloaddition”, Carbon 47(13), 3041-3049. [SCI, IF=4.504] 97. Y.C. Chen, T.Y. Juang, T.M. Wu, S.A. Dai, W.J. Kuo, Y.L. Liu, F.M.C. Chen, R.J. Jeng* (2009) “Orderly arranged NLO materials based on chromophore-containing dendrons on exfoliated layered templates”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 1(10), 2371-2381. [SCI, IF=NA] 2010 98. Y.H. Wu, Y.L. Liu, Y. Chang, A. Higuchi, B.D. Freeman* (2010) “Effect of UV intensity on structure, water sorption, and transport properties of crosslinked N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone/N, N’-methylenebisacrylamide films”, J. Membr. Sci. 348(1-2), 47-55. [SCI, IF=3.203] 99. C.M. Chang, Y.L. Liu* (2010) “Functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with non-reactive polymers through an ozone-mediated process for preparation of wide ranges of high performance polymer/carbon nanotube composites”, Carbon 48(4), 1289-1297. [SCI, IF=4.504] 100. Y.H. Su, Y.L. Liu*, D.M. Wang, J.Y. Lai, Y.M. Sun, S.D. Chyou, W.T. Lee (2010) “The effect of side chain architectures on the properties and proton conductivities of poly(styrene sulfonic acid) graft poly(vinylidene fluoride) copolymer membranes for direct methanol fuel cells”, J. Membr. Sci. 349(1-2), 244-250. [SCI, IF=3.203] 101. Y.L. Liu*, J.C. Han, T.C. Wei, Y. Chang. (2010) “Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) from porous poly(tetrafluoroethylene) membranes using the C-F groups as initiators”, J. Polym Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 48(10), 2076-2083. [SCI, IF=3.971] 102. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Su, C.M. Chang, Suryani, D.M. Wang, J.Y. Lai (2010) “Preparation and applications of Nafion-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the proton exchange membrane fuel cells”, J. Mater. Chem. 20(21), 4409-4416 . [SCI, IF=4.795] 103. C.C. Han, T.C. Wei, C.S. Wu, Y.L. Liu* (2010) “Temperature-responsive poly(tetrafluoroethylene) membranes grafted with branched poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) chains”, J. Membr. Sci. 358 (1-2), 60-66. [SCI, IF=3.203] 12 104. D.S. Lin, C.S. Wu, K.Y. Hsu, Y.L. Liu* (2010) “Preparation and properties of amphiphilic AB2 Y-shaped poly(styrene)-poly(N-isopropylacryamide)2 block copolymers through Selective amidation and Michael additions reaction”, React. Funct. Polym. 70(9), 596-601. [SCI, IF=2.461] 105. C.Y. Hsu, Y.L. Liu* (2010) “Rhodamine B-anchored silica nanoparticles displaying white-light photoluminescence and their uses in preparations of photoluminescent polymeric films and nanofiber”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 350 (1), 75-82. [SCI, IF=3.019] 106. Y.L. Liu*, C.Y. Chang, C.Y. Hsu, M.C. Tseng, C.I. Chou (2010). “Preparation, characterization, and properties of fluorene-containing benzoxazine and its corresponding cross-linked polymer”, J. Polym Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 48(18), 4020-4026. [SCI, IF=3.971] 107. Y.L. Liu*, Y.H. Wu, W.B. Tsai, C.C. Tsai, W.S. Chen, C.S. Wu (2010) “Core-shell silica@chitosan nanoparticles and hollow chitosan nanospheres using silica nanoparticles as templates: preparation and ultrasound bubble application”, Carbohydrate Polym. in press. [SCI, IF=3.167] 108. M.C. Tseng, Y.L. Liu* (2010). “Preparation, morphology, and ultra-low dielectric constants of benzoxazine-based polymers/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) nanocomposites”, Polymer accepted. [SCI, IF=3.573] B. 應邀擔任國際研會邀請演講等職務 1. Y.L. Liu (2004) “High Performance Halogen-Free Epoxy Resins for Electronics”, 3rd International Symposium on High-Tech Polymers and Polymeric Complexes, Jul. 15-18, Lanzhou, China, (Invited Lecture, Session Chairman) 2. Y.L. Liu (2005) “Polymeric materials modified with silica nanoparticles: preparation and applications”, 2005 Prague Meeting on Macromolecules, Sep. 26-30, 2005, Prague, Czech. (Special Lecture) 3. Y.L. Liu, (2005) “Hydrophilic Surface Modification of PTFE Films for Pervaporation Dehydration and Adhesion Improvement“, 4th Singapore International Chemical Conference SICC-4, Dec. 8-10, 2005, Singapore. (Invited Speaker) 4. Y.L. Liu, (2006) “Thermally-reversible cross-linked polymers basing on maleimides and a trifunctional furan”, 4th International Symposium on High-tech Polymer Materials (HTPM-IV), May. 14-18, 2006, Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker) 5. Y.L. Liu, J.Y. Lai (2006) “Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) modification by combined plasma and ozone treatments and surface-initiated polymerization” International Symposium on Science and Engineering of Interface Engineering, Aug 5-7, 2006, Hamamatsu, Japan. (Invited Speaker). 6. Y.L. Liu, Y.H. Su, D.M. Wang, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai (2006) “High performance pervaporation dehydration membranes with long-term stability” The 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society AMS2006, Aug 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China. (Keynote Speaker, Session Chairman, Scientific Committee Member). 7. Y.L. Liu (2006) “Modifications on Membranes for Dehydration Pervaporation Processes”, Workshop France Taiwan on Membrane Technology and Applications, Sep. 14-15, 2006, Montpellier, France. (Invited Speaker). 13 8. Y.L. Liu, Y.H. Su, D.M. Wang, K.R. Lee, J.Y. Lai (2006) “High performance pervaporation dehydration membranes with long-term stability” The 3rd Conference of Aseanian Membrane Society AMS2006, Aug 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China. (Keynote Speaker, Session Chair, Scientific Committee Member). 9. Y.L. Liu (2006) “Modifications on Membranes for Dehydration Pervaporation Processes”, Workshop France Taiwan on Membrane Technology and Applications, Sep. 14-15, 2006, Montpellier, France. (Invited Speaker). 10. Y.L. Liu, S.Y. Chen (2007) “Temperature-responsive polyimides from Diels-Alder reactions”, Fifth International Sm,posium on Polyimides and Other High Temperature, Nov. 5-7, 2007, Orlando, USA. (Invited Speaker) 11. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 12. Y.L. Liu, Y. Chang, J.Y. Lai (2008) “Modifications and applications of fluoropolymer-based membranes by surface-initiated grafting polymerizations”, 2008 International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2008), Jul. 12-18, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (Keynote Speaker) 13. Y.L. Liu, W.H. Chen. Y.H. Chang (2008) “Organo-modification on carbon nanomaterials with atom transfer radical polymerization”, 5th International Symposium on High-tech Polymer Materials (HTPM-IV), Oct. 26-29, 2008, Beijing, China. (Invited Speaker) 14. Y.L. Liu, C.H. Yu, I. Kusumawardhana, J.Y. Lai (2009) “Preparation and Applications of PTFE/Polyamide Thin Film Composite Membranes”, 5th Asiaean Membrane Society Conference (AMS-5), Jul. 12-14, 2009, Kobe, Japan. (Scientific Committee, Session Chair, Poster Award reviewer) 15. Y.L. Liu “Preparation of sulfonated nanoparticles and their applications in preparation of proton exchange membranes for direct methanol fuel cells”, 17th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering (ICCE-17), July. 26 – Aug. 1, 2009, Hawaii, USA. (Invited Speaker) 16. Y.L. Liu “Chitosan based membranes for pervaporation dehydration on alcohol aqueous solutions”, 11th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan & 8th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Sep. 6-9, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited Speaker and Chair for Plenary Lecture) 17. Y.L. Liu, “Membrane Technology and Applications”, 1st Asian Doctoral Innovation Conference, Nov. 22-24, 2009, Hangzhou, China (Invited Speaker and Scientific Committee) (C)專利 1. 賴君義、劉英麟、杜振源 (2008) 「改質含氟基材的方法及其應用」, 中華民國專利核 准(申請號 095100103)。 2. 賴君義,劉英麟、蘇郁蕙 (2007),「具有交聯結構之材料及其形成方法」, 中華民國專 利證書第 I272276 號 (2007.02.01)。 3. 劉英麟、邱奕釧 (2005),「可作為難燃劑的含磷化合物及難燃樹脂」, 中華民國專利證 14 書第 240735 號 (2005.10.01-2023.6.4)。 4. 邱義雄、江孟丹、劉英麟 (2003),「含磷化合物及其難燃應用」, 中華民國專利證書第 195040 號 (2003.07.01-2019.10.25)。 5. Y.S. Chiu, M.D. Chiang, Y.L. Liu (2002), “Phosphorus-Containing Compounds and Their Use in Flame Retardance”, U.S. Patent 6,441,067. . 15