Laser ablated Sr2FeMoO6 plasma studied by optical emission

A. Santagata, A. Di Trolio, G. Parisi, R. Larciprete, CNR-IMIP Sez. di Potenza, Zona
Industriale, 85050 Tito calo (PZ), Italy
The success of pulsed laser deposition in producing Sr2FeMoO6 films with optimal magnetic
performances rests on the fact that the adopted deposition parameters are severely confined
within certain ranges. Oxygen pressure in the ablation chamber, as well as laser energy density,
seem to be the key factors, which govern the achievement of the correct material phase during
film growth. Optical emission spectroscopy of the plume produced by the laser interaction with
stoichiometric targets, in different ablation and ambient conditions, can shade light on the
formation and the dynamics of the transient species, that act as film precursors.
We have investigated the optical radiation emitted between 300 and 700 nm during Nd:Yag
laser laser (=532 nm) ablation of Sr2FeMoO6 targets by time- and space - resolved
spectroscopy. The integral intensities of spectral lines were measured as a function of distance
from the target surface and laser power density in the presence of increasing O2 partial
pressure. The intensity ratio of ionic and atomic spectral lines of the three metals and the timeof-flight of electronically excited transients in the plasma plume were measured as a function
of laser power density. On the basis of the obtained results we will outline the possible role that
gas phase molecular oxygen, radical electronical excitation and kinetic energy play in
determining the magnetic film properties.