PUBLICATIONS AND RESEARCH - Arizona State University

Limited by Design: R&D Laboratories in the United States, Columbia University
Press, 1998, (with B. Bozeman).
Synthetic Fuels Technology Development in the United States: A Retrospective
Assessment, Praeger Press, 1988, (with B. Bozeman, W. Meyer, R. Shangraw).
Edited Books
Strategic Management of Industrial R&D, Lexington Books, 1984, (with B. Bozeman
and A. Link), 227 pgs.
High Sulfur Coal Exports: An International Analysis, Southern Illinois University
Press, 1983, 212 pgs.
“How Do University Inventions Get Into Practice?,” Management Science, January
2002 (with J. Colyvas, A. Gelijns, R. Mazzoleni, N. Rosenberg, B. Sampat).
“The American Research University System as America’s de facto Technology
Policy,” Science and Public Policy, February 2001, Vol. 28, No. 1 (with Christopher
"Science and Technology Policy in the United States: Trading in the 1950's
Model,” Science and Public Policy, 1994, Vol 21, No. 4.
"National Systems of Innovation: A Framework for Analysis," Technology
in Society, 1993, Vol. 15, pp. 207-227. (with J. Niosi, B. Bellon, P.
"Congressional Science Policy and Pork Barrel Science," Forum for
Applied Policy Research, Fall 1992, Vol. 7, pp. 69-88. (with B. Bozeman).
"National Systems of Innovation: A Framework for Analysis," Spring,
1992, Volume VII, 1, pp. 215-250, Revue Francaise d'Economie, (with J.
Niosi, B. Bellon, P. Saviotti).
"Technology Strategy Development in Korean Industry: An Assessment of
Market and Government Influences" Technovation, 1992, Vol. 12, No. 2,
pp. 119-136. (with S. Nath).
"Technology Transfer at U.S. Government Laboratories: The Effects of
Structure and Bureaucratization," Journal of Technology Transfer, 1991,
Vol. 16, No. 2, (with B. Bozeman).
"Technology Transfer from U.S. Government and University R&D
Laboratories," Technovation, 1991, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 231-246, (with B.
"Technology Planning and Development in the U.S.: An Institutional
Assessment," Policy Studies Journal (Korea), 1991, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 7198.
"R&D Laboratories in the United States: Structure, Capacity and Context,"
Science and Public Policy, June, 1991, Vol. 11, No. 5, (with B. Bozeman).
"Government Supported Industrial Research Institutes in the United
States," Policy Studies Journal, Fall, 1990, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 59-74 (with
M. Emmert and C. Jacobson).
"Technology Strategy Development in Japanese Industry: An Assessment
of Market and Government Influence, " Technovation, July 1990, Vol. 10,
No. 5, pp. 333-346 (with S. Nath).
"The Environments of U.S. R&D Laboratories: Political and Market
Influences," Policy Sciences, 1990, Vol. 23, pp. 25-56 (with B. Bozeman).
"Technology Development in Japan and the United States: Lessons from
the High-Temperature Superconductivity Race," Science and Public Policy,
December 1989, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 322-345.
"Bureaucratization in the R&D Laboratory: Comparison of Industrial,
Governmental and University Environments," Research/Technology
Management, September/October 1989, Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 30-32 (with B.
"The Cooperative University Research Laboratory: Policy Implications for
Higher Education," Journal of Higher Education, July/August 1989, Vol.
60, No. 4, pp. 408-422 (with M. Emmert).
"Federal Funding and R&D Output in U.S. Industrial Laboratories," IEEE
Engineering Management Transactions, May 1989, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.
154-158 (with A. Link and B. Bozeman).
"Public Administration as a Design Science," Public Administration
Review, March/April 1989, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 153-158 (with R. F.
"Domestic Technology Transfer and Competitiveness: An Empirical
Assessment of the Roles of University and Government Research and
Development Laboratories," Public Administration Review,
November/December 1988, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 969-978 (with D. Rahm and
B. Bozeman).
"Assessing Government Influence on Industrial R&D,"
Research~Technology Management, September/October 1988, Vol. 31,
No. 5, pp. 47-52.
"Public, Private and Hybrid Organizations: An Empirical Examination of
the Role of Publicness," Administration and Society, August 1988, Vol. 20,
No. 2, pp. 216-244 (with M. Emmert).
"Technology and Knowledge Transfer in Energy R&D Laboratories: An
Analysis of Effectiveness," Evaluation and Program Planning, 1988, Vol.
11, pp. 85-95.
"R&D Laboratory Classification and Public Policy: The Effect of
Environmental Context on Laboratory Behavior," Research Policy, October
1987, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 229-258 (with B. Bozeman).
"Organized Science and Public-Private Cooperation," Journal of
Management, Summer 1987, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 55-67 (with M. Emmert).
"A New Typology for R&D Laboratory Classification: Implications for
Policy Analysis," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Spring
1987, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 328-341 (with B. Bozeman).
"Publicness and Public Administration," Journal of Higher Education,
July/August 1989, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 408-422 (with M. Emmert).
"Federal Funding and R&D Output in U.S. Industrial Laboratories," IEEE
Engineering Management Transactions, May 1989, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.
154-158 (with A. Link and B. Bozeman).
"Public Administration as a Design Science," Public Administration
Review, March/April 1989, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 153, Policy Studies Review,
August 1985, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 14-152 (with G. Hager).
"National Projects in Civilian Technology," Policy Studies Review, May
1984, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, pp. 453-459 (with W. H. Lambright and R. F.
"Failures of Power and Intelligence: Use of Scientific/Technical
Information in Government Decision-Making," Administration and Society,
August 1983, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 185-205 (with U.C. Desai).
Book Chapters
“Nanotechnology and Societal Transformation,” Chapter 6 in AAAS
Science and Technology Policy Yearbook, 2001 (with Daniel Sarewitz).
“U.S. Science and Technology Policy: Trading in the 1950 Model," New Social and
Political Designs for Science and Technology, J. Niosi (ed.), Pinter, 1994.
"The Continuing Responsiveness of American Universities to Commercial
Challenge," Science and Technology Policy Yearbook, A. Teich, S. Nelson, C. Mc
Enamey (eds.), AAAS, Washington, D.C., 1994, pp. 339-345.
"American Science and Technology Policy: Trading in the U.S. Model," in
New Social and Political Designs for Science and Technology, J. Niosi
(ed.), Pinter, 1994.
“The University as Catalyst for Scientific and Industrial Development,”
in Industrial Policy for Agriculture in the Global Economy, S. R. Johnson
and S. Martin (eds.), 1993.
"Public Organization Design and the Future," in Public Management, B. L.
Bozeman (ed.), Jossey Bass, 1993 (with M. Emmert and R. Shangraw).
"Information Products and Policies of Federal Laboratories," in
Perspectives on U.S. Government Scientific and Technological
Information, C. R. McClure and P. Hernon (eds.), Ablex Publishing
Corporation Quorem Press, 1989, pp. 193-215 (with B. Bozeman).
"Strategic Public Management," in Strategic Planning: Threats and
Opportunities for Planners, J. M. Bryson and R. C. Einsweiler (eds.), APA
Planners Press, 1988, pp. 51-68 (with B. Bozeman).
"Synthetic Fuel Technology Non-Development and the Hiatus Effect: The
Implications of Inconsistent Public Policy," in The Unfilled Promise of
Synthetic Fuels: Technological Failure, Policy Immobilism or Commercial
Illusion? E. J. Yanarella and W. Green (eds.), Greenwood Press, 1987, pp.
"Publicness Applied: An Analysis of Research and Development
Organizations," in All Organizations are Public, B. L. Bozeman (ed.),
Jossey Bass, 1987, pp. 107-141 (with B. Bozeman).
"Interorganizational Management of R&D: New Approaches to Information
Acquisition," in Strategic Management of Industrial R&D, Lexington Books,
1984, pp. 187-200 (with M. Emmert).
Special Articles and Reviews (Selected)
“Harnessing Science to Benefit Society,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2001.
“New Media and the Changing Context of University Outreach,” Journal of Public Service &
Outreach, Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 1999.
“Inventing the Future,” Issues in Science and Technology, Winter 1997.