BSc (Hons) in Speech & Language Sciences (previously: BSc (Hons) in Speech/ BSc (Hons) in Speech & Psychology) DISSERTATIONS (RESEARCH PROJECTS) 1979 - 2006 (In alphabetical order, by Author) Speech and Language Sciences University of Newcastle upon Tyne Abram - see Hunter Algar, L (1993) Applying conversational and psycholinguistic analysis to indirect intervention in anomic aphasia: two case studies. Allan, B (1991) Cruel Irony: a case study of ageism in inter-generational discourse. Allen, N J (1997) Assessing the effectiveness of a parent-based language intervention programme. Allwood, L J (l985) Babbling: an observational study of two infants from different linguistic environments. Anderson, J M (l980) An investigation into the reading and spelling abilities in cleft palate. Appleyard, S (1992) An investigation of voice quality in male monolingual children aged between 4:00 and 6:11 years. Astill, L (1993) The effect of social class on glottalisation patterns on Tyneside. Arden, G (1998) Using the natural environment to enhance the functional communication of Young Persons with profound and multiple learning disabilities in classroom activities. Armstead, N (1992) The predictive nature of babbling. Can speech delay be anticipated? Arnott, S (2004) A comparison of the acoustic variability of the speech of children with different phonological disorders:Three case studies Ashworth, L (2006) The perception of foreign accent in low pass filtered speech Askew, M E (l985) An investigation of human figure drawing and completion skills. Atherton, C (2005) The effects of syntactic, semantic and phonological information on children’s novel word learning Austin, V J (1999) Speech apraxia and ataxic dysarthria: an investigation into speech variability. Baerselman, J (1990) Your move? Children's conversational exchange in different situations. Bailey, E (1994) A Study looking at the use of lexical verbs by a language-impaired Child using the LARSP Framework of Analysis. Balkwill H (1996) The quality and effects of social and communicative environment of a nursing home for the elderly; from the perspectives of its residents and care staff. Ball, A B (l987) Perception of childhood stuttering: a study of the subjective judgments of trained and untrained groups. Bannister, J (l979) Alternative forms of communication: some account of their use with severely subnormal non-speaking institutionalized children. Barker, PH (2001) Sociolinguistic variables: gender and dominance in undergraduate students. Barley, C. (2003) Investigating the effect of child gender on the segmental properties of child directed speech Barnes, R C (1999) A study of the grammatical development of reception – aged children in three Tyneside schools. Barnsley, G E (l987) Repair strategies used by aphasics and their conversational partners. Bartley, N (2003) Exploring intensive interaction as a therapy approach for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: A case study Bassett, B (l983) Input processing of phonologically disordered children. Battye, J (1995) A case study on a set of language-impaired twins. Baxendale, J (l985) Experiment to investigate the possibility of using the World Test as a therapeutic technique in two social class groups. Baxter, K L (l982) Grammatical knowledge in agrammatism: investigation of dissociation between constructional and morphological abilities. Beckwith, J (2001) Effect of auditory distractors during picture naming in children with word finding difficulties. Benfield, J K (2002) Short-term memory of children with specific language impairment: Is there a deficit in rehersal? Bills, J (l984) The linguistic characteristics of early disfluency and normal nonfluency. Blundell, N (2005) Developing speech acts via AAC in older childhood: A single case study Bodonyi, C J M (l986) An investigation into the screening of nursery school children for language disorders. Booth, C (l988) Stereotypic reactions towards Tyneside accented speech relative to RP; three phonological variables within the Tyneside accent. Booth, EE (2000) Semantic inhibition effects in aphasic and non-aphasic lexical access: Conceptual versus lemma processing. Bourne, E M (l983) Comprehension of comparatives by young children Bourne, F (2006) An investigation into the effects of a vocabulary instruction programme on poor readers who differ in word decoding abilities. Boyd, H (1991) Acquisition of second order beliefs in British children. Brasher, J A (l98l) Short term memory in profoundly deaf and hearing subjects for static and moving hand signs. Bridgens, J H (l980) A study of relations between speech and reading in children with language disabilities of a phonological nature. Brierley, Laura (2003) Treatment of anomia and the application of errorless learning Briggs, L A (l986) A case study of language-impaired twins. Brock, L J (l985) Modality-specific imagery in the paired-associate learning of blind, partially-sighted and sighted subjects. Brown, A (l982) The effect of adult linguistic variables on the speech of young language disordered children. Brown, A (1992) An investigation of phonetic variation in two modes of discourse in dysarthric speakers. Brown, W (l980) A comparison of the language of ESN (M) children with normal children in a story retelling task using LARSP. Browning, J (1991) Pre-reading skills in pre-school children: development of an observational checklist for assessing a clinical population. Brownsett, S (2005) Reversible sentences that are problematic for people with aphasia Brunton, C D (1990) Phonological and pragmatic abilities of children with fragile x syndrome. Buchanan, L (1993) Single case study of a man with severe learning difficulties interacting with key communicators. Buck, F (1993) An auditory and acoustic study of intonation in Dysarthric speech resulting from Parkinson's disease. Burke, A (l98l) Vocal image: Fact or fiction? Burnand, L (1994) Early phonological ability in 'dyslexic' children. Burns, AM (2001) The effects of oral storytelling upon written language. Burt, L (1997) The development of standardised scores for phonological processing and phonological awareness in pre-school children. Burton, J (1995) Metalinguistic awareness of grammaticality in verb forms of 8 and 9 year old children. Butler, J (l988) Semantic pragmatic disorder: a case study. Cahoon, C (2006) An analysis of linguistic and pragmtic change in aphasic conversation following intensive speech and language therapy Cairns, M (1995) Normal children's ability to use analogy in spelling and its links with their rhyming skills. Campbell A (2005) The effect of listening conditions on the measurement of dysarthric speech intelligibility Card, S R (2002) Phonological awareness in congenitally speechless individuals: A study of individuals with Cerebral Palsy- with and without speech. Carey, J M (l985) Amer-Ind gestural code as a means of non-vocal communication for a young aphasic and apraxic patient. Carr, AM (2001) Letter recognition, recall and reproduction: cognitive processes of letter knowledge in emerging literacy. Carr, E (2003) An analysis of the expressive and receptive prosodic abilities of young adults with high functioning Autism and Aspergers Syndrome Castell, C (1996) Comparing Phonological Inconsistency and Digit Span in Children with Down's Syndrom and Children with Phonological Disorder. Chadwick, M (l989) Responses to requests for clarification in language impaired children. Chalk, L (2003) Efficacy of a classroom-based speaking and listening programme Chamberlain, R (2003) A study of the relationship between the development of knowledge of phonological constraints in monolingual children and successive bilingual children Chastney, R (1994) The application of conversation analysis to indirect therapy with aphasic patients: two case studies. Chatterton, E (1996) An investigation into the effect of speaker familiarity on conversations with subjects with senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type: two case studies. Chilcott, C (2001) Perceptions of dysarthric speakers and their primary communication partners. Chinnery, C (1995) Acoustic analysis of co-articulation in dyspraxic speech. Chivers, A K (l986) A linguistic study of the writing of bilingual children. Clamp, J (1998) A Prospective Study of the Literacy Skills of Phonologically Disordered Children. Clark, JC (1999) Single word reading and lexical access: the phonologically mediated priming effect and differences in processing between open and closed-class words. Clark, P (1991) Acoustic and perceptual analysis of pre-speech. Clarke, P (l989) An evaluation of melodic intonation therapy. Clay, A (1998) An observational study of the differences in patterns of types and loci of stuttering in monolingual speakers of the German and English languages. Clayton, R (l984) A consideration of the young language and attention delayed child in his environment. Coates, M A (2000) The reliability of the preschool inventory of phonological awareness. Cockerill, H (l983) A study of spelling errors made by phonologically deviant hearing impaired, and normal children on regular, rule-governed and rare words. Cole, F M (l979) The influence of memory and linguistic structure on Token Test performance. Collins, E M (l98l) The acquisition of English as a second language for vocabulary of understanding and for syntactic production and comprehension, in a group of Punjabi speaking children, after three months of second language learning, after fifteen months and after twenty-seven months. Colmar, A (l982) The effect of three different speech sampling techniques on the responses of children with delayed, deviant and normal phonology. Conlin, P (1996) An acoustical and perceptual analysis of the ability of people with Down's Syndrome to produce contrastive stress. Conlon, M (l988) Pantomime recognition ability in severe aphasics. Conn, L (1998) The Effect of Braille Orthography on Blind Children's Phonological Awareness. Conway, N R (1990) Repair in the conversations of two dysphasics with members of their families. Costa, C S (2002) New word learning in typically developing children and children with specific language impairment. Coulston, E (1997) The evaluation of an intensive stuttering therapy group, for 9-14 year olds, focusing specifically on two children. Counsell, J A (l982) Word association in Punjabi-English bilingual children: The syntagmatic shift. Cowhig, M E (l986) A quantitative analysis of phonological variables in the speech of Newcastle school children. Cox, L C (1997) The relationship between measures of language and use of communicative gestures in language normal and language delayed children. Craggs, G T (1998) POKIT: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Crockford, C (1991) Assessing functional communication in aphasia: a comparison of three methods. Croft, V (2003) Language processing in Parkinson’s Disease patients without dementia or depression: A comparison across the levodopa medication cycle Cross, S J (l979) Speech therapy for aphasic stroke patients: A study of need and provision. AEffects of Lexical Stress on Aphasic Word Repetition Cundale, H (2002) Inconsistent deviant disorder: A case study. Currey, A L (1998) Effects of Lexical Stress on Aphasic Word Repetition. Currill, R L (2002) Parent-child interaction after attendance on a hanen “more than words” course. Curwood, H (2003) The prevalence and nature of pragmatic comprehension difficulties in adolescent children Dare, M E (1999) Errorless learning in anomia therapy. D'Aulby, H (1991) The neuropsycholinguistic analysis of spelling - a case study. Davies, A C (1990) Communicative strategies of two oesophageal speakers. Davies, J (l987) The effects of poor intelligibility (as a result of severe phonological impairment) on discourse, and its implications for language learning. Davies, S M (1990) Knowledge and beliefs about speech and language development: interviews with parents. Dent C (2006) The relationship between a sure start early screening initiative and intervention and childrens assessment outcomes at 24–26 months Dent, J (l986) The acquisition of the definite and indefinite article by Downs' Syndrome subjects: a comparison. Dixon, J (2004) Concurrent validity of the sentences and grammar subscale of the Newcastle CDI for children aged 25-29 months Dobson, R (1991) Code-switching and language choice in bilingual children: a community comparison. Docherty K (2005) The effects of syntactic, semantic and phonological information on novel word learning in children with SLI Dodds, J E (l985) An analysis of communicative ability in the elderly. Dowsborough K (2006) Children with language disorder: a follow-up study Duffy, A (1995) Intelligibility after stroke: does attention to effort produce clearer speech. Duncan, R (1994) The use of communication strategies by dysfluent speakers and bilingual speakers. Earle, L (1993) The effects of senile dementia of Lewy Body type on communication: a preliminary study. Eason, C H (l985) Early disfluency or normal nonfluency: their linguistic characteristics and the way they change over time. Eccles, J E (l980) An analysis and comparison of spontaneous and elicited speech errors; their relation to speech production and aphasic speech. Edmundson, A (l984) Semantic competence in aphasia: an investigation of the lexical semantic organization of Broca's and Wernicke's type aphasics. Edwards, L (1992) An investigation of the relationship between language level and play behaviour in Down Syndrome and normally developing children. Edwards, J (1996) Word retrieval in senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type: a psycholinguistic study of the retrieval of words in isolation, within sentences and within connected speech. Elliott, N (2003) Vocabulary acquisition in two contexts Ellis, T-J (1999) An investigation of speechreading in profoundly prelingually deaf adults, using the Test of Adult Speechreading (TAS). Eve, L (1997) Conservation analysis approach to the assessment of communication and the intervention programme of two people with cognitive impairment. Fairclough J (2005) An investigation of the phonological awareness skills of fluent and dysfluent children Farrier, F (2004) A study into the phonological awareness, reading accuracy and spelling ability of children with inconsistent phonology disorder Fearn, K (2001) An investigation into the normal within session fluctuation of voice quality. A comparison between normal and dysphonic speakers. Fenton, AM (2001) Phonological process use in four-year-old children from an inner city population. Fenwick, P (1991) A study of children's verbal turn-taking. Fergus, C E (2002) The communication abilities of laryngectomy speakers. Fielder, M E (l980) An investigation of immediate and delayed memory recall in autistic children. Finley, D E (l986) Differences in the early interaction between disadvantaged mothers and their babies: an investigation into the effects of intervention and information on the quality of interaction. Finnie, K (l988) Otitis media and child development (a review of the literature). Fleming, C (l989) An analysis of the communication strategies employed by aphasics when conversing with other aphasics. Forrester, L (1996) An analysis of stress production by four children with profound prelingual hearing impairment. Fountain E (2006) Predicting communicative competence at 24 months from pragmatic skills at 12 months: assessing the validity of sure start’s sstt screen Foy, N (1992) A conversation analysis approach to the study of a cerebral palsied child's interaction with two different communicative partners. Friedman, J (1996) A comparison of working memory performance for dyslexic children and age matched controls. Fryer, C (l984) An experimental study of word finding difficulty in an anomic patient. Fulford, L (2006) Validity of a parent report measure of vocabulary for children with autistic spectrum disorder Fulton, L (l980) A study of the semantic systems of aphasics. Gair, L (1996) Formal and informal speech and language assessments of 5-6 year old children: a comparison of two areas of Tyneside with differing levels of disadvantage and deprivation. Gamon (nee Puttock), V (2003) Do subjects with poor naming abilities have poor functional communication output? Gandy, H (l989) The efficacy of prosodic therapy in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's Disease. Gascoigne, L (l98l) The usefulness of a Stroop type interference task as a measure of lexical semantic competence in aphasic patients. Gibb, C E (1990) Discourse strategies used by professional carers and relatives in conversations with Alzheimer patients. Gill, H (l983) How do children read new words aloud? An investigation of analogical versus rule-based strategies. Gill, J L (1997) The adaptation of the language development survey to British English and its validation using a sample of British 24-27 month old children. Gilmour, R (1993) Conversational abilities in two classroom contexts: a case study of a child with specific language impairment. Gisby, J (l979) Blissymbolics as an alternative mode of communication for cerebrally palsied children. Goddard, MT (2001) Differences in phonological awareness between dysfluent and fluent children. Godliman, K (1999) An evaluative study of Speech and Language Therapy to promote feminine voice and speech characteristics in two male-to-female transexuals. Golder, H (l988) Structured conversational interaction tasks. Turn-taking and topic shift in Alzheimer's disease subjects. Goldthorpe, H (1996) The early identification of expressive language delay in 24 month old British infants, using a language screening tool developed in the USA. Goodbourn, D (l98l) Preferred processing codes of hearing manually trained and orally trained deaf subjects. Goulding, K (1996) Inferential understanding in the child with specific language impairment: assessment and therapeutic intervention. Graham, C J (2002) A detailed case study of a differential diagnostic problem between a functional and neurological disorder. Green, N L (1998) The Impact of Cognitive Neuropsychological Impairments and Communicative Context on Conversational Repair in Aphasia: Two Case Studies Greening, S (l983) Knowledge and opinions of speech therapy in potential referers. Greetham, ME (2001) Glossolalia: A Christian and Linguistic Analysis. Grenville H (2005) New word learning in specific language impairment: Can rate manipulation help in therapy? Guest, S K (l985) The organisation of play materials in language disordered children and its relationship to language. Gullen O (2006) A comparison of the expressive language samples produced from the errni (initial story telling component) and the celf– 3uk (formulated sentences subtest) Habgood, R (l989) Agrammatism: the role of nouns and verbs. Hack, E (1994) Naive Listeners perception of voice quality. Haggar, J (l987) Interruption in conversational interaction between stammerers and nonstammerers. Hall, M (1994) Child protection and abuse: a survey of the training provision for Speech and Language Therapists from the Northern Region of England. Hall, R (l989) An evaluation of a parental intervention programme designed for use with preschool children. Halliday, D (1991) An individualised approach to the indirect treatment of young dysfluent children: a family study. Hamilton, C M L (l984) Auditory memory for sounds, words and nonsense words in phonologically deviant children. Hamilton, J (1992) Language and epilepsy: a case study. Hamilton, P (2003) Vocabulary of four and five year old children in an orthodox Jewish community Harrison, C (2001) Validity and preliminary norms for a British English adaptation of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories: Toddlers. Harcourt, J (1998) Voice Quality Variability in Bilinguals: An Instrumental and Perceptual Investigation Hardwick, N (1998) Does Having a History of a Speech Disorder Always Predict Later Phonological Awareness and Literacy Problems?: An Investigation of the Cleft Lip and Palate Population. Harris, C (l983) A study of object constancy, recognition and classification impairments, and semantic-lexical deficits after right brain damage. Harris, N (l983) Response of three agrammatic adults to a syntax therapy programme. Hart, K L (1990) Conversation in clinic of student speech therapists interacting with phonologically delayed and dysfluent children. Hartley, S (1992) A study of the effects of sex and age on glottalization patterns in the speech of Tyneside schoolchildren. Hartley, K (l988) Scottish students in Newcastle: a study of linguistic accommodation. Harvey, S (l983) The error processes involved in the auditory discriminative responses of aphasics. Haughton, K M (l985) The acquisition of certain deictic terms by Downs' Syndrome children. Hawkes, C (1995) Phonological awareness, intelligence and reading: a correlational study. Hayes, SR (2001) Exposing interaction in the speech production system: The effects of neighbourhood density and probabilistic phonotactics on the speech of people with apraxia of speech and phonemic paraphasia. Heal, N (2001) The early identification of children with speech and/or language difficulties. A survey of UK NHS Speech and Language Therapy and Health Visiting Management. Heaton, V E (l98l) A study of the relationship between iconic memory and reading ability in seven and nine year old children. Heptinstall, j (2006) shared mother-toddler book reading: the influence of child gender on maternal interaction style Herrington, J (1993) Presymptomatic detection of Huntington' chorea in the speech of "at risk" subjects. Hewes, Z A (2002) Factors effecting the imaginative story telling of normal 9 year olds. Hickie, P (2003) The effect of levodopa therapy on speech intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison across the medication cycle Hill, H (2006) Dysfluency in parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy and multiple systems atrophy Hill, I A (1994) An in-depth investigation of discourse management in senile dementia using conversation analysis. Hilsdon, E A (l983) Visual perceptual skills and reading ability in hearing impaired and poor reading children. Hoare, C (l988) An investigation of cohesion and reference in schizophrenic discourse. Hobson, P (l982) Recency and suffix effects in the serial ordered recall of lipread, auditory and graphic lists by congenitally deaf and hearing subjects. Hodges, J E (l98l) An investigation into the ability of five and seven year old children to understand metaphors and similies. Hole, E (l988) The effect of reading ability on the written and spoken language of children aged 9-ll. Holmes, C (1995) Voice evaluation of Trainee Teachers: an acoustic and perceptual analysis. Holmes, H (2000) Phonetic variation and percepts of accentedness. Hood, E (1997) The influence of prolonged exposure of a non-native language on language processing in proficient bilingual speakers. Hopkins L (2005) Examining the presence of verbal dyspraxia amongst young adults with Asperger’s syndrome Houghton, Y (1997) Child's Play: the developing ability to sustain attention to a task during an interactive setting. Houlton, R F (2000) Pre-school inventory of phonological awareness: Validity and influence of socio-economic status. Howarth, T M (l985) An evaluation of the Newcastle Support Scheme for Relatives of Aphasic Patients. Hughes, H (2002) Do parents’ attitudes towards speech and language therapy change due to the experience of their child’s therapy? Humfress, K (1999) Homophone and pseudohomophone effects in undergraduates with developmental dyslexia. Hunt, M A (l987) The pattern of interaction between one mother and her language-delayed child: factors which influence the pattern of interaction. Hunter (Abram), P (l988) Auditory comprehension above the sentence level: a comparison between aphasia, Altzheimer and right-hemisphere damage. Irvine J (2005)Investigation of the grammatical abilities of children with and without specific language impairment using a new profile chart Ivamy, GE (2000) Factors affecting phonological acquisition: gender, socio-economic status and birth order. Jackson, N (1997) The phonological awareness skills of bilingual children and a comparative study of the monolingual control data with an Australian population. Jarvis, C (l980) A comparison of phonologies of young adult Downs' syndrome and nonDowns' syndrome severely subnormal subjects, resident in an institution. Jarvis, V (2004) Fast mapping of animate vs. inanimate objects in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Jenkins, H (2004) The effect of measures of matching on verb diversity in Specific Language Impairment and typically developing, language matched children Jennings, Charis (2004) Do children with behaviour and language problems differ in their abilities to make inferences as compared to age and reading matched controls? Johnson, E K (1999) The relationship between measures gained in formal assessment and occurrence of naming errors and self repair in conversational speech in individuals’ with aphasia: an investigation. Johnson, J (2003) Phonetic differences in child directed speech to opposite sex twins Johnson, KS (2000) The phonological abilities of adults with Down Syndrome. Johnson, KR (2000) A comparison of the phonological awareness skills in children with different speech disorders. Jolly, A (l984) Memory in the mentally-retarded: A review of the literature. Jones B (2005) Running head: Referential assessment of gesture. Development of a referential assessment of expressive gesture Jones, G (l984) Perception of lexical stress as a function of the right hemisphere of the brain. Jones, J A (l983) Effects of visual cues on the intelligibility of oesophageal speech. Jones, R (1998) Picture book reading with twins in dyadic and triadic situations. Jones, RB (2001) Re-evaluating the Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC): Is it a reliable assessment tool to differentiate children with semantic-pragmatic impairment from within a population of children with SLI? Jones, S E (l985) A comparison of three types of speech sample as judged by fluent speakers and stammerers and a comparison of these two groups of judges Joyner L (2006) Attitudes towards writing of literacy impaired children: the effects of traditional and metacognitive writing instruction. Keightley, KVC (2001) An intervention case study for phonological disorder in a child with Prader-Willi syndrome. Kelly, L (1993) Language development profiles in children with early repair of cleft-palate: cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Kennedy, R (2000) Nonword repetition: not a pure measure of phonological working memory King, R (1996) An efficacy study of non-directive play therapy for the remediation of a child's interactional skills. Kilford, A D (l986) The development of linguistic characteristics of early dysfluency and normal non-fluency: a longitudinal study. Kittle, S E (1999) The phonological awareness abilities of preschool identical and fraternal Twins. Krauth, H (1995) Speech naturalness ratings of post-treatment stutter patients. Lace K (2005) The relationship between children’s vocabulary development and specific aspects of the carer’s linguistic input Lambert, C (1995) Acoustic and perceptual analysis of patients having been treated with radiotherapy for laryngeal carcinoma. Lambert G (2005) Coding interactions between children with motor impairment and their mothers: What’s missing? Langton J (2005) A comparison of the mean and range of fundamental frequency of female tracheoesophageal (te) speech with male te and laryngeal speakers and it’s influence in a gender recognition task Lare, S (l984) An observational study of three possible cases of crossed aphasia in dextrals (Vol l plus Appendix in 2 Vols). Lavery, E B (l985) An investigation of the psychological effects of twin-ships on the development of identity concepts in normal sex twins. Lawrie, B A (2004) Does phonological awareness training affect the acquisition of literacy skills in sure start children? Lawson, J M (l979) A comparative study of the ability of two clinical aphasic groups to comprehend linguistic structure. Laws, K (2004) Accuracy of the PLS-UK and Celf-Preschool UK in identifying children with language difficulties Lazarus, J (l984) The contribution of the right cerebral hemisphere to paragraph arrangement and recall. Lee, C (1993) A preliminary investigation into Teachers' voice usage. Lees D (l983) Preferred processing codes of communication disordered children. Lindsay, D J (l986) The analysis and comparison of spelling errors made by normal children, children with specific spelling impairment and children with reading and spelling impairment. Little, C L (1990) Which bhaasaa shall I use now? Code-switching in young Bengalis. Little, L (1992) Tips of the slongue: experimental elicitation of semantically and phonologically biased spoonerisms via computer screen presentation. Little, R (2000) What does the Cinderella tell us? A comparison of naming between connected speech and confrontational naming. Livesey, A R (l986) An investigation into dysfluencies and pause phenomena in the speech of young children. Lonie, J (l982) Intonation as a cue to speech act identification in aphasic patients. Low, G M (1990) Conversation, reference and cohesion in schizophrenia. Lozano, S C, (2002) Language impairment in children with emotional/behavioural difficulties and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Prevelance, characteristics and teacher perceptions. Lucas, S A (l982) An investigation into the importance of lip-read information for phonologically deviant children. Lumsden, C (1993) Phonological difficulties of Chinese/English bilingual children. Lynn, FJD (2000) Varying feedback schedules on motor speech acquisition and retention: A preliminary investigation. Magennis, R (2006) The influence of deep brain stimulation and ‘best medical treatment’ on speech, voice and swallowing in parkinson’s disease – a pilot study Makin, A (1995) How do people hear and evaluate their own voice? Makin, V (1993) Fluctuations in the language of senile dementia of Lewy-body type patients. Mannion, A (l983) The effect of intervention on social cognitive abilities in ESN (M) children. Marr, C E (1999) The concurrent validity of British English adaptations of the long and short forms of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (Toddlers). Marriott, H (1997) Serial ordered recall of signed and lip-read stimuli by deaf and hearing subjects. Marshall, H R (1997) Intonation and speech intelligibility in dysarthria. Mattocks, C (l988) A long term case study of the development of segmentation, reading and spelling skills in a child with difficulties at the phonological/phonetic levels of language organization. Maze, A (2006) Investigating the role of perceptual speech analysis in improving diagnostic accuracy in progressive supranuclear palsy (psp), multiple system atrophy with prominent parkinsonism (msa-p) and idiopathic parkinson’s disease (ipd) McCann,K (2004) Association of depression with intelligibility and perceptual evaluations of speech in Parkinson’s disease McCann, R (2003) The Relationship between the spoken and written naming systems – variable and error patterns. McClea S, J (2005) Acoustic and perceptual measurements of voice in individuals with Parkinson’s disease McDowall, J (l989) A longitudinal study of code-switching behaviour by Punjabi/English bilingual children. McFaul, H O (1994) An evaluation of video narration as a means of eliciting a language sample from language-delayed children. McKenna, C (1993) Reading and spelling in children with a history of phonological disorder. McLeod, J F (l985) An observational study of the interaction between a pair of 4 year old language disordered male twins and their mother. Mcnamara, Judy (2004) An analysis of error patterns in reproduction conduction aphasia Meakin, Sally (2004) A comparison of techniques for teaching vocabulary within an orthodox Jewish kindergarten. Which methods of teaching best serves these children needs? Is it a) by watching video presentation, b) by listening to narrative, or c) learning by rote? Mecrow, CA (2001) Sub types of developmental dyslexia: An investigation into the role of speech impairment in the acquisition of literacy skills. Meek, P (2000) Comparison of the effects of variable and invariant practise of an articulatory skill. Mellor, AV (2001) Relationships between otitis media with effusion (OME) and pragmatic abilities. Mellors, V A (l985) Bowl or glass? An investigation of the effect of functional context information on category decisions made by children and adults. Middleton, AJ (2000) Intonation in the conversation speech of tyneside adolescents. Miller, A (1995) Gender differences in spouses' ability to cope after stroke: quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Miller, C A (1999) The working memory capabilities of children with a speech disorder. Miller, K (2002) Acoustic analysis of voice in individuals with Parkinson’s disease and perceptually normal quality. Millington, J (l980) A comparison of methods of eliciting speech samples from aphasic adults. Milne, I M (l979) A study of the behaviour of an autistic child, with particular reference to language and communication. Minty, V (1996) The abilities of medical students, nurses, speech and language therapy students and carers to identify communication problems in patients who have had damage to the right cerebral hemisphere. Miskelly, J (2006) Follow-up of speech & literacy skills in children discharged from speech and language therapy following intervention and following failure to attend intervention Mitchell, L (l989) Metaphoric comprehension in left and right brain damaged patients. Moore, KL (2001) What measures capture real life change in adults with aphasia? Mordue, A (1992) Study to investigate children's understanding of their own and other children's phonological forms. Morgan, JM (2000) Assessing the interjudge and intrajudge reliability of the Newcastle fibrescope profile. Morgan, K (1993) Evaluation of an activity programme to promote phonological awareness in children with phonological impairments. Morris, J (l984) Memory span impairment in language-disordered children: is speed of processing a limiting factor? Mosbery, P M (1994) Assessing communicative gesture in children with expressive oral language delay. Mosley, Sarah (2004) A comparison of nine year old children’s written and oral story telling skills Moss, V L (2002) The effectiveness of phonological awareness training for the remediation of developmental phonological dyslexia: A case study. Motteram, M (l985) An examination of the relationship between variation in children's language use and social class. Mountain, R (1991) An investigation into the use of music with language delayed children. Mroz, M (l987) Parental perceptions of the speech therapy service: their needs and satisfactions. Murdoch, A (1998) Comparison of the Loci of Dysfluencies in the Speech of Bilingual Stutterers: A Pilot Study. Murray L (2005) Generation of an orthographic representation on auditory exposure to a novel word: A rhyme judgement task Murray, S (l988) Metalinguistic awareness: an integrative framework. Myers, L (1994) Factors mediating the development of a theory of mind in twins and singletons. Newton C (2005) The Communication After Stroke (CAS) questionnaire: developing and evaluating an efficacy measure for use with people who have aphasia Nicholas, K E (l987) Symbolic play as a language therapy for Down's syndrome children at a single-word level of language development. Nicklas, J (l989) Delayed or deviant? The acquisition of conversational response skills in Downs' Syndrome children. Nicholson, D (2003) Conversation as a window into enabling communication: A case study of a person with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and his carer Nightingale, C (1995) An investigation into the development of personal construct systems in young children. Nobbs, C F (1990) Talking the elderly to death: intergenerational discourse and the attitudes it reflects and promotes. Oldman, CK (2000) Familiarity of speaker on the conversational abilities of children with high-functioning autism. Oni-Orisan, S (l988) The effect of bilingualism on metalinguistic awareness. Onslow, D (l982) Intensive and weekly group therapy for phonology: which is more efficient? Orpwood, L (1990) What's wrong with the right hemisphere? Lexical-semantic processing in right brain damaged patients. O'Sullivan, H (1997) Foreign Accent Syndrome - what makes the accent foreign? Owen, S (1999) An experimental study into the phonologifal short-term memory deficits in adult dyslexic students. Oxenfarth, I (2003) Is the development of language and literacy influenced by social disadvantage? Packer, J (2000) Using conversation analysis to assess interaction involving users of communication aids. Pallin, C (l986) A study of teacher therapists, considering their training, career prospects, and their roles in language units and schools. Papadopoulou, K (2000) Phonological acquisition of modern Greek. Pape, E (2001) An evaluation of self-help groups for people who stammer in Great Britain: What works and what do members want? Parkinson, A J (l986) Acceptability judgements: an investigation into children's metalinguistic abilities. Parsons, EA (2000) Child directed speech and the realisation patterns of a sociolinguistically governed variant: Evidence of (t) realisation in Tyneside mothers. Parsons, S L (2002) An investigation into the ability of children to explicitly abstract linguistic and non-linguistic rules. Partington, E (1996) A comparison between LARSP and STASS for children with language impairment. Peacock, A (1992) The differential diagnosis of developmental apraxia of speech from phonological disorder: theory and practice. Pears, R (1998) Investigating the Spontaneous Speech Differences Occurring between: NonAphasic and Aphasic Speakers, Claimed Aphasic Sub-Groups (Broca, Wernicke & Anomic), and Severities of Aphasia Pearson, K (l988) The changing ability of language impaired children to comprehend indirect requests with different conversational partners. Peat, C (2006) Nouns or verbs? Evaluating the effectiveness of two techniques for the treatment of verb semantic impairments Perks, F R (l987) Categorisation skills in language-impaired children. Perkins, L (l989) Reference in aphasia: an investigation. Peters, J C (l983) Phonologically disordered children's susceptibility to the auditory-lipread blend illusion. Peters, K (2004) Investigating the communicative interaction of adolescent users of alternative and augmentative communication Platt, S (l989) An investigation of the development of rates of speech in children. Poulter, J (1995) A evaluative study of voice therapy given to five transsexual clients to encourage the development of voice skills characteristic of their desired gender. Powell, A (l986) The language of ESN(M) children: a morphological study. Powell, JH (1999) The assessment of semantic memory using pictorial and written stimuli: a comparison of senile dementia of Alzheimer’s type and dementia with lewy bodies. Pullen, H H (l987) The effect of memory on children's phonology. Quantrell, S (1993) Spontaneous non-verbal communication in children with delayed onset of expressive language. Rae, H (2003) How do single word comprehension deficits affect conversation in clients with aphasia? Raffell, H (2001) “Help, I know Absolutely Nothing”: An investigation into vocal health and hygiene education currently received by acting students at three UK universities. Rainford, C (1990) Autism in childhood: a discourse analysis of speech. Ramsay A (2005) A study of the communication between care staff and adults with autism in a residential setting Randles, S E L (2002) On the disturbance of norm,al fluctuations of activation and inhibition in aphasic naming: temporal features and effects. Raschka, C (1992) Preservation of language competence in a bilingual aphasic speaker. Ratcliff, J (2000) A retrospective study of paediatric referrals. Rattenbury, H (1999) A comparison of three types of voice quality evaluation techniques: detecting voice quality change in unilateral vocal fold paralysis afater thyroplasty type 1. Read, J (2006) Effects of a physical exercise programme on speech, voice and swallowing in mitochondrial myopathies Rennie S (2005) An investigation of the surface account as an explanation for the morphological processing difficulties of children with specific language impairment Revell, E (l988) An investigation into the development of preferences for grounds used in similies. Rigg, L (l987) A quantitative study of sociolinguistic patterns of variation in adult Tyneside speakers. Rishbeth, T (1997) Methodological issues concerning variability as a diagnostic indicator in acquired motor speech disorders. Roberts, T (2006) The live evaluation of spouses/partners of people with aphasia (lesppa): the design of a quantitative tool of measure the impact of living with somebody who has poststroke aphasia Robertson, A (l988) An experimental case study of a developmental dyslexic, investigating the effectiveness of therapy devised on the basis of a neuropsychological approach to assessment. Robertson, B (1992) Investigation into the accuracy of listener age estimations from the speech of unknown speakers. Robertson, E (1999) The effect of list length on parent – report measures of children’s early vocabulary production. Robertson, K (1997) Analysis of the efficacy of a week long instensive course for 9-14 year olds who stutter with particular reference to two group members. Robertson, T (l98l) A comparative study of three methods of measuring hemispheric lateralization in normal and phonologically delayed children. Robinson, P (l98l) A study of spelling errors made by children with phonological disorders in both words containing and those not containing the child's own error phonemes. Robson, C L (l985) The effect of right hemispheric lesions of the processing of linguistic cohesion and lexical-semantics. Robson S (2005) Speech Intelligibility and the perception of speech intelligibility in the progression of Parkinson’s disease Rogerson, J (2003) Is there an effect of dysphonic teachers’ voices on children’s processing of spoken language? Rowe, E A (1999) An analysis of the conversational profiles of people at different stages of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type: six case studies. Rushton, C A (l983) Pronoun gender: Does comprehension precede production? Russell, H M (l980) An investigation into the possible use of temporal ordering as an aid to short term memory recall by profoundly deaf, partially hearing and normal hearing children. Rutter, A C (1998) Conflict Resolution Abilities in Spontaneous, Naturally Occurring Peer Interactions: A Comparison of Children with Specific Language Impairment and their Peers with Normal Language Abilities Samuels, R (1995) Normal voice of the male child (aged 7-10 years): a perceptual and acoustic investigation. Saunders, J (1991) Differences in children's play at home and in the clinic: a study of normally developing and language-impaired children. Sawkins, O (l980) Lexical-semantic problems in aphasia: implications for therapy. Scothern, J (l985) A case study of a bilingual child in his family environment. Scott, D L (1998) An Investigation into Gender Differences in the Referral Rates of PreSchool Children with Speech Disorders Senior, Joanne (2004) The concurrent validity of part i: vocabulary checklist on the Newcastle CDI for children aged 2; 1-2; 5 months. Setchell, S (l988) An examination of the second language expressive abilities of bilingual children shown in standardized tests and in naturalistic contexts. Seymour, H (2000) A comparison of tests of children’s nonword repetition abilities. Seymour, L M (1990) Augmentative communication: a case study of a dysarthric child's communicative interactions. Sharp, N (1993) Acoustic and auditory assessment of voice quality changes associated with vocal fold polyp surgery. Sharrock, J (1996) An evaluation study of a parent training programme for those whose children have special needs. Shatford, C (1999) What progress can be expected by children with different sub-types of phonological disorder while they are on the waiting list for Speech Therapy? Shepherd, D (l980) A pilot investigation on the response to communication problems by the wives of fifteen non-fluent aphasic men. Siggens, J (1991) Communicative interaction during feeding: the study of two non-verbal cerebral-palsied children. Simpson, H (1995) The effect of dyslexia and adolescence on levels of self-esteem. Simpson, P (1998) An investigation of semantic factors in Aphasic naming. Slater, J (l988) The structural organization of verbal responses in children's categorization. Smallman, C (2004) Developing a clinical test of single word comprehension, comparing verbs and nouns Smith, A (1993) The acquisition of English syntax by five Chinese speakers. Smith, A (l988) A cognitive neuropsychological investigation of the origin of phonological errors in two aphasic individuals. Smith, G N (1999) Do bilingual children, regardless of whether they are successive or simultaneous learners, have advanced phonological awareness. Smith, J (l989) A cognitive neuropsychological investigation of an aphasic lady. Smith, K (l987) Non-standard grammar and syntactic comprehension. Smith, K E (1999) Effects of lexical stress on the spoken word production of patients with aphasia. Smith, R (2003) Lexical selection of the vocabulary acquisition of 24-26 month old children Sowerby, C (1994) An observational follow-up study of manual specialisation in play, comparing language delayed, language matched and chronological age matched children. Sutherland, M (2004) working-day effects on the call centre voice Stakes, J E (1994) An investigation into the turntaking and repair patterns in conversations with two Alzheimer's patients. Stanley-Jones, Z (1994) Aspects of femininity in male to female transsexuals: an analysis of voice and non-verbal behaviour. Stark-Mitchell (1997) Using a conversation analytical approach to devise an individual intervention programme and evaluate its effectiveness for two people with aphasia. Steiner, N F (1998) The Use of a Scripted Elicitation Technique in the Assessment of NonSpeaking Children with Physical Disabilities. Stocks, L (l985) The assessment and investigation of functional communication abilities in language disordered and normal adolescents. Stokeld, P (l982) Comparison of phonologies of prematurely born children and phonologically deviant children. Stringer, H B (l98l) Stimulus contexts for eliciting language samples from young language disordered children. Strogen, K (1993) The characteristics of 9 children in the northern region diagnosed as having a 'Semantic-pragmatic disorder'. Strong, A (1995) Imaginative Play in an integrated setting. A comparison of languageimpaired and language normal children. Sykes HJ (2002) Academic Achievement of Tyneside Children with Speech and Language Difficulties: A Longitudinal Study Taylor, M (l989) Anomia therapy: an evaluation of the phonological approach. Thomas, L (2006) A single case study investigating function word performance in a participant who has agrammatic aphasia, sentence processing impairment and deep dyslexia Thompson, K J (1999) A comparison of phonological legality awareness in bilingual and monolingual children. Thompson, L K (1998) The Nature of Speech Disorder in Down Syndrome Children. Thornton, M (l983) Perceptual motor abilities and communication disordered children. Tomkins, A (2000) Visual memory span performance of children with specific language impairment: Investigating the visuopatial sketchpad. Tomlins, FM (2000) Realisation of the voicing contrast in English and French: a comparative study of monolingual and bilingual children. Tomlinson, P (l982) The effect of angle and stimulus type on speech reading ability. Trewartha, E (1995) Which factors are significant in the recovery from post stroke dysphagia. Troy, J (1997) Self-repair of dialogue in schizophrenia and the effect of spontaneity. Turnbull, H (2004) The impact of impaired voice quality on young adults processing of spoken language Turnbull, L (1995) Short term memory and phonological awareness: contributions to vocabulary acquisition in 5-6 year old normally developing children. Turner C (2005) The psychosocial impact of communication changes on people with Parkinson’s disease and their carers Turner, D (1994) Vocabulary, repetition, memory and articulation rate: a study of pre-school children. Turner, L (1991) A longitudinal case study of a child with an apparent semantic-pragmatic disorder. Turner L (2006) Story grammar intervention: addressing the oral narrative skills of the school age child Turner, M (l988) A quantitative study of sociolinguistic patterns of vowel variation in adult Tyneside speakers. Tyack, L (1998) Developmental Dyslexia in the student population: the norms for literacy attainment and patterns of ability. Ulyett, K (2006) Measuring self-esteem in children with literacy difficulties Van der Linden, J (l989) The ins and outs of prepositions in agrammatism: a single case study. Vandervelde, R (1994) An instrumental study of vowel duration and voice onset time in dysphasia. Varley, R (l98l) A study of differential impairments of syntactic and lexical operations in aphasia and right brain damage. Vigoroux, J (2004) The impact of using an open versus closed format diagnostic intelligibility test with Dysarthric speakers Wainwright, A (1991) Children's exploratory and play behaviours with novel and familiar objects. Wakelin, J (l982) Constructional and morphological aspects of agrammatism. Walker, E (1996) Influence of visual cues and listener experience on the intelligibility of dysarthric speakers. Walker, H J (l986) Clumsy! A comparative study of sensory-motor performance in phonologically delayed and control boys. Walker, K (2004) The effect of accent variability within Newcastle upon Tyne on childrens speech perception. Wall, G (l982) The semantic knowledge of sound and visually associated words in profoundly deaf, partially hearing and hearing subjects. Wall, M J (1999) An acoustic study of coarticulation in developmental verbal dyspraxia and inconsistent phonological disorder. Ward, S (2006) Typically developing childrens language performance in three alternative types of narrative assessment Warren, L C (1999) “I Forgot that Word” a case study of an 8 year old with a word-finding disorder. Identifying the location of impairment using a model of single word processing. Watson, C (1997) Prognostic indicators for dysphagia after stroke. Watson, H (l989) Discourse analysis: profiling the characteristics of normal and dysphasic conversation. Watson K (1996) A comparison of indirect therapy methods with the findings from a detailed analysis of mother-child interactions involving a young, dysfluent child. Watson, L (1992) Phonetics versus phonology: an acoustic study of voicing contrast in wordinitial and word-final stop consonants. Wells, C E (l986) A cognitive neuropsychological investiation into two varieties of acquired reading disorder: deep dyslexia and surface dyslexia. Wells, H (1998) Short-term Memory and Sentence Processing: A Comparison of Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Dementia of the Alzheimer Type. Wells, R E (l98l) Behavioural therapy for children with phonological disorders: Three case studies. Westaway, A K (2002) An investigation into visual and auditory perception of real words in young children. Westman, L (2004) Investigating the relationship between speech intelligibility and the progression of Parkinson’s disease Wheeler, S (2004) Differences in word finding abilities of stammering and non-stammering primary school aged children White, E L (1999) The role of Speech and Language Therapy in a care home environment: an intervention study targeting the interaction between care home residents and their professional carers based on a conversational analysis approach. Whitmarsh, R (2002) Effect of total communication intervention on vocabulary learning in school-age children with cochlear implants. Whitston, K L (1994) The effect of receptive language ability on play access behaviours observed in children with specific language impairment. Wight, S (1998) The interaction between speech and gesture in aphasic subjects. Wild L (2006) Investigating the prevalence of speech, language and communication disorders in cerebral palsy, via case note audit. A feasibility study Wilks, C (l98l) A study of children's ability to learn and recall story material. Wiles, A (2003) What are the characteristics of word that improve after a period of word retrieval therapy Wills, C (1991) An instrumental investigation into aspects of phonetic variability. Wilding, H J (1990) A cognitive neuropsychological model and semantic priming research. Williamson, J L (1998) A Longitudinal Investigation into the Lexical and Syntactic Development of Language Delayed and Normally Developing Children at Two and Three Years of Age. Williamson, S (l980) An investigation of the speech of one oesophageal speaker using the sound spectrograph to illustrate certain acoustic features. Wilson, B (1998) Evaluating the Efficacy of Pre-School Early Intervention by a MultiDisciplinary Team. Wilson, C (2004) Evaluating the use of spoken picture description as a measure of the eficiency of intensive therapy Wilson N (2005) Reading between the lines: An investigation into the reading comprehension skills of young people with Asperger’s syndrome: inferred vs explicit meaning Wood, E (1997) Identifying autistic spectrum disorders using a play assessment: an it be done using POKIT? Wood, C (2003) The identification of specific language impairment: can predicate argument structure be used as a marker? Wood, K (1994) Voice quality in children: an acoustic and perceptual study. Wood S (2005) The prevalence of swallowing disorder in Parkinson’s disease: subjective and objective measurement Wood, S (2006) Social participation in people with chronic aphasia: using the snap as an assessment tool Worling, F (l984) Concept formation in hearing-impaired children. Wright C (2005) An investigation into dysphagia in patients following a total laryngectomy: The development of the Dysphagia and Total Laryngectomy Scale (DATLS) Wright, D (2004) Effects of l-dopa medication and motor state on voice deficits in parkinsons disease – an acoustic analysis Wright, P J (l980) A study of stuttering and communication attitudes in children aged twelvefourteen. Yates, H (1998) Quantifying the informativeness and efficienty of aphasic speech: a comparison and evaluation of two methodologies. Yeaman, N (2003) The Cinderella Story: Development of an efficacy measure for use in speech and language therapy with people with acquired aphasia Young, A (l983) A study of dichotic listening in stuttering and non-stuttering children. Young, K (2001) The morphological acquisition and comprehension of various aspects of English by three Chinese-English bilingual children. Young, R B (1997) Social interaction in children with specific language impairment: a naturalistic study. Young, S E (1997) Evaluating the efficacy of group attention and listening, and language therapy on the language development of pre-school children with SLI. Zuydam, A (l987) A quantitative analysis of phonological variables in the speech of Newcastle adults. DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2006 (Academic Year – 2005/2006) NAME TITLE Lauren Ashworth THE PERCEPTION OF FOREIGN ACCENT IN LOW PASS FILTERED SPEECH AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTS OF A VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION PROGRAMME ON POOR READERS WHO DIFFER IN WORD DECODING ABILITIES AN ANALYSIS OF LINGUISTIC AND PRAGMTIC CHANGE IN APHASIC CONVERSATION FOLLOWING INTENSIVE SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A SURE START EARLY SCREENING INITIATIVE AND INTERVENTION AND CHILDRENS ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES AT 24–26 MONTHS CHILDREN WITH LANGUAGE DISORDER: A FOLLOW-UP STUDY PREDICTING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AT 24 MONTHS FROM PRAGMATIC SKILLS AT 12 MONTHS: ASSESSING THE VALIDITY OF SURE START’S SSTT SCREEN VALIDITY OF A PARENT REPORT MEASURE OF VOCABULARY FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER A COMPARISON OF THE EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE SAMPLES PRODUCED FROM THE ERRNI (INITIAL STORY TELLING COMPONENT) AND THE CELF– 3UK (FORMULATED SENTENCES SUBTEST) SHARED MOTHER-TODDLER BOOK READING: THE INFLUENCE OF CHILD GENDER ON MATERNAL INTERACTION STYLE DYSFLUENCY IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE, PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY AND MULTIPLE SYSTEMS ATROPHY ATTITUDES TOWARDS WRITING OF LITERACY IMPAIRED CHILDREN: THE EFFECTS OF TRADITIONAL AND METACOGNITIVE WRITING INSTRUCTION THE INFLUENCE OF DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION AND ‘BEST MEDICAL TREATMENT’ ON SPEECH, VOICE AND SWALLOWING IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE – A PILOT STUDY INVESTGATING THE ROLE OF PERCEPTUAL SPEECH ANALYSIS IN IMPROVING DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY IN PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY (PSP), MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY WITH PROMINENT PARKINSONISM (MSA-P) AND IDIOPATHIC PARKINSON’S DISEASE (IPD) FOLLOW-UP OF SPEECH & LITERACY SKILLS IN CHILDREN DISCHARGED FROM SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY FOLLOWING INTERVENTION AND FOLLOWING FAILURE TO ATTEND INTERVENTION NOUNS OR VERBS? EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TWO TECHNIQUES FOR THE TREATMENT OF VERB SEMANTIC IMPAIRMENTS Fiona Bourne Claire Cahoon Chloe Dent Katherine Downsborough Eleanor Fountain Lauren Fulford Olivia Gullen Jacqueline Heptinstall (nee Ross) Hayley Hill Louise Joyner Ruth Magennis Angela Maze Judi Miskelly Catherine Peat Jennifer Read Tessa Roberts EFFECTS OF A PHYSICAL EXERCISE PROGRAMME ON SPEECH, VOICE AND SWALLOWING IN MITOCHONDRIAL MYOPATHIES THE LIVE EVALUATION OF SPOUSES/PARTNERS OF PEOPLE WITH APHASIA (LESPPA): THE DESIGN OF A QUANTITATIVE TOOL OF MEASURE THE IMPACT OF LIVING WITH SOMEBODY WHO HAS POST-STROKE APHASIA Lyndsey Thomas A SINGLE CASE STUDY INVESTIGATING Lucy Turner Karen Ulyett Sally Ward Louise Wild Stephanie Wood FUNCTION WORD PERFORMANCE IN A PARTCIPANT WHO HAS AGRAMMATIC APHASIA, SENTENCE PROCESSING IMPAIRMENT AND DEEP DYSLEXIA STORY GRAMMAR INTERVENTION: ADDRESSING THE ORAL NARRATIVE SKILLS OF THE SCHOOL AGE CHILD MEASURING SELF-ESTEEM IN CHILDREN WITH LITERACY DIFFICULTIES TYPICALLY DEVELOPING CHILDRENS LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE IN THREE ALTERNATIVE TYPES OF NARRATIVE ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATING THE PREVALENCE OF SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION DISORDERS IN CEREBRAL PALSY, VIA CASE NOTE AUDIT. A FEASIBILITY STUDY SOCIAL PARTICIPATION IN PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC APHASIA: USING THE SNAP AS AN ASSESSMENT TOOL DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2005 (Academic Year – 2004/2005) NAME TITLE ATHERTON Claire The effects of syntactic, semantic and phonological information on children’s novel word learning Developing speech acts via AAC in older childhood: A single case study Reversible sentences that are problematic for people with aphasia BLUNDELL Nicola BROWNSETT Sonia CAMPBELL Alison The effect of listening conditions on the measurement of dysarthric speech intelligibility DOCHERTY Karen The effects of syntactic, semantic and phonological information on novel word learning in children with SLI FAIRCLOUGH Jane An investigation of the phonological awareness skills of fluent and dysfluent children GRENVILLE Hannah New word learning in specific language impairment: Can rate manipulation help in therapy? HOPKINS Lynsey Examining the presence of verbal dyspraxia amongst young adults with Asperger’s syndrome IRVINE Jacqueline Investigation of the grammatical abilities of children with and without specific language impairment using a new profile chart JONES Bethan Running head: Referential assessment of gesture. Development of a referential assessment of expressive gesture LACE Katherine The relationship between children’s vocabulary development and specific aspects of the carer’s linguistic input LAMBERT Gemma Coding interactions between children with motor impairment and their mothers: What’s missing? LANGTON Jane A comparison of the mean and range of fundamental frequency of female tracheoesophageal (te) speech with male te and laryngeal speakers and it’s influence in a gender recognition task MCCLEA Sarah Jane Acoustic and perceptual measurements of voice in individuals with Parkinson’s disease MURRAY Laura Generation of an orthographic representation on auditory exposure to a novel word: A rhyme judgement task NEWTON Caroline The Communication After Stroke (CAS) questionnaire: developing and evaluating an efficacy measure for use with people who have aphasia RAMSAY Annie A study of the communication between care staff and adults with autism in a residential setting RENNIE Sarah An investigation of the surface account as an explanation for the morphological processing difficulties of children with specific language impairment ROBSON Sheila Speech Intelligibility and the perception of speech intelligibility in the progression of Parkinson’s disease NAME TITLE TURNER Claire The psychosocial impact of communication changes on people with Parkinson’s disease and their carers WILSON Nicola Reading between the lines: An investigation into the reading comprehension skills of young people with Asperger’s syndrome: inferred vs explicit meaning WOOD Sarah The prevalence of swallowing disorder in Parkinson’s disease: subjective and objective measurement WRIGHT Caroline An investigation into dysphagia in patients following a total laryngectomy: The development of the Dysphagia and Total Laryngectomy Scale (DATLS) DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2004 (Academic Year – 2003/2004) NAME TITLE ARNOTT, SALLY A COMPARISON OF THE ACOUSTIC VARIABILITY OF THE SPEECH OF CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT PHONOLOGICAL DISORDERS: THREE CASE STUDIES DIXON, JULIE CONCURRENT VALIDITY OF THE SENTENCES AND GRAMMAR SUBSCALE OF THE NEWCASTLE CDI FOR CHILDREN AGED 25-29 MONTHS FARRIER, FAITH A STUDY INTO THE PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS, READING ACCURACY AND SPELLING ABILITY OF CHILDREN WITH INCONSISTENT PHONOLOGY DISORDER JARVIS, VICTORIA FAST MAPPING OF ANIMATE VS. INANIMATE OBJECTS IN CHILDREN WITH SPECIFIC LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT (SLI) JENKINS, HAYLEY THE EFFECT OF MEASURES OF MATCHING ON VERB DIVERSITY IN SPECIFIC LANGUAGE IMPAIRMENT AND TYPICALLY DEVELOPING, LANGUAGE MATCHED CHILDREN JENNINGS, CHARIS DO CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIOUR AND LANGUAGE PROBLEMS DIFFER IN THEIR ABILITIES TO MAKE INFERENCES AS COMPARED TO AGE AND READING MATCHED CONTROLS? LAWRIE, BARBARA-ANNE DOES PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS TRAINING AFFECT THE ACQUISITION OF LITERACY SKILLS IN SURE START CHILDREN? LAWS, KATE ACCURACY OF THE PLS-UK AND CELF-PRESCHOOL UK IN IDENTIFYING CHILDREN WITH LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES McCANN, KATHERINE ASSOCIATION OF DEPRESSION WITH INTELLIGIBILITY AND PERCEPTUAL EVALUATIONS OF SPEECH IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE MCNAMARA, JUDY AN ANALYSIS OF ERROR PATTERNS IN REPRODUCTION CONDUCTION APHASIA. MEAKIN, SALLY A COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES FOR TEACHING VOCABULARY WITHIN AN ORTHODOX JEWISH KINDERGARTEN. WHICH METHODS OF TEACHING BEST SERVES THESE CHILDREN NEEDS? IS IT A) BY WATCHING VIDEO PRESENTATION, B) BY LISTENING TO NARRATIVE, OR C) LEARNING BY ROTE? MOSLEY, SARAH A COMPARISON OF NINE YEAR OLD CHILDREN’S WRITTEN AND ORAL STORY TELLING SKILLS PETERS, KIRSTY INVESTIGATING THE COMMUNICATIVE INTERACTION OF ADOLESCENT USERS OF ALTERNATIVE AND AUGMENTATIVE COMMUNICATION SENIOR, JOANNE THE CONCURRENT VALIDITY OF PART I: VOCABULARY CHECKLIST ON THE NEWCASTLE CDI FOR CHILDREN AGED 2; 1-2; 5 MONTHS. SMALLMAN, CLAIRE DEVELOPING A CLINICAL TEST OF SINGLE WORD COMPREHENSION, COMPARING VERBS AND NOUNS SUTHERLAND, MORVEN WORKING-DAY EFFECTS ON THE CALL CENTRE VOICE TURNBULL, HANNAH THE IMPACT OF IMPAIRED VOICE QUALITY ON YOUNG ADULTS PROCESSING OF SPOKEN LANGUAGE VIGOROUX, JENNIFER THE IMPACT OF USING AN OPEN VERSUS CLOSED FORMAT DIAGNOSTIC INTELLIGIBILITY TEST WITH DYSARTHRIC SPEAKERS WALKER, KATHARINE THE EFFECT OF ACCENT VARIABILITY WITHIN NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE ON CHILDRENS SPEECH PERCEPTION. WESTMAN, LISA INVESTIGATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPEECH INTELLIGIBILITY AND THE PROGRESSION OF PARKINSON’S DISEASE WHEELER, SARAH DIFFERENCES IN WORD FINDING ABILITIES OF STAMMERING AND NONSTAMMERING PRIMARY SCHOOL AGED CHILDREN WILSON, CAROLYN EVALUATING THE USE OF SPOKEN PICTURE DESCRIPTION AS A MEASURE OF THE EFICIENCY OF INTENSIVE THERAPY NAME TITLE WRIGHT, DEB EFFECTS OF L-DOPA MEDICATION AND MOTOR STATE ON VOICE DEFICITS IN PARKINSONS DISEASE – AN ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2003 (Academic Year – 2002/2003) NAME TITLE Catharine Barley Investigating the effect of child gender on the segmental properties of child directed speech Exploring intensive interaction as a therapy approach for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: A case study Treatment of anomia and the application of errorless learning An analysis of the expressive and receptive prosodic abilities of young adults with high functioning Autism and Aspergers Syndrome Efficacy of a classroom-based speaking and listening programme A study of the relationship between the development of knowledge of phonological constraints in monolingual children and successive bilingual children Language processing in Parkinson’s Disease patients without dementia or depression: A comparison across the levodopa medication cycle The prevalence and nature of pragmatic comprehension difficulties in adolescent children Vocabulary acquisition in two contexts Do subjects with poor naming abilities have poor functional communication output? Vocabulary of four and five year old children in an orthodox Jewish community The effect of levodopa therapy on speech intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease: a comparison across the medication cycle Phonetic differences in child directed speech to opposite sex twins The relationship between the spoken and written naming system – variable effects and error patterns Conversation as a window into enabling communication: A case study of a person with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and his carer Is the development of language and literacy influenced by social disadvantage? How do single word comprehension deficits affect conversation in clients with aphasia? Is there an effect of dysphonic teachers’ voices on children’s processing of spoken language? Lexical selection of the vocabulary acquisition of 24-26 month old children What are the characteristics of word that improve after a period of word retrieval therapy The identification of specific language impairment: can predicate argument structure be used as a marker? Nicola Bartley Laura Brierley Elizabeth Carr Louisa Chalk Rosie Chamberlain Vanessa Croft Helen Curwood Natalie Elliott Victoria Gamon (nee Puttock) Paula Hamilton Paula Hickie Joanne Johnson Rachel McCann Deborah Nicholson Ilka Oxenfarth Heather Rae Jemma Rogerson Ranelle Smith Alexandra Wiles Clare Wood Deborah Wright Natalie Yeaman The Cinderella Story: Development of an efficacy measure for use in speech and language therapy with people with acquired aphasia DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2001 (Academic Year – 2000/2001) NAME Philippa Helen BARKER TITLE Sociolinguistic Variables, Gender and Dominance in Undergraduate Students Jennifer BECKWITH Effect of Auditory Distractors during Picture Naming in Children with Word Finding Difficulties Annabelle Mary BURNS The Effects of Oral Storytelling upon Written Language Alexandra Margaret CARR Letter Recognition, Recall and Reproduction: Cognitive Processes of Letter Knowledge in Emerging Literacy Christine CHILCOTT Perceptions of Dysarthric Speakers and their Primary Communication Partners Karen FEARN An Investigation into the Normal Within Session Fluctuation of Voice Quality. A Comparison between Normal and Dysphonic Speakers Adrienne Michelle FENTON Phonological Process Use in Four-Year Old Children from an Inner City Population Mandy Theresa GODDARD Differences in Phonological Awareness between Dysfluent and Fluent Children Mary Elizabeth GREETHAM Glossolalia: A Christian and Linguistic Analysis Claire HARRISON Validity and Preliminary Norms for a British English Adaptation of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories: Toddlers Exposing Interaction in the Speech Production System: The Effects of Neighbourhood Density and Probabilistic Phonotactics on the Speech of People with Apraxia of Speech and Phonemic Paraphasia Sarah Ruth HAYES Nicola Marie HEAL Rachel Bethan JONES The Early Identification of Children with Speech and / or Language Difficulties: A Survey of UK NHS speech and Language Therapy and Health Visiting Management Re-Evaluating the Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC): Is It a Reliable Assessment Tool to Differentiate Children with SemanticPragmatic Impairment From Within a Population of Children with SLI? Kate V C KEIGHTLEY An Intervention Case Study for Phonological Disorder in a Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome Carol Anne MECROW Sub Types of Developmental Dyslexia: An Investigation into the Role of Speech Impairment in the Acquisition of Literacy Skills Aline Victoria MELLOR Relationships Between Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) and Pragmatic Abilities Karen Lorraine MOORE What Measures Capture Real Life Change in Adults with Aphasia? Elizabeth PAPE An Evaluation of Self-Help Groups for People who Stammer in Great Britain: What Works and What do Members Want? Helen RAFFELL “Help, I Know Absolutely Nothing”: An Investigation into Vocal Health and Hygiene Education Currently Received by Acting Students at Three UK Universities Kathryn YOUNG The Morphological Acquisition and Comprehension of Various Aspects of English by Three Chinese-English Bilingual Children DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 2000 (Academic Year 1999/2000) NAME: SINGLE HONOURS Margaret Anne COATES TITLE: Helen HOLMES Phonetic Variation and Percepts of Accentedness Ruth Frances HOULTON Pre-School Inventory of Phonological Awareness: Validity and influence of Socio-economic status Grace Elizabeth IVAMY Factors affecting phonological acquisition: gender, socioeconomic status and birth order Kate Suzanne JOHNSON The Phonological Abilities of Adults with Down Syndrome Kathryn Ruth JOHNSON A Comparison of the Phonological Awareness Skills in Children with Different Speech Disorders Rachel LITTLE What does the Cinderella tell us? A comparison of naming between connected speech and confrontational naming. Fiona Jane Denise LYNN Varying Feedback Schedules on Motor Speech Acquisition and Retention: A preliminary Investigation Pauline MEEK Comparison of the Effects of Variable and Invariant Practise of an Articulatory Skill Alison Jane MIDDLETON Intonation in the Conversation Speech of Tyneside Adolescents Jennifer Mary MORGAN Assessing the Interjudge and Intrajudge Reliability of the Newcastle Fibrescope Profile Caroline Kari OLDMAN Familiarity of speaker on the conversational abilities of children with high-functioning autism Jennifer PACKER Using Conversation Analysis to assess interaction involving users of Communication Aids Kleoniki PAPADOPOULOU Phonological Acquisition of Modern Greek Elizabeth Anne PARSONS Child directed speech and the realisation patterns of a sociolinguistically governed variant: Evidence of (t) realisation in Tyneside mothers Heather SEYMOUR A comparison of tests of children's nonword repetition abilities The Reliability of the Preschool Inventory of Phonological Awareness Anna TOMKINS Visual Memory Span Performance of Children with Specific Language Impairment: Investigating the Visuopatial Sketchpad Fiona Mary TOMLINS Realisation of the voicing contrast in English and French: a comparative study of monolingual and bilingual children JOINT HONOURS Eugenie Emma BOOTH Semantic Inhibition Effects in Aphasic and Non-Aphasic Lexical Access: Conceptual versus Lemma Processing Rachel KENNEDY Nonword repitition: not a pure measure of phonological working memory Jayne RATCLIFF A Retrospective Study of Paediatric Referrals DISSERTATIONS – APRIL 1999 (Academic Year 1998/1999) NAME SINGLE HONOURS: TITLE Victoria Jane Austin Speech Apraxia and Ataxic Dysarthria: An Investigation into Speech Variability Robert Christopher Barnes A Study of the Grammatical Development of Reception - Aged Children in Three Tyneside Schools Melissa Elizabeth Dare Errorless Learning in Anomia Therapy Tara-Jane Ellis An Investigation of Speechreading in Profoundly Prelingually Deaf Adults, Using the Test of Adult Speechreading (TAS) Karen Godliman An Evaluative Study of Speech and Language Therapy to Promote Feminine Voice and Speech Characteristics in Two Male-to-Female Transsexuals Karen Humfress Homophone and Pseudohomophone Effects in Undergraduates with Developmental Dyslexia Sarah Emily Kittle The Phonological Awareness Abilities of Preschool Identical and Fraternal Twins Clare Elizabeth Marr The Concurrent Validity of British English Adaptations of the Long and Short Forms of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (Toddlers) Carol Ann Millar The Working Memory Capabilities of Children with a Speech Disorder Jennifer Helen Powell The Assessment of Semantic Memory Using Pictorial and Written Stimuli: A Comparison of Senile Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type and Dementia with Lewy Bodies Helen Jane Rattenbury A Comparison of Three Types of Voice Quality Evaluation Techniques: Detecting Voice Quality Change in Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis after Thyroplasty Type I Elaine Robertson The Effect of List Length on Parent - Report Measures of Children’s Early Vocabulary Production Elizabeth Anne Rowe An Analysis of the Conversational Profiles of People at Different Stages of Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type: Six Case Studies Cheryl Shatford What Progress Can be Expected by Children with Different Sub-Types of Phonological Disorder while they are on the Waiting List for Speech Therapy? Kathryn Emma Smith Effects of Lexical Stress on the Spoken Word Production of Patients with Aphasia Katharine Jane Thompson A Comparison of Phonological Legality Awareness in Bilingual and Monolingual Children Melanie Joy Wall An Acoustic Study of Coarticulation in Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia and Inconsistent Phonological Disorder Lucy Clare Warren “I Forgot That Word” A Case Study of an 8 Year old with a Word-Finding Disorder. Identifying the Location of Impairment Using a Model of Single Word Processing Emma Louise White The Role of Speech and Language Therapy in a Care Home Environment: An Intervention Study Targeting the Interaction between Care Home Residents and their Professional Carers Based on a Conversational Analysis Approach JOINT HONOURS: Joanne Carole Clark Single Word Reading and Lexical Access: The Phonologically Mediated Priming Effect and Differences in Processing Between Open an ClosedClass Words Emily Kate Johnson The Relationship between Measures Gained in Formal Assessment and Occurrence of Naming Errors and Self Repair in Conversational Speech in Individuals’ with Aphasia: An Investigation Shaun Owen An Experimental Study into the Phonological Short-Term Memory Deficits in Adult Dyslexic Students Georgina Natasha Smith Do Bilingual Children, Regardless of Whether they are Successive or Simultaneous Learners, have Advanced Phonological Awareness Skills? DISSERTATIONS - APRIL 1998 (Academic Year 1997/98) SINGLE HONOURS Judith CLAMP A Prospective Study of the Literacy Skills of Phonologically Disordered Children Lucy CONN The Effect of Braille Orthography on Blind Children's Phonological Awareness George Thomas CRAGGS POKIT: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Abigail L CURREY Effects of Lexical Stress on Aphasic Word Repetition Naomi Laura GREEN The Impact of Cognitive Neuropsychological Impairments and Communicative Context on Conversational Repair in Aphasia: Two Case Studies Jacqueline HARCOURT Voice Quality Variability in Bilinguals: An Instrumental and Perceptual Investigation Nicola HARDWICK Does Having a History of a Speech Disorder Always Predict Later Phonological Awareness and Literacy Problems?: An Investigation of the Cleft Lip and Palate Population Alexandra MURDOCH Comparison of the Loci of Dysfluencies in the Speech of Bilingual Stutterers: A Pilot Study Rachel PEARS Investigating the Spontaneous Speech Differences Occurring Between: Non-Aphasic and Aphasic Speakers, Claimed Aphasic Sub-Groups (Broca, Wernicke & Anomic), and Severities of Aphasia Alison Clare RUTTER Conflict Resolution Abilities in Spontaneous, Naturally Occurring Peer Interactions: A Comparison of Children with Specific Language Impairment and their Peers with Normal Language Abilities Debra Lillian SCOTT An Investigation into Gender Differences in the Referral Rates of Pre-School Children with Speech Disorders Nicola F STEINER The Use of a Scripted Elicitation Technique in the Assessment of Non-Speaking Children with Physical Disabilities Laura K THOMPSON The Nature of Speech Disorder in Down Syndrome Children Heather WELLS Short-term Memory and Sentence Processing: A Comparison of Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Dementia of the Alzheimer Type Jeannie L WILLIAMSON A Longitudinal Investigation into the Lexical and Syntactic Development of Language Delayed and Normally Developing Children at Two and Three Years of Age Beverly WILSON Evaluating the Efficacy of Pre-School Early Intervention by a Multi Disciplinary Team JOINT HONOURS Gillian ARDEN Using the Natural Environment to Enhance the Functional Communication of Young Persons with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities in Classroom Activities Annarella CLAY An Observational Study of the Differences in Patterns of Types and Loci of Stuttering in Monolingual Speakers of the German and English Languages Rachel JONES Picture Book Reading with Twins in Dyadic and Triadic Situations Phoebe SIMPSON An Investigation of Semantic Factors in Aphasic Naming Lorna TYACK Developmental Dyslexia in the Student Population: The Norms for Literacy Attainment and Patterns of Ability Sheila WIGHT The Interaction between Speech and Gesture in Aphasic Subjects Hannah YATES Quantifying the Informativeness and Efficiency of Aphasic Speech: A Comparison and Evaluation of Two Methodologies