2008 - 2009 DORSEY HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP SYLLABUS Faculty Advisor: Ms. Corcoran MEETINGS Leadership is not just an elective class - it’s much more than that! The class meets during 4th period every class day of the week. Leadership functions as a class wherein the instruction will consist of: Parliamentary Procedure(s) Introduction to and Development of Leadership Skills Team Building Improvement of Writing, Speaking, Social, and Organization Skills Timeliness/Deadlines Reflections/Essays Also, since this class is comprised of the Dorsey High School Student Body, we will be responsible for the planning and execution of the majority of the school’s functions and activities. CLASS WORK Each student must maintain a complete leadership folder and bring it to class each day. Also each student should bring writing materials and blank paper. During class, each student must actively participate in the class minutes and daily agenda each day. This includes taking notes and keeping an organized calendar and schedule of events along with listening and contributing to the meeting and all information regarding class activities, committees and future plans and calendars, and keep these within their Leadership folder. Also, each student is expected to participate in LEADERSHIP or CLASS duties. Do not use this class as a “study hall,” wandering around campus or College Center Time. OUT OF CLASS REQUIREMENTS Each students is expected to participate in all leadership sponsored school activities that take place outside of class. If a student is unable to attend these activities, it is that student’s responsibility to notify the Leadership Advisor as soon as possible. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! These include Lunch Activities, Student House of Representatives Meetings, Class Events, Concessions and School Dances. Also, there will be occasional after-school activities and events such as Parent Conference Nights, School Dances, Fundraisers , School Site Council Meetings, Freshmen Orientation and other school activities and sporting events. A minimum of 20 hours outside of class is required each semester. COMMITTEE WORK Each student is expected to participate in a number of standing committees. These committees will range from ongoing projects that continue throughout the year to special temporary committees that will concentrate on limited tasks and activities. Each student is expected to be an active member of minimum 3 committees each semester and participate in all facets of the committee including the organization, planning and execution of all duties of that committee. Each committee will be responsible for completing and maintaining of committee folders that detail all of the tasks and goals of the committee. Each student within the committee will be equally responsible for the performance of the committee and will be graded accordingly. PROBATION AND REMOVAL FROM CLASS Each Leadership student is expected to maintain a 2.5 average (or better) in ALL classes, uphold the Dress Code, attend school regularly (less than 18 periods of absence per semester) and to maintain proper school conduct to avoid being placed on Probation. Probation is temporary placement for a student that gives the student an opportunity to improve their grades and/or behavior. During this time, the student is expected to focus on improving his/her grades, attendance and/or behavior. Failure to improve grades, attendance and/or behavior may be removed from the Leadership class. Also, any behavior that violates school policy may result in immediate removal from the Leadership class. Also, any behavior that violates school policy may result in immediate removal from the class. Leadership is a year-long commitment. You cannot drop at the semester. PARENT/STUDENT SIGNATURE I, the undersigned, have read the Leadership information sheet and understand and agree with the requirements of the class. ______________________________________ Date:_________________ Student Signature ______________________________________ Parent Signature Date:__________________ Dorsey High School Leadership Agenda 1) CALL TO ORDER The President says, “ I call this meeting to order.” The President should have the attention of the class before proceeding. 2) ROLL CALL The President says, “Will the Secretary please take roll.” The Secretary checks attendance for each committee then marks the official attendance. 3) MINUTES The President says, “Will the Secretary please read the previous minutes.” The Secretary reads the previous minutes. The President says, “You have heard the reading of the minutes. Are there any corrections?” If there are NO corrections, the President says, “There are no corrections.” Now the President waits for someone in class (who was present during the previous minutes) to raise their hand and when called on, to say, “I motion to approve the minutes as read.” Then a different student raises their hand and when called on, says, “I second that motion.” Then the President says, All those in favor say ‘Aye’.” The President will wait for the ‘Ayes’, then the President says, “All those opposed say ‘Nay’.” The President will wait for the ‘Nays’ (there should be none!). “The minutes have been approved as read.” If there are SOME corrections, the President then calls on students for the corrections then says, “The Secretary will correct the minutes as amended.” Now the President waits for someone in class ( who was present during the previous minutes) to raise their hand and when called on, to say, “I motion to accept the minutes as amended.” Then a different student raises their hand and when called on, says, “I second that motion.” then the President says: All those in favor say ‘Aye’.” The President will wait for the ‘Ayes’. Then the President says, “All those opposed say ‘Nay’.” The President will wait for the ‘Nays’ (there should be none!). “The minutes have been approved as amended.” 4) COMMITTEE REPORTS The President says, “Committee Reports!” The President calls on each committee to speak about its respective activities. 5) OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS The President says, “is there any Old/Unfinished Business?” If there is no Old or Unfinished Business, then the President says, “There is no Old/Unfinished Business.” 6) NEW BUSINESS The President says, “is there any New Business?” If there is no New Business, then the President says, “There is no New Business.” 7) ADVISOR BUSINESS The President says, “Is there any Advisor Business?” The President and the rest of the class listen to all the wonderful information that Ms. Corcoran and/or the activities administrator share with the class. The students are to listen, take notes and raise their hands to participate or ask questions. They WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE CALLED ON. 8) ANNOUNCEMENTS then ADJOURNMENT The President says, “Are there any Announcements?” The Announcement information should be items such as “Students-of-the-Week”, “Birthdays”, “College Acceptance”, etc. In other words, these are NOT items that should have been placed on the Agenda! If there are no Announcements, then the President says, “There are no Announcements.” Now the President waits for someone in class to raise their hand and when called on, say “I motion to adjourn the meeting.” Then a different student raises their hand and when called on, says, “I second that motion.” Then the President says, “The motion is to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor say ‘Aye’.” The President will wait for the ‘Ayes’. Then the president says, “All those opposed say ‘Nay’.” The President will wait for the ‘nays’ (there should be none unless someone motions to make an Announcement). “The meeting is adjourned at (say the time).” WHAT SHOULD THE REST OF THE CLASS DO DURING MINUTES? 1)Be an active participant. Pay attention! You do not have to write the minutes yourself, but you need to have your folder, pen/pencil and paper ready to write down assignments, information that pertains to your committee, calendar dates, Leadership class activities, etc. 2) DO NOT spend the meeting talking. Whispering is STILL talking. Please giver your attention to the President. The only talking that is permissible is that of students called on(THAT MEANS TO RAISE YOUR HAND and WAIT TO BE CALLED!) or of committees who are informing each other of what to speak about during their Committee Report section. 3) Be prepared when it is your turn to speak to the class. Class Fines A class fine will result if leadership members fail to follow any of the above mentioned rules and the following not paying attention, (doing homework from another class, miscellaneous distractions, etc.) talking while somebody else is speaking during minute seating or chewing gum during minutes arriving late, without a valid excuse not wearing your leadership shirts on Fridays or on assigned activity days fines will range from 25 cents to $1.00 COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Leadership/ Special Activities A. Schedule, set the agenda and coordinate all Freshmen activities (planners, orientation, homeroom meetings, etc.). B. Coordinate assignments for all parent and visitor events (parent conferences, school visits, interact with other organizations, etc. C. Keep current and maintain all SBM/School Site Council information (maintain and update a folder for this information). D. Keep current and maintain all supplies in the supply closets. E. Schedule and coordinate any school-wide activities (including dances). F. Schedule and coordinate all ASB elections (leadership and Homecoming). Correspondence/Public Relations A. Schedule, set the agenda and coordinate all monthly Student Congress Meetings. B. Keep current all Homeroom Teacher and Homeroom Representative Information. C. Keep current all Master Calendar information. D. Keep current and maintain all folders in the filing cabinet (make photocopies when necessary). E. Secretaries - Maintain and update a folder for the Official Minutes, all assignment guides and Daily Bulletins (announcements). F. Maintain and update ASB roster with phone numbers. G. Homecoming - contact alumni. Keep and maintain a list of all convertible contacts, and assist the School Spirit Committee with the Homecoming Parade. H. Update and maintain all emergency Drill Information each mesterincluding the two folders of information Promotions/Bulletin Boards/Marquee A. Keep current and maintain all campus and classroom Bulletin boards. B. Keep current and maintain the main Hallway display case. C. Keep and maintain a weekly log of school restrooms and water fountains. D. CLUB COMMISSIONERS - Keep and maintain a folder of all School approved clubs (sponsors, participants, meeting location and time, etc.). Also, contact all sponsors who wish to create new clubs. E. CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSIONERS - Create and execute a regular plan for improving the appearance of our campus. Create a weekly list of lunch time clean up duties (to take place the last 5 or 10 minutes before the end of lunch), that is to be rotated between all committees. Coordinate with the Environmental Committee a plan to collect all plastic bottles (and/or aluminum cans) for recycling F. HOMECOMING - Contact U.S. Army (use of hummer, Fire Department (use of fire trucks and fire inspectors’ OK for fireworks) and Fireworks Company. G. Put up all posters for committees as needed. Remember, to have all posters approved first. School Spirit Activities A. Schedule and coordinate all Pep Rallies. This includes Activity Approval form, positions for all Leadership students, contact of all Pep Rally participants (sponsors) and Ms. Falls if the Auditorium is used. B. Schedule and coordinate all Lunchtime Activities. C. Schedule and coordinate a Spirit week during the week of the Powder Puff game. D. COMMISSIONERS OF ATHLETICS - Keep current and maintain a list of all coaches along with schedules for all sports teams. Also schedule and coordinate the “Eagle Pride Assembly”. E. HOMECOMING - Plan and coordinate the Homecoming Parade. This includes the decoration of the filed. make sure the stage is set up during school times on the day of the game. Junior Class Activities A. Keep current and maintain a folder of all Junior Activities (calendar), expenses and minutes. B. Create and distribute the calendars to the entire Junior Class. C. Keep class sponsors informed of and involved in the planning of your class events. D. Schedule Homeroom visits to introduce your committee to the Junior Homerooms and inform them of activities and answer any questions that they have. E. Powder Puff Game - Schedule and coordinate leadership students to sell refreshments. F. Junior Pool Party - make sure of the date and the following: Decorations DJ Photography Ticket Sales Promotions G. Select Class Colors, Name, and Logo this Year H. Coordinate decoration of cafeteria and refreshments for the Alumni and Homecoming Court. I. Select Prom Site. Senior Class Activities A. Keep current and maintain a folder of all Senior Activities (calendar). B. Create and distribute the calendars to the entire Senior Class. C. Keep class sponsors informed of and involved in the planning of your class events. D. Schedule Homeroom visits to introduce your committee to the Senior Homerooms and inform them of activities and answer any questions that they have. E. Powder Puff Game - schedule and coordinate ticket sales F. Senior Luau - make sure of the date and the following: Decorations DJ Photography Ticket Sales Promotions H. Senior Brunch - select the date as well as the following: Decorations DJ Photography Ticket Sales Promotions I. Homecoming - coordinate decoration of stage for the dance. Contact DJ and order the following: crowns sashes septer flowers J. Prom - coordinate promotions, develop cost of bid with Assistant Principal, order any items - sashes, crowns, glasses, etc. K. Promotion of Grad Nite (and confirmation of busses!) L. T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Mugs Environmental A. Work with the Campus Beautification Commissioners on plans to help beautify and/or improve the appearance of the campus. B. Schedule and Coordinate with the Campus Beautification Commissioners on a school wide Weekend Clean-Up (that should take place at least once a semester). Discuss and coordinate these plans with the Assistant Principal in charge of the physical plant. C. Schedule and Coordinate on a daily or weekly basis, the collection and recycling of plastic bottles or aluminum cans and other recyclable items. D. Work on a plan to bring miniature (blue)recycling bins on campus, so that they may be placed in either the classroom or the hallways and throughout campus. Coordinate and discuss plans with the Plant Manager and the Assistant Principal. Community Relations A. Maintain contact with the cities of Bell, Maywood, and Cudahy. B. Attend the Monthly City Council meetings of the above mentioned cities, and listen to the issues and information that is presented at these meetings take notes and/or collect any information that is distributed at these meetings make presentations to the City Council(s) on any pertinent issues affecting Bell High and its student body C. Give a report of the key issues discussed at these meetings during minutes. D. Keep current and maintain a folder of all meeting that were attended, along with any agendas or information gathered from these council meetings. E. Distribute and post school publicity (posters, flyers, leaflets, etc) at selected areas in the community: Area Merchants and Businesses Chamber of Commerce (Maywood, Bell & Cudahy) City Halls Community Centers Parks and Recreational Facilities F. and area Maintain contact and present information to community leaders residents from the places listed above (E). Approval of Activities/School Wide Events: The key to a successful activity is planning, planning, and more planning! Please make sure that all activities, no matter how small or how great, must be approved by the Assistant Principal in charge of student activities Mr. Janssen. Make sure that an activity form is completely filled out with the dates and approval signatures. Also try to be as descriptive as possible when identifying your activity. Please make sure that if a payment for purchases of supplies or school staff supervision is required for a particular event, a completed purchase order (P.O.) must be filled out and approved by Mr. Janssen and Mr. Lewis, the student store manager.