TIME: November 1st, Early MorningPLACE: Haddonfield Morgue

TIME: November 1st, Early Morning
PLACE: Haddonfield Morgue
[ The beginning credits roll. You hear a scream and a slash as the camera pans around
the morgue where the body of Michael Myers was taken a few moments ago.
Michael Myers is standing there holding a body. His clothes and mask are charred, but
he is apparently unscathed. He throws the coroner into the body bag he was brought
in and zips it up. He exits the room with the scalpel as the music begins. The credits roll
more showing The Shape walking down the hallways. There are voices heard as the
music dies down. The Shape hides in the shadows as three workers walk down the hall
towards the examination room. Michael Myers walks down the hall and out the front
door unnoticed. The words Halloween 9 scroll across the screen as the camera fades. ]
TIME: November 1st, Early Morning
PLACE: Streets of Haddonfield
[ The scene opens as Sara and Freddie are in the back of a police car. There are two
policemen, Officer Roberts and Officer Smith in front. They are driving down the street
very slowly with their lights on bright. Freddie leans forward into the cage. ]
Freddie: Where are we going?
Officer Smith: We're going to the police station.
[ The police radio comes on. ]
Officer Roberts: We've got a 418.
Sara: What's a 418?
[ The police car whips around and begins going the other way. ]
Sara: What's going on!
Officer Smith: Nothing to worry about maam, there is a scare up at the Morgue. I'm
sure there are a lot of citizens who want a peak at Michael, that's all. It's just a
disturbance call. Down the road Roberts. Yeah turn up there and park it.
[ The police car stops as a bunch of the workers are standing outside. The Halloween
theme begins to play. ]
Officer Smith: You guys stay in here.
[ The two officers hop out of their car. ]
Freddie: Nah wait!
[ The officers are outside as people run up to him. ]
Workers: We don't know... she's dead... we don't know, we came in, she's dead.
Officer Roberts: Whoa Whoa one at a time. You, what's your name?
Lady: Melissa, I was the one who found her. I walked in there and I saw blood on the
floor and a trail to the body bag... when I opened it she was in there dead.
Officer Smith: Okay, and whose body bag was this?
Melissa: I'm not too sure, it was someone who was just brought in. A.. Michael Myers I
Officer Smith: Ah Hell! How long have you lived here?
Melissa: Couple of weeks, why?
Officer Roberts: Do you realize that one of the most notorious killers ever, just walked
out of your Morgue.
Melissa: No, that's not possible. He was dead when he got here, it's not like he could
just come alive and walk out.
Officer Smith: What the hell are we going to do?
Officer Roberts: Radio for an ambulance, and in the meantime put out a patrol.
Officer Smith: I don't know what to say?
Officer Roberts: Hell, tell them the truth... tell them Myers is alive... and he's walking the
[ The music gets louder as this last sentence is heard. The people standing around all
gasp as Officer Smith walks to the car to get a dispatch. The music stops as he opens
the door. Freddie and Sara demand to know what's going on. ]
Freddie: What the hell is happening?
Officer Smith: Shut the hell up for a second! Yes... this is Squad Number 124, we've got
a murder down here at Haddonfield Morgue... and we need a patrol out. Myers's
body is missing... and the only thing we can come up with, is he's alive and walking the
[ Freddie and Sara look at each other. ]
Freddie: There is no fucking way in hell.
Sara: Officer he was dead! His whole body was charred.
Freddie: We killed that punk, there must be some mistake.
Officer Smith: Oh, lets hope so guys... because if not, this nightmare has just begun.
[ The music begins again as Sara puts her face in her hands and begins to cry. ]
TIME: November 1st, Early Morning
PLACE: Nearby House
[ The scene comes on as dogs are heard barking. Breathing is then heard as a man is
in his garage welding. The sparks are coming up as a Shadow is scene on the wall.
The shadow becomes bigger as it moves closer. The camera view changes as The
Shape is shown standing directly behind this man welding. The man slowly gets up and
sets the handle on the side. He turns around right into The Shape. The man pushes The
Shape as The Shape steps backwards. The man reaches for his handle and turns it on,
burning Michael in his face. The Shape takes another step back as half of his mask
comes off exposing a semi charred face, he grabs the man's hand and turns the
handle around hitting the man in the face with the fire. The man's head wrinkles up as
skin falls off. The Shape jams the handle into the man's stomach and throws the man
against the wall. The Shape looks from side to side. The Shape walks off with half of his
mask on and the other half on the garage floor. ]
TIME: November 10th, Morning
PLACE: Haddonfield Police Department
[ The scene comes on as Sara and Freddie are seen in the department. It has been a
few days, and they have yet to find Michael Myers. Freddie and Sara are sitting in
Officer Smith's office. Officer Smith walks in and sits down behind his desk. ]
Officer Smith: Well, there was a break in last night at the local costume shop. We now
have enough evidence to assume that Michael is alive. First, the piece of mask left on
the garage floor... second the rest of the mask was left at the local costume shop, and
a mask was stolen.
Freddie: Officer, don't you understand it's not possible! He was dead, when we left, we
made sure of it.
Officer Smith: Well, I guess he wasn't dead enough, because he's alive and he's
Freddie: Look, Sara needs to get the hell out of here, but I'm staying till we find this
Sara: Look, I'm not safe anywhere I go. I want this guy dead too.
Officer Smith: Look, I know you guys have been running on adrenaline for the past few
days, but you need to settle down. Nobody is going after him, we'll find him, we've just
go to keep our eyes peeled. Until then... if you guys want, ya'll can stay with me and
Rhonda till this whole mess clears up.
Sara: It sounds great to me, Freddie what about you?
Freddie: Alright, but sir, I aint leaving till this bitch is in hell, or I am.
Officer Smith: Freddie, I think he IS hell.
TIME: November 12th, Night
PLACE: Unknown
[ The scene comes on as darkness fills up a room. The only light is coming from a small
candle. There is a shadow on the wall from a person next to the candle. All of a
sudden a woman's voice is heard. ]
Woman: Myers, I know you're still alive. And Michael, you know I'm still alive. You
thought you had me, but I fooled you Myers. I knew this day would come, you still feel
me just as strong as I feel you, don't you Michael. The rage inside has only gotten
worse. When you sleep Michael you dream of me and you dream of HIM. You've
killed off everyone else, and it's time I pay HIM a visit. Because, Michael, you may be
able to kill us one by one... but Michael, if we're together, we can stop you, and
Michael, we will. Michael, your powers are weak, because you haven't found me... but
I know they're getting stronger as are mine. We've always had that connection haven't
we Michael? Myers it's time to for US to plant you where you belong... in hell, but not
yet Michael... NOT YET.
[ The scene fades as the Halloween music begins to play softly. ]
10 Months Later...
TIME: September 5th, Early Morning
PLACE: Tate's residents in Houston Texas
[ The scene comes on with darkness filled in a room. Screaming is heard as a light flicks
on. John Tate, Laurie's Son, is shown shaking Molly Tate, his wife. Molly's eyes open as
she backs up from John. John grabs her shoulders and settles her down. ]
Molly: He's coming for us! I saw him, John. He's coming back after us again!
John: No he's not! Babe, Michael Myers can't find us. We're hidden, nobody knows
where we are, he's back in Haddonfield hiding from the authorities. He'll never hurt us
Molly: You don't know that! I had a dream...
[ She begins to cry. ]
Molly: I had a dream that he was after the baby.
John: Moll, its just new mother jitters. You're afraid because the baby is so close to
being due. I mean what is it? A month at the most? He's due next month on the 11th,
you're just getting scared, you have nothing to worry about. Myers will never find us!
And we won't ever be anywhere for him to find us. You can't turn into my mom. She
was scared forever... and she never faced it, and look where she went.
Molly: But John, he found her in California and then he found her back at the
Sanitarium where he killed her. He's got something over his family, something strange.
John: No he doesn't, he had something over my mother, but that's because they were
closer blood, but not on me, I'm just a nephew.
Molly: And you're the last one alive! He'll be after you, you know he will.
John: Chill out, this isn't good for the baby.
[ John looks at the clock as it reads 5:50 A.M. ]
John: I'll go get you a glass of water.
[ John gets up and walks out of the room. Molly sits up exposing her very stretched out
belly. She pats her stomach as sweat comes off her blonde locks. John walks back in
with a cup of ice water. He hands it to Molly as she takes a quick drink of it. She gives it
back to John and he puts it on the end table. ]
Molly: I'm sorry I woke you up.
John: I'm fine as long as you are. Lets get a few more hours sleep.
Molly: Sounds good.
[ The camera fades as the lights go off. ]
TIME: September 5, Morning
PLACE: Haddonfield Police Department
[ The camera comes on as Freddie is shown with a police uniform on. He is sitting in his
office and Sara is sitting at the other chair. ]
Freddie: Haven't seen you in a while, how are you holding up?
Sara: I'm fine, you know ever since last Halloween... I've been walking by the Myers
house every day to try and see him... hear him... or anything, but I can't. I don't know
what he's waiting for. Have you heard anymore?
Freddie: Nope but we've had other signs. You know I have been on this police force
close to 8 months now trying to track down this punk, and he has yet to show his face
at all. The closest thing that's come to Myers was some loon painting something about
Myers being killed this Halloween. I'm starting to think that maybe Myers is dead
somewhere rotting. The bastard wasn't in very good shape when he escaped.
Sara: He's alive and I'm not giving up the search, not now not ever.
Freddie: Chill out, go get some sleep or a full body massage, you look like shit.
Sara: Oh, thanks.
[ The scene fades to black as they enjoy a good laugh, something that seems foreign
to both since the incident. ]
TIME: September 5th, Night
PLACE: Unknown
[ The camera comes on as you see an up view of hands grasping pictures. The pictures
are turned upside down. They turn back over and you see it's at a funeral. Laurie
Strode's funeral. It is a far away view though, but you can see that two people's faces
are circled... John's and Molly's. A female's voice is heard coming from the hands that
are holding the pictures. ]
Female Voice: Michael, it's time. Yes, it's time I take a trip to Texas to visit an old
relative. Michael, when I return he will be with me, they both will. Michael we will stop
[ The scene fades to black. ]
TIME: September 6th, Afternoon
PLACE: Tate's residence in Houston, Texas
[ The camera comes on as the phone is ringing. John and Molly are sitting at the
table. Molly struggles to get up, holding her stretched belly. ]
John: Babe, sit down I'll get that.
[ Molly plops back down as John reaches for the phone. ]
John: Hello... yes this is John Tate. Well I'm doing fine, how bout yourself? So what can
I do for you. Yes I do, um... Yes I do. Yeah that's the one. Really!? Wow, thanks that's
an honor. This isn't a joke is it? Hold on.
[ John covers the phone up with his hand and whispers. ]
John: Did you join any sweepstakes or anything?
Molly: Um... not that I know of.
[ John shakes his head and puts the phone back to his ear. ]
John: Sorry you've got the wrong number... BYE.
[ John hangs up the phone. ]
John: Stupid people will do anything for money. They wanted us to drive all the way to
Illinois because of some sweepstakes.
[ The phone begins to ring again. John grabs the phone. ]
John: Yes? Look I told you once! Leave us alone, we don't want any part of your
damn sweepstakes. I don't care if its 10 million dollars, leave us alone!
[ John hangs the phone up again. He then takes the phone off the hook. ]
John: Stupid people won't call back.
[ John sits back down with Molly as the camera fades. ]
TIME: September 6th, Afternoon
PLACE: Unknown
[ The camera comes on as those familiar hands put a phone receiver back on the
hook. The female's voice is heard again. ]
Female Voice: John is smarter than I thought. Looks like we're going to have to do this
the hard way. But it has to be done, Michael, you have to be put to rest! Michael...
this is going to be your last Halloween!
[ The music begins as the camera fades to black with heavy breathing being heard. ]
TIME: September 10th, Night
PLACE: Tate's residence in Houston, Texas
[ The camera comes on as John and Molly are sitting on a couch watching television.
Molly looks over at John. ]
Molly: Have they caught him yet?
John: Not that I've heard, let's not talk about that.
Molly: I was just wondering, sorry.
John: We're over it Molly, you know that. He can't find us here. I mean, there's just no
way okay.
Molly: Okay. Chill out.
[ Molly kisses John. ]
Molly: John, you aren't so sure are you?
John: About what Molly!
Molly: If we're really that safe.
John: Molly we're fine! Look even if he is waiting for some clock to strike telling him
when its time to come after us, it's not now and there's no reason to get worked up
over it. You saw what it did to her, and it's not going to happen to us.
Molly: Baby, I know. But we've got to look out for what's best with him or her too.
[ She points down at her stomach. ]
Molly: Because, I sure as hell don't want him or her going through what you had to go
through. I mean what if he decides to attack when they're 17, what are we going to
John: He'll be 60.
Molly: Oh don't kid yourself, evil never gets old.
John: He breathes, he walks, he gets old, and he dies. And there's not a damn thing
anyone can say that'll change that. Lets drop it.
[ The camera fades to black as they sit there watching television. ]
TIME: September 30th, Night
PLACE: Witness Relocation Program Headquarters
[ The camera comes on as you see a man step out of a car. He is dressed in grungy
overalls and is walking very slowly. He walks up to the front of the building as a guard
walks towards him. ]
Guard: Excuse me sir, but you're not authorized to be here tonight. And Halloween is a
month away, so can you please remove the mask.
[ The man tightens his fist as light shines off something in his other hand... it is a knife, he
pulls it out from behind and lunges towards the guard, he stabs the guard in the chest
as the guard's mouth drops. The guard drops to his knees, the camera gets a full view
as The Shape turns his head from side to side looking at the dead guard. He removes
the knife from the guard's chest and opens the door of the Headquarters. ]
TIME: September 30th, Night
PLACE: Inside WRP Headquarters
[ A lady is sitting at the front desk reading a newspaper as someone comes from
behind. She screams and turns around to see a young man about 25 laughing. She
hits him. ]
Lady: Charlie! What the hell is your problem? I hate being in here when me and you
are the only ones in the place, you know that too! God damn you scared the hell out
of me.
Charlie: Sorry Rosie, but it was a great opportunity. We should just close up for the
night, what are they going to say? It's 11:30, nobody is going to be coming at this time,
I'm sure James will cover for us, I mean he's on duty all night and all he does is sleep, so
he won't care.
Rosie: Good point, well go find James and I'll lock up the storage rooms.
Charlie: Alright, and I've got to go close up some files lets meet back here, say 12ish?
Rosie: Sounds good.
[ Charlie walks off as the camera follows him down the hall. He walks right by as the
camera cuts to an inlet in the wall, exposing a white mask as breathing is heard.
Charlie whistles on down the hall and walks outside. Charlie's shrieks in terror. ]
Charlie: Rosie! Rosie! James is dead! Somebody has killed James!
[ Charlie comes back in and begins running down the hall and all of a sudden a knife
comes out slashing his throat in mid sprint, decapitating his head from his body. It rolls
as his body falls limp and hits the ground with a hard thud as the camera fades to
black. ]
TIME: November 30th, Night
[ The camera comes back on as Rosie is shown locking up the storage room. She walks
back down the hall as all of the lights in the whole place go out. She stops. ]
Rosie: Damn you Charlie, I'm sick of your tricks.
[ Noise is heard from a nearby room as Rosie feels around and opens the door. The
noise stops. ]
Rosie: Charlie, I know you're in here, lock up the files and lets get out of here, don't try
to scare me it's not going to work. And for God sakes turn on the lights.
[ Rosie begins fiddling through her pockets and pulls out a lighter She flicks the lighter
on and then it goes out. With every flick the white mask is shown a foot away from her.
She doesn't pay attention as she is focused on getting the lighter working. The lighter
finally clicks on as her eyes adjust to the light. She screams in terror as the white mask is
shown staring at her from a foot away. She turns to run as The Shape reaches out and
grabs her hair, she falls on her back. Screaming is heard from Rosie as the camera
fades to black. ]
TIME: October 10th, Afternoon
PLACE: Unknown
[ The familiar dark room is shown, faintly lit by candles, and the familiar shadow is on
the wall again. ]
Female Voice: I've waited too long, Michael. You have fooled me, you have struck
when I least expected it. I know you are the one who torched the witness protection
facility and I know you have found out where they live. Michael, you will be stopped.
You are not in Haddonfield any longer, I can tell because my senses are weakened.
But I know where you are headed, because we think alike Michael. I already snuck
into the Witness Relocation Program Headquarters and I know where they are too.
You've got a step ahead, but Michael, I know you're planning to strike soon, before
Halloween, because you're scared that if we unite, we can stop you. Michael, I know!
We'll meet soon Michael, and John... don't be afraid, I'm on my way.
[ The camera fades as deep breaths are heard. ]
TIME: October 11th, Morning
PLACE: Doctor's office
[ Molly is laying on a hospital bed as the doctor is feeling around on her stomach. John
is standing next to the doctor. ]
John: So is today the day, Doctor Cane?
Dr. Cane: No John, this is really weird, but she doesn't look like she'll be do for at least a
week maybe more. This is not normal, but everything checks out fine. So, Molly, if you
have any stomach pains out of the ordinary get here as quick as possible. I mean this
baby could come out any day, but if I had to estimate it won't be out for another week
or two.
John: Okay, but everything is fine right?
Dr. Cane: Oh yes, there's no riding low, your baby is fine. And you still are adamant
about not knowing the sex of your baby till it's born right?
Molly: Yes, its the element of surprise.
Dr. Cane: Alright that'll be it. But I'm serious, any discomfort, you get ya'lls butts over
here. And guys, be careful tonight, there's a big storm coming in from the Gulf.
[ John shakes his hand as the doctor walks out of the room for Molly to get dressed. ]
TIME: October 11th, Morning
PLACE: Outside of Doctor's Office
[ Molly and John walk down the sidewalk with their arms around each other. John
opens the passenger door and helps Molly into the car. John runs around the other
side and gets in. They begin to drive off as a car from behind slowly pulls off the
sidewalk and follows. The windows are dark but there is a faint glimpse of a white
mask. The camera fades as the two cars drive off out of view. ]
TIME: October 11th, Night
PLACE: Tate's Residence in Houston, Texas
[ Molly is laying on the couch as thunder is heard cracking and lightning is seen out the
huge windows. She looks outside and shivers. John walks into view with a bucket of
popcorn. He sits down on the couch next to Molly as they flip through the channels. ]
Molly: Babe, can you do me a big favor! Can you go and get those covers we always
use to cuddle up on the couch?
John: Sure honey, where is it?
Molly: On top of the dryer, I think. If not there check in the laundry basket next to it.
John: Alright. Be back in a second.
Molly: Hurry. I don't like this weather.
[ John runs out of view. Molly begins to flip through the channels, when suddenly the
lights go off. Molly jumps a little and then gains her composure. She calls for John. ]
Molly: John hurry!
[ Molly cranes up to look out the window to see if the lights across the street are out,
and they're not. Just then lightning hits lighting up the outside and exposing The Shape
standing outside on the front lawn looking in. Molly belts out a blood curdling scream
which echoes throughout the quiet house. John comes running in with the flashlight as
it flashes in on Molly's face, she is bawling and gripping the couch. John drops the
blanket and turns off the flashlight. He then sits down on the couch holding Molly.
Molly begins to tremble. ]
Molly: He..ee..s... here!
John: Who?
Molly: Mich..ael.
John: Molly, no he's not! Chill out, you're just scared it was just a power outage.
Molly: Nnn...oooo! Look out there!
[ Molly points as lightning flashes exposing an empty lawn. She sobs. ]
John: He's not here!
[ As John says this glass is heard breaking from down the hall. John's head turns quickly.
John: Fuck, we need to get out of here and now.
[ John turns back to Molly and begins to help her up... Molly screams as The Shape
emerges from the darkness of the hall and begins to walk towards them with a knife in
hand. The music begins. John lets go of Molly. ]
John: Can you walk?
Molly: Yes.
John: Then go, I'll be right behind you!
Molly: No, I'm not leaving you.
John: Get out of here.
[ John turns around as The Shape is ten feet away slowly walking towards them. Molly
begins to walk backwards with tears streaming down her face. John reaches over for
the Lamp and pulls it out of the wall. He slings it at The Shape, but The Shape just ducks
his head as the lamp goes crashing against the back wall. John slowly backs up as
Molly is slowly going out the door. ]
John: You've come back for us Michael. If you want me... take me, but leave Molly
and the baby alone.
[ The Shape tilts his head and then clenches his fists. He begins walking towards John
again. When The Shape is three feet away John lunges with a huge punch hitting The
Shape in the jaw. The Shapes head turns slightly and then looks right back at John.
John kicks The Shape's hand knocking the knife out of his hand. The Shape grabs John
by the shoulders and sends him crashing into the wall. The Shape begins looking for his
knife in the dark room, he finally grabs it as John is barely coming back to reality. The
Shape stands over John. John takes a deep breath. ]
John: Go ahead Michael.
[ John closes his eyes as the knife begins to come down... all of a sudden a thud is
heard as John opens his eyes, he sees The Shape on the ground and an unfamiliar
woman wielding a baseball bat in one hand. ]
Lady: Get up, hurry.
[ John gets up as The Shape catches his foot and causes him to fall. The lady hits The
Shape in the head with the baseball bat again as John and the lady run out. The
camera follows as they get in a car with Molly already in the backseat still in tears.
They drive off as the camera cuts back to the house and The Shape is standing there
looking at them breathing heavy, with knife still in hand. The music plays on and then
the camera fades to black as rain pours off the white mask of The Shape. ]
TIME: October 11th, Night
PLACE: Inside Car
[ The camera cuts in as John and the strange lady are shown sitting in the front. The
lady is about 25 and looks almost familiar. The radio is on playing "Mr. Sandman." John
turns the radio down. ]
John: Who are you?
Lady: I'll tell you later.
John: Later, I want to know now. And how did you know...
Lady: Look I said I'll tell you later, lets just get her somewhere safe.
John: Thank you, you saved our lives. I owe you one.
Lady: You're welcome, and I might have to take you up on that offer.
John: Where are we going?
Lady: Haddonfield.
John: What are you nuts?! That'll be the first place he'll look.
Lady: Just trust me.
John: I don't know why, but it seems like I know you from somewhere. I guess I'll trust
you, but you have to promise me that when we get there, you'll tell me everything that
is going on.
Lady: Promise granted. Oh, and I'm going to pull off the road pretty soon, I am dead
tired I have driven non stop to get here, are you okay to drive?
John: Yes, I'm fine.
[ The camera fades. ]
TIME: October 12th, Night
PLACE: Inside Car
[ The camera comes on as it is night once more, but a day later. The camera pans
outside as a sign saying "Haddonfield Next Exit" is shown. The lady is driving again, she
turns to a wide awake John. ]
Lady: Look we're going to get Molly into a hospital, from the looks of her she looks like
she's about to pop, and it'll give us time to do what we need to do, is that alright,
John: How do you know my name?
Lady: Questions later, I'm taking her to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital.
[ The camera pans to the backseat as Molly is shown asleep, with her cheeks red from
crying. It then pans back up to the two in the front. ]
John: So will they admit her into the hospital?
Lady: Yeah, she'll be safer there. Just say you have to go out on business and she's
over due. Get the doctor to call your doctor and everything should be fine.
John: And what about me?
Lady: Questions later. Okay the hospital is right up the road from here, I'll wait in the
car while you take her up in there and do all of the things you need to do.
John: Okay, but what if Michael goes after her?
Lady: He won't, not yet at least. He'll be after me and you.
John: Why?
Lady: Questions later, here we are. Take her to the front desk, tell them what I said.
Meet me back out here after.
[ The camera fades as the car comes to a halt. ]
TIME: October 12th, Night
PLACE: Inside Car
[ The camera comes back as John gets back in the car. The lady puts the car in drive
as they begin rolling. ]
Lady: Took you long enough.
John: Well, I had to give all the information and convince Molly to let me go. She was
really scared, but if you're right and he'll be after me, she's safer alone.
Lady: Oh she is.
John: So now will you tell me where we are going?
Lady: We're heading to my house, we've got to ditch the car, so there's no chance of
him finding us before it's time.
John: Time?
Lady: When we get to my house, I'll tell you.
[ The camera fades as they speed down the streets. ]
TIME: November 13th, Early Morning
PLACE: Unknown
[ The camera comes on as John is shown sitting down at a table, there are candles lit
on the table. The lady walks into the screen with two cups of tea. She gives one to
John, as he takes a quick sip. She sits down and takes a quick sip of hers. ]
Lady: Okay, where do you want me to start?
John: First of all, who are you?
Lady: If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
John: Look, I have a sadistic uncle who tracks down his family and tries to kill us, I'll
believe anything.
[ She takes a deep breath. ]
Lady: John... I'm your sister.
[ John spits out his tea all over the table. ]
John: Okay, you're right, it is not possible.
Lady: Look, it started back after my mother, our mother was first attacked by what
turned out to be her brother. Her and dad, had me... and scared that her brother
wasn't dead... she put me up for adoption and faked a car accident, which I didn't
know until later. She thought if she got rid of me, he wouldn't find me. Well, he found
me. You see, there's a connection between us all... something that Michael sees, I
know you've had them to. I call them visions, where you are almost inside somebody
else's eyes, looking at them. Have you had these?
John: Yes, but I just thought they were really bad dreams.
Lady: I guess you could call them that. Well, anyway, he found me... and came after
me one night. We got away, me and my foster sister Rachel. He was supposed to be
dead. Then, he made me kill my foster mother. He wasn't dead John. But he used me
to do some more killing. Well they locked me up in a Sanitarium. He came back after
me again. A nice man, Dr. Loomis, saved me... and we teamed up to capture
Michael. He was put in jail, where another man, a man dressed in black Wynn was his
name... he freed Michael and took me hostage. We sat in this underground place,
where they did the most unjust thing, they experimented with Michael's rage by
impregnating me with him being the father. Well, they were going to kill my baby. So, I
had a friend, pretend to be me, and escape with my baby... well Michael got out, and
you see he hadn't seen me in a while and his rage was all built up in trying to kill my
baby, he really thought it was me. They all thought it was me. The medics, I mean all
of them thought it was me. When Michael took off after this lady, it was my chance to
escape, and I did. I ran, I didn't know where I was going to go... but I ran. He killed my
friend... he killed Jessie! But they didn't get the baby. I don't know what happened to
him, but he's safe, because Michael doesn't know where he is. He'll never know and I'll
never know.
[ She begins to cry as John puts his hand on her shoulder. ]
John: How is that possible, I mean I never heard about Michael doing anymore killings
since the night he attacked my mother.
Lady: Haddonfield kept it under wraps as best they could for if it would leak out, it
would ruin the new reputation they had gotten. So they changed the story, and
instead of Michael, it was a copy cat, who they later caught... and by then they had
deemed Dr. Loomis a nutcase and no one believed what he had to say. So it was all
under wraps, and the few that knew, didn't talk.
John: How come mom never told me?
Lady: Answer that one yourself, she didn't want you looking for me. She thought I was
perfectly fine... she never heard any different. This could have all been avoided if
fucking Haddonfield would have said something!
John: You know, I have felt a strange connection with you ever since you saved me...
what's your name... sis?
Lady: Jamie... Jamie Lloyd.
John: This is all way too fucking unbelievable, but hell I believe you.
[ They hug each other tightly, making up for loss time, and uniting after all this time.
There eyes lock showing the love that only and brother and sister can have... almost
instantaneous. ]
John: I cannot believe mom never said a word.
Jamie: I'm glad she didn't. John, I have known about you for years now. Because
after everything died down I stayed hidden, but I stayed hidden in the only place I
knew... Haddonfield. But I watched news... I heard about the attacks on you in
California. And then I heard about mom. I'm so sorry. You were closer to her than I
was. I was at the funeral though. It was a nice service. But anyway, then when
Michael attacked last Halloween at his house... I knew it was time to stop him, because
they underestimated him. And I knew once he tasted blood again, it wouldn't be long
until he came after you.
John: How the hell do we stop him?
Jamie: This, I don't know. But there's one thing that we have that nobody else has
had. We have family love. A bond that he cannot break... John it's our destiny to
combat him. Or it wouldn't have happened this way. I wouldn't have escaped... you
wouldn't have escaped. Mom knows now what's going on. She'll be on our side. It's
time for our family to stand up as one.
John: He's strong Jamie, VERY strong.
Jamie: Oh, I know. But John, there's two others who can help. Two others who have
survived his horrors, they too... are still here.
John: The latest two?
Jamie: Yes, Freddie and Sara. We all four must unite and stop him. It'll work, he can't
kill us all, one at a time, oh yeah for sure, but not all at once.
John: Yes, but how are we going to get them there?
Jamie: Oh they're dying for a piece of him too, trust me I've listened. And getting
them there won't be too hard. Freddie is a cop he'll help whoever is in distress, and
Sara... I have a feeling fate will bring her there too.
John: I'm ready Jamie. It's time to end this madness, if not for us, for mom... for molly...
for my baby... for your baby, for them all. But when... and where?
Jamie: There's only one for sure place to find him... his turf and on Halloween night.
He'll be waiting for us, he'll be planning on us, and we'll surprise him, when all four of us
show up.
John: What do you have in mind? Like how do you expect to kill him and how can
you be sure it'll kill him?
Jamie: What I plan on doing... it'll kill him.
[ The music starts and the camera fades as she begins to whisper the plan. ]
TIME: October 20th, Afternoon
PLACE: Haddonfield Police Station
[ The camera comes on as Sara is shown sitting in Freddie's office. Freddie is sitting
down at the desk looking over files. ]
Sara: Look Freddie, I know this Halloween you'll be on patrol. And I know for what... I
want to be there. I know he'll attack, I have a big feeling. Please, let me be there.
Freddie: Look, I don't want you to get hurt.
Sara: Freddie... do you not understand, if we don't stick together, he might take one of
us out alone. You see, I mean you could endanger my life if you leave me alone on
Halloween, he'll be looking for us... you know he will.
Freddie: He'll be looking for something, that's for sure. Okay... but you stay out of the
way and if he does come up on the radio, you stay out of his way too. Let me handle
it, I kicked his ass once, I'll do it again.
[ The camera fades with Sara smiling, for once. ]
TIME: October 30th, Halloween EVE Afternoon
PLACE: Haddonfield Memorial Hospital
[ The camera comes on with John sitting there holding Molly's hand. Molly has still not
given birth. Another doctor comes in. ]
John: Hey Doctor Schmidt, how are you today maam.
Dr. Schmidt: Pretty good. We've ran some test to find out exactly why this baby hasn't
come out yet, and everything is perfectly fine. I spoke with Dr. Cane earlier this
morning and we're both going to let everything go as it is... your baby will come out
when it's ready to come out. We don't want to risk doing something that nature hasn't
intended us to do. So just bare with us, is that okay with you two, Mr. and Mrs. Tate.
John: I'm fine with it, Molly what about you?
Molly: Well considering the month, I guess I'm fine with it too.
Dr. Schmidt: How was your trip Mr. Tate.
John: It went fine.
Dr. Schmidt: Well, I would send Molly home with you, but we've decided it's best she
stays here. So are you fine with your housing? You have a hotel?
John: Yeah, I can stay here a few months.
Dr. Schmidt: Alright well, I'm needed somewhere else. You guys take it easy and Molly
ring if you need anything.
[ The doctor exits the room. ]
John: Molly, I need to tell you some stuff and you've got to trust me and believe me.
Molly: Okay what?
John: That lady that saved us... she's my sister.
Molly: She's insane is what she is, but she did save our lives have to give her that.
John: No seriously, and there's a back story that I have found out. Michael didn't wait
20 years to strike again, he struck again and he went after her. A lot of things
happened but she escaped. Look it's hard to believe but I know it's true. I can feel it,
she's my sister! She described all the feelings I've had, like the feelings where I feel like
I've committed a murder, it wasn't me, I can see into his eyes. I can see into my Uncle's
eyes, when he's doing stuff.
Molly: John, are you okay?
John: I will be after tomorrow, we'll all be.
Molly: What is that supposed to mean?
John: Nothing, I've got some things to do tomorrow, so I might not be here to visit, but
I'll be back the day after tomorrow. Then you'll have my full attention.
Molly: Where are you going?
John: I'm going to take care of some unfinished business.
Molly: John you're scaring me.
John: I gotta go.
[ John kisses Molly on her forehead and leaves with Molly protesting. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Afternoon
PLACE: Outside the Myers house
[ The camera comes on as a car pulls up in front of the Myers house. The car doors
open as John and Jamie get out of the cars. They stand on the front lawn and look up.
John: So this is where it started.
Jamie: Yes, it's been a while.
[ Jamie steps up closer to the house and looks up. ]
Jamie: Michael, I know you're in there. I hope you can hear me. Tonight, Michael...
tonight we play your little game. Tonight we find out how much you've really got.
Michael you made a big mistake, you forgot to kill me! And Michael, you forgot to kill
him too. Tonight, your nephew and niece pay you a little visit! But we're not bringing
cookies to this party, oh no and you'll see exactly what we've got planned for you. Just
be waiting Michael! Be waiting for us.
[ Jamie turns to John. ]
Jamie: Lets go.
[ They turn around and get in the car... the camera pans up to the second story
window of the house as you see The Shape looking down at the car. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Outside the Myers house
[ The camera comes on as the music begins. A car drives past the Myers house. The
same car that Jamie and John used to drive up to it earlier. It drives past the Myers
house and stops five houses down. The car doors open as Jamie and John get out.
The trunk pops up as John pulls out two black bags. He hands one to Jamie as they
begin to carry them down the street and to the Myers house. They look around to
make sure nobody is watching. They set the bags down in front of the door. ]
Jamie: You ready?
John: Hell yeah!
Jamie: Everything set? You got your phone?
John: Got it.
Jamie: Alright we're going in.
[ John looks up to the sky. ]
John: Mom this is for you.
[ The camera fades as John and Jamie pick up the black bags and go in. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside Freddie's Police Car
[ The camera comes on as Sara and Freddie are shown. Freddie is driving around very
slowly as Sara is looking around with a spotlight. ]
Sara: He isn't here.
Freddie: Yeah, I can see that. Look I'm thinking he won't show his face tonight, he'll
wait years down the road. Time means nothing to him. He's cursed, he doesn't give a
shit if two years go by or if a hundred years go by.
Sara: It won't be that long. He'll show his face, or we'll find him Freddie.
Freddie: I don't know about you, but I'm not sure if I want to have another run in with
him. We may have won the first time, but you never know.
Sara: Yeah, I know. But, he killed my friends he's going to pay for it. I'm not running
away that's for sure.
Freddie: Nobody said that. Look, just keep your eyes peeled around the trees. He isn't
shy, if he wants to be seen, he'll be seen.
Sara: I'm telling you Freddie, we should go to his house and wait for him there.
Freddie: Sara, no. You know what kind of uproar this town would be in if they found a
cop car at the Myers house. There would be ambushes. Right now every kid in this
town thinks the house is haunted they're afraid to go up there, Sara, be patient my girl,
we'll find him sooner or later.
[ Sara takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside the Myers House
[ The camera comes on as John and Jamie are shown standing in the front entrance.
Jamie puts her bag down and opens it. She digs through the bag and pulls out a light
and a headband. She puts the headband on and then places the light on the
headband. John follows her lead. She then pulls out a stun gun... John pulls out a
pistol. Jamie puts the stun gun in the back of her pants as John places the gun in his
pocket. Jamie digs into the bag again and pulls out a stick of dynamite and a lighter.
She puts these in separate pockets. ]
Jamie: Don't want the fireworks starting early.
John: Haha, yeah, lets find this fool.
[ John pulls a cell phone out of a holder on his belt. He turns it on and places it back
on his belt. A crash is heard upstairs. The two look at each other and begin to walk up
the stairs. Creaking is heard above them. Jamie whispers. ]
Jamie: He's up there, John.
John: I know, okay, I'll go first.
[ John takes the final step and turns, The Shape walks into a room down the hall, as
John gets a tiny glimpse of his figure. John turns back to Jamie. ]
John: He's in there.
[ Jamie shakes her head. They slowly walk down the hall towards the room. The door is
slightly shut, Jamie counts to three and kicks the door, they both jump into the room
with their weapons out. The Shape is no where to be seen. They look around the room.
Jamie: Michael, show yourself damnitt.
[ The closet door opens as The Shape exposes himself, knife in hand. He is breathing
very heavily and tilts his head looking at his family members. He begins to walk towards
them. John aims and shoots the pistol, hitting The Shape in the chest. The Shape takes
a step back and begins to walk towards them once more. John shoots him three more
times... The Shape continues to walk towards them as John fires the whole round into
The Shape's chest. The Shape continues toward them, John and Jamie begin walking
backwards, The Shape falls to his knees and then falls backwards onto the ground,
dropping the knife. John and Jamie look at each other. ]
Jamie: Stay back, he's not dead.
John: What the fuck do we do?
Jamie: There's no way, it can't be this easy.
[ Jamie slowly walks forward to him, she looks down at him. She takes her attention off
of him as she looks down to pull the dynamite out of her pocket, as she is about to pull
it out The Shape grabs the knife. ]
John: Look out.
[ Jamie turns to run as The Shape slashes her in the calf. She falls down... The Shape
gets up as John runs at him. John hits him in the face with the pistol. The Shape tilts his
head and looks at him. ]
John: Shit.
[ The Shape grabs John by his throat and lifts him in the air. He reaches back with his
knife, as he is coming down, Jamie pulls the stun gun out and electrocutes him in the
crotch. The Shape drops John to the floor with a thud. The Shape falls down on his
back as the knife slides across the floor. Jamie gets up and begins to try to help John
up, but he's knocked out by the stun. Jamie drags him out of the room all the way to
the opposing end of the hall. She pulls his shirt up, as the cell phone has been fried. ]
Jamie: Shit!
[ Jamie looks up as The Shape emerges out into the hall. Jamie gets up and takes off
down the stairs with The Shape following her. She goes into the kitchen and pulls out
the drawer, the knives planted by DangerTainment are still in there. Jamie pulls out a
butcher knife as The Shape joins her inside the kitchen. Jamie throws the knife sticking
into The Shape's chest. The Shape looks down and pulls the knife out, he throws it down
on the ground and continues toward her. Jamie begins to back up but is quickly
cornered, she pulls out the stun gun and lunges at The Shape. The Shape steps back
and pushes Jamie, who goes flying up against the opposing wall, knocking her out
instantly. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside Freddie's Police Car
[ The camera comes on as Freddie and Sara are again scanning around. ]
Freddie: Sara, I can tell you're growing impatient, chill out.
Sara: Freddie, why can't we go to his house?
Freddie: I told you why, it's out of the question, the last thing I want is this town getting
the idea Michael Myers is around, lynching everyone who resembles him. It's not going
to happen.
Sara: Well... can we at least drive by. I mean what's the hurt in that?
Freddie: We drive by, you see there's no activity, then will you be satisfied?
Sara: Yes!
Freddie: Fine, but all we're doing is driving by.
[ The camera fades as Freddie turns the car around towards the Myers house. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside Myers House
[ The Shape walks towards Jamie, who was knocked out by the impact of the wall,
with the knife in his right hand. He brings the knife up ready to drive it into her body,
when a knife comes through his chest, from behind. The Shape falls down on top of
Jamie as John is shown behind him standing over them, holding the knife that had
previously been on the ground. He pushes The Shape off cautiously and picks Jamie
up on his shoulders, he walks to the entrance where he sets Jamie down. Jamie is
slowly coming to her senses, she looks up at him. ]
Jamie: Where is he?
John: I stabbed him through the heart, he's on the ground inside the kitchen.
Jamie: Are you okay?
John: Yes, are you?
Jamie: Yeah, he busted my light out, but I see yours still works. Okay, what we're going
to do now is level him, help me up.
[ John helps Jamie up. Jamie pulls out the dynamite and the lighter. ]
Jamie: Okay, when we go in there, you cover me, just in case. I'm going to plant this
on him and light it, then we get the fuck out of here.
[ John shakes his head as they walk into the kitchen. They look in the direction of
where The Shape last fell, and there's nothing there. John and Jamie look at each
other and sigh as the music begins. ]
Jamie: No!!! Noooo! No!!!
[ The camera fades as they look around the empty kitchen. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside Freddie's Police Car
[ The camera comes on as Freddie slows down the car in front of the Myers house.
They look up in the motionless house. Freddie looks over at Sara. ]
Freddie: Look, there is no one in there. They've already searched the place... he's not
[ Sara just shakes her head as Freddie presses the accelerator. ]
Sara: Wait stop!
[ Freddie slams on the brakes. ]
Freddie: What?
Sara: Look there's a light upstairs.
[ Freddie looks up and doesn't see anything. ]
Freddie: Look, Sara it's been a hard year for the both of u...
Sara: Look damnitt!
[ Freddie looks up again and this time sees the light too. ]
Freddie: What the fuck is that?
[ Freddie hops out of the car. He walks up on the lawn looking up at the light. Sara
gets out and stands right next to him. ]
Freddie: It's probably fucking kids. I'm going to go ahead and radio for backup, just in
[ Freddie begins to go back to the car, when a woman's scream is heard. Freddie
turns back around and draws his gun. He runs full speed into the house, with Sara right
behind him. ]
TIME: October 31st, Halloween Night
PLACE: Inside the Myers House
[ The camera comes on as The Shape has John and Jamie cornered in the sister's
room. He has a knife and is methodically walking towards them. They are looking at
each other, not sure what to do. The Shape is three feet away with the knife up, when
a gunshot is heard. The Shape swings around seeing Freddie and Sara. Sara screams
as The Shape begins walking towards them. Freddie unloads a whole round of lead
into The Shape. But The Shape is not phased. The Shape shoots forward as John
tackles him from behind. The knife comes out of his hand again. John begins banging
The Shape's head into the ground. The Shape pulls himself up with John on top of him.
He swings John off of him, and bends over to pick up the knife. Freddie runs at him and
kicks him in his chest, but not before The Shape gets the knife. As Freddie kicks him
again The Shape lunges stabbing Freddie in the chest. He pulls the knife out and stabs
him again, killing him instantly. ]
Sara: Freddie! Noooooo!
[ The Shape shoots his head up in Sara's direction. He takes a step forward towards
Sara as Jamie comes running. ]
Jamie: Die!
[ Jamie jumps on his back. The Shape grabs her hair and flips her over the top of him,
he stabs her in the back as she falls down. Sara begins to run down the hall as The
Shape chases her. The camera stays with Jamie as she is still breathing. John runs over
to her. ]
John: Jamie! Noo! Jamie, this isn't fair. This wasn't supposed to happen.
[ Jamie places the dynamite and lighter in John's hand. She then grabs his other hand
with hers. ]
Jamie: John... do something for me... send him to hell!
[ She squeezes his hand as her breathing slowly stops, and her grasp on his hand
loosens. John hugs her tightly. ]
John: Rest in Peace sis.
[ He kisses her cheek and lays her down softly, he looks up. ]
John: Michael!
[ The camera cuts back to Sara. She is running down the hall as the music begins. She
turns around and The Shape is following right behind her. She runs into a room at the
end of the hall and shuts the door, locking it behind her. She stands there no sure what
to do. She runs to the window and tries to open it, but it's stuck. She turns around
frantically looking for something as the doorknob to the room begins to shake violently.
Then beating begins on the door, the door crashes down onto the floor as The Shape
steps through into the room, he looks around for Sara. He sees her crouched down on
the floor trembling. He begins to walk towards her. He grabs her shoulder as she looks
up, closing her eyes ready for her fate. The knife comes up, but doesn't come down,
as a lighted dynamite comes through the wound that John's previous knife shot made.
The Shape swings around with the knife as John ducks. ]
John: Get up!
[ Sara slowly gets up as John dodges another knife slash by The Shape. Sara runs out
the door as The Shape corners John with the fuse slowly burning down. ]
John: So it comes down to this Michael, so I guess we both lose don't we, but I don't
care anymore, at least you die.
[ From out of no where Sara comes with the pistol, hitting The Shape in the back of the
head and stunning him for a second. She grabs John's hand as he ducks another knife
slash. They begin running down the hall with The Shape following close behind. They
run down the stairs as The Shape comes down the stairs they go through the entrance
as the fuse is almost all the way down to the dynamite, still stuck inside The Shape.
John looks back. ]
John: Times up Michael!
[ John and Sara jump out of the Myers house onto the lawn as a huge explosion hits
right after. The old house begins to crumble as the entrance has been leveled with the
explosion. The top floor caves in onto the bottom floor, crushing any remains of The
Shape. John helps Sara up. They stare at the remains of the house as police sirens are
heard in the distance. John puts his arm around Sara as he smiles. ]
John: The evil is dead.
[ The camera zooms in on Sara as she is in tears. ]
Sara: But Freddie, he's gone.
John: His death isn't is vain. He died saving us, and for that... he'll live on. They both
Sara: It's over at last.
John: Yes, Michael is in hell.
[ The camera fades as people begin to gather on the lawn and the first police car
stops. ]
TIME: October 31st, Night
PLACE: Haddonfield Memorial Hospital
[ The camera comes on as John and Sara are seen running into the hospital, they stop
at the front desk. ]
John: I'm Molly Tate's husband, I just got word that she's in labor.
Receptionist: Yes, she just had it... she's in her normal room number, room...
[ John runs down the hall as Sara slowly follows, they burst into her door as Molly is seen
half asleep her eyes open as she looks at John and Sara. ]
Molly: Whose that John?
John: This is Sara, the girl who saved my life. Babe, Michael is dead! This time he's in
hell where he belongs.
[ Molly smiles as a nurse walks into the room holding something in a blanket. ]
Nurse: Mr. Tate, meet your son.
[ The nurse hands John his son as he takes him smiling. He looks at the baby as his smile
slowly fades. ]
Molly: John, meet Daniel, our son.
[ The camera zooms in on the baby, as the music begins to play. The baby has a
birthmark on its wrist, the mark of Thorn, and a recording of Dr. Loomis's voice is heard
as the baby's BLACK eyes are shown. ]
Dr. Loomis Recording: I was told there was nothing left, no emotion, no conscious, and
only the rudementriest sense of life or death, good or evil, and the blackest eyes... The
Devil's Eyes!
[ The camera fades to black as the music continues to play. ]