Bulletin Week of August 18, 2013 Saint Ann’s Church A Roman Catholic Community Hoboken, NJ Served by Capuchin Franciscan Friars Parish Center 704 Jefferson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Monday – Friday 8:30am to 6pm Saturday 9am to 5pm; closed on Sunday Tel. 201-659-1114, Fax: 201-659-1416 Emergency: 201-687-5930 www.st-annchurch.com Pastor Fr. Remo DiSalvatore O.F.M. Cap., Broremocap@gmail.com Pastoral Associate Bro. Robert J. Reinke C.F.P., Brrjr04@yahoo.com Weekend Associate Fr. Jude Duffy O.F.M. Cap brjude@aol.com Office Manager Nancy R. Jefferson, NancyRJefferson@yahoo.com Business Manager Martha Gonzalez, Marthabgon@optonline.net Music Director Jeremy Beck, JBeck75@mac.com Parish Council churchofstannhobokennj@gmail.com Jason Castelluccio – President Louise DiGiacomo – Vice President Susan Baker – Secretary Cindy LoPresti, Ann Shearn, Jason Swiatek, Joe Truglio and Giovina Uva Trustees Eileen Valentino & Patrick Pasculli Holy Name Society First Tuesday after the First Sunday of every month at 7:00pm Padre Pio Group First Friday of every month at 7:30pm Secular Franciscans First Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm Upper Room Prayer Group Third Sunday of every month after 12:00noon Mass St. Ann Right to Life Carol Ann Giambona, Cabloomers@webtv.net Hoboken Catholic Academy Matthew McGrath, Principal (201-963-9535) St. Ann’s Guild Last Wednesday of every month Parish Mission Statement: We, the Catholic community of St. Ann’s Parish, are guided by the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that each person may be able to experience love, forgiveness, unity and spiritual peace and bring this experience to those most in need. SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:00pm Fox Hill 5:00pm Vigil Sunday: 8:00am (Italian), 10:00am, 12noon, 7:00pm Monday - Friday: 7:00am Wednesday: Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am – 7:00 pm 6:50pm Saint Anthony Novena 7:00pm Mass and Saint Ann Novena Holy days & Holidays: As Announced in Bulletin Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on Saturday at 4:30pm or call the Parish Center to make an appointment to celebrate the Sacrament. Sacrament of Baptism Parents should contact the Parish Center at the birth of the child to register for the required parents' and godparents' baptismal preparation session. The sessions are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30am in the rectory. Baptisms will be celebrated at 1:00pm on the first and third Sundays of the month. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should begin preparation at least one year prior to the planned wedding date. It is advisable for couples to contact the Parish Center before any other arrangements are made for the wedding day. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick/Visitation of the Sick The Anointing of the Sick is available to seriously ill members of our parish at home or in the hospital. Please call the Parish Center to make arrangements. For legal reasons, many hospitals no longer inform parishes when a hospitalized parishioner would like a parish visit. Please let us know of any homebound persons who would like Communion regularly. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a rite in the Church for adults to prepare to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. If you or someone you know would like to become a Catholic, please contact the Parish Center. Parish Registration We welcome you to the Parish Family of Saint Ann’s, and invite you to register with us by filling out a form by contacting our Parish Center or on the website. You must register in the Parish for Baptisms, the Religious Education Programs and for Hoboken Catholic Academy. We urge all parishioners to make regular use of the envelopes. If you are moving from the Parish, please notify the Parish Center. Parish Info MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, August 17 [4:00pm]Fox Hill – Joseph Montoto [5:00pm] Mildred Capizzi Sunday, August 18 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time [8:00am] Fiorino Scalzo [10:00am] Frank Policastro People of the Parish [12:00noon] The Servant of God Mary Grace Bellotti [7:00pm] Angela & Corrado DeRobertis WEEKLY COLLECTIONS August 11, 2013 Envelopes Used TOTAL 174 $3,492.00 SUMMER WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Effective June 2nd through September 1st our weekend Masses are as follows: Saturday 4:00pm Fox Hill Gardens 5:00pm Church Sunday 8:00am (Italian), 10:00am, 12:00noon and 7:00pm Monday, August 19 [7:00am] Edward Alfano Weekly Recitation of the Rosary Tuesday, August 20 [7:00am] Frank Policastro St. ann’S feaSt nightly 50/50 Wednesday, August 21 [7:00am] Douglas Deerin [7:00pm] In Thanksgiving to Saint Rita Thursday, August 22 [7:00am] Mary Romano Friday, August 23 [7:00am] Domenico Rizzo Saturday, August 24 [4:00pm]Fox Hill – Peter Kraus [5:00pm] Sergio Picca Sunday, August 25 Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time [8:00am] Pietro Romano [10:00am] Raymond DeGennaro [12:00noon] In Honor of M.S.S. DiCorsignano People of the Parish [7:00pm] Rosa Lupino Every Wednesday at 6:15pm Thu., July 25 #355872 $731 UNCLAIMED Monthly fourth week building fund/capital improvement collection Next weekend August 24th and 25th we will have a second collection for the Building Fund. Scriptural reflections on stewardship August 18, 2013 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s second reading, St. Paul encourages us not to grow weary or lose heart, but to persevere in following Jesus. Our willingness to give of ourselves Special thanks To all those who donated to the St. Ann’s Feast Floral Arrangements. St. Ann and the Church looked beautiful!! PRAY FOR THE SICK GOD BLESS THEM AND THOSE WHO CARE FOR THEM Lumen fidei th On July 5 , Pope Francis released his first encyclical Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith). The work was started by Pope Benedict and completed by Pope Francis. For the modern Catholic Church a Papal encyclical, in the strictest sense, is a letter, usually treating some aspect of Catholic doctrine, sent by the Pope and addressed either to the Catholic bishops of a particular area or, more normally, to the bishops of the world; however, the form of the address can vary widely, and often designates a wider audience. Papal encyclicals usually take the form of a Papal brief due to their more personal nature as opposed to the formal Papal bull. Papal encyclicals are so famous that the term encyclical is used almost exclusively for those sent out by the Pope. The title of the encyclical is usually taken from its first few words. We will be offering highlights of the encyclical over the next several weeks. You can find more information about Lumen Fidei at http://lumenfidei.com. ON FAITH IN HUMAN LIFE The first setting in which faith enlightens the human city is the family. I think first and foremost of the stable union of man and woman in marriage. This union is born of their love, as a sign and presence of God’s own love, and of the acknowledgment and acceptance of the goodness of sexual differentiation, whereby spouses can become one flesh (cf. Gen 2:24) and are enabled to give birth to a new life, a manifestation of the Creator’s goodness, wisdom and loving plan. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE www.st-annchurch.com for coming events, for the Sunday bulletin, for registering, for ministries and more… PRE-REGISTRATION fOR St. ann’S fall 2013 FAITH FORMATION CLASSES If you have a child or children from first grade through eighth grade, who does not attend a Catholic School, kindly fill out the information below and send it to the parish center or register on our website www.st-annchurch.com. Confirmation requires two consecutive years of religious education. If your child is going to be in 7th grade they are eligible for the program. They must be registered in the St. Ann’s program. We will contact you this summer with details of our new program. Name of child: ___________________________ Age: _______________________ Is your child due to receive Communion (2nd grade) (Circle one) Yes No Is your child due to receive Confirmation (8th grade) (Circle one) Yes No School and grade your child is in now: Church of Baptism: Church of First Communion (if applicable): Name of Parent/address/phone number: 100 anniversary th The Capuchin Franciscan Friars will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Province of the Sacred Stigmata of St. Francis by Fr. Michael Gori, O.F.M. Cap. and Fr. Raymond Tonini, O.F.M. Cap. There is a plaque honoring Fr. Michael Gori in the vestibule of our Church above the Choir Loft door. It is such an honor and blessing for us to have had one of the Province’s founders serve our Parish. In celebration of this joyous event, you are cordially invited to attend the Eucharistic Liturgy on Saturday, September 7th, 2013 at 11:00 am at Immaculate Conception Church, 754 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY. A reception will immediately follow at Maestro’s Restaurant, Bronx, New York. Tickets are $75.00 per person. Bus transportation will be available for an additional fee. Since our parish was one of the first to be served by the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, we would like to have as many parishioners as possible attend this event. If you would like to attend this wonderful celebration, please contact the Parish Center at 201-659-1114. Special celebration On Sunday, August 25, 2013 at the 12:00noon Mass we will have the Image of Most Holy Mary of Corsignano, Patroness of Giovinazzo, Italy, present in our sanctuary. The Italian Choir will sing hymns in her honor as we continue our tradition of venerating the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rachel’S vineyaRd RetReat CONGRATULATIONS The following infants were Baptized during the month of August: Zachary Pasquale Cestaro Son of Christopher & Heather Annalisa Cirino Daughter of Salvatore & Margherita Dylan James Giordano Son of James & Antoinette Ethan James Hung Son of Tony & Silvia Maeve Rose Nordmann Daughter of Garrett & Kathryn Christian Polonia Son of Frank & Tracey Mason Polonia Son of Frank & Tracey Cashin James Powers Son of David & Amanda John Francis Rizzi Son of Philip Jeanne Michael Frank Solmski Son of Michael & Amanda Owen Henry Visker Son of Derek & Gabiela Call to prayer For life. Marriage and religious liberty Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do you feel that you can never be forgiven? Rachel’s Vineyard (http://wwwrachelsvineyard.org) is a weekend retreat which offers hope and healing. The Respect Life Office will be offering a retreat September 13 - 15 at the McGuiness Center located at St. John the Apostle Parish, 1805 Penbrook Terrace, Linden, NJ 07036. For more information call the Respect Life Office at 973-497-4350. All calls are confidential. HOLY HOUR FOR LIFE, MARRIAGE AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY All parishioners are invited to participate NEXT SUNDAY August 25th after the 12:00 Noon Mass from 1:00am to 2:00am as St. Ann’s, along with other parishes in the Archdiocese of Newark, come before the Lord to offer prayers for this very important cause. Padre Pio Prayer Group You are cordially invited to attend the 12th Annual Celebration for Saint ‘Padre’ Pio Feast Saint Ann’s Church, Hoboken, NJ Sunday, September 29, 2013 Special Holy Mass: 12 PM Procession following the Holy Mass. Feast- Fiesta: 4:30PM 255 State Highway 17 South, Wood Ridge, NJ 07075 Price: $75 per person, Children 0-11 years old $40 To purchase tickets call Martha Gonzalez at 201-795-3205 See menu in back of Church