Medium Term Overview Subject: Science Unit: Evolution and Inheritance Year Group: 6 Term: Autumn Aims of the Unit: Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment and adaptation may lead to evolution Learning Intentions: To investigate what fossils can tell us about the early origins of living things To recognise that humans have genes DNA, and chromosomes What can fossils tell us about the earth in the past? What is a chromosome? What are genes? Why are genes important? What is DNA? Why is it important? How does the environment effect adaptation? How have humans adapted to the earth? What is evolution? What have I inherited from my parents? What parts of your nature have you developed yourself? Why? What is a family tree? Why is it important to evolution/inheritance? Why have some animals become extinct? Could humans become extinct? Essential Skills: Examples of Activities: Examine photos of themselves and parents to look for inheritance Comparing human skulls to primates Make a family tree – looking at hair colour/eye colour/height etc. for inheritance Investigate and examine fossil using electronic microscopes Discuss, research and examine the work of Charles Darwin and rent research/discoveries Compare humans and animals to their habitats Design a creature for a habitat Essential knowledge: Resources: (websites/books/workshops etc.) Essential Experiences: Visits/Visitors: Science museum – Who am I? exhibition Natural History Museum Centre of genealogy Sites to dig for fossils Digital Literacy Opportunities: Assessment Tasks: