Bar Council of England and Wales Tier 5

Bar Council of England and Wales: Tier 5 Government Approved
Application form
Please complete the following questions and submit this form together with the supporting
documents and payment to or Jessica CroftsLawrence , The General Council of the Bar, 289-293 High Holborn, London WC1V 7HZ. You
will have to scan or send the final page of the application which requires a signature.
Please complete the following tables with your details:
1. Personal details
Family Name (Surname)
Given Name (First name)
Other name/s
Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)
Country of Residence
2. Passport details
Passport number
Issue Date (dd/mm/yy)
Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy)
Place of issue of passport
3. Contact details
Postcode/ZIP code
Email address
Telephone number (with
international code)
4. UK ID/worker details (if applicable)
UK ID Card number (if
UK National Insurance number
(if applicable)
National ID Card number (if
Employee Number (if
5. Work/Placement details
5.1. Please tick which of the following categories you belong to:
(Double click the box to open a new dialogue box which allows you change it to
I am a non European Economic Area (EEA) national who has been offered
pupillage by barristers’ chambers. My pupillage is funded, OR,
I am a non EEA national who has been offered pupillage by barristers’
chambers). I have been granted a funded pupillage waiver by the Bar
Standards Board, OR,
I am a non EEA national who has been offered a mini pupillage within
barristers’ chambers), OR,
I am a non EEA national law student or lawyer that is undertaking a Bar
Council training programme.
I am a non EEA national who has been granted a Fellowship in the UK by a
Foundation or Association (e.g. the Inns of Court) whose programme is
approved by Bar Council.
5.2. Please complete the following table with your details
Work/placement start date
Work/placement end date
Total weekly hours of work
Main work/placement address
whilst in UK
(include street name and
number, city and postcode)
Other regular work/placement
addresses whist in the UK (if
(include street name and
number, city and postcode)
Job/placement title
Summary of job description
Gross pay in Pounds sterling (if
Gross allowance in Pounds
sterling, e.g. travel, training
expenses, (if applicable)
Summary of all allowances
6. Terms and Conditions of Sponsorship
Please tick and sign the statement below by which you indicate your agreement to the
following terms and conditions of the sponsorship offered by the Bar Council under Tier 5
a. I am a non-EEA national
b. I am making my application from outside the UK.
c. I seek entry to the United Kingdom:
i. Solely for the purpose of undertaking practical experience under the
terms of an approved exchange scheme, pupillage, mini pupillage,
fellowship programme; and
ii. do not intend to establish myself in practice or in business or seek
employment in the United Kingdom; and
iii. Will meet all other UK Border Agency requirements for entry
clearance and leave to enter; and
iv. Will within a week of their arrival in the UK attend in person the Bar
Council offices and allow the Bar Council to make copies of my
passport (including evidence of my leave to remain in the UK) and
UK biometric card.
d. I will notify the Bar Council immediately about any changes to my contact
details whilst in the UK (including residential address, telephone number,
mobile telephone number, placement address and main point of contact
within placement, for example mentor/supervisor) and undertake to keep
these details up to date.
e. I will notify the Bar Council immediately if the following circumstances arise:
i. I do not wish to use the certificate of sponsorship once it has been
ii. there are any significant changes to my circumstances, for example a
change of placement, pupillage, programme or finances or if the
duration of my is curtailed for whatever reason;
iii. I do not turn up for my first day of my placement, pupillage,
programme or work experience , or do not attend regularly or at all;
iv. I am absent from my placement, pupillage, programme or work
experience for whatever reason.
v. If my placement, pupillage, programme or work experience is
terminated (including where I resign);
I confirm that statements a to c inclusive are true and that I will comply with the
requirements detailed in d to e: