Hewlett-Packard Company Ken Boorom, M.S. 382 P.O. Box 15 Boise, Idaho 83707-0015 Phone: 208-396-7905 Fax: 208-396-5433 Joan Lynch Managing Editor, EDN 275 Washington St Newton, MA 02458 October 15, 1998 Dear Ms. Lynch: Thank you for the information regarding my submission of an article to EDN. I have enclosed an article entitled, “SPICE Simulations can Help Engineers Understand Signal Integrity Issues in High-Speed Digital Designs.” The article provides useful information to the majority of engineers in the field who do not understand signal integrity in high-speed digital systems. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. Best Regards, Ken Boorom M.S.E.E./B.S.E.E. Stanford University SPICE Simulations Can Help Engineers Understand Signal Integrity Issues in HighSpeed Digital Systems As consumers demand higher speed computing systems, engineers must raise clock rates to squeeze more performance from their designs. Higher clock rates mean faster slew rates, and shorter setup and hold. This, coupled with the trend toward 3.3 Volt logic, makes it essential to understand transient switching behavior on digital busses. Engineers sometimes take a trial-and-error approach to fixing transmission line problems that come up in high speed digital circuits. They experiment with serial termination, parallel termination, or both on the same interconnecting trace. There is a better way. SPICE tools allow an engineer to perform simple simulations with various termination and bus topologies. The simulations work equally well at 10 Mhz or 10 Ghz. They don’t need exotic high frequency fixturing. They can provide the engineer with a “seat-of-the-pants” understanding of the behavior of a high speed digital bus. More complex (and expensive) signal integrity tools are available for exotic and critical applications, where the training and purchase costs are justified. One such SPICE tool is OrCad’s Pspice. The tool supports the functionality of the original SPICE, and lets you build circuits with a Graphical User Interface, so you don’t have to memorize SPICE syntax. It also has a built in graphing waveform function. An evaluation version is available from OrCad’s web site at: http://www.orcad.com The interface allows an engineer to perform "what if" scenarios, varying circuit parameters to understand the effect on the circuit's behavior. The ability to vary a parameter can provide an important qualitative understanding of a circuit's behavior. A high-speed digital bus can be modeled with the tool by drawing its equivalent circuit, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Any one of the digital interconnects on the left can be modeled as the circuit on the right. The circuit includes the driver voltage and rise time (Vsrc), the source impedance (Rsrc), any series impedance added by the designer to match the driver’s impedance to the transmission line (Rseries), the transmission line, and any terminating capacitance/resistance added by the designer to terminate the line. By varying the values of the components, different experiments can be performed. Performing the experiments prior to board layout using a tool like SPICE can reduce project costs and lead times. @ A Glance Easy-to-use PC-based SPICE tools, like PSpice, can provide useful insights into the behavior of termination schemes in high-speed digital interconnects. As signal rise times are reduced to allow for faster clock speeds, it becomes more important for engineers to understand these effects. Figure 2 shows the parameters you will need to know to model the circuit. Figure 2 Parameter Name Driver Output Impedance Driver Rise Time Input Impedance of Driven Device Transmission Line Impedance Transit Time Source Value Manufacturer data or experiments Function of driver strength and capacitance seen at driver Mfg Data or experiments 24 Ohms PCB Manufacturer. Varies with trace width. Typical values for 4-layer board are 70 Ohms for 5 mil trace, 58 Ohms for 8-mil trace. Divide trace length by speed of wave in transmission line, which depends on the board’s dielectric coefficient. 24 Ohms 0.259 nsec is more realistic, because control signals in digital circuits are typically active high due to the improved noise margins. Several different termination schemes can be compared by varying the values of Rseries, Cterm and Rterm. If your SPICE tool does not accept 0 or infinite as a component value, a suitably large or small number may be substituted: Termination None Series Parallel AC Series + Parallel Rseries 0 46 Ohms 0 46 Ohms Cterm 0 0 10 pF 10 pF Rterm Infinite Infinite 70 Ohms 70 Ohms Once the values are entered, a simulation canbe performed with a single mouse click. Figure 4 shows the voltage that would be seen at a device close to the driver. Series termination is the winner here, producing the fastest rise-time with the least overshoot. Figure 3 Infinite 0.83ns Once the circuit model is complete, values must be provided for the components in the model. These values reflect the physical characteristics of the PC board, and the components that are mounted on it. A fast rise time of 0.259 nsec was used to illustrate the differences between the termination schemes. For simplicity, the case where signal goes from LOW to HIGH is examined. The HIGH to LOW case This graph compares the voltages seen by a device close to the driver for the different termination schemes. The serially terminated transmission line shows the fastest setting characteristics, while the unterminated line shows the most overshoot. Both lines using parallel termination require a long setting line for the series capacitor to charge. At high speeds, the location of a device on a transmission line can influence both the timing and the shape of the transient switching waveform seen at its inputs. Figure 4 shows the voltages that appear at the end of the transmission line. In these cases, note that the range of the voltages exceeds those seen in Figure 2. Figure 4 Figure 5 Devices farther from the driver will see different signal waveforms. This graph shows the impact of various termination schemes on the waveform seen at the end of a transmission line. Note that the overshoot for the unterminated transmission line is more severe at the end of the transmission line. Modeling Ground Bounce Driver current can also be measured during the simulation. Driver current is important because rapid changes in the current cause ground bounce. Ground bounce happens when a high frequency current must be sunk to ground through a finite inductance, such as a bond wire, or packaging lead. Ground-bounce is most pronounced on falling transitions, since the digital circuit must sink current into the ground to discharge the interconnecting tract and its loads. On rising edges, the voltage source sees most of the noise. Ground-bounce is more serious than power supply bounce because logic circuits reference ground, so changes in the ground can change the perceived value of a logic signal. This can lead high logic levels to be perceived as low logic, which can cause spurious clocking and other problems. Figure 4 shows the driver current for the various termination schemes – a positive value in the graph represents a current that would flow into the ground plane. Note that the currents shown are for one driver only – consider the effects of driving 8 or 32 signals simultaneously. PSpice allows you to display the driver current required to perform the switching, which can give you an idea of the impact of the termination scheme on ground-bounce. Note that while a serial termination improves switching speed and reduces ground-bounce, parallel terminations reduce ground-bounce at the expense of speed. The unterminated line will alternately dump current onto the ground, and require positive Vcc current during switching. It is the high frequency components of the driver current that are of the greatest concern, because the inductive impedance of the ground path increases linearly with frequency. SPICE includes a Fourier Analysis feature which can be used to show the frequency components of the signals listed above. Figure 6 shows such a graph. Note that it is not the highest value that is relevant here, but the weighted product of the magnitude and the frequency. Serial termination comes out a clear winner here. In comparing the parallel termination to the no termination, the parallel termination shifts the spectra to a lower frequency, but does not diminish its magnitude. It is interesting to note that the addition of parallel termination to a system with series termination will result in greater ground bounce. This shows why it’s important to have an understanding of how termination schemes work – it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Figure 6 A Fourier Analysis of the switching current can be a guide in evaluating ground-bounce. Since all current must reach ground through an inductive impedance, termination schemes that produce switching currents with strong high frequency components can be expected to exacerbate ground-bounce. In this comparison, serial termination comes out the clear winner – the series resistor at the driving source limits the source’s drive current and reduces groundbounce. References: 1996 Altera Databook, Altera Corporation. San Jose, CA, 408-894-7000 Johnson, Howard. High Speed Circuit Design: A Handbook of Black Magic. Prentice Hall Inc., 1993. ISBN 0-13-395724-1 Author’s Biography Ken Boorom works for Hewlett-Packard’s Laserjet Solutions Group in Boise, ID, where he is responsible for ASIC and circuit board qualification. He holds Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Stanford University.