Danila Kumar International School Primary Years Programme (PYP) LONG RANGE PLANS School year 2014/2015 Grade 5 Teachers: Kristina Fürst (Unit of Inquiry, English, Maths, Homeroom lesson, Extra Help) Andrew Tomlin (English assistant) Leopoldina Poli Hočevar Eve (EAL) Petra Cerar (German) Katarina Lovenjak (French) Lojzka Lušin (ICT) Marjetka Brenčič (Visual Arts) Denis Divjak (Physical Education) Tadeja Lapajne (Music) Transdisciplinary theme: How we express ourselves Central Idea: We use various codes to make non-verbal communication for a number of purposes Lines of Inquiry and Concepts: reasons for different codes and recording systems - causation ways of non-verbal communication - form Transdisciplinary Skills: Thinking skills (acquisition of knowledge comprehension) Social Skills (accepting responsibility, respecting others) Self-management skills (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, spatial awareness) Communication skills (reading, non-verbal communication) Research skills (collecting data, recording data) Learner Profile: knowledgeable, inquirers Attitudes: curiosity, enthusiasm Taught within the Unit of Inquiry - learning through language (English) WRITTEN LANGUAGE Reading: Read a wide range of texts for information and pleasure with understanding and accuracy on grade level Read daily for enjoyment and information for sustained periods, at school and at home Read aloud with fluency, understanding, regard to punctuation and with expression Independently select the appropriate reading strategy for the purpose of the activity (scanning, skimming, rereading) identify some meaning beyond the literal Show appreciation of different writing styles recognise figurative language (similes, idioms, metaphors) Locate, access, organise and synthesis information from a variety of the purpose of sources Generate new questions after reading and connect these to prior knowledge and experience Writing: recognise and use the main parts of speech correctly (noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb) Use a range of vocabulary including content-specific vocabulary use figurative language appropriately in writing (similes, idioms, metaphors) Use standard spelling for most words and use appropriate resources to check spelling Have a fluent and legible style of handwriting (cursive) Use a variety of note-taking and study skills to comprehend oral and written text and gather information during research work ORAL LANGUAGE Listening: show an active interest in and respect for other languages identify differences and similarities between languages Speaking: Use a variety of linguistic structures and features of spoken language (rephrasing, gestures, expressions, pronunciation) to develop and present ideas and information adapting their speaking and listening strategies to the context, purpose and audience Use discussions in a range of formal and informal situations to generate, develop, modify and present ideas Participate appropriately in discussions, conversations, class and group meetings and group presentations Argue persuasively and practise debating skills, presenting a point of view that is not necessarily their own Understand how language can influence points of view and the responses to others Infer meanings, draw conclusions and make judgments Prepare and deliver an individual presentation for a variety of purposes (to inform) Use a wide vocabulary and complex sentence structures with a high level of accuracy Reflect upon communication to monitor and assess their learning VISUAL LANGUAGE Viewing and presenting: Recognise that visuals are constructed for particular reasons Taught within the Unit of Inquiry - learning through language (German) ORAL LANGUAGE - SPEAKING Learn new vocabulary on face expressions Use a variety of linguistic structures and features of spoken language (rephrasing, gestures, expressions, pronunciation) to develop and present ideas and information adapting their speaking and listening strategies to the context, purpose and audience WRITTEN LANGUAGE - WRITING Use simple sentence structure with appropriate punctuation, spelling and grammar Use content-specific vocabulary WRITTEN LANGUAGE - READING Feel that words can evoke mental images Read aloud for pronunciation practice ORAL LANGUAGE - LISTENING Listen attentively Understand and evaluate what you hear and responding appropriately Show an active interest in and respect for other languages VISUAL LANGUAGE – VIEWING AND PRESENTING Demonstrate behaviour for a large range of visual material (movies, poster, CD-Roms, atlases, paintings, graphic organisers, codes) Taught within the Unit of Inquiry - learning through Slovene WRITTEN LANGUAGE Reading: Independently select the appropriate reading strategy for the purpose of the activity (scanning, skimming, rereading) Feeling that words can evoke mental images Writing: Understand that different types of writing have different styles and structures, and are used for different purposes ORAL LANGUAGE Listening: Listen appropriately for a sustained period and for a variety of purposes Understand and evaluate what they hear and respond appropriately Speaking: Participate appropriately in discussions and conversations VISUAL LANGUAGE Viewing and presenting: Understand that the form and quality of the presentation of their work reflects their thinking and attitudes Be aware of the power of non-verbal communication (e.g. gestures, body language) Taught within the Unit of Inquiry - learning through language (Music) CREATING use different ways of recordings to share and communicate ideas students organize, create and perform their own art project on selected topic, using all available materials RESPONDING recognize music from a basic range of cultures and styles Taught within the Unit of Inquiry - learning through language (Visual Art) RESPONDING Critique and make informed judgements about artworks. Develop sensitivity to artistic works Develop appreciation of art as a form of communication and as an expressive language in its own right. CREATING Continue to develop observation of lines in nature and artworks: recognise, name and apply different types of lines (freehand lines, lines drawn with instruments), lines drawn with various material (liquid, solid), different arrangements (variables) of lines (density, thickness, intersections, direction) and forming dark and light planes with lines. Develop understanding and sense for primary/secondary, cool/warm colours and recognise them in art works. Adjust and refine their creative process in response to constructive criticism Develop sensibility of a shape and colour change. Taught within the Unit of Inquiry – learning through ICT Discuss the elements of expressing ourselves in a visual, oral manner and through body language Recognise and use the elements of an efficient oral presentation with visual support. Present the presentations prepared for their prehistoric research. Learn how to peer-assess the presentation objectively. Identify the options for formatting fonts in a text editing programme – MS Word. Learn how to use and format text document according to its content and purpose. Get acquainted with different alphabets and special characters and how they are supported on the computer. Learn how to use special keys on the keyboard to insert special characters. Taught as subject-specific (mathematics) NUMBER model multiplication and division of fractions simplify fractions in mental and written form use fractions in real life situations select an efficient method for solving a problem: mental estimation, mental computation, by using a calculator use strategies to evaluate the reasonableness of answers use mental and written strategies for multiplying and dividing fractions in real-life situations Taught as subject-specific (PSE) IDENTITY Identify and set realistic personal goals that can be achieved in the short and long term and demonstrate the willingness to work towards them take responsibility for their own behaviour and recognise areas that could be improved recognize their personal qualities, strengths and limitations know and identify the attributes of Learner Profile Taught as subject-specific (French) WRITTEN LANGUAGE READING Identify themes, main ideas, characters and plot of stories Identify genre (adventure, science fiction, mystery, etc.) WRITING Use a variety of note-taking and study skills to comprehend oral and written text and gather information during research ORAL LANGUAGE SPEAKING Prepare and deliver an individual presentation to entertain and to inform Use a variety of linguistic structures and features of spoken language (rephrasing, expressions, pronunciation) to develop and present ideas and information, adapting their speaking and listening strategies to the context, purpose and audience Participate appropriately in discussions and conversations. Analyse and evaluate your work Be able to create and act out a conversation in French between two or more puppets using verbal and non verbal codes LISTENING Listen appropriately for a sustained period and for a variety of purposes (to seek information, to gain knowledge) Understand and evaluate what you hear and respond appropriately VISUAL LANGUAGE – viewing and presenting Willing to work with a variety of materials to plan and carry out a presentation Understand that the form and quality of the presentation of your work reflects your thinking and attitudes Demonstrate behaviour for a range of visual materials (PPT presentation, graphic organisers, codes) Be aware of the power of non-verbal communication (e.g. gestures, body language) Taught as subject-specific (German) ORAL LANGUAGE – SPEAKING Learn new vocabulary: rooms (and other things) in a house Accurately pronounce and spell new vocabulary Draw one’s own house/flat, and describe it to others Prepare and deliver an individual presentation for a variety of purposes (to entertain, to inform, to persuade, to direct) WRITTEN LANGUAGE - WRITING Write short paragraphs that have recognisable and appropriate structure Be aware of audience ORAL LANGUAGE - LISTENING Listen to people and to texts for general meaning (for gist) and for precise meaning (for the key points) WRITTEN LANGUAGE - READING Generate new questions after reading and connecting these to prior knowledge and experience VISUAL LANGUAGE – VIEWING AND PRESENTING Begin to recognise that our interpretations of visual presentations are influenced by our backgrounds and experience Understand that the form and quality of the presentation of students’ work reflects their thinking and attitudes Taught as subject-specific (Slovene) WRITTEN LANGUAGE Reading: Read aloud for better pronunciation Identify themes, main ideas, characters and plot of stories Writing: Use writing process independently and effectively to structure thinking and to communicate Recognise and use the main parts of speech correctly (noun, verb, pronoun) ORAL LANGUAGE Speaking: Use a variety of linguistic structures and features of spoken language (rephrasing, expressions, pronunciation) to develop and present ideas and information Taught as subject-specific (Music) RESPONDING analyze the uses of elements of music in aural examples representing diverse genres and cultures use standard symbols to notate meter and rhythm of simple patterns presented by teacher devise criteria for evaluating performances and compositions Taught as subject-specific (PE) INTERACTIONS SOFTBALL demonstrate playing the game of softball – kickball; improve the game; develop positive attitude to the game; GAMES develop an appreciation of the role culture plays in games and sports; demonstrate an understanding of the origin and history of games and sports as they relate to community and national cultures; ACTIVE LIVING INDIVIDUAL PURSUITS HEALTH RELATED FITNESS learn how is personal fitness related to stress management; develop positive attitude to relaxation, yoga and meditation exercises; learn how to set physical activity in to every day routines; analyse the physical changes that occur to their bodies when exercising;