WSPM Board of Directors Meeting - Wisconsin Society of Podiatric

WSPM Board of Directors Meeting
April 29, 2006
Drs. Thompson, Miceli, Clement, Frydman, Connell, Sage, Smith, Weis, Merckx, and Mr. Tony Driessen.
The meeting was call to order by Dr. Thompson at 9:30AM
Dr. Sage presented his report showing 1 reinstatement member: Dr. Milos Tomich, , 2 change in status
members : Dr. Lee Klauk (lifetime member status), Darcia Merritt ( permanently disabled). He also
introduced 5 new members: Dr. Andy Marso (Steven’ Pointe), Dr. William Roman (Barron/Bloomer), Dr.
Bruce Neumann (Manitowoc), Dr. Paul Zerovec (Milwaukee), Dr. Thomas Perendy (Medford). A motion
was made to accept the reinstatement, 2 changes in status members, and the new members. VOTED ON
AND PASSED. Dr. Sage also discussed briefly that there will be a new member initiative started from the
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: The minutes of the last meeting were presented and by vote approved for
See Dr. Miceli’s report. Dr. Miceli discussed the report. Highlights of the report show a net profit of
$13,098.99 for 2005. The budget anticipated a higher amount, but expenses were higher. The budgets
for 2006 are created on last year’s real numbers, current trends, and educated guesses for the remainder
of the year. Member dues and saving’s account interest will remain predictably stable. Exhibitor fees have
been budgeted to last year’s lower amounts. Upon advisement, money to be received by the Midwest
Conference will be significantly lower. Legal fees due to significant legislation initiatives are and will
remain higher for the remainder of the year. All of this will create an anticipated net loss for 2006. A net
loss of $60,000.00 is predicted,. $25,000.00 contribution to the scholarship fund has been satisfied with
the check being mailed earlier this week.
Dr. Thompson discussed the new contracts drafted for Dr. Kortsch and Dr. Frydman. Dr. Thompson
discussed how Dr. Kortsch stepped down as executive director in January after 40 years of service. It is
proposed that he serve as an independent contractor and Dr. Frydman become the new executive
director. The contracts were available to the board on e-mail for review. Dr. Thompson already sees how
things are moving along smoothly with this new transition. Dr. Frydman states that he enjoys this new
role, and would like to see how things go on a yearly basis, but anticipates serving for several years. He
thinks the contract is fair and acceptable. Dr. Kortsch’s compensation can either be based on an hourly
rate, or on a project basis. Dr. Thompson states that we can do an annual evaluation of both contracts
and positions, preferably at the annual meeting in December or at the Midwest. A discussion about
supplies and expenses was introduced, and Dr. Frydman will be submitting itemized expenses as
needed. Dr. Frydman will utilize his office with a separate phone line, and e-mail for business regarding
the society. This was thought to be appropriate at this time. A motion was made to accept the contracts
and positions of Drs’ Kortsch and Frydman. VOTED AND PASSED. Mr. Driessen suggested that given
Dr. Kortsch’s years of service, and dedication, and interim compensation could be set up for him. It is not
required by bylaws, but would be a thoughtful consideration. Feedback from the board is advisable, and
all comments can be sent via e-mail
As a book keeping issue, Dr. Thompson discussed that we need to reinstitute the treasurer’s bond. Dr.
Frydman will work on this. We will obtain several quotes on the new insurance. Also, CPA review of our
finances will be completed later in the year.
Dr. Thompson stated that the Combined Action and PPAC is going to be taken over by Dr. Merckx. Dr.
Boudreau and Dr. Thompson will still be involved.
PUBLIC POLICY: Mr. Driessen states that he will speak at the general membership meeting about how
happy we are that the Podiatry Practice Act passed, and that we need to say thank you to those that
helped, during this next election cycle. He states we should have a big push for direct givers. He will also
touch on the anesthesia legislation, and hope to continue support for the CRNA’s.
MIDWEST: Dr. Frydman confirmed that the conference is going well, but that we have less people here
than last year. (about 10% less) He has had good feedback that the lectures have been good this year.
He is going to remind everyone that the meeting will be at the Hyatt next year, and one month earlier.
MEDIATION: We need to decide who the chair will be for this year. This is open for discussion amongst
the board.
ARRANGEMENTS: Dr. Weis will be planning the December meeting, but no firm plans yet. Thoughts are
to move the meeting to different locations in order to encourage more attendance. Dr. Thompson states
there will be no meeting in September in Madison this year. There is a need to reevaluate our relationship
with UW Madison, as we have not been benefiting financially from the meeting. Dr. Frydman states we
may have the board meeting in Madison in the future at the Sept. date. Dr. Frydman would still like to
keep the annual meeting during the second week of Dec. Dr. Weis showed concern that a flyer went out
to exhibitors stating that the only opportunity for them would be at the St. Joe’s summer meeting. The St.
Joseph’s meeting was discussed.
APMA DELEGATION REPORT: Dr. Sage presented 2 resolutions that the APMA would like to
implement. Resolution #7: Reaffirms the commitment to endorse a Podiatric Health Section within the
American Public Health Association. Possible talks include getting each state to fund 2-3 positions. It will
be left up to the states. Dr. Frydman states we should inquire into getting APMA to fund 100 members,
and that we need to keep it above 250 members to be influential. Dr. Sage continued with resolution # 11
which requests that all state components identify the level at which Podiatrists are permitted to supervise
physician extenders (nail technicians, physical therapists, etc.) within the scope of our state license, and
that we include relevant regulations, business and professional codes. They would like a report back by
2007. A discussion among the board and Mr. Driessen regarding this resulted in an agreement that being
vague regarding this matter was to our benefit. Dr. Thompson made a motion to NOT have the podiatry
board provide opinions or determine rules on the above. MOTION VOTED ON AND PASSED.
MEDICARE LIASON: Dr. Merckx will be attending a meeting later today with other state members. He will
be presenting on Medicare documentation. He also states there is a website to access E+M coding
Dr. Thompson alerted us that there is a vote coming up on Tues to create small business health plans
eliminating state protection, Senate bill 1955 (Health insurance modernization and affordability act). This
would be detrimental to podiatry, and he urged us to contact Senator Kohl’s office, as it will be a close
vote and he is undecided. Senator Feingold opposes the bill.
Dr. Thompson was happy to report that our web site is up and running and that is going to be a great link
to our legislators, the board and the membership. Minutes of our meetings will be posted on the website.
Dr. Frydman stated we can take polls of the membership without having to do direct mail.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosanne Clement, DPM.