Molecular Biology – Schedule of Seminars for 2nd year 3rd semester academic year 2014/2015, winter semester. Seminar leader Jacek Anioł, Department of General, Molecular Biology and Genetics Medical University of Silesia. Date October 07, 2014 October 28, 2014 Topic 1 Structure of the genetic material analysis: a) bacteria b) viruses c) eukaryotic cells d) hnRNA, folding of the exons, introns fate e) structure of mRNA, cDNA 2 Molecular biology tools: a) methods of DNA amplification (inside and outside the cell replication) b) variants of PCR c) methods of RNA amplification, reverse transcription d) DNA restriction and ligation enzymes, enzymatic manipulations e) the use of molecular biology tools in medical diagnostics November 04, 3 Methods of DNA and RNA amplification outside the 2014 cell - the basics a) receiving of genetic material, colony PCR, percentage of cell's RNA b) methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of genetic material and storage conditions c) principles of oligonucleotide PCR primers design, oligodT d) PCR reaction conditions, the effect of various parameters e) methods of PCR product analysis, Real Time PCR November 18, 4 Selected methods of detailed analysis of the genetic 2014 material a) RFLP, DNA fingerprinting b) Hybridization of DNA with molecular probes, Southern blot , FISH c) DNA sequencing, the preparation of DNA for sequencing d) pyrosequencing e) the use of methods of the genetic material analysis in medical diagnostics November 25, 5 DNA cloning vectors in molecular biology 2014 a) DNA cloning vectors in bacteria b) DNA sequences useful in genetic engineering of bacteria c) DNA cloning vectors in eukaryotic cells d) DNA sequences useful in genetic engineering of eukaryotic cells e) The use of vectors in cell-gene therapy, advantages and disadvantages SMALL TEST 1 Student index number Gr A Gr B 65180 65174 65159 65168 65170 65162 65194 Yasir 65172 65179 December 02, 2014 December 09, 2014 December 16, 2014 January 13, 2015 6 Methods for introducing DNA into living cells a) transformation of bacteria, analysis and selection of positive clones , the banking b) transduction of eukaryotic cells, the pros and cons c) transfection of eukaryotic cells, the advantages and disadvantages d) analysis and selection of eukaryotic cells positive clones, reporter genes, FACS e) the use of cloning in modern medicine 7 Possibility of repair and exchange of genetic material a) methods of repair DNA sequences in vitro / methods of mutations introducing b) non-homologous recombination in cells c) homologous recombination in cells d) transposition of DNA e) the use of genetic engineering in modern medicine 8 Analysis of proteins by molecular methods a) genetic code, artificial DNA sequences important in the process of translation and its biological significance b) protein electrophoresis c) western blot and other methods of enzyme immunoassays d) chromatography e) spectrophotometric and spectral methods for protein analysis 9 Expression of recombinant proteins a) conditions for a successful expression of proteins in bacteria, the correct genetic construction, labeling of proteins in the preparation of DNA constructs b) colony culture conditions, used bacterial strains c) the conditions for the effective expression of proteins in eukaryotic cells, the correct genetic construction d) culture conditions of eukaryotic cells, useful cell lines, adherent cells, insect cells, plant cells, yeast cells e) analysis and purification of the protein, useful labels SMALL TEST 2