Chapter 3 Keynote Presentation: Slide Description Points 1.) Title

Chapter 3 Keynote Presentation:
1.) Title
2.) 3.2 Fractional
3.) 3.2 Explanation
4.) 3.3 Dividing a whole into
fractional parts
5.) 3.4 Ordering Fractions
6.) 3.6 Adding/Subtracting
7.) 3.8 Multiplying Fractions
with Models
8.) Dividing Fractions
9.) Real World Application
10.) Conclusion
Chapter Title, Name, Class
Period, Picture of Student
Lesson Title, Pattern Block App
Screen Shot w/ Work
Explanation of previous 3.2
Fractional Representation slide.
Screenshot of 5 fractional
sentences using K12
Equivalence Tiles App, 5
numerical fraction equations
Order the given 2 sets of
fractions in ascending order and
explain how you ordered each
set using complete sentences.
Successfully add or subtract
fractions. Write two sentences.
Successfully multiply fractions
using models.
Successfully divide fractions.
Explain how to get a reciprocal.
Relating Fractions to Real World
Answer the three questions for
your conclusions of the
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 points)
(10 Points)
(10 points)
______________:(100 pts total)
Additional Comments:
Chapter 3 Keynote Slide Details:
Slide 1: Include the following:
1. Chapter Title
2. Student First/Last Name
3. Class Period
4. Picture of Student
Slide 2: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Using the Pattern Shapes APP:
Create a Whole using at least 4 shapes (You may use triangles, hexagons, trapezoids, or rhombi)
Label the fractional part of the whole, AND one hexagon, one triangle, one trapezoid, and one rhombus.
3. Screen Shot your Whole and Fractional Parts and add to Slide #2.
Slide 3: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Write a complete sentence explanation for each part of the 3.2 Fractional Representation Slide.
One sentence for each:
The whole (What makes your whole? What shapes create your whole?)
One Triangle (What fraction representation is your triangle? How did you know this?)
One Hexagon (What fraction representation is your hexagon? How did you know this?)
One Rhombus (What fraction representation is your rhombus? How did you know this?)
One Trapezoid (What fraction representation is your trapezoid? How did you know
Slide 4: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. In your K12 Equivalence Tile App, create at least five different fractional sentences that equals one whole. Each
fraction sentences needs to include at least two unlike denominators.
3. Screen shot your fraction sentences in your K12 Equivalence Tile App and add to Slide #4.
4. Beside the picture, type out all fraction sentences represented by the Equivalence Tile App.
Slide 5: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Order the following fractions in ascending order. Include both on examples on the slide.
5/6, 5/17, 5/4, 5/3, and 5/10
5/9, 7/13, 10/11, and 2/7
3. With each set of fractions, explain (each in at least 1 complete sentence) how you ordered these fractions in
ascending order. You can use benchmarks if you would like!
Slide 6: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Use the following table to answer questions. Be sure to show all of your work when adding or subtracting
fractions. Include both problems on the slide w/ work shown. You may show your work on a separate sheet of paper
and/or screenshot from a different app!
Wild Bird Food
3 5/8 cups safflower seeds
¾ cup peanuts
2 ¾ black oil sunflower seeds
3/8 cup raisins
1 ½ cups millet seeds
1/8 cup juniper berries
Question 1: How many total safflower and black oil sunflower seeds are in the wild bird food?
Question 2: How many more cups of peanuts are used than raisins?
3. Be sure to include these two addition and subtract equations in the slide with work shown.
4. Include one sentence for each answer stating how your numerical answer relates to the original question.
Slide 7: Include the following
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Multiply using models the following equations:
2/3 x ¾ =
½ x 2/3 =
3. Be sure to include both models AND the algorithms on the slide.
4. Answers must be in simplest form.
5. Explain in at least 2 complete sentences how students can look at the models and get the correct answer.
Slide 8: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Divide the following fractions and include on the slide: (Remember to show all of your work for each equation on
the slide.)
4/7 ÷ 7/9 =
5/8 ÷ ¼ =
3. Explain how to find the reciprocal of 5/8. (Use complete sentences)
Slide 9: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. In complete sentences, describe a way you use fractions in everyday life. Give an example of how you would use
fractions. Was this addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of fractions? Give an example of the
mathematical equation relating to your example.
3. Include a picture of the real world example.
Slide 10: Include the following:
1. Lesson Title (Number and Title of Lesson)
2. Answer the following questions on the slide: (This may be a bulleted list. Does not have to be complete sentences:
List 3 Math Concepts you learned in Chapter 3.
2 activities you enjoyed during this chapter.
1 question you still have with fractions.