April 12, 2012 - State Historical Society of Iowa

April 12, 2012
The State Records Commission met on April 12, 2012 at the State Records Center. Barb
Corson, chair, called the meeting to order.
Members/Designees present:
Barb Corson, State Library
Jake Friedrichsen, Treasurer of State
Carla Seemann, Department of Management
Jerome Thompson, Department of Cultural Affairs
Jason Salts, Department of Administrative Services
Doug Struyk, Secretary of State
Stu Vos, Department of Revenue
Also in attendance:
Meaghan Christensen, Department of Cultural Affairs
Jeffrey Dawson, Department of Cultural Affairs
Pam Griebel, Attorney General
Brittani Jansen, Secretary of State
Bruce Kreuger, Department of Cultural Affairs
Mary Messenger, Department of Cultural Affairs
Amy Meston, Department of Homeland Security
Renae Park, Department of Natural Resources
Brian Young, Department of Public Safety
New Designees:
Approval of Minutes:
Barb Corson called for approval of the January 12, 2012 meeting minutes. Two
changes were made to the minutes.
Record Series Retention and Disposition Schedules:
Jeffrey Dawson provided the commission members with a summary of the
schedule changes being proposed. Brian Young (Fire Marshall) was present at the
meeting to answer questions about the new schedule being proposed. The schedule
submitted by the Fire Marshall’s office, concerning electricians’ continuing education
course approval/class rosters/course evaluation, had been considered at the last meeting.
Doug Struyk advised that Iowa Code Chapter 614 provides for a 15 year limitation to
actions concerning real property, thus a suit concerning real property can be brought
against an electrician for 15 years. If a suit was brought then there would be concern
with looking at the continuing education information pertaining to the electrician.
Jason Salts asked who would want to see these types of records. Doug Struyk
responded that homeowners, insurance and legal entities would be interested in the
Brian Young explained that the license application is retained electronically until
death of the licensee and that the continuing education information is only used in license
renewal. Jason Salts asked how the electronic license applications are being kept. They
are currently maintained on the state’s G drive. Jason Salts also asked about what kind of
back up is there in case of failure; is there a disaster recovery plan since there is risk of
data contamination after five years?
A little over a year ago the commission considered retention of electronic records
and came up with a guidance document. Jeffrey Dawson stated that he recommends to
agencies that they work with their IT staff to determine the ability to retain records
electronically. Jason let the commission know that there are no archival standards within
the ITE. It was also noted that an enterprise content management group has been started
by ITE to address similar issues.
Jerome Thompson asked how long private firms personnel records about
electricians working on jobs. Doug Struyk stated it depended on the company but one
year seems to be common. Doug also mentioned that the discussion is further along than
he thought since certain records are being kept electronically. He would be comfortable
with the paper copy being destroyed as long as an electronic copy is being kept.
Jeffrey Dawson noted that he had overlooked the electronic copy when writing up
the electricians’ continuing education schedule. He asked the commission if the schedule
could be amended to keep the hard copy one year and the electronic copy fifteen years
from the end of the license.
Barb Corson put the amended schedule to a vote. Doug Struyk moved and Jake
Friedrichsen seconded. The motion passed with one vote opposing.
The next schedule change discussed had to do with records of awarded grants.
The state archives staff does not see any historical need to keep most grants permanently.
For the present the schedule only covers records created by the Department of Cultural
Affairs, but it is hoped it can be used as a model by other agencies. Carla Seemann asked
what the rationale was for keeping the records six years. Jerome Thompson had met with
people who administer grants within the Department of Cultural Affairs and looked at
what other states are doing. Jeffrey Dawson also mentioned that the federal government
keeps grants for only three years. Carla noted that records of contracts payment are
retained ten years. Doug Struyk said that if payments of contracts have ten year retention
then there would be a legal need to keep grants that long too.
Barb Corson asked the commission if they wanted to change the records retention
to ten years. Barb called the schedule to vote since a change was made. Jason Salts
motioned for approval and Doug seconded. The schedule passed with Jerome Thompson
Jeffrey Dawson gave a summary of the rest of the schedules. Jake Friedrichsen
motioned for approval and Stu Vos seconded. The schedules passed.
State Archives and Records Program Issues:
Jeffrey Dawson introduced Mary Messenger who works at the State records
Center. A recalculation of the cost to operate the State Records Center was done. The
cost is $366,967 with $206,237 going towards rent. Other costs related to the record
center were also discussed. It was also mentioned that the legislature has proposed a bill
that would eliminate the State Records Commission. The bill has not been passed by the
legislature yet.
Public comment:
With no other agenda items remaining, the meeting was adjourned.