AP Literature and Composition Multiple Choice Stems:

AP Literature and Composition Multiple Choice Stems:
The mood of the poem is best described as…
Line_____ is best interpreted to mean…
Line_________ describes the…
Between lines_____ and ______ there is a shift from…
The speaker’s/character’s attitude is best described as one of…
Which of the following literary devices most significantly contributes to the unity of the poem?
Throughout the poem, the imagery suggests that…
In the first stanza, the speaker makes use of paradox by doing which of the following?
Which of the following best conveys the meaning of the word ____ in line ____?
In line ____ the word ____ suggests that…
Which of the following best paraphrases the meaning of line____?
The verb phrase in ______ in line ____ serves primarily to…
The words ____ and ____ in line ____ convey which of the following?
The subject of the word ___ in line ____ is…
The speaker metaphorically likens himself to a ….
The imagery in the first stanza most clearly suggests which of the following?
Which of the following accounts for the ironic tone of _____ in line_____?
The pronoun___ in line ____ refers to…
The phrase ____ in line ____ contrasts most directly to…
As the poem progresses, the speaker’s mode of expression shifts from one of ____ to …
Which of the following pairs of words function as opposites in the poem?
Which of the following illustrates the rhetorical device of apostrophe?
The word ____ in line ___ is most strongly reinforced by which of the following pairs of lines?
Which of the following is the best interpretation of _____ in line _____?
The primary implication of lines _____ is that…
The critical transition point of the poem occurs at…
The figure of speech in line _____ is…
The effect of lines _____ is…
In the first stanza, the _____ is presented chiefly as…
The diction used to describe _____ in line _____ suggests that…
The object of _____ in line ____ is…
In line ___ the speaker implies…
In the poem as a whole, the speaker views nature as being essentially….
The speaker makes a categorical assertion at all of the following places in the poem EXCEPT…
Which of the following lines contains an example of personification {lit term}?
The speaker’s words in line ____ convey a sense of…
The poem dramatizes the moment when the speaker…
In context, the phrase ____ in line ____ is best paraphrased as…
A principal purpose of the use of ____ in line ____ is to…
In the final stanza, the speaker anticipates…
Which of the following is LEAST important to the theme of the poem?
The tone throughout the poem is best described as one of…
A shift in tone occurs at which of the following lines?
The speaker’s primary purpose in the passage is to…
The speaker’s perspective in the passage is that of…
In the first sentence of the passage, the speaker’s attitude toward the material is that of a person who
47. The word_____ in line ____ is best understood to mean…
48. The citations from… do all of the following EXCEPT…
49. Which of the following best describes the words____ as they are used in lines…
50. In line _____, the phrase ______ functions primarily as…
51. The speaker uses the images of ____ and ____ in lines _____ to emphasize that…
52. Which of the following phrases could best be substituted for the phrase “_____” in line ____ to make
the meaning more explicit…
53. In context, the phrase ______ line _____ indicates that….
54. The phrase _____ lines ______ is best described as…
55. In lines _____, the speaker creates the impression that…
56. Which of the following contribute(s) to the effect of the last three sentences of the passage in lines…
57. The interjection____, in line _____ emphasizes the speaker’s…
58. The reference to ____ serves primarily to…
59. In the concluding sentence of the passage, the speaker’s attitude toward _____ is chiefly one of…
60. In the last paragraph, a primary rhetorical strategy of the speaker is to…
61. In context____ is best understood to mean…
62. In the context of the passage, _____ is best interpreted as…
63. All of the following are evident in lines _____ EXCEPT…
64. The ____ quoted in lines ____ refers to…
65. The tone of lines ____ refers to…
66. It can be inferred that the ____ mentioned in line ____ will be characterized primarily by…
67. The function of the quoted sentences (lines _____) is to…
68. The phrase ____ helps establish the speaker as…
69. It can be inferred that ____ refers most specifically to…
70. The primary function of the second paragraph is to…
71. The speaker cites _____ and _____ as evidence that writers…
72. By _____, the speaker means the…
73. The use of the phrase _____ has the effect of ____
74. The argument used by the speaker demonstrates the truth inherent in the paradox that…
75. It can be inferred from the passage that the speaker was glad when she was told… because...
76. In the second paragraph, the speaker employs the metaphor of ____ to express_____
77. In the second paragraph, the images of ____ refer to _____
78. In the third paragraph, the speaker’s description of ____ includes all of the following EXCEPT…
79. In lines ____, the phrase _____ can best be interpreted as a reference to the speaker’s…
80. In the context of the passage as a whole, the ____ paragraphs functions as which of the following…
81. Which of the following best describes the tone of the speaker’s voice in line ____ when she
82. The phrase _____ suggests that _____
83. The shift in tone from the ___ paragraph to the ____ paragraph can best be described as…
84. In context, the phrase ______ is probably intended to…
85. Which of the following best describes the speaker’s attitude in the passage toward…
86. The speaker apparently assumes that the audience she addresses is…
87. The various roles taken by the speaker in the passage reflect primarily the speaker’s…
88. In the first two sentences of the passage ____ the speaker draws a distinction between…
89. In the sentence beginning____ the speaker makes use of …
90. In line ____, ____ refers to which of the following…
91. The sentence ____ does which of the following…
92. The contrast drawn between _____ and _____ emphasizes…
93. In the sentence ______ the author does which of the following…
94. Which of the following best describes the speaker’s professed attitude toward…
95. In the context of the passage, the author intends the reader to find the words of…
96. The speaker draws on the contrasts between all of the following EXCEPT…