Storage and Transportation

The storage facility is cleaned on a weekly basis during harvest time.
This farming operation has a written that policy bulk storage facilities are
inspected for foreign material prior to use and records are maintained.
This farming operation has a written policy describing procedures which specify
handling/disposition of finished product which is opened, spilled, or comes in
contact with the floor.
All effort will be made to ensure minimal damage to the harvested produce during
handling and transportation. The harvested produce will not be handled or
transported with potentially contaminated products. Proper transportation
temperatures will be documented if necessary. Only employees who are trained
in loading produce out of the storage cooler and onto trucks will be allowed to do
This farming operation has a written policy stating that mechanical equipment
used during the storage process is clean and maintained to prevent
contamination of the product.
This farming operation has a written policy describing measures taken to exclude
animals or pests from packing and storage facilities.
This farming operation has a written policy that an organized pest control
program has been established.
The packing and storage facilities will be maintained such that loose insulation or
other building materials will not be protruding from the walls. Cracks and
crevices, should they be present, will be filled as much as possible. The facility
will be well maintained and, as much as practicable, kept free of visible debris,
soil and the like. The storage facility is cleaned and maintained in an orderly
manner. Mechanical equipment used during the storage process is clean and
maintained to prevent contamination of the product. The storage facility is to be
inspected and assured to be free of foreign material prior to loading with product
and the results recorded. Non-food grade substances such as paints, lubricants,
pesticides and the like are not stored in close proximity to the product. Storage
grounds are reasonably free of litter and debris and the floors are reasonably free
of standing water. Possible wastewater spillage is prevented from contaminating
any food handling area by barriers, drains, or a sufficient distance. Should the
finished packed product become opened, spilled or come into contact with the
floor, workers will cease operation immediately. Any affected produce will be
disposed of through regular disposal avenues typically used by the farming
operation for trash removal. All effort will be made to insure the contaminated
produce does not enter the food chain. Workers are instructed and expected to
report such events to their supervisors. .Any product that is being moved from
the field to the processing and storage house will be covered. Any vehicle or
means of moving the harvesting totes to the processing house will be clean and
in good repair. If produce is stored outside, it is covered and protected from
Storage area floors are reasonably clear of debris and no finished product comes
in contact with the floor.
The harvest containers (pallets, pallet boxes, totes, bags, bins, cellars, storage
rooms, etc) are kept in good repair and damaged ones are immediately
discarded. Harvesting totes will be cleaned and disinfected before each harvest
season and whenever needed. There should not be any dirt or other debris
allowed to accumulate on any container. Each tote will be numbered in order to
be individually identified and its cleaning history will be kept on file. Pack-out
boxes are stored covered and isolated to minimize access by rodents or birds. All
attempts are made to protect these containers or areas from contamination
(birds, rodents and other pests, etc.).
Pallets, pallet boxes, totes, bags, bins, cellars, storage rooms and packing
containers are kept clean, stored properly and where appropriate, sufficiently
sealed and protected from contamination by birds, rodents or other pests, soil,
water or other known contaminants, and in good condition. Dirty containers will
not be used and broken pallets will be repaired so as not to contribute foreign
material into the product. Only new or sanitized containers will be used for
packing the product.
Any product that is being moved from the field to the processing and storage
house will be covered. Any vehicle or means of moving the harvesting totes to
the processing house will be clean and in good repair. If produce is stored
outside, it is covered and protected from contamination
The harvested product is not expected to be stored out of doors in totes, trucks,
bins or any other container, or in bulk on the ground. Should the harvested
product be stored out of doors it will be covered to protect it from contamination.
Non-food grade substances such as paints, lubricants, pesticides, etc., will not be
stored in close proximity to the harvested produce.
There is a policy to address procedures which specify handling or disposition of
finished product which is opened, d spilled or comes in contact with the floor.
Storage area floors are reasonably clear of debris and no finished product comes
in contact with the floor. Finished product is described as washed or processed
All mechanical equipment used within the storage facility is clean and maintained
to prevent contamination of the harvested produce. (Storage Facility and
Equipment Cleanliness Logs)
Should ice refrigeration equipment (condensers, fans, etc.) be used, it will be
cleaned on a scheduled basis.
Should ice (manufactured on site or not) or cold water be used for cooling in this
farming operation, the source of the water will be potable and the ice or cold
water will be manufactured, transported and stored under sanitary conditions
The cooler thermometer will also be calibrated on a monthly basis to ensure a
reliable and accurate reading. The calibration will be recorded in the calibration
log. (Thermometer Calibration Log; ) . A calibration method is available in the
SOP Appendix.
Prior to the loading and unloading process, conveyor and other handling
equipment will be clean, in good physical condition, free from disagreeable odors
and from obvious dirt and/or debris. Cleaning procedures for equipment is in the
SOP appendix.
All effort will be made to ensure minimal damage to the harvested produce during
handling and transportation. The harvested produce will not be handled or
transported with potentially contaminating products. Proper transportation
temperatures will be documented if necessary.
Delivery trucks and vehicles will be inspected for odors and visually inspected for
signs of unsanitary transport conditions. Equipment will be cleaned and sanitized
(if necessary) before produce is loaded.
Invoices and shipment manifests will be kept on file for the period of one year.
Proper transport temperatures will be maintained and printed on manifests to
ensure the quality and safety of the product.
Produce items will not be loaded with potentially contaminating products.
Produce will be loaded carefully so that risk of damage will be minimized. Only
employees who are trained in loading produce out of the storage cooler and onto
trucks will be allowed to do so.
Produce items should be shipped only with other produce items. There are cases
when this is not feasible, but precautions must be taken to minimize the risk for
Prior to loading, the trailer must be inspected to ensure it is clean, in good
condition, free from disagreeable odors and free from dirt and debris.
Prior to the loading and unloading process, conveyors and other handling
equipment will be clean, in good physical condition, free from disagreeable odors
and from obvious dirt and/or debris. Cleaning procedures for equipment is in the
SOP appendix.
All effort will be made to ensure minimal damage to the harvested produce during
handling and transportation. The harvested produce will not be handled or
transported with potentially contaminated products. Proper transportation
temperatures will be documented if necessary. Only employees who are trained
in loading produce out of the storage cooler and onto trucks will be allowed to do
All effort will be made to ensure minimal damage to the harvested produce during
handling and transportation. The harvested produce will not be handled or
transported with potentially contaminated products. Proper transportation
temperatures will be documented if necessary. Only employees who are trained
in loading produce out of the storage cooler and onto trucks will be allowed to do
Prior to the loading and unloading process, conveyors and other handling
equipment will be clean, in good physical condition, free from disagreeable odors
and from obvious dirt and/or debris. Cleaning procedures for equipment is in the
SOP appendix.
This farming operation has a written policy that trailers etc to be used for hauling
the produce are to be in good physical condition, acceptably clean and odor free.
Trailers are to be inspected before loading any produce into them. Should a
refrigeration unit be required on the trailer, it must be sufficient in size and
properly working.
This farming operation has a written policy stating that produce is only to be
shipped with like produce. Fertilizers, pesticides, meat poultry, fish or similar
products will not be mixed in the trailer.
While not all produce requires refrigeration during transport, should a manifest
indicate a temperature to maintain during transport, all efforts will be made to
insure that that temperature is maintained.
This farming operation has a written policy stating that should a manifest indicate
a temperature to maintain during transport, all efforts will be made to insure that
that temperature is maintained. This is included as part of the food safety and
security program of this farming operation.
This farming operation has a written policy stating that produce will be loaded
into the trailer with the utmost care to prevent damage and contamination.
Should load shifting be an issue in the transport, all reasonable steps will be
taken to prevent any shifting of the load during transit.
While not all produce requires refrigeration during transport, should a manifest
indicate a temperature to maintain during transport, all efforts will be made to
insure that that temperature is maintained. Should ice (manufactured on site or
not) or cold water be used for cooling in this farming operation, the source of the
water will be potable and the ice or cold water will be manufactured, transported
and stored under sanitary conditions. Should ice (manufactured on site or not) be
used for cooling in this farming operation, there will be regularly scheduled
cleaning and sanitizing of the ice production facility (if on site), ice storage facility
and any ice handling or transportation equipment. Sanitary conditions will be
maintained in all areas where ice is manufactured, transported or stored. Should
climate controlled rooms be used to store produce, the temperature will be
maintained at the recommended temperature for that produce. Should climate
controlled rooms be used to store produce, temperatures will be regularly
checked and recorded in a log. The thermometer(s) used to take the temperature
will be regularly checked for accuracy. If this is not done by the computer
monitoring system automatically, a log will be kept.
Prior to loading, the trailer must be inspected to ensure it is clean, in good
condition, free from disagreeable odors and free from dirt and debris. Invoices
and shipment manifests will be kept on file for the period of one year. Proper
transport temperatures will be maintained and printed on manifests to ensure the
quality and safety of the product. The desired temperatures of the product while
being transported must be stated on the bill of lading. Trucks and trailers should
be loaded in a manner to minimize damage to the product. All Transportation and
Loading items above require documentation.(. Truck Checklist)
The trailers to be used for hauling the produce are kept in good physical
condition, acceptably clean and odor free. Should a refrigeration unit be required
on the trailer, it must be sufficient in size and properly working. Trailers are to be
inspected before loading any produce into them. Produce is only to be shipped
with like produce. Fertilizers, pesticides, meat poultry, fish or similar products will
not be mixed in the trailer. Produce will be loaded into the trailer with the utmost
care to prevent damage and contamination. Should load shifting be an issue in
the transport, all reasonable steps will be taken to prevent any shifting of the load
during transit.
Prior to loading, the trailer must be inspected to ensure it is clean, in good
condition, free from disagreeable odors and free from dirt and debris. Invoices
and shipment manifests will be kept on file for the period of one year. Proper
transport temperatures will be maintained and printed on manifests to ensure the
quality and safety of the product. The desired temperatures of the product while
being transported must be stated on the bill of lading. Trucks and trailers should
be loaded in a manner to minimize damage to the product. All Transportation and
Loading items above require documentation.(. Truck Checklist) SEE SOP
Likewise the trailers etc to be used for hauling the produce are kept in good
physical condition, acceptably clean and odor free. Should a refrigeration unit be
required on the trailer, it must be sufficient in size and properly working. Trailers
are to be inspected before loading any produce into them. Produce is only to be
shipped with like produce. Fertilizers, pesticides, meat poultry, fish or similar
products will not be mixed in the trailer. Produce will be loaded into the trailer
with the utmost care to prevent damage and contamination. Should load shifting
be an issue in the transport, all reasonable steps will be taken to prevent any
shifting of the load during transit.
Storage and Equipment Cleaning Procedures
General instructions for cleaning and disinfecting a storage facility and/or
Remove all plant and debris from the storage floor, plenum, duct pipes and/or
from equipment used for production and handling.
Remove the top 1 to 2 inches of dirt floor and replace with soil not associated
with food production.
Thoroughly wash all components of the storage facility and/or equipment with
soap and water or steam using a high-pressure sprayer and then rinse.
Use an appropriate, registered, and labeled disinfectant for your storage. Contact
local suppliers or the Idaho State Department of Agriculture for an updated list of
registered disinfectants.
When disinfecting, make sure the sprayer pressure and volume are sufficient to
effectively clean all surfaces. Wet all surfaces thoroughly and allow the
disinfectant to remain on the surfaces for at least 10-15 minutes to be fully
Make sure to thoroughly clean the inside of duct pipes.
Close up the storage facility for 2 weeks for maximum disinfectant effectiveness
and then open the facility, allowing all surfaces to dry.
Follow label and supplemental label instructions or hire a professional applicator.
Remember, storage and/or equipment cleaning and disinfecting are critical
components of good food storage management.
Water/ice for Storage
Water policy
This facility has a water testing program to assure all water used for cleaning
produce, equipment and making ice is potable. Testing requirements:
Municipal water: Test results are acquired from the local water authority
Well water: Water is tested two (2) times during the growing season. If
fecal coliforms are present, the well is treated with a sanitizer to reduce
levels. Wells are monitored to make sure casings are secure and wellmaintained and that livestock and manure storage areas are excluded
from the well recharge and pumping area.
This farming operation has a written policy that processing water, should it be
reused, is sufficiently treated to reduce microbial contamination. The water
treatment (Strength levels and pH) and exposure time is monitored and is
appropriate for product.
Chlorine is maintained at the recommended levels (200-350ppm for most
vegetables, other crops may vary) for post-harvest treatments with a contact time
of one to two minutes. MSDS for the sanitizer used is attached.
This farming operation has a written policy that the water used for cooling/ice is
This farming operation has a written policy that any ice used for cooling produce
is manufactured, transported and stored under sanitary conditions.
Source water used in the packing of fresh fruits and vegetables, either for
washing or as a way to disinfect produce or apply waxes, must be potable.
Copies of the municipal water test results are obtained yearly and kept with the
water records. Water testing log Processing/ packing line water log.
Water used in the packing facility is potable. Water used for cooling and/or ice
shall also be potable. If ice is needed, it is manufactured, transported and stored
under sanitary conditions
If/when ice is purchased for cooling or comes in contact with produce, the
manufacturing, storage and transportation facilities used in making and delivering
ice must be clean and sanitized. Ice Sanitation Log
Should ice (manufactured on site or not) or cold water be used for cooling in this
farming operation, the source of the water will be potable and the ice or cold
water will be manufactured, transported and stored under sanitary conditions.
Should ice (manufactured on site or not) or cold water be used for cooling in this
farming operation, the source of the water will be potable and the ice or cold
water will be manufactured, transported and stored under sanitary conditions.
Should ice (manufactured on site or not) be used for cooling in this farming
operation, there will be regularly scheduled cleaning and sanitizing of the ice
production facility (if on site), ice storage facility and any ice handling or
transportation equipment. Sanitary conditions will be maintained in all areas
where ice is manufactured, transported or stored.
Should ice (manufactured on site or not) be used for cooling in this farming
operation, there will be regularly scheduled cleaning and sanitizing of the ice
production facility (if on site), ice storage facility and any ice handling or
transportation equipment. Sanitary conditions will be maintained in all areas
where ice is manufactured, transported or stored.
Water Used in Processing
The temperature of the water in dump tanks, flumes, etc. is monitored hourly
either automatically or with a standard thermometer at the same time as the
disinfectant concentration is measured. The water temperature is not more than
10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the produce
Wash water is reused as little as possible and quality is maintained by:
Periodic water sampling and microbial testing
Changing water as required to maintain sanitary conditions
Developing standard operating procedures for water quality
Cleaning and sanitizing water contact surfaces including dump tanks, flumes,
and wash tanks on a regular schedule
Installing backflow devices and air gaps to prevent contamination of clean water
Inspecting and maintaining equipment designed to assist in maintaining water
Water contact surfaces such as dump tanks, flumes, wash tanks and hydro
coolers are cleaned and sanitized on a scheduled basis. If applicable, the
temperature of the processing water used in dump trucks, flumes etc is
monitored to keep at temperatures appropriate for the commodity.
Water used in the packing facility is treated and exposure time monitored. The
facility has demonstrated that the disinfectant used is appropriate for the product
.When chlorine is used to disinfect produce, the concentration of free chlorine is
generally between 50-150 parts per million with a contact time of one to two
minutes. Concentrations may vary by product.
Climate control rooms and Refrigeration/ Thermometer
Storage cooler temperatures will be checked and logged two times per day.
Problems will be addressed immediately. Multiple thermometers can be used to
assure correct temperatures. (Cooler Temperature Log Sheet follows. Storage
Temperature and Refrigeration Equipment Log;. Cooler Temperature Log).
The cooler will be cleaned on a monthly basis or sooner if needed. This cleaning
will be recorded in the log and kept on file for one year. Storage Facility and
Equipment Cleanliness Log
The cooler thermometer will also be calibrated on a monthly basis to ensure a
reliable and accurate reading. The calibration will be recorded in the calibration
log ( Thermometer Calibration Log) . A calibration method is available in the SOP
Should climate controlled rooms be used to store produce, temperatures will be
regularly monitored and recorded in a log.
Should refrigeration systems be used to store produce, the thermometer(s) used
to take the temperature will be regularly checked for accuracy and recorded in a
log. If this is not done by the computer monitoring system automatically, a log will
be kept. This is included as part of the food safety and security program of this
farming operation.
While not all produce requires refrigeration during transport, should a manifest
indicate a temperature to maintain during transport, all efforts will be made to
insure that that temperature is maintained.
Should ice be used, iced product does not drip on pallets of produce stored
Employee Sanitation
Should this farming operation have a written policy regarding the wearing of hair
nets/beard nets in the storage and transportation areas, it is being followed by all
employees and visitors.
Should this his farming operation have a written policy regarding the wearing of
jewelry in the storage and transportation areas, it is being followed by all
employees and visitors.
Employees and visitors are not to wear jewelry and must wear hair/beard nets in
storage and transportation areas. Non-removable jewelry needs to be reported to
a supervisor on advisement for how to cover the jewelry (eg. waterproof gloves).
This farming operation records the source of incoming product and the
destination of outgoing product which is uniquely identified to enable traceability.
A traceability program has been established where the product is traceable at
least one step backward (if applicable) and one step forward in the marketing
process. This operation has also successfully tested with a “mock recall” where
customers were contacted, the amount of product from the original shipment and
the disposition of the product that could not be effectively recalled was
ascertained. The traceability, recall plan and mock recall procedures can be
found in the SOP Appendix. Records of the traceability program can be found in
the Documentation section.
Produce moving out of the field is coded or identifiable to enable traceability.
P2.9 is used for direct trucking to packing shed or processor and also to a
storage facility. Traceability Checklist Log