Bridges of Rivermist Homeowners’ Association Open Board Meeting-Monday, July 14, 2014 At Evangelical Free Church of Sycamore/DeKalb Minutes Open Board Meeting –7 pm Evangelical Free Church of Sycamore/DeKalb 7:00p.m. I. Call to Order II. Roll Call: Brian Borgardt, Alexandra Dailey, Scot Spier, Dan Steimel and Dan Pavelich. Approval of April 7, 2014- Open Board Meeting Minutes Brian motioned to approve minutes, Scott seconded. All were in favor or approving minutes. Approval of Financials ending May 31, 2014 Brian motioned to approve financial report, Scott seconded. All were in favor of approving report. III. New Business/Committee Reports ArchitecturalLot #273- 505 Quinlan requested approval for a fence. Plans reviewed. Dan Steimel motioned we approve the plans as submitted for the construction of a fence. Alex seconded. All approved. Bids for painting the BRM signs and rails at the entrances were reviewed. The bid from Wallace in the amount of $1400 was chosen. Scott motioned we accept this bid, Alex seconded. All were in favor of bid to accept Wallace’s proposal. Budget and Finance- HOA reserve account is $20,350.59. Communications- Re: Newsletter Summer issue should be in your homes early next week... Anyone with pictures of July 4th parade are encouraged to send to Alexandra. Fall recipes and nature stories welcome. If you know someone who has won an award or has participated in a special program send your story or call with information. Electrical/Mechanical Electric Panel replaced and insurance claim submitted. The cost was $2200 and we are waiting for reimbursement from insurance company. The deductible was $500. An insurance claim has also been submitted for the storm damage to the pump installed in 2013. This pump was purchased with the funds from the special assessment in the amount of $23000. At this time it is working but there is no idea as to how long it will function. Holiday Decorations- NO REPORT LandscapingScot reported that all landscaping is good. Legal-There is no update on Rivermist Unit 5, LLC collections at this time. Those that are able will be present at the August 20, 2014 hearing. Rills and Ponds Dan reported that he is working on resolving leak /standing water in phase one lots. Steve from Basic has pressure tested the pipe in question and it has been determined that is not the source of the leak. There is standing water in lot 6. It will take some time but Dan is testing the area lot by lot. He has also sent a letter 1 of 2 to those affected by this issue to keep them informed of the progress. It is possible that the leak may be from water that makes its way under the liner. Dan will keep everyone informed of his progress. Social- Alexandra Dailey- July 4th parade was a success. 25 children participated in the parade .We extend a thank you to the City of DeKalb for providing us with an officer to lead the parade. After the parade all children enjoyed ice treats at Tygert Bridge while the winners were selected by ballot. All winners received a beach bucket filled with summer fun and a Target gift certificate. (First prize -$20, Second prize=-$15, and Third prize- $10.) First prize was awarded to Brooklyn, Second prize to Yanna and Third prize to Ella. All prizes and ice cream treats were made possible through a generous donation from Fred Radloff. Donations were accepted at the event to go toward next year’s parade. Alexandra asked that anyone who may have taken pictures to contact her so they could be included in fall newsletter. IV. Open Forum: Questions/comments brought to the floor and miscellaneous information: An aerator and bubbler are not working in pond 9. (Large pond at Bethany and the Tygert Bridge) Pond 10 (little pond by bridge at Bethany and Tygert) is messy and muddy. We are investigating; gravel may need to be added to shoreline. Question: If RM Unit 5, LLC forecloses how does that bring any funds to the HOA? Answer: The new owner would be responsible for 6 months of past due assessments and all assessments due going forward. FYI: There were 14 residents including board members in attendance at this Open Meeting The Next Open Board Meeting will be on Monday, October 6, 2014 at 7 pm. V. Meeting Adjourned: Scott moved we adjourn the meeting, Brian seconded. All yes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. Submitted by: Alexandra Dailey Bridges of Rivermist, HOA Secretary 2 of 2