Generic “Coke Dating” Plan 1st: Get the chapter together to make a list of all potential PNMs you might know of on campus that might be interested. Type up and pass out the list to ALL chapter members. 2nd: Explain this plan to members, as well as what SMART goals are and why this plan was formed. Ask for volunteers to fulfill each activity and type their names into the responsibility column. Make copies for each sister so that she may keep track of her own personal responsibilities! Due Date 5pm Wednesday 10/17/07 9pm Monday 10/22/07 Responsibility All sisters Make a committee to form these groups to make sure PNMs and sisters are all allocated somewhere Midnight Sunday 10/28/07 All sisters (Optional for new members) 9pm Monday 10/29/07 Treasurer/Asst. Treasurer 9pm Monday 10/29/07 All sisters 9pm Monday 10/29/07 Tuesday 10/30/07 Event Coordinator(s) 1st all house event Sister or CAB member Wednesday Scholarship chair Activity Email COR chair with your top 2 off the PNM list we created on 10/16. Also indicate ANY PNMs on the list that you know Create 2 sets of “coke dating” groups Set 1: 2 sisters/2 PNMs for first “dates” Set 2: 2-4 sisters/4 PNMs for second “dates” Present groups to house in writing at Monday’s meeting—make copies so each sister has the list Have your first “coke date” with your small group. Remember this should be informal—examples: lunch in the dining hall, watch TV, coffee, study group, shopping. Do not talk about Kappa Delta. Use the time to get to know the PNMs better and let them know you better too. Advise Event coordinator(s) 1 and 2 of their budget for the 2 all house events they have to plan in November. Please give them an upper limit range of what they can spend. If you need help deciding on an appropriate amount, ask for guidance. Use the attached form to report on your first coke date. There will be an envelope on the refrigerator for you to drop your slip in. Assign a sister or CAB member to pick these up sometime on Tuesday. Advise house of date/time/theme for full house event the week of 11/5 Pick up report slips. Notify Standards of any sister who did not report on their progress. Standards will impose any consequences for non-completion of a task. Secure grade approval for the new PNMs on our list 10/31/07 Thursday 11/1/07 Midnight Sunday 11/4/07 9pm Monday 11/5/07 9pm Monday 11/5/07 Tuesday 11/6/07 Week of 11/5; No later than 11/11/07 Midnight Sunday 11/11/07 11/11/07 11/12/07 9pm Monday 11/12/07 9pm Monday 11/12/07 Tuesday from Panhell or admissions office? Wherever you can find grades for these women! 2 sisters well versed First draft of brochure due to Council member (PR?) in PR, computer or a CAB member. Make sure the brochure is both brochure making, informative & attractive. Include information about etc. national Kappa Delta & your local chapter and activities. Include a section on finances (maybe part of an FAQ section?). All sisters Have your second “coke date” with your larger (Optional for new group. Remember to talk about Kappa Delta on this members) outing. Wear something that says “KD” on it. Examples of things to talk about: how much fun you had at EBall, how much you’re looking forward to Semi-Formal, how cool our Dagger Man is, Teddy Bear run (since it is that week), Shamrock, Girl Scouts, the socials you’ve had this semester, etc. Take pictures. All sisters Use the attached form to report on your second coke date. There will be an envelope on the refrigerator for you to drop your slip in. Same sister or CAB member as before will be picking these up sometime on Tuesday. Event coordinator(s) Advise house of date/time/theme of full house event 2nd all house event week of 11/12 Sister or CAB Pick up report slips. Notify Standards of any sister member who did not report on their progress. Standards will impose any consequences for non-completion of a task. Event coordinator(s) First full house event. Make sure invitations go out a 1st all house event minimum of 3 days in advance. Theme your event. Stay within the budget that Treasurer has provided. All sisters Using your original small coke dating groups follow up with the PNMs in your group that attended the event this week. Ask them if they enjoyed themselves and let them know everyone enjoyed meeting them. You can do this during lunch, coffee, or just hanging out. 2 sisters making Final draft of brochure due to Council member (PR?) brochure or a CAB member for printing. Council member Print color copies of brochure & drop off at house. (PR?) or a CAB member Event coordinator(s) Notify the house of the date/time for the last full all house event #3 house event the week of 11/26—“decide a name or theme” event. All sisters Report on your follow up with your PNMs using the attached form. There will be an envelope on the refrigerator for you to drop your slip in. Sister or CAB member will be picking up these slips sometime on Tuesday. Sister or CAB Pick up report slips. Notify Standards of any sister 11/13/07 Week of 11/12/07; no later than Thursday 11/15/07 member who did not report on their progress. Standards will impose any consequences for non-completion of a task. Event coordinator(s) Second full house event. Make sure invitations go 2nd all house event out a minimum of 3 days in advance. Theme your event. Stay within the budget that Treasurer has provided. The brochure will be available to any really “hot prospects.” 9pm Monday 11/26/07 All sisters 9pm Tuesday 11/27/07 All sisters Wednesday 11/28/07 Sister or CAB Week of 11/26, no later than 11/28 Event coordinator(s) all house event #3 9pm Wednesday 11/28/07 All sisters & VP-M 11/29 & 11/30 12/3/07 VP-M & more? Council and more sisters if available? New VP-NME New VP-NME 12/4-12/7 Over semester break Using your original small coke dating groups follow up with the PNMs in your group that attended the event this week. Ask them if they enjoyed themselves and let them know everyone enjoyed meeting them. You can do this during lunch, coffee, or just hanging out. Report on your follow up with your PNMs using the attached form. There will be an envelope on the refrigerator for you to drop your slip in. Sister or CAB will be picking up these slips sometime on Wednesday. This is the follow up where you ask them “we’re thinking of adding a couple of new members…what’s your level of interest in Kappa Delta?” Pick up report slips. Notify Standards of any sister who did not report on their progress. Standards will impose any consequences for non-completion of a task. Final full house event. Make sure invitations are out on Sunday when you return from break or before you leave on the 16th. Stay within the budget Lindsey gave you. MSS, ranking of your final list, determine any names you want to hold for spring “coke dating” (perhaps there is a personal reason that would prevent the PNM from taking a bid at this time) Extend bids Hold First Degree for New Members before your formal meeting. Invite them to stay for any other meeting or events happening this night. Hold the Stage 1 for the new members Plan the remainder of the stages & communicate to the new VP-O the dates for each stage, 2nd Degree, New Member Test & Initiation First “Coke Date” Report (Due to envelope on refrigerator by 9pm 10/29) Sister(s)’ name(s): _____________________________________________________ PNM’s name: _________________________________________________________ Date of “coke date”:______________ Activity: _____________________________________________________________ Information you learned about the PNM: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Second “Coke Date” Report (Due to envelope on refrigerator by 9pm 11/5) Sister(s)’ name(s): ________________________________________________________ PNM’s name: ____________________________________________________________ Date of “coke date:” _________________ Activity: ________________________________________________________________ What was the PNM’s response when you talked about Kappa Delta activities? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ What do you think the likelihood is of the PNM accepting a bid at this point? ____ Extremely likely ____ Possibly ____Not likely Why did you choose the answer above? _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Any new information you learned about the PNM: _______________________________________________________________________ Follow up after First Full House Event (Due to envelope on refrigerator by 9pm 11/12) Sister(s)’ Name(s): ________________________________________________________ PNM name: _____________________________________________________________ Date of follow up: ________________ (If your PNM did not attend, follow up to say they were missed) What do you think the likelihood is of the PNM accepting a bid at this point? ____ Extremely likely ____ Possibly ____Not likely Why did you choose the answer above? _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow up after Second Full House Event (Due to envelope on refrigerator by 9pm 11/27) Sister(s)’ Names(s): _______________________________________________________ PNM name: _____________________________________________________________ Date of follow up: ________________ (If your PNM did not attend, follow up to say they were missed) What do you think the likelihood is of the PNM accepting a bid at this point? ____ Extremely likely ____ Possibly ____Not likely Why did you choose the answer above? _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________