The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the functions and key activities of the Aboriginal
Outcomes Branch.
Service Design and Implementation develops cross-program and integrated service delivery responses to move the department from a program and problem focus to a people and place focus. Consolidation of program and service design functions achieves functional efficiency, and the flexible staffing model maximises the department’s limited resources.
This group facilitates the effective translation of high-level policy intent into genuine reform and improved practice at the front line. Knowledge and expertise of service design and practice improvement is consolidated from different program areas into an integrated design capability. At the same time, specialist knowledge and functions are retained to maintain and improve highly specialised services.
This group leads the design, delivery, evaluation, implementation and administration of accommodation and support programs, including statutory and forensic programs, for individuals and families. It leads the department’s community building and participation activities. It drives practice consistency and improvement.
It develops, coordinates and influences initiatives for Aboriginal clients.
The Aboriginal Outcomes Branch will drive policy development across the department and advocate on behalf of Aboriginal Victorians for more effective state policy development in areas that impact on their communities.
The branch has responsibility for the development, coordination and impact of service initiatives to improve personal, social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal clients of the department.
The branch will oversee implementation of strategies to build a human services industry in Victoria that has a more culturally responsive workforce, and is more respectful and welcoming of Aboriginal people and communities.
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The branch will provide high level, timely and strategic advice on a range of current and emerging national and state Aboriginal issues to the M inisters, the department’s leadership and to other stakeholders as required.
Aboriginal Outcomes Branch will consist of the following units:
Participation and Capacity Building Unit
Aboriginal Client Outcomes Unit.
The Participation and Capacity Building Unit will work with mainstream organisations, Aboriginal organisations and the department to strengthen the services system to effectively reduce disadvantage and increase participation of Aboriginal people. The unit will promote social and economic participation for Aboriginal people through client initiatives in the community and continued development of an Aboriginal workforce in the department. The unit will also provide a central coordination point for Aboriginal sector engagement and support.
Key functions and activities
The unit will:
lead and develop projects and strategies that support the specialist Aboriginal Community Controlled
Organisations to better service Aboriginal clients and effectively partner or collaborate with business, the philanthropic sector and mainstream service providers to improve the outcomes for Aboriginal clients
lead and develop projects that build the capacity of Aboriginal people and communities to actively contribute to Aboriginal client outcomes through governance, planning and feedback mechanisms
provide advice and input into the Koori Court Project and Commonwealth and State policy developments
develop and integrate strategies to support mainstream service organisations to increase access of
Aboriginal people to services, deliver more effective services to Aboriginal clients and effectively collaborate and partner with Aboriginal organisations or communities
lead implementation of the Department of Human Services and Department of Health ‘Aboriginal
Recruitment and Retention Strategy 2010-2013 ’
implement a range of initiatives (including Aboriginal Study to Work, Aboriginal Graduate Recruitment,
Intrain Scholarships, Aboriginal Staff Support Network, targeted professional development, marketing and promotions) to achieve a 1.5% Aboriginal employment target
implement Strengthening Aboriginal Organisation Budget Expenditure Review Committee Package
provide consultation and advice to the Indigenous Family Violence Strategy and state-wide Aboriginal
Child and Family Services network
strengthen the cultural awareness and responsiveness of out of home care, family services and child protection practice.
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The Aboriginal Client Outcomes Unit will support the development, implementation and monitoring of clear and measurable personal, social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal people and communities in Victoria.
The unit will facilitate a whole-of-department approach to Aboriginal affairs, supporting knowledge exchange and development of expertise. The unit will undertake activities to improve understanding of Aboriginal cultures and promote improved cultural responsiveness of staff and services.
Key functions and activities
The unit will:
work with key stakeholders to establish, implement, support and monitor clear priorities, targets and measurable outcomes across departmental programs and services
improve outcomes for Aboriginal people with a disability and their families including: o Development and oversight of Aboriginal Communication and Information Project o Completion of the Disability Services Closing the Gap project o Support and capacity building for Victorian Aboriginal Disability Network
coordinate the department’s interface with the Commonwealth Government and other Victorian government departments to influence Aboriginal policy and reform in a broader context
coordinate the achievement of the department’s targets in relation to national and state commitments, including COAG and VAAF commitments
lead the development and implementation of the Department’s Reconciliation Action Plan and
Aboriginal Inclusion Statement
lead the development and support the implementation of the Human Services Aboriginal Strategic
Framework and the engagement and partnership arrangements between the Aboriginal sector and the department, including the Human Services Aboriginal Roundtable
support an integrated and connected response to Aboriginal planning and improved client outcomes through appropriate regional and central governance mechanisms
promote key Aboriginal cultural events, including Reconciliation and NAIDOC Week
convene and participate in whole of Victorian Government Aboriginal governance and accountability mechanisms, including: Senior Officer's Group on Aboriginal Affairs, Secretaries' Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs, Secretary's Project – Morwell and the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Annual Report
engage with and contribute to various groups, including Indigenous Family Violence Partnership
Forum, Aboriginal Employment Public Sector Partnership Group, Vocational Education and Training
Access and Equity Committee, Engaging Disadvantage Learners Committee, Victorian Aboriginal
Committee on Koori Health.
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