Marit Julien: Possessors in Scandinavian nominal phrases

Marit Julien: Possessors
in Scandinavian nominal phrases
In Scandinavian, possessor relations within nominal phrases can be
expressed in a number of different ways. The possessor can be pronominal or nonpronominal, it can have overt case or lack overt case, it may precede or follow the
possessed nominal, and it may or may not be accompanied by additional elements that
reflect the possession relation. Moreover, the choice of possessive construction
interacts with the definiteness marking of the possessed noun. I argue that despite the
surface variation, all possessors are generated in the same position. The different
patterns seen in nominal phrases with possessors are consequences of, firstly, how the
possessor is licensed, and, secondly, which features are spelled out where.