EAST TENNESSEE SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE SHOW Hosted by West End Church of God 234 Allen P. Deakins Rd Bledsoe County Fairgrounds, Pikeville, Tn June 18, 2011- 5:00 p.m. CST Judge- Shane Hartwig 1. Stick Horse 2. Leadline, Spotted (riders 6 & under, feet in stirrups) 23. Padded Racking – Show Walk, Slow Rack, Fast Rack (Chains Permitted in Class 23) 3. SSH Traditional Trail Pleasure Am. Owned & Trained 24. SSH 17 & Under Open Shod, NO Stallions 4. SSH 2 yr old Trail Pleasure 25. SSH 2 & 3 Yr Old Amateur Open 5. SSH Youth 12-17 Lite Shod 26. 3 Yr Old Traditional Trail Pleasure 6. SSH 4 yr old & Over Country Trail Pleasure 27. SSH Youth 11 & Under Lite Shod, NO Stallions 7. Ladies Pleasure Racking- Show Walk, Pleasure Gait 28. Solid Walking Trail Pleasure- Flat Walk, Running Walk 8. SSH 2 yr old Traditional Trail Pleasure 29. 4 Yr Old & Over Lite Shod 9. SSH 3 yr old Open 30. SSH Youth 17 & Under Traditional Trail Pleasure 10. SSH 4 yr old & over Amateur Lite Shod (NO Stallions) 11. SSH Youth 17 & under Trail Pleasure, NO Stallions 31. SSH Am. Owned & Trained Country Trail Pleasure 12. SSH 2 yr old Lite Shod 32. SSH 2 Yr Old Open Shod 13. Youth Padded Racking – Show Walk, Slow Rack ,Fast 33. Men’s Pleasure Racking- Show Walk, Pleasure Gait Rack (Chains Permitted in Class 13) 34. SSH 4 Yr Old & Over Am. Trail Pleasure 14. SSH 4 yr old & over Traditional Trail Pleasure 35. SSH 4 Yr Old & Over Amateur Open Shod 15. SSH Amateur Owned & Trained Trail Pleasure 36. Flat Shod Racking- Show Walk, Slow Rack, Fast Rack (GREG JONES Memorial Challenge Trophy) 37. SSH 2 & 3 Yr Old Amateur Lite Shod 16. SSH Youth 17& under Country Trail Pleasure,NO Stallions 38. SSH Amateur Country Trail Pleasure 17. SSH 2 yr old Amateur Trail Pleasure 39. SSH 3 Yr Old Amateur Trail Pleasure 18. SSH 3 yr old Trail Pleasure 40. SSH 3 Yr Old Lite Shod 19. Youth Pleasure Racking- Show Walk, Pleasure Gait 41. SSH 4 Yr Old & Over Trail Pleasure 20. SSH Am. 2 & 3 yr old Traditional Trail Pleasure 42. Speed Racking- Show Walk, Slow Rack, Rack On 21. SSH 4 & Over Amateur Traditional Trail Pleasure 43. SSH 4 Yr Old & Over Open Shod 22. SSH 2 & 3 yr old Country Trail Pleasure SSHBEA sanctioned, ALL SSHBEA rules apply. Western Tack & attire in all SSHBEA classes. Racking classes are for spotted Or solid horses, tack & attire optional. Racking Classes are in no way affiliated with SSHBEA, TWHBEA or RHBA. Negative Coggins REQUIRED. All horses MUST be checked by the DQP. Entry fees: Classes 1-$00, Classes 2-46 $ 15.00 PAYBACK: Class 1 Ribbons, Classes 2 -46: $ 30, $ 25,$ 20,$ 10, $ 5 AMATEUR OWNED & TRAINED MUST NOT have been professionally Trained within the last 90 days, and is either the amateur contestant who owns the entry being shown or is an amateur member of the owner’s immediate family. COUNTRY TRAIL PLEASURE – manufactured stamped cast keg shoe, not to exceed 3/8 x ¼” inch and toe must NOT exceed 4 inches. Head Shake is NOT allowed. TRADITIONAL TRAIL PLEASURE- manufactured stamped cast keg shoe, not to exceed 3/8 x ¼” inch and toe must NOT to Exceed 4 inches. Head Shake is allowed. TRAIL PLEASURE- Shoe may NOT exceed ¾ x 7/16” thick. Caulk CANNOT exceed 1 inch, measured from turn back. ETSSHC, SSHBEA and West End Church of God are not responsible for theft, injury, loss or damages For more information contact Show Chairman Marie Lowe 423-881-4440