Innovative diagnostics techniques for planned conservation of

University of Belgrade
--------------------------------Универзитет у Београду
Serbia – Italia
Status and Perspectives of the
Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation
Belgrade, June 25 and 26, 2012
Registration Form
Deadline June 11, 2012
We recommend speakers to release not too technical presentations in order to allow the
comprehension of participants with different scientific disciplinary statutes.
First name: ELISABETTA
Last name: ROSINA
Address: VIA BONARDI 9
City/Country: MILANO
Individual (10 min)
Institutional (20 min)
(Institutional presentations are intended to illustrate the activities of a whole institution rather
than individual research)
Title: Innovative diagnostics techniques for planned conservation of Cultural Heritage
Abstract (max 500 words):
In the arena of NDT applied to Cultural Heritage, the investigation techniques based on
images analysis have a prominent role, above all in the preliminary phase of the assessment.
Results of integrating diagnostic techniques for the early assessment of damages due to
humidity, especially at severe ambient conditions and monitoring microclimate, mapping
colder surfaces (thermal bridges, different materials of coatings and masonry, etc) and the
analysis of risk factors inside and outside the buildings (environment, use of heating plants,
presence of visitors, etc) have as a result the identification of specific microclimatic conditions
and thermal-hygrometrical behaviours which are critical for the conservation of materials.
Knowing such conditions, the further step of the plan of conservation is to draw the guide
lines for the most effective removal of damage causes, without requiring a complete
refurbishment or restoration of the building, control in time the results of preventive action,
and to set the threshold values for the maintenance activities.
The new trend of this applied research in the field of diagnostics for Cultural Heritage is to
make the use of instruments on-site reliable, feasible and affordable. Diagnostics on-site
application depict a broader view of the building elements under investigation, as well as
allows researchers to study those parts affected by moisture in comparison to the
environment. This information is crucial to evaluate the risk of damage due to the
environment and to plan the necessary actions for preventing further damages and loss of
The assessment of risk factors for the conservation of historical buildings, has a crucial issue:
the measurements of water content in ancient masonry because of the non homogeneity of
the materials, few available standards, and most of all the destructivity of the existing
standardized tests. Therefore, since 2009 a research project (MOdhiMa, MOisture detection
in historical MAsonry) has been started with the first objective to study and compare the
effectiveness of the experimental and innovative methods for mapping the presence of water
in the structure, and measuring the water content. The experimental results on a case study
were recently published as proceedings of the first Conference MOdhiMa, held in 2011 at
Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The further step of the research is to develop these innovative
applications in collaboration with the Belgrad Univesity, with the aim to support and improve
the restoration and conservation plan on Serbian Cultural Heritage. Some study cases will be
the pilot applications of planned conservation strategy and diagnostic: the choice will be done
among some historical monasteries in Belgrado area.
Note: Authors will timely receive information and templates for the proceedings.
[1] The proceedings of the conference are available in Materiale Evaluation, The American
society for Nondestructive testing, vol. 69, n 1, january 2011, Columbus (OH) - USA
University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 1, Belgrade,