TOWN OF LISBON W234 N8676 WOODSIDE RD. LISBON, WI 53089-1545 TEL: (262) 246-6100 FAX:(262) 820-2023 E-mail: Website: AGENDA TOWN BOARD MEETING TOWN OF LISBON Monday, August 26, 2013 TOWN HALL 6:30 P.M. 1. Roll call. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Comments from citizens present. Citizens are invited to share their questions, comments, or concerns with the Town Board. When speaking, citizens should state their name and address for the record and limit their presentation to three minutes. Where possible, the Board will answer factual questions immediately. If a response would involve discussion of Board policy or decisions that might be of interest to citizens not present at the meeting, the Board may place the item on a future meeting agenda. 4. Approval of minutes of the August 12, 2013 Town Board Meeting. 5. Approval of Bills 6. Announcements/Correspondence - Listing of upcoming meeting dates & times. 7. Department Reports - Presentation of activity statistics and recently attended meetings. A. 8. Fire Department 1. Monthly Report. Supervisor’s Reports - Presentation of activity statistics, meetings attended and status of items in progress. 9. A. Supervisor Lippert’s Report: Sanitary District # 1, Joint Library, Town Hall, and Inspector. B. Supervisor Heinritz Report: Parks Department, Town’s Association, And Joint Planning Committees. C. Supervisor Osterman’s Report: Fire Department/Police & Fire Commission, Police Services, Public Safety Committee, and Technology Liaison. D. E. Supervisor Panten’s Report: DPW, Compost, Engineering and Plan Commission. Chairman Gehrke’s Report: Plan Commission, Joint Planning Committees, Assessor, Attorney, and 911 Memorial. New Business A. Discussion and action on a resolution for exemption from the County Library tax. B. Discussion and action on ordinance to rezone parts of the Phase II Hillside Meadows Subdivision from R-2 to RD-5 consistent with the surrounding zoning category C. Discussion and action on a refund of property tax for Gina Schmidt. D. Discussion and action to approve operator licenses E. Discussion and action to approve picnic license F. Discussion and action to write-off ambulance and delinquent personal property tax 10. Closed Session Motion to convene into Closed Session pursuant to19.85 (1)(c)(e) Wis. Stats considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. More specifically: evaluation of the Clerk/Administrator and Joint Library Agreement with the Village of Sussex. 11. Motion to Reconvene in Open Session pursuant to 19.85 (2). 12. Adjournment. Matthew J. Gehrke Town Chairman Jeffrey Musche Town Clerk NOTE: Individual members of the Town Board will be available after the meeting to discuss town related issues with citizens who are present. NOTE: Please notify the Town of Lisbon 72 hours in advance if you plan to attend and will need an interpreter or assistive hearing device. NOTICE: It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information: no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.