UCLA Mobile Clinic Project (2012-2014)

Mobile Clinic Project at UCLA (2013-2014)
Coordinator/Committee Chair Application
Please complete and e-mail back to mcpugcoordinators@gmail.com.
Interviews for coordinator will take place: March 4th-March 8th, 2013.
Interviews for chair will take place: 1st week of Spring Quarter
Deadline for Submission: Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 11:59PM
With MCP’s continued expansion, we would like to adjust the leadership positions and better define each
role’s responsibilities in relation to clinic sites and administrative duties. Please see below and ask us if
you have any questions. Descriptions are not set in stone and are meant to serve merely as guidelines.
NOTE: It is REQUIRED that you attend an informational session and speak with a current coordinator
if you are interested in applying for a coordinator position. Please feel free to email or talk to the current
leadership regarding questions about what that particular position entails (e.g. time commitments,
duties/requirements, spearheading projects, etc). Names and emails are included next to each position
below for your convenience.
Coordinators (4 positions)
Clinic sites
○ All coordinators will be responsible for West Hollywood (Wednesday)
○ All coordinators will be responsible for OPCC (1st & 3rd Saturdays)
○ Potentially will need to take on an expansion onto a new site
Administrative Duties (and their corresponding corporate titles)
Facilities (Eric, facilities.mobileclinic@gmail.com)
Ensures all regular operations of clinic (e.g. charging batteries, truck maintenance,
maintaining relations with organizations, general trouble shooting), keeping track of
supplies at ALL storage locations and moving supplies as needed (i.e. Chief Operating
Operations (Kevin, operations.mobileclinic@gmail.com)
Making sure ALL supplies (medical and non-medical) are in stock at ALL clinic sites,
placing and coordinating orders for supplies as needed; must work closely with finance to
have a thorough understanding of our current financial status and funding sources, work
with preparing medication budget allocations for grants (i.e. Chief Procurement Officer)
Finance (Nicholus, finance.mobileclinic@gmail.com)
Fund management for all current grants and donations; compiles monthly reports for the
advisors regarding status of funds; tracks all clinic expenses; providing midterm- and endof-the-year reports for grants; fills out and turning in purchase orders and reimbursements
receipts; works with UCLA staff who handle our funds; helps write budgets for any
grants/fund development (i.e. Chief Financial Officer)
Finance Intern (Nicholus, finintern.mobileclinic@gmail.com)
The purpose of this position is to give the next finance coordinator a year of
training with the current coordinator. Because the financial year does not have all
funding sources align and due to our program being a multidisciplinary effort, it
can be difficult to quickly learn. Thus, the Finance Intern works with the Chief
Financial Officer throughout the year, gradually taking on more responsibility, i.e.
for the first 3 months it’s a training tutorial or complete intern, for the next 3
months the intern becomes responsible for turning in PO requests and starts to
interact with the contacts, etc. This position assists in the transitioning in of the
next group of coordinators and is crucial for maintaining the institutional memory
of mobile clinic
Committee Liaison (Lauren, liaison.mobileclinic@gmail.com)
Working with committee heads on committee projects, recruitment, and clinic signups
overseeing caseworkers and their responsibilities, implementing fall syllabus and working
with CHS class (i.e. Chief Administrative Officer)
Committee Chairs (10 positions)
NOTE: It is NOT mandatory to only apply for a committee chair position for the committee that you are
currently a member of in 2012-2013.
WeHo Logistics - (Patrick, log.mobileclinic@gmail.com)– coordinate and train committee
members out at WeHo, keep the truck organized and up-to-date, will work closely with Facilities
● Grantwriting - (Izzy, grantwriting.mobileclinic@gmail.com) organize committee members to
apply for grants – primarily intramural, extramural if possible.
● Health Education (2) - (Josh and Jessica, healthed.mobileclinic@gmail.com) organize and train
committee members giving health education materials, hold Street-Side Talks at We-Ho and
Healthy Living Seminars at OPCC, organize mobile clinic involvement at health fairs, develop
and maintain health education materials (pamphlets, hygiene kits, condoms, shampoo, blankets,
socks, other miscellaneous items)
● Referrals (2) - (Tara and Sarah, referral.mobileclinic@gmail.com) develop and maintain complete,
accurate, and efficient referrals at ALL clinic sites, with special focus on establishing and building
contact with current and new referral sites, train committee members
● Outreach/Public Relations - (Andrew, outreach.mobileclinic@gmail.com) enhance MCP’s
presence on campus and in the community, fundraise as necessary, social activities, TITTS
● Database - (Omar, database.mobileclinic@gmail.com) track MCP’s client records and data –
CRUCIAL to end-of-year project evaluation, future MCP expansion and records, applications for
grants, and potential research publications of project results
● Webmaster - (Christine, christine.mcpwebmaster@gmail.com)-maintain appearance of Mobile
Clinic Website, technical projects
Tentative Timeline for the Application process
Application Due: Saturday February 23, 2013 at 11:59PM
Coordinator Interviews: Between March 4th-March 8th, 2013
Notification of new coordinators: End of Winter Term
New chairs will be selected by new coordinators at the beginning of spring quarter
Please rank your preferences—indicate only the positions you are interested in.
Coordinators/Chair Preferences:
NOTE: It is MANDATORY to be around this summer and next year until May.
Please rank 1-9.
Committee Liaison
**Check here if you want to be considered for Finance Shadow. Keep in mind that this requires a two
year commitment. One year as a shadow, and then the following year as the Finance coordinator. There
are additional questions in a supplemental application which need to be answered. There is no ranking
for this position**
__ Yes, I am interested in applying for the Finance Shadow position
Committee Chairs:
WeHo Logistics
Health Education
Outreach/Public Relations
Clinic sites: For Coordinator positions only. Please rank 1-2.
Ocean Park Community Center
Step Up on Second
Mobile Clinic Project at UCLA (2013-2014)
Coordinator/Committee Chair Application
Name: ________________
Current Address:
Permanent Address:
Cell Phone: __________
E-mail: _________________________________
Undergraduate majoring in:
Other (please explain what you will be doing next year, e.g. working full-time, etc.):
Year in School: _
Anticipated Graduation: ______
Please respond to the following questions. Your responses should be specific and concise, and are an
extremely important part of the selection process. Please respond to all relevant questions (if you are only
applying for a coordinator position, ignore questions pertaining to committees, etc.).
1. Why do you want to be a coordinator or committee chair for the Mobile Clinic Project, and how
do you feel you can contribute? Please discuss any relevant experience or contributions you have
made thus far that make you a strong candidate for your #1 choice.
2. What do you envision clinic to be like a year from now? Describe two new ideas you would seek
to implement specific to your desired position.
3. As a coordinator or committee chair, you are responsible for selecting the Mobile Clinic Project
at UCLA class for 2013-2014. What are some qualities that a caseworker/class member would
have? In essence, who would you select?
4. What are your other extracurricular responsibilities (please include any leadership positions)?
How will you balance other commitments with those of the UCLA Mobile Clinic if you are selected
for a leadership position? Do you anticipate being gone for any length of time next year?
5. What do you see as your weaknesses and strengths, particularly in a leadership capacity?
6. What are your plans for the summer 2013-Spring 2014 year? How will further leadership in
Mobile Clinic be balanced within the next year?
7. What was your most memorable and meaningful moment at clinic and how did that affect you?
8. What do you want to get out of life and how can you think you can make the world a better
9. What is your most memorable positive life experience to date? Why/what makes it so
memorable? (e.g. Skydiving in Switzerland, Thanksgiving mishaps, etc.)
10. What does mobile clinic mean to you?
Mobile Clinic Project at UCLA (2013-2014)
Finance Intern Additional Application
Please fill and e-mail back to mcpugcoordinators@gmail.com and Joe.mobileclinic@gmail.com
I. Additional Essays
Please respond to the following questions. Your responses should be specific and concise, and are an
extremely important part of the selection process. Please limit each response to 250 words when
1. The Finance Intern position requires an extra time commitment as compared to the other
coordinators (1.5 years). What pushes you to dedicate this much time to this program?
2. The Finance Intern/Coordinatior position requires exceptional organization skills and the ability to
work with UCLA’s infrastructure for processing funds. Can you provide an example of a time in
which you had to overcome a barrier during the organization of some event or function?
3. The Mobile Clinic Project at UCLA relies on funding from the Undergraduate, Public Health, and
Medical Schools. As Finance Intern/Coordinator, you will interact with representatives from each
school on a regular basis. Please describe how well you communicate with others and interact with
4. Due to the combination of unforeseen budget cuts and/or grant proposal rejections, suppose our
available funds were to be dramatically reduced. How would you deal with this situation? How
would you determine which services to scale back?
5. In the instance of an abundance of funding, what sort of programs would you like to see
implemented in addition to core services already offered by the clinic?