- the Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in

Dr. P. Sri Hari2
VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad,
Andhra Pradesh, India
2 GITAM University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
radhakodirekka@gmail.com, mail2pshari@yahoo.com
ABSTRACT: Cognitive Radio (CR) has been proposed as a promising technology to improve spectrum
utilization. One of the key challenges of CR technology is to reliably detect the presence or absence of primary
users at very low signal-to-noise ratio. Spectrum sensing allows cognitive users to autonomously identify
unused portions of the Radio Spectrum, and thus avoid interference to primary users. In this paper, survey of
spectrum sensing techniques is presented. This paper proposes hardware implementation of spectrum sensing
using Reconfigurable Hardware used in cognitive radio system. These radios require a platform which offers
high performance and highly reconfigurable. This study is to explore the method of implementation of spectrum
sensing for cognitive radio using FPGA.
Keywords— Cognitive Radio, Radio Spectrum, Spectrum Sensing, Reconfigurable Hardware.
The Electromagnetic Radio Spectrum, a natural
resource, is currently licensed by regulatory bodies
for various applications. RADIO spectrum is the
medium for all types of wireless communications,
such as cellular phones, satellite, wireless lowpowered consumer devices, and so on. Presently
there is a severe shortage of the spectrum for new
applications and systems due to the current fixed
frequency assignment policy. The current fixed
frequency assignment policy assigns each piece of
spectrum with certain bandwidth to one or more
dedicated users. By doing so, only the assigned
(licensed) users have the right to exploit the allocated
spectrum, and other users are not allowed to use it,
regardless of whether the licensed users are using it.
The unutilized part of the spectrum results in
‘Spectrum holes’ or ‘White Spaces’ ( Fig.1).
The limited available spectrum and the inefficiency
in the spectrum usage necessitate a new
communication paradigm to exploit the existing
wireless spectrum opportunistically [1].
Fig .1 Spectrum Hole
Cognitive Radio (CR) technology is proposed to
solve these current spectrum inefficiency problems.
CR is based on the concept of Dynamic Spectrum
Access (DSA) [2]. In DSA, a piece of spectrum can
be allocated to one or more users, which are called
Primary Users (PUs); however, the use of that
spectrum is not exclusively granted to these users,
although they have higher priority in using it. Other
users, which are referred to as Secondary Users (SUs)
/ Cognitive Users (CUs) , can also access the
allocated spectrum as long as the PUs are not
temporally using it or can share the spectrum with the
PUs as long as the PUs’ can properly be protected. In
this manner, the radio spectrum can be reused in an
opportunistic manner or shared all the time; thus, the
spectrum utilization efficiency can significantly be
Cognitive radio (CR), built on software-defined radio,
has been proposed [3] as a means to promote the
efficient use of the precious radio spectrum resources.
It is defined as an intelligent wireless communication
system [4] that is aware of the surrounding
environment and utilizes the methodology of
understanding-by-building to learn from the
Cognitive cycle of cognitive radio is shown Fig.2.
Various stages in the cognitive cycle are: spectrum
sensing, spectrum decision, spectrum sharing and
spectrum mobility [5].
Spectrum sensing aims to determine spectrum
availability and the presence of the licensed users.
Spectrum management is to predict how long the
spectrum holes are likely to remain available for use
to the unlicensed users. Spectrum sharing is to
distribute the spectrum holes fairly among the
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secondary users bearing in mind usage cost.
Spectrum mobility is to maintain seamless
communication requirements during the transition to
better spectrum.
A. Spectrum Sensing Techniques
The various spectrum sensing techniques includes
Non-cooperative detection, Cooperative detection
and Interference based detection. (Fig.3)[6][7]
A.1 Non-cooperative spectrum sensing
In this approach, the detection of primary users is
performed based on the received signal at CR users.
It is also known as Primary Transmitter Detection.
Different spectrum sensing techniques have been
used, such as matched filtering detection, energy
detection, and Cyclo stationary feature detection [8].
Fig.2 Cognitive Cycle
A.2 Cooperative spectrum sensing
The performance of spectrum sensing is limited by
noise uncertainty, multipath fading, and shadowing
[12], which are the fundamental characteristics of
wireless channels. To address this problem,
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) is proposed [9]
by allowing the collaboration of SUs to make
decisions [10] [11].
Spectrum sensing is to prevent the harmful
interference with licensed users and identify the
available spectrum for improving the spectrum’s
utilization. The objectives of spectrum sensing: 1)
CR users should not cause harmful interference to
PUs by either switching to an available band or
limiting its interference with PUs at an acceptable
level and, 2) CR users should efficiently identify and
exploit the spectrum holes for required throughput
and Quality-of Service (QoS). Thus, the detection
performance in spectrum sensing is crucial to the
performance of both primary and CR networks.
The detection performance can be determined based
on probability of false alarm, which denotes the
probability of a CR user declaring that a PU is
present when the spectrum is actually free, and
probability of detection, which denotes the
probability of a CR user declaring that a PU is
present when the spectrum is indeed occupied by the
PU. A miss in the detection will cause the
interference with the PU and a false alarm will reduce
the spectral efficiency. For optimal detection
performance, the probability of detection is
maximized subject to the constraint of the probability
of false alarm.
A.3 Interference-based Sensing
For interference based spectrum sensing , there are
two methods proposed. (1) Interference Temperature
Detection (2) Primary Receiver Detection.
Fig.3 Spectrum Sensing Classification
Fig.4 Spectrum Sensing Classification
1) Interference Temperature Detection
In this approach, the secondary users coexist with
primary users and are allowed to transmit with low
power and restricted by the interference temperature
level so as not to cause harmful interference to
primary users [13] [14].
2) Primary Receiver Detection
In this method, the interference and/or spectrum
opportunities are detected based on primary receiver's
local oscillator leakage power [15].when the CR
transmitter communicates with its receiver, it creates
interference to the primary receivers if the primary
receiver is nearer than the CR receiver and also when
the primary signal might be faded out at receiver of
secondary CR users. Under those cases, this method
is more realistic.
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The another way of Spectrum sensing classification
is :
1) Based on priori knowledge of PU signals:
coherent and non-coherent detection 2) Based on the
bandwidth of the spectrum of interest for sensing:
narrowband and wideband (Fig.4) [16]
A hypothesized model for transmitter detection is[17]
[18]: The signal detected by the SU is:
H 0 : y (t )  w(t )
Rx(  ) ( )  E[ x(t ) x* (t   )e 2t ]
H 1 : y (t )  h.x(t )  w(t )
where H0 represents the hypothesis corresponding to
“no signal transmitted”, and H1 to “signal
transmitted”, y(t) is received signal, x(t) is transmitted
signal, w(t) is an Additive White Gaussian Noise
(AWGN) with zero mean and variance
C. Cyclostationary Detection
Cyclostationary detector is one of the feature
detectors that utilize the cyclostationary feature of the
signals for spectrum sensing. A signal is said to be
cyclostationary if it’s mean and autocorrelation are a
periodic functions [26]. Feature detection refers to
extracting the features from the received signal and
performing the detection based on the extracted
features [27][28]. It can be realized by analyzing the
cyclic autocorrelation function (CAF) of the received
signal x(t), expressed as [24]
 n2
and ℎ
amplitude of channel gain.
A. Matched filtering
Matched filtering is used as a optimal method for
detection of primary users when the transmitted
signal is known [19]. Matched filtering method
correlates the known primary signal with the received
signal to detect the presence of the PU signal. It
maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The
matched filtering detector requires short sensing time
to achieve good detection performance due to
coherent detection. The matched filtering technique is
not applicable when transmit signals by the PUS are
unknown to the SUs [20]. In this method CR would
need a dedicated receiver for every type of primary
B. Energy Detection
Energy detection is a non coherent detection
technique. The energy detector does not require a
priori information of the PUs. The energy detector is
optimal to detect the unknown signal if the noise
power is known. In the energy detection, CR users
sense the presence/absence of the PUs based on the
energy of the received signals.
The energy detector is easy to implement. The energy
detection suffers requires longer detection time
compared to the matched filter detection. The energy
detection depends only on the SNR of the received
signal; hence its performance is susceptible to
uncertainty in noise power [9] [21] [22].
The energy detector cannot distinguish the PU signal
from the noise and other interference signals, which
may lead to a high false-alarm probability. This
method does not perform well under low signal-tonoise ratio conditions [23]. Energy detectors do not
work efficiently for detecting spread spectrum
where E[·] is the expectation operation, * denotes
complex conjugation, and β is the cyclic frequency.
Cyclostationary detector can distinguish noise from
the PU signals. It can be used for detecting weak
signals at a very low SNR region. The main
disadvantage of this method is the complexity of
calculation and long sensing time.
Many factors in practice such as multipath fading,
shadowing, and the receiver uncertainty problem may
significantly compromise the detection performance
in spectrum sensing. When secondary users
experience multipath fading or happen to be
shadowed, they may fail to detect the existence of
primary signal. As a result, it will cause interference
to primary users if they try to access this occupied
Fig.5. a) Receiver uncertainty
Fig.5. b) Shadowing uncertainty
Fig.5 Transmitter detection problem
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Due to the lack of interactions between primary users
and CR users, transmitter detection techniques rely
only on weak signals from the primary transmitters.
Transmitter detection techniques alone cannot avoid
interference to primary receivers because of the lack
of primary receiver information (Fig. 5a).
Moreover, transmitter detection models cannot
prevent the hidden terminal problem. A CR user
(transmitter) can have a good line of sight to a CR
receiver but may not be able to detect the primary
transmitter due to shadowing, (Fig.5b.). To cope with
these problems, Cooperative spectrum sensing
[29][30] is proposed. It combines sensing results of
multiple secondary users to improve the probability
of primary user detection. By cooperation, CR users
can share their sensing information for making a
combined decision [31] more accurate than the
individual decisions [32]-[34].
Conventional cooperative sensing techniques focuses
on the sensing of narrow band. To determine the
availability of the spectrum in multiple bands, CR
users need to be synchronized to switch to another
band and perform cooperative sensing separately in
each band. This process can incur significant
switching delay [39] and synchronization overhead.
CR users can cooperatively sense multiple frequency
bands to reduce the total sensing time for all users
using wideband cooperative sensing. Sensing
techniques are crucial in cooperative sensing in the
sense that how primary signals are sensed , sampled
and processed is strongly related to how CR users
operate with each other in multi user environment
over a wide band [35]-[38].
to a specific application. Reconfiguration is required
only when the CR senses the surrounding
environment and decides that accordant changes in
the configuration is required to maintain a balance
with the outside world. These changes must be made
with extreme care and intelligence. To achieve this
goal both hardware and software implementations are
required. To transfer data between software and
hardware components balance is needed to maintain
between the software and hardware components [40][42].
Cognitive radios are computationally intensive
wireless systems that implement highly demanding
digital signal processing algorithms, on different
platforms. General Purpose Processors (GPPs) are the
most programmable and flexible platforms, though is
reflected in their relatively poor performance. On the
other hand, Application Specific Integrated Circuits
(ASICs) provide high performance at the cost of
reduced flexibility. Modern Field Programmable
Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in addition to providing
programmable logic resources, integrate embedded
processors and on-chip memory resources on a single
die. They are programmable computing platforms,
with run-time reconfigurable logic fabric.
Spectrum sensing for cognitive radio applications
requires high sampling rate, high resolution analog to
digital converters (ADCs) with large dynamic range,
and high speed signal processors.Spectrum sensing
algorithms for CR can be implemented completely on
the reconfigurable hardware [41].
FPGAs requires significant Hardware Design
programming languages, like VHDL and Verilog can
be used. These are hardware programming language
used to program the reconfigurable hardware to tune
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