Application Requirements for CLAY 2016 Deadline for application: October 15, 2015 In order to be considered for the CLAY 2016 Band and Drama Troupe you must provide us with all of the items listed below on or before the deadline for application. Please note: no late applications will be accepted. Requisites: You must be 18 years old on or before Feb 18th, 2016 You must be available for the Theme Development Weekend: Feb 18-21, 2016* You must be available for CLAY and the days preceding it: Aug 14-22, 2016* Materials Required: 1) Application form completed in full 2) Resume - Including a) Church involvement (parish, synod/diocese, national) past and present b) [Dramatic/Video/Film/Stage] or [Musical] training and experience c) Experience working with a team d) Two references - One character (e.g. pastor, mentor, youth leader) - One professional (e.g. a person who has worked with you in a team setting) 3) Audition Material (Drama - video/ Band - video preferred, but audio acceptable) IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE CLAY BAND OR DRAMA TROUPE PREVIOUSLY, SKIP THIS STEP. - Drama: Two short, contrasting pieces highlighting specific talents. No more than six minutes total length. One must be a monologue from a published play. - Band: A compilation highlighting specific talents and range. No more than six minutes total length. Notes: - As part of the ELCIC Privacy Policy please note that we will not use videos or audio recordings submitted as part of the application for any use other than the audition/ application process. - *Outside dates of the ranges listed above are travelling days to and from the eventsWe will no longer be using the postal system. All applications need to be emailed to the producer and the band or drama director. Instructions are below. If you have any questions or need some help feel free to ask Peter Reinhardt, who is the Large Group Gathering Producer ( We want to get as many applications as possible and don’t want the online process to make it at all difficult to apply. Application Process: 1) On the computer: type your responses next to the questions and save the file On Paper: Print off the form, answer the questions, then scan or take a digital picture of the completed form 2) Email the completed file or scan to: Band: Kate Langrell at and Peter Reinhardt at Drama: Luke Filipowicz at and Peter Reinhardt at 3) Send us your video or audio using one of the options a) if the file is less than 20MB send it as an attachment with your form b) if your video or audio is already on a website (YouTube, Myspace, etc…) then just include the link along with your form c) if you have to send a large file then use sites like,,, etc. If you can’t figure out any of these steps then feel free to ask for help. The internet is still a confusing place sometimes. CLAY 2016 Band and Drama Troupe Application Form 1) Name: 2) D.O.B: _____/_____/_____ 3) Gender: 4) I am applying for: Band or Drama Troupe 4b) If Band, list your instrument(s) 5) Contact Information: Address: Phone # Home: Other: Email: 6) Home Parish: 7) Pastor/Priest: 8) Please explain briefly why you want to be a part of the LGG Ministry Team. 9) Please provide a personal faith statement of no more than one paragraph. 10) DRAMA APPLICANTS: Reflecting on the theme, “Not For Sale” (and the specific areas which are Not For Sale in conjunction with the Lutheran World Federation’s 500th anniversary of the Reformation: Salvation, Human Beings, and Creation) write a short scene (1-2 pages double spaced) or a proposal for a series/video/scene/performance (1-2 pages). Connect with the theme in a way you think is relatable and relevant for an audience of 14-18 year old Lutheran and Anglican Youth. Some suggestions of what to include either through dialogue or through written description are notes on: Character, Visual aspects, Performance Style, Length, Message Some Bible verses/stories that you may find relevant and useful: The enslavement and emancipation of the Israelites in Egypt John 2:13-16 (Jesus drives out the sellers from the temple) Genesis 1:26 (humanity will have dominion over the created things) 11) Members of the CLAY Band and Drama Troupe must commit a significant amount of time and energy to the compilation and rehearsal of material for the youth gathering. In particular, participants will be required to be in regular contact with the rest of the team via email, and work on material between the Theme Development Weekend and the event of CLAY. Please reflect upon the amount of time/energy you foresee being able to commit to this process, and please include any activities or interests that may conflict with your ability to work on this project during the period from February – August 2016. Signature of Applicant: ______________________________ Date: ___________ sign or type in the space above