A7.1: Project: Integrated Marketing Communications Assignment 7.1: Project: Integrated Marketing Communications PART 1: Determine the messages to be communicated and appropriate media vehicles to reach the audience. You do not have to verify the media plan with cost analysis, so be creative—realistic, but creative. For each item listed, explain why you would or would not employ it, and complete the media schedule very realistically for the next year. Use the table below to organize your ideas before you complete this assignment in the Strategic Marketing Plan Template. Media Tool Justification for Use and Message Traditional Media Options a. Broadcast TV radio *Elaborate on the message and why the medium chosen is appropriate. If the method is not to be used, explain why it is not appropriate for the brand. You will have to expand the space here for a thorough discussion of your media choice and the message(s) to be conveyed. b. Print newspaper magazines c. Transit billboards trains, buses, etc. d. Novelty items; mugs, magnets, T-shirts e. Direct mail Promotions a. Samples b. Coupons c. Rebates d. Contests e. Premiums f. P-o-P displays MBA505: Marketing Management Jones International University® Page 1 A7.1: Project: Integrated Marketing Communications g. Loyalty programs h. Product placement Internet-Supported Communications a. Content-rich website with media room b. Blogs, forums, wikis, chat rooms c. Twitter d. SEO/SEM (search engine optimization and marketing) e. Social networking activities Public Relations and Publicity Non-PC Digital Media a. Kiosks b. Mobile devices c. Proximity marketing **Feel free to expand any of the categories above and add appropriate media. MBA505: Marketing Management Jones International University® Page 2 A7.1: Project: Integrated Marketing Communications PART 2: Complete the media schedule for the messages and media chosen. The media buys included in the table below merely illustrate how to use the IMC media schedule. You will need to add rows and adapt the media choices to those justified in Section V. D. of your strategic marketing plan. A single row is used for one type of media and it is specified as to which source. Specific dates are included to the degree possible. Media Schedule for Insert Name of Brand or Firm Beginning date End date (two years later) First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Fifth Quarter Sixth Quarter Seventh Quarter Eighth Quarter Traditional Media Choices *Newpaper ad: small town, IA Daily Register, ¼ page ad each Saturday in sports section *POP displays in 12 Food Marts in Des Moines for 2 months 9/09-11/09 *Newpaper ad: small town, IA Daily Register, ¼ page ad each Saturday in sports section *Radio ads on WKRP and WXYZ running three times daily in drive time (weekdays only) Internet Media Choices *Website developed and maintained by XYZ Spider Designs, webmaster and marketing manager maintain and update at least bi-weekly. *FaceBook *FaceBook *FaceBook campaign: campaign: campaign: send 3send contest invite three minute ad to info to five friends to get five friends; friends; 2/10 self10/09 liquidating sample coupon; 08/10 Non-PC Electronic Media Choices *Twitter message: product placement of brand in movie opens: 8/09 MBA505: Marketing Management ----*Twitter on regular basis to current and past users--------updates and messages without bombarding users----- Jones International University® Page 3 A7.1: Project: Integrated Marketing Communications MBA505: Marketing Management Jones International University® Page 4