Supplementary online material Human responses against HER-2-positive cancer cells in Human Immune System (HIS)engrafted mice Carla De Giovanni1,2, Giordano Nicoletti3, Lorena Landuzzi3, Fabrizio Romani4, Stefania Croci1, Arianna Palladini1, Annalisa Murgo1, Agnese Antognoli1, Marianna L. Ianzano1, Valeria Stivani1, Valentina Grosso1, Manuela Iezzi5, Lorenzo Stramucci5, Enza Barbieri2,6, Roberto M. Lemoli2,7, Patrizia Nanni1,2, Pier-Luigi Lollini2,7 Supplementary Materials and Methods Generation of HIS mice Newborn mice (<1-2 days) were sub-lethally irradiated with 2 fractions of 200 cGy with an interval of 4.5 hours (Roentgen Therapy Machine, 220 kV photon beam with filter (0.8mm 0.25mm Cu + Sn + 1.5mm Al), dose rate 56 cGy / min). Then mice received, within 24 h after irradiation, the intraliver injection of 1-2x105 human umbilical cord blood HSC resuspendend in 25 μl of phosphatebuffered saline (PBS). Immunohistochemistry Immunohistochemistry for human inflammatory cells, except for anti-CD4, anti-HLA Class I and anti-Foxp3, was performed on formalin fixed samples, while immunohistochemistry with anti mouse antibodies was performed on cryosections. Cross reactions between human (h) and mouse (m) antigens were excluded for all the antibodies (Ab), except for anti-CD3 and anti-Foxp3, by testing them on formalin fixed and frozen human tonsils and mouse spleens. Anti-CD3 Ab, marker of T cells and anti-Foxp3 Ab, marker of regulatory T cells, cross react with human and mouse antigens. Since human CD8 and CD4 T cells were present in tumors while mouse CD8 and CD4 T cells were not, we consider CD3 and Foxp3 positivity as sign of presence of human T and regulatory T cells. Sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin- embedded samples (2,5 µm thick) were heated to 42°C and dehydrated in xylene and graded alcohols. Antigen retrieval was performed in Tris-EDTA Buffer (10 mM Tris Base, 1 mM EDTA Solution) pH 9.0 for 10’ at 125°C (hCD8, hCD3) 1 or in 10 mM citric acid pH 6 for 6’ at 125°C (hCD11b, hCD11c, hCD56) using Decloaking Chamber™ Medical Biocare. Slides were allowed to cool for 5 minutes in ice, followed by repeated rinsing with distilled water. Six –micron cryostat section were air- dried and fixed in ice-cold acetone for 10 min (hCD4, hHLA Class I, mCD4, mCD8, mCD11b, mCD68, mCD11c, mPMN, mCD45R) or in or in 4% buffered formalin for 8 minutes and then in 99% ethanol for 2 minutes ( -FoxP3) and rinsed twice in TBS. Antigen retrieval was performed for FoxP3 in 10 mM citric acid pH 6, for 15 minutes by continuous boiling in a microwave. Endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched with 3% (hCD8, hCD3, hCD11b, hCD11c) or 0,3% (hCD4, hHLA Class I) hydrogen peroxide. For hCD4 and hCD56 immunostaining, slides were incubated overnight at 4° C with Rodent Block M (Biocare Medical, Concord, CA). Slides were incubated with the following primary antibodies at the indicated dilutions: 1:200 of rat monoclonal anti-mCD4; 1:100 of rat monoclonal anti-mCD8; 1:1500 of rat monoclonal anti-mCD68; 1:40 dilution of rabbit polyclonal anti-CD3; 1:100 of rabbit monoclonal anti-hCD11b; 1:100 of rabbit monoclonal anti-hCD11c; 1:200 of rat monoclonal anti hHLA Class I (all from Abcam, Cambridge, UK); 1:40 of rat monoclonal anti-mCD11b; 1:40 of Armenian Hamster antimCD11c; 1:800 of rat monoclonal anti-mGR1; 1:40 of rat monoclonal anti-mCD45R (all from BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA); 1:100 of rat monoclonal anti-FoxP3 (eBioscience, Inc. San Diego, CA); 1:50 of mouse monoclonal anti-hCD4 and 1:30 of mouse monoclonal anti-hCD56 (Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, CA); 1:100 of rabbit monoclonal anti-hCD8 (Biocare Medical, Concord, CA). The slides were then incubated with the appropriate peroxidase or biotinylated -conjugated secondary antibody: anti-rabbit or anti-mouse EnVision System (Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, CA - USA); MACH 3 Rabbit Probe (Biocare Medical, Concord, CA); goat anti-rabbit IgG or goat anti-rat IgG or goat anti-Armenian Hamster IgG (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories, Inc., West Grove, PA) at 1:500 or 1:750 dilution for 30 minutes. Immunoreactive antigens were detected using MACH 3 Rabbit HRP - Polymer (Biocare Medical, Concord, CA) or Streptavidin Peroxidase (Thermo Scientific -Lab Vision Corporation, Fremont, CA) and DAB Chromogen System (Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, CA) or NeutrAvidinTM Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated (Thermo Scientific-Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL) and Vulcan Fast Red (Biocare Medical, Concord, CA). 2 Immunoprecipitation and western blot Dynabeads coated with protein A (Invitrogen, Milan, Italy) were used following the indirect approach. SK-OV-3 cells were lysed with the proteoextract native membrane protein extraction kit (Calbiochem, Darmstadt, Germany). 120 µg proteins were incubated with plasma samples (a volume containing 1.5 µg total human IgG) overnight at 4°C. 35 µl dynabeads were then added to each sample followed by 80 min incubation at 4°C. Dynabead protein A-IgG-antigen complexes were isolated with the use of a magnet and washed thrice with PBS pH 7.8. Immunoprecipitated proteins were eluted by boiling in Laemmli sample buffer containing 5% beta-mercaptoethanol, separated by SDS-PAGE and probed with the anti-HER-2 mouse monoclonal antibody (Ab-8, clone e2-4001, NeoMarkers, Fremont, CA) diluted 1:600 in PBS containing 0.1% tween 20 + 5% BSA. After incubation with an anti-mouse IgG-HRP antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA) the presence of HER-2 among the immunoprecipitated proteins was detected by a chemiluminescent reaction (LiteAblot, EuroClone, Milan, Italy). In vitro effects of sera containing anti-HER-2 human antibodies To evaluate the effects on cell growth, BT-474 HER-2-positive human breast cancer cells were seeded at 104/well in tissue-culture multiwell microtiter plates in 110 l DMEM+10% FCS alone or in the presence of 1 l of serum of non-vaccinated or vaccinated and challenged rCD34 mice. Control wells with 1-10 g/ml trastuzumab were run in parallel. After a 72 hr culture, 11 l WST-1 Cell Proliferation reagent (Roche) were added to each well and incubated for further 60 min. Absorbance was determined with a Sunrise Tecan Elisa plate reader with a test wavelength at 450 nm and a reference wavelength at 630 nm. Background (medium with WST-1 alone) was subtracted and growth inhibition (%) was determined as 100-(absorbance in experimental well/absorbance in cells alone)*100. To evaluate effects in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), 104 BT-474 target cells were incubated 6 hr in 100 l RPMI + 5% FCS in the presence of 1 l of serum of nonvaccinated or vaccinated and challenged rCD34 mice and of Ficoll-isolated human PBMC at 40:1 effector:targed ratio. Experimental controls run in parallel were: medium alone, target alone, effectors alone, target and effectors plus trastuzumab (2 g/well). Alive BT-474 cells were then counted and the percentage of cytotoxicity calculated as 100 – (experimental/target alone)*100. 3 Supplementary Figure Legends Supplementary Figure 1. Engraftment of human HSC in BRG mice at 5 weeks of age. A: all mice; B: mice grouped according to the numbers of HSC. Cytofluorometric evaluation of the percentage of human CD45-positive cells in peripheral blood is shown. In panel A, continuous horizontal line indicates the median value, dashed line indicates the 10% threshold below which mice were considered not reconstituted. In panel B mean and SEM is reported for each group. Supplementary Figure 2. Development and maturation of human populations in peripheral blood of BRG mice engrafted with CD34+ (panels A, B, E, F) or CD133+ (panels C, D, G, H) human cord blood HSC. Dot plots of individual mice at 5 (panels A-D) and 15 weeks of age (panels E-H). Supplementary Figure 3. Total cell yield and percentage of human CD45-positive cells in lymphoid organs of untreated BRG, rCD34 and rCD133 mice at 15 weeks of age. Data from individual mice and median values (horizontal line) are shown. Supplementary Figure 4. Decreased serum levels of human VEGF released by human HER-2positive tumors in HIS mice parallel the decreased tumor size. Mean and standard error of the mean is shown (5-8 mice per group, at 22-23 weeks of age). Supplementary Figure 5. Total IgG level is correlated to the frequency of human spleen CD38+CD138+ plasma cells. Data include both vaccinated and not-vaccinated rCD34 mice with growing tumor challenge. 4 Supplementary Figure 1. B hCD45 % hCD45+ (%) A 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60 40 20 0 rCD34 (105) rCD34 rCD34 rCD133 rCD133 (2x105) (105) (2x105) HSC cells (Number of cells injected) rCD133 5 Supplementary Figure 2. B C D E F G H hCD45 A hCD19 hCD3 6 Supplementary Figure 3. spleen 100 Cell yield (x10 6) cell yield bone marrow 10 10 10 1 1 0.1 mes. lymphnode 10 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0 0 0.1 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 hCD45+ (%) hCD45 thymus untreated rCD34 7 rCD133 Supplementary Figure 4. Tumor volume hu-VEGF 5 800 600 3 * 2 pg/ml cm 3 4 * 200 1 0 400 untreated 0 HIS hu-IL6 untreated HIS hu-IL-8 300 500 400 pg/ml pg/ml 200 300 200 100 100 0 0 untreated HIS 8 untreated HIS Supplementary Figure 5. IgG g/ml 600 400 200 p<0.001 0 0 1 2 3 hCD38+ hCD138+ (% total spleen cells) 9 Supplementary Table 1. Human cell engrafting and cytokine production in rCD34 mice, vaccinated or not, challenged with human HER-2-positive cancer cells, at the time of sacrifice (23 weeks of age). Data from 4-6 mice per group are reported. Humanized rCD34 mice no vaccine Human cells in peripheral blood Human antibodies in serum (g/ml) Cellularity of lymphoid organs (cell yield x106) hCD45+ cells in lymphoid organs (%) Human cytokine production by hCD45+ spleen cells (pg/ml) Significance (Wilcoxon test) vaccine median range median range hCD45 (% over total) 35 6-58 40 22-64 nsa hCD3 (% over hCD45+) 68 32-95 51 29-80 nsa hCD19 (% over hCD45+) 28 15-48 33 14-41 nsa IgG 56 3-561 228 130-519 p = 0,05 IgM 25 1-364 39 11-76 nsa spleen 5,9 2.1-11.8 7,2 4.7-14.2 nsa thymus 1,7 0.6-3.6 3,7 2.1-4.8 p = 0,03 bone marrow 4,9 2.7-6.4 4,1 2.9-6.7 nsa mesentheric lymph node 0,7 0.1-0.8 1,0 0.2-2.9 nsa spleen 30 9-56 28 15-34 nsa thymus 95 87-97 96 91-98 nsa bone marrow 21 0-32 29 2-62 nsa mesentheric lymph node 97 88-98 93 86-97 nsa hIFN- 5905 52-10458 4835 15-13854 nsa hIP10 1159 664-1653 523 373-673 nsa hIL6 11051 8335-13767 27804 1662-53946 nsa nsa = not significant 10