ISSN 0352-5139
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. Vol. 69, No. 12 (2004)
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Y. Vaghasiya, R. Nair, M. Soni, S. Baluja and S. Shanda: Synthesis, structural determination and
antibacterial activity of compounds derived from vanillin and 4-aminoantipyrine
A. Ni}iforovi}, M. B. Radoj~i} and B. H. Milosavljevi}: Gamma-radiation induced agglomeration of
chicken muscle myosin and actine
R. M. Radoji~i}, S. D. Spasi}, Z. S. Sai~i}, T. B. Jovanovi} and J. B. Simi}-Krsti}: Superoxide dismutase
activity as a function of culture aging of B-16 mouse melanoma cells (Preliminary communication)
D. Jovanovi}, M. S. Nikoli} and J. Djonlagi}: Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable aliphatic
copolyesters with hydrophilic soft segments
Z. Ka~arevi}-Popovi}, D. Kostoski, Lj.Novakovi}, N. Miljevi} and B. [e}erov: Influence of the irradiation
conditions on the effect of radiation on polyethylene
G. Ilia, E. Fagadar-Cosma, A. Popa and S. Iliesku: Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer grafted with
phosphonic acid dialkyl esters
Inorganic Chemistry
J. Husárek, R. Pstorek, M. MaloÁ, Z. [indaláÍ and M. Pavlí~ek: Nicke(II) cyclohexylethyl-dithiocarbamate
P-donor ligands in the coordination sphere
Physical Chemistry
@. N. Todorovi} and S. K. Milonji}: Determination of intrinsic equilibrium constants at
alumina/electrolyte interface
J. M. Resa, C. Gonzáles, J. M. Goenaga and M. Iglesias: Influence of temperature on the volumetric
properties of ethanol + water + 1-pentanol
D. M. Dra`i}, J. P. Popi}, B. Jegdi} and D. Vasiljevi}-Radovi}: Electrochemistry of active chromium. Part
IV. Dissolution of chromium in deaerated sulfuric acid
Z. Odanovi} and M. Djurdjevi}: Investigation of the mechanism of mercury removal from silver-amalgam
A. Golubovi}, S. Nikoli}, S. Djuri} and N. Rom~evi}: Pb1-xMnxTe single crystals and their structural
Chemical Engineering
@. Lj. Arsenijevi}, @. B. Grbav~i} and B. V. Grbi}: Modeling of adsorber/desorber/catalytic reactor
system for ethylene oxide removal
Environmental Chemistry
A. Savin, D. Veselinovi} and D. Markovi}: The correlation of the values of plant-available lead and
cadmium in soil determined using different types of extragents
M. Radenkovi}, T. Andjeli}, M. Kova~evi} and P. Vukoti}: Depleted uranium in the air during the cleanup
operation at Cape Arza
Contents of Volume 69
Subject index
Author index
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 991-998 (2004)
UDC 542.913+54.02:547.576+547.77
Original scientific paper
Synthesis, structural determination and antibacterial activity of compounds derived from vanillin and 4aminoantipyrine
aDepartment of Biosciences and bDepartment of Chemistey, Saurashtra University, Rajkot 360005, India
(e-mail: sumitrachanda@yahoo.com)
(Received 11 February 2004)
Abstract: Schiff bases derived from 4-aminoantipyrine and vanillin were evaluated for their potential as
antibacterial agents against some Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial strains. The antibacterial
activity was studied against P. pseudoalcaligenes ATCC 17440, P. vulgaris NCTC 8313, C. freundii ATCC
10787, E. aerogenes ATCC 13048, S. subfava NCIM 2178 and B. megaterium ATCC 9885. The
determination of the antibacterial activity was done using the Agar Ditsh method. The Schiff bases
produced were: (1) 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylideneamino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydropyrazol-3-one [VV1]; (2) 4-(benzylideneamino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-pyrazol-3-one [VY2]);
(3) 4-[(furan-3-ylmethylene)amino]-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-pyrazol-3-one [VY3]; (4) 4-(4methoxybenzylideneamino)-1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydro-pyrazol-3-one [VY4]; (5) 2-methoxy-4[(4-methoxyphenylimino)methyl]phenol [VY5]; (6) 4-[(2,4-dimethylphenylimino)methyl]-2methoxyphenol [VY6]); (7) 2-methoxy-4-(naphthalene-1-yliminomethyl)phenol [VY7] and (8) 4-[(4hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylidene)amino]-N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)benzenesulfonamide [VY8]. The
antibacterial activity was evaluated in two polar solvents, DMSO and DMF. The Schiff bases derived from
vanillin as the central molecule with 2,4-dimethylaniline and sulphamethoxazole as the side chain in
DMSO effectively inhibited the investigated bacteria and appear to be promising antimicrobial agents.
Keywords: Schiff bases, antibacterial activity, DMSO, DMF.
1. K. Y. Lau, A. Mayr, K. K. Cheung, Inorg. Chim. Acta 285 (1999) 223
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 999-1006 (2004)
UDC 51–78+502.57:547.96+637.413
Original scientific paper
Gamma-radiation induced damage of proteins in the thick
fraction of egg white
Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, Vin~a, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P.O.Box 522,
11001 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, (e-mail: marija@vin.bg.ac.yu)
(Received 5 December 2003, revised 16. March 2004)
Abstract: Quantitative and qualitative data on the radiolytic behaviour of moderately complex protein
structures may be of great prospective help for a better understanding of the biological effects of ionizing
radiation in vivo. One such convenient model system is the protein hydrogel of the thick fraction of egg
white, the protein network of which is similar to the structures of mammalian mucous tissues. In this study,
the hydrogel of the thick fraction of egg white was saturated with N2O and irradiated with 1.5 – 45 kGy
from a 60Co-gamma ray source. The structural alterations of the hydrogel proteins were followed by
Sephadex G-200 exclusion chromatography, denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, viscosity
and turbidity measurements. The results indicate that irradiation led to a breakdown of the protein network
of the thick fraction of egg white and to cross-linking and fragmentation of its constituents. The hydrogel
decomposition, as well as the constituent protein cross-linking and fragmentation, were dose–dependent
processes, with fragmentation prevailing below absorbed dosis of 10-15 kGy, and cross-linking prevaling at
doses > 15 kGy. The observed radiolytic behaviour of the protein hydrogel of the thick fraction of egg
white suggested that irradiation of similar mucin containing structures might also result in an accumulaton
of structurally altered and conceivably non-functional proteins in vivo.
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 999-1004 (2004)
UDC 54–78:636.52/.58:547.962.4
Original scientific paper
Gamma-radiation induced agglomeration of chicken muscle
myosin and actin
Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Endocrinology, Vin~a Institute of Nuclear Sciences,
P.O. Box 522-090, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (e-mail: bmilosav@nd.edu)
(Received 24 November 2003 revised 24 December 2004)
Abstract: Radiolytic behaviour of the major vertebrate muscle proteins: fibrillar myosin (molar mass, Mm =
520,000 g/mol) and filament forming actin (Mm = 42,050 g/mol) was studied using a SDS-polyacrylamide
gel electrophoresis and quantified by high precision laser-densitometry. In order to study the OH radical
contribution to the radiation damage, purified chicken myosin and actin (4 mM) were prepared in N2O
saturated solution and irradiated with 1–3 kGy at 60Co gamma source. With respect to changes in the
molecular mass, the only observed myosin and actin damage was dose dependent agglomeration of
proteins. The corresponding radiation chemical yields of 5 ´ 10-8 mol J-1 and 6.3 ´ 10-8 mol J-1 were
obtained for myosin and actin, respectively. This result confirmed that only the radiation-induced
agglomeration is initiated with the reaction of the OH radical even in the situation where the OH radical
concentration produced exceeds the protein concentration 500 times, thus enabling the multi-radical attack
to occur.
Keywords: radiation, gamma rays, myosin, actin, protein agglomeration.
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1005-1011 (2004)
UDC 577.15:576.385:577.164.1
Preliminary communicaton
Superoxide dismutase activity as a function of culture aging of B-16 mouse melanoma cells
1Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16,
11000 Belgrade (e-mail: ratko@bf.bio.bg.ac.yu), 2Center for Chemistry ICTM, P.O. Box 815, 11000
Belgrade, 3Institute for Biological Research “Sini{a Stankovi}”, Department of
Physiology, Bul. Despota Stevana 142, Belgrade and 4Fullerene Science and Technology Centre, Chemical
Power Sources Institute, Batajni~ki put 23, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 15 December 2003, revised 8 March 2004)
Abstract: The C3 clone of B-16 mouse melanoma was cultured for 1, 6 and 9 days and analysed. The
changes which are not directly linked to melanogenesis in the B-16 / C3 cultures during their maturation
were characterized. Early (1 day), confluent (6 days) and old (9 days) cell cultures are distinguished by
their leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and a-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) isoenzyme patterns. Both
quantitative and qualitative changes in LAP and ANAE isoenzyme can be observed during culture
maturation. There is an increase in the activity of the enzyme copper, zinc-containing superoxide-dismutase
(CuZn SOD). The increaase in the CuZn SOD enzyme activity might be related to B-16/C3 cell
melanogenesis and / or to differentiation.
Keywords: B-16 mouse melanoma, isoenzymes, a-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE), leucine
aminopeptidase (LAP), copper, zinc–containing superoxide dismutase (CuZn SOD).
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1013-1028 (2004)
UDC 542.913+678.741/.744:667.613.5:620.193.8
Original scientific paper
Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable aliphatic copolyesters with hydrophilic soft segments
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and
Montenegro (e-mail: jasna@tmf.bg.ac.yu)
(Received 15 April 2004)
Abstract: In this study, the synthesis, structure and physical properties of two series of segmented
poly(ester-ether)s based on poly(butylene succinate) and two different types of polyethers were
investigated. The poly(ester-ether)s were synthesized by transesterification reaction of dimethyl succinate,
1,4-butanediol and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO, Mn = 1000 g/mol) in the first series, and
poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PTMO, Mn = 1000 g/mol) in the second. The mass fraction of soft segments
was varied between 10 and 50 mass. %. The effect of the introduction of two different polyether soft
segments on the structure, thermal and rheological properties were investigated. The composition of the
poly(ester-ether)s, determined from their 1H-NMR spectra, showed that incorporation of soft polyether
segments was successfully performed by the transesterification reaction in bulk. The molecular weight was
estimated from solution viscosity measurements and complex dynamic viscosities. The thermal properties
investigated by DSC indicated that the presence of soft segments lowers the melting and crystallization
temperature of the hard phase, as well as the degree of crystallinity. Dynamical mechanical analysis was
used to investigate the influence of composition on the rheological behavior of the segmented poly(esterether)s. The results obtained from an enzymatic degradation test performed on some of the synthesized
polymers showed that the biodegradability is enhanced with increasing hydrophilicity.
Keywods: poly(ester-ether)s, poly(butylene succinate), poly(ethylene oxide), poly(tetramethylene oxide).
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1029–1041 (2004)
UDC 678.4–036.7:
Original scientific paper
Influence of the irradiation conditions on the effect of radiation on polyethylene
Vin~a Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P. O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(e-mail: zkacar@vin.bg.ac.yu)
(Received 6 May, revised 18 May 2004)
Abstract: Two types of polyethylene, low density (LDPE) and high density (HDPE), as well as low density
polyethylene containing an antioxidant were subjected to g-irradiation in the presence of air and in water.
The irradiated polymers were studied using IR spectrophotometric analysis. The radiation induced
oxidative degradation was followed through the formation of oxygen containing groups by the development
of bands in the 1850–1650 cm-1 region and double bonds formation by the development of bands in the
1050–850 cm-1 region. The crosslinking efficiency was determined by measuring the gel content by
extraction with xylene. The radiation induced changes in the molecular structure, evolution of oxygen
containing species and formation, of vinyl double bonds as well as of the crosslinking efficiency are
discussed in terms of the properties of the polymers in an electric field of low strength.
Keywords: HDPE, LDPE, g-irradiation, carbonyl groups, vinylene groups, trans-vinylene groups,
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27. G. Chen, R. A. Fouracre, H. M. Banford, D. J. Tedford, Rad. Phys. Chem. 37 (1991) 523
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J. Serb. Che. Soc. 69 (12) 1043–1051 (2004)
UDC 547.538+678–13+547.315.2:543.216.185
Original scientific paper
Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer grafted with
phosphonic acid dialkylesters
Romania Academy, Institute of Chemistry, 24 M. Viteazul Bv., 300223 Timisoara, Romania
(Received 5 Decembar, revised 18 May 2004)
Abstract: The functionalization of a crosslinked chloromethylated polystyrene 8% divinylbenzene
copolymer with phosphonic ester groups is detailed. The reacton conditions were studied in order to
determine the optimal conditions for obtaining only diesters. A statistical method for the calculation of the
fraction of repetive units for the inited and final resin is proposed.
Keywords: styrene–divinylbenzene, chloromethylated, phosphonic acid dialkylester.
1. C. N. K. Mather, C. K. Harang, Polymers as Aids in Organic Chemistry, Academic Press, New York,
2. P. Hodge, D. S. Sherrington, Polymer-suported. Reaction in Organic Synthesis, Wiley, London, 1980
3. T. Sekine, Y. Hasagawa, Solvent Extraction Chemistry, M. Dekker, New York, 1977
4. M. E. Bates, S. D. Alexandratos, Macromolecules 21 (1988) 2905
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1053-1061 (2004)
UDC 546.742+547.629:543.422.25:632.952
Original scientific paper
Nickel(II) cyclohexylethyldithiocarbamate complexes with monodentate P-donor ligands in the
coordination sphere
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Palacký University, Kri`kovského 10, 771 47 Olomouc, Czech
Republic(e-mail: johus@email.cz.)
(Received 12 January, revised 12 May 2004)
Abstract: A series of new Ni(II) dithiocarbamate compounds of the composition [NiX(cetdtc)(PR3)] (X =
Cl, Br, I, NCS; cetdtc = cyclohexylethyldithiocarbamate; R = phenyl, n-butyl) has been synthesized. All the
isolated complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UV/VIS spectroscopy, 31P{1H}NMR spectroscopy, thermal analysis, magnetochemical and conductivity measurements. On the basis of
the results of the physico-chemical study, all complexes are diamagnetic, non-electrolytes, with a squareplanar NiS2PX chromophore.
Keywords: nickel(II) cyclohexylethyldithiocarbamate complexes, monodantate P-donor ligands, synthesis,
31P{1H}-NMR spectroscopy.
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1063–1072 (2004)
UDC 661.183.8+541.135:541.125:54–128
Original scientific paper
Determination of intrinsic equilibrium constants at an
alumina/electrolyte interface
Chemical Dynamics Laboratory, The Vin~a Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P. O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade,
Serbia & Montenegro (e-mail: smiloni@vin.bg.ac.yu)
(Received 5 March 2004)
Abstract: Intrinsic ionization and complexation constants at an alumina/electrolyte interface were studied
by the site binding model, while the sorption of alkali cations from aqueous solutions was interpreted by
the triple-layer model. The surface properties of alumina were investigated by the potentiometric acid-base
titration method. The point of zero charge (pHpzc) of alumina obtained by this method was found to be 7.2.
The obtained mean values of the intrinsic protonation and ionization constants of the surface hydroxyl
groups and the intrinsic surface complexation constant, in different electrolytes, are pKinta1 = 4.4, pKinta2
= 9.6 and pKintM+ = 9.5, respectively.
Keywords: alumina, surface properties, point of zero charge, intrinsic ionization and complexation
1. D. E. Yates, S. Levine, T. W. Healy, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. I 70 (1974) 1807
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1073-1097 (2004)
UDC 536.41:547.262+546.212+547.265
Original scientific paper
Influence of temperature on the volumetric properties of ethanol + water + 1–pentanol
1Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Apto. 450, Vitoria (e-mail:
iqpredij@vc.ehu.es) and 2Departament d’Enginyeria Quimica, Escola Tacnica Superior d’Enginyeria
Química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Avinguda Països Catalans 26, Campus Sescelades, 43007 Tarragona,
(Received 1 March, revised 2 July 2004)
Abstract: Knowledge of physical properties and phase equilibria is necessary for the design and
optimization of the equipment for the production of distilled alcoholic beverages. In this paper the
temperature dependence of the excess molar volumes of the ternary system ethanol + water + 1-pentanol in
the temperature range 228.15 – 323.15 K and atmospheric pressure, are presented, due to the importance of
1-pentanol among the flavour compounds contained in this type of beverages. The excess molar volumes
are negative over the whole homogeneous composition range, but tend to positive values towards the
binaries ethanol + 1-pentanol and water + 1-pentanol. Because the design of current processes is strongly
computer oriented, consideration was also given to how accurate the predictions of the SRK equations of
state are. Different derived properties were computed due to their importance in the study of specific
molecular interactions.
Keywords: excess molar volume, temperature, ethanol, water, 1-pentanol, prediction.
1. M. Gaiser, G. M. Bell, A. W. Lim, N. A. Roberts, D. B. F. Faraday, R. A. Schulz, R. Grob, J. Food Eng.
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1099–1110 (2004)
UDC 546.76+546.226–325+541.13:541.8
Original scientific paper
Electrochemistry of active chromium. Part IV. Dissolution of chromium in deaerated sulfuric acid
1ICTM-Center for Electrochemistry, Njego{eva 12, P. O. Box 473, 11001 Belgrade
(e-mail: dmdrazic@eunet.yu), 2Technical Military Institute, Katani}eva 14, 11000 Belgrade and 3ICTMCenter for Microelectronic Technologies and Single Crystals, Njego{eva 12, P. O. Box 473, 11001
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 28 May 2004)
Abstract: Chromium dissolution in aqueous sulfuric acid solutions in the pH range 0.5 –3 was studied
electrochemically by the potentiostatic or very slow potentiodynamic method, and by the analyses of the Cr
ion concentrations in the electrolyte formed during the experiments. It was shown that the electrochemical
anodic dissolution follows a common Tafel line with a slope of ca. 120 mV dec-1, independent of the
solution pH and the hydrodynamics, while the passivation potentials and passivation currents were
independent on hydrodynamics but strongly dependent on the pH. In parallel with the electrochemical
dissolution, a considerable “anomalous” or chemical Cr dissolution process occurs, as evidenced by the
spectrophotometric analyses of the electrolytes for Cr ions after prolonged potentiostating of the electrodes
at different potentials, as well as by measuring the electrode weight losses. All these results indicate the
existence of a potential independent reaction of Cr dissolution occurring in parallel to the anodic
dissolution process. Mechanisms for both the electrochemical and the chemical process are proposed. The
consequences of these phenomena on the behavior of some practical systems where chromium or a
chromium alloy (e.g., stainless steels) are used are discussed.
Keywords: chromium, acid solutions, anodic dissolution, anomalous dissolution, chemical dissolution,
reaction mechanisms.
1. D. M. Dra`i}, J. P. Popi}, J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 67 (2002) 777
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15. G. M. Florianovich, Russ. J. Electrochem. 36 (2000) 1037
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1111-1120 (2004)
UDC 662.791.5+669.22:66.092–977
Original scientific paper
Investigation of the mechanism of mercury removal from a silver dental amalgam alloy
1Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia
and Montenegro (e-mail: odanovic@ptt.yu) and 2University of Windsor, Department for Mechanical and
Materials Engineering, Room 209, Essex Hall, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9B 3P4
(Received 13 February 2004)
Abstract: An investigation of silver dental amalgam decomposition and the mercury removal mechanism
was performed. The decomposition process was analysed during thermal treatment in the temperature
interval from 400 °C to 850 °C and for times from 0.5 to 7.5 h. The chemical compositions of the silver
dental amalgam alloy and the treated alloy were tested and microstructure analysis using optical and
scanning electron microscopy was carried out. The phases were identified using energy disperse electron
probe microanalysis. A mechanism for the mercury removal process from silver dental amalgam alloy is
Keywords: silver amalgams, mercury removal, thermal treatment.
1. G. Chin, J. Chong, Australian Dental J. 45 (2000) 246
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1121–1128 (2004)
UDC 546.815+546.711+546.24:54.022:667.61
Original scientific paper
Pb1–xMnxTe single crystals and their structural properties
*Institute of Physics, Pregrevica 118, P. O. Box 68, 11080 Zemun, **Faculty of Mining and Geology,
Dju{ina 7, P. O. Box 162, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 17 November 2003, revised 23 April 2004)
Abstract: Pb1-xMnxTe crystals were grown by the vertical Bridgman method. Their structural properties
were observed both by optical microscopy after chemical polishing and ething, and by X-ray powder
diffraction analysis. A solution of 5 vol. % Br2 in HBr at room temperatur, for an exposure of 2 min was
determined for chemical polishing. A solution of 20 g KOH in 1 ml H2O2, 2 ml glycerol (C3H8O3), and
20 ml H2O at room temperature for an exposure for 6 min was found to be a suitable etching solution. The
obtained results are discussed and compared with published data.
Keywords: lead manganese telluride, Bridgman method, structural properties, etching, chemical polishing.
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J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1129-1144 (2004)
UDC 519.87:547.422.22–31:661.183
Original scientific paper
Modeling of adsorber/desorber/catalytic reactor system for
ethylene oxide removal
1Institute for Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Njego{eva 12, 11000
Belgrade and 2Faculy of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Karnegijeva 4, 11000
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 16 March 2004)
Abstract: The removal of ethylene oxide (EtO) in a combined system adsorber/desorber/catalytic reactor
has been investigated. The combined system was a modified draft tube spouted bed reactor loaded with
Pt/Al2O3 catalyst. The annular region was divided into two sectons, the “hot” section contained about 7 %
of catalyst and it behaved as a desorber and catalytic incinerator, while the “cold” section, with the rest of
the catalyst, behaved as a sorber. The catalyst particles were circulated between the two sections by use of a
draft tube riser. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program package FLUENT was used for
simulations of the operation of the combined system. In addition, a one-dimensional numerical model for
the operation of the packed bed reactor was compared with the corresponding FLUENT calculations. The
results of the FLUENT simulations are in very good agreement with the experimental observations, as well
as with the results of the one-dimensional numerical simulations.
Keywords: draft tube spouted bed, Pt/Al2O3 catalyst, ethylene oxide removal, adsorber/desorber/catalytic
reactor, numerical modeling, CFD modeling.
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6. O. Rentz, “Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) from Stationary Sources and Possibilities
of their Control”, ECE VOC Task Force Report No 91-010, Karlsruhe, 1990
7. @. B. Grbav~i}, R. V. Gari}, S. Dj. Jovanovi}, Lj. S. Ro`i}, Powder Technol. 94 (1997) 91
8. D. Handley, P. J. Heggs, Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. 46 (1968) T251
9. FLUENT, Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (v4.48, 1997), Fluent inc., Lebanon, New
Hampshire, USA.
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1145–1151 (2004)
UDC 669.4+669.73+504.53:54.05:669
Original scientific paper
The correlation of the values of plant-avalilable Pb and Cd in soil determined using different types of
1Bio-Ecological Centre, P. Drap{ina 15, 23000 Zrenjanin, 2Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Studentski trg,
12–16, P. O. Box 137, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
(Received 19 February, revised 8 June 2004)
Abstract: The plant-available amount of Pb and Cd in soil was determined by extraction using the
solutions: 1) 0.5 M Na2EDTA, pH 5.2; 2) 1 M KCl, pH 7.0; 3) 0.1 M KCl, 0.05 M Na2EDTA, pH 6.2; 4) 2
% CH3COOH, pH 2.5 and 5) 1 M CH3COONH4, pH 4.8. Chernozem and hydromorphic black soil types
from the Middle Banat were used. It can be concluded that the values of the plant-available amounts of Pb
and Cd in a soil depends on the stability constants of their complexes with ligands in the extraction
solution. The conversion factors for the recalculation of the amounts of Pb and Cd obtained using the citted
extractants have been calculated.
Keywords: lead, cadmium, soil, metal extraction.
1. P. R. Hesse, A Textbook of Soil Chemical Analysis, John Murray Ltd, London 1971, pp. 371–377, 388
2. R. Kastory, Heavy metals and pesticides in soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, 1993, p. 17 (in
3. D. Veselinovi}, A. Savin, M. Gojkov, S. Filip, M. Milovac, 2nd International Conference, Halkidiki,
Association Greek Chemists, Athens, 2000, Book of Abstracts I, p. 126
4. N. Vu~i}, Soil Hygiene, Vojvodina Academy of Sciences, Novi Sad, 1992, pp. 75–102 (in Serbian)
5. M. Jakovljevi}, S. Blagojevi}, D. Stevanovi}, Lj. Martinovi}, IX Congress, Yugoslav Society for Soil
Investigations, Novi Sad, 1997, Abstract p. 181 (in Serbian)
6. N. Vu~i}, Water, Air and Thermal Regime of Soil, Vojvodina Academy of Sciences, Novi Sad, 1987,
pp. 15–35 (in Serbian)
7. K. Eckaschlager, Error Measurements and Results in Chemical Analysis, Van Nostrand Reinhold Comp.,
London, 1969, pp. 76–130
8. Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry, McGraw Hill, New York, 1973
9. L. G. Sillen, A. E. Martel, Stability Constants, Special Publicaton No. 17, The Chemical Sociey, London,
10. R. Kastori, Heavy Metals in the Environment, Research Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi
Sad, 1997, pp. 95–152, (in Serbian)
11. Lj. Kova~evi}, D. Veselinovi}, I Regional Symposium: Chemistry and the Environment, Vrnja~ka
Banja, Serbian Chemical Society, Beograd, 1995, Proceedings, pp. 471–474.
J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 69 (12) 1153–1155 (2004)
UDC 549.781.004.55+504.3:543.4
Depleted uranium in the air
during the cleanup operations at Cape Arza
1Vin~a Institute of Nuclear Sciences , P. O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, 2Center for
Eco-toxicological Research of Montenegro, Put R. Ivanovi}a 2, 81001 Podgorica and 3Faculty of
Mathematics and Science, University of Podgorica, P. O. Box 211, 81001 Podgorica, Serbia and
Montenegro (e-mail: mirar@vin.bg.ac.yu)
(Received 22 April 2004)
Abstract. Cape Arza was contaminated with depleted uranium (DU) in the air strikes of NATO aeroplanes
on May 30, 1999. The cleanup and decontamination of the site started in 2001. Here the results of air
monitoring performed during the cleanup operations in Spring 2002. are presented. The collected air
samples were analyzed by high-resolution alpha spectrometry. The obtained concentrations of airborne
uranium are about ten times higher than the average value usually reported for air. The ratio of the
234U/238U activities indicates the presence of depleted uranium in the air during the cleanup action, due to
resuspension and soil disturbance in the contaminated teritory.
Keywords: air, depleted uranium, alpha-spectrometry.
1. Depleted Uranium in Serbia and Montenegro, Post-conflict Environmental Assessment, UNEP, Geneva,
2002, p. 70, 153, 134.
2. P. Vukoti}, T. Andjeli}, R. Zeki}, M. Kova~evi}, V. Vasi}, N. Risti}, Nucl. Techn. Rad. Prot. 18
3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, C1000-90, 12.01(1999)
4. M. Radenkovi}, D. Vukovi}, V. [ipka, D. Todorovi}, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 208 (1996) 467
5. N. A. Talvite, Anal. Chem. 44 (1972) 280
6. Depleted Uranium, Sources, Exposure and Health Effects, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2001.
J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 69 (12) 1157–1164 (2004)
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
A. Yusufo—lu, H. Çelik and F. G. KirbaÕlar: Utilization of Lavandula angustifolia Miller extracts as
natural repellents, pharamaceutical and industrial auxiliaries
S. [eatovi}, Lj. Gligi}, @. Radulovi} and R. M. Jankov: Purification and partial characterization of
superoxide dismutase from the thermophilic bacteria Thermotrix sp.
Inorganic Chemistry
G. Vu~kovi}, Z. M. Midoragovi} and S. Tanaskovi}: Preparation and properties of Cu(II) complexes with
N,N’,N”,N’’’-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (tpmc) and pseudohalides (NCOor NCSe-). Part II
Physical Chemistry
S. Zor: Investigation of the adsorption of anionic surfactants at different pH values by means of active
carbon and the kinetics of adsorption
L. Li, Sh. Chen, H. Wu and H. Cui: Chaotic, mixed-mode and periodic oscillations during electro-oxidation
of copper in trichloroacetic acid
K. I. Popov, S. B. Krsti}, M. ^. Obradovi}, M. G. Pavlovi}, Lj. J. Pavlovi} and E. R. Ivanovi}: The effect
of the particle shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. III. A model of the
surface of a representative particle of flowing copper powder electrodeposited by reversing current
I. Rusu, M.-L. Craus, D. Sutiman and A. Rusu: On the possible formation of Aurivillius phases in the oxide
system Bi2O3 – ZnO – Nb2O5
A. Vu~kovi}, S. Bo{kovi} and Lj. @ivkovi}: Synthesis of in situ reinforced silicon nitride composites
Analytical Chemistry
Lj. Petrovi}, V. Piperski, S. Risti}, J. Tasi}, V. Matovi} and M. Jokanovi}: HPLC methods for the
determination of acetyl- and benzoyl-tiazofurin in rat plasma
Chemical Engineering
N. M. Nika~evi}, A. P. Dudukovi} and Z. J. Predojevi}: Dynamic holdup in countercurrent gas – flowing
solids – packed bed contactors
Organic Chemistry
D. @. Mijin, V. D. Jankovi} and S. D. Petrovi}: Alkylation of N-substituted 2-phenylacetamides:
Benzylation of N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-phenylacetamide
D. Lo{i}, K. Short, J. J. Gooding and J. G. Shapter: Scanning probe microscopy characterization of
immobilised enzyme molecules on a biosensor surface: visualisation of individual molecules
D. Z. Markovi}: Photochemistry of aromatic ketones in sodium dodecyl sulphate micelles in the presence
of unsaturated fatty acids
V. Popsavin, Lj. Radi}, M. Popsavin and V. ]irin-Novta: Unexpected cycloreversion of a tosylated sugar
oxetane under E2 conditions. The facile formation of 2-(2-furanyl)-1,3-dioxolane from a novel 2,5:4,6dianhydro-L-idose derivative (Preliminary communication)
Inorganic Chemistry
N. Bicer, R. Gürkan, M. Akcay and T. Altunata: Investigation of Pd-catalysed Co(III)EDTA/hypophosphite inhibition. Reaction kinetics, mechanism and the evaluation of its analytical
application possibilities
Z. Leka, S. A. Gruji}, @. Te{i}, S. Luki}, S. Skuban and S. Trifunovi}: The synthesis and characterization
of complexes of zinc(II), cadmium(II), platinum(II) and palladium(II) with potassium 3-dithiocarboxy-3aza-5-amino-pentanoate
S. Brezovska, B. Marina, B. Panova, D. Burevski, V. Bosevska and L. Stojanovska: The adsorption
characteristics and porous structure of bentonite adsorbents, determined from the adsorption isotherms of
benzene vapor
B. M. Jovi} and V. D. Jovi}: Electrochemical formation and characterization of Ag2O
G. Markovi}, B. Radovanovi}, J. Budinski-Simendi} and M. Marinovi}-Cincovi}: Thermostability and
surface morphology of nano- and micro-filled NBR/CSM rubber blends
Organic Chemistry
P. Zhong and X. Huang: Stereoselective synthesis of (E)-vinyl alkyl sulfides via hydrozirconation of
terminal alkynes
Inorganic Chemistry
N. Raji}, Dj. Stojakovi}, D. Han`el and V. Kau~i~: The structure directing role of 1,3-diaminopropane in
the hydrothermal synthesis of iron(III) phosphate
S. B. Tanaskovi} and G. Vu~kovi}: The preparation and characterization of Cu(II) complexes with
N,N’,N",N’’’-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane and 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis
W. Ferenc, B. Bocian and A. Walkow-Dziewulska: Spectroscopic, magnetic and thermal behaviour of the
2,3,4-trimethoxybenzoates of heavy lanthanides(III) and yttrium(III)
Physical Chemistry
P. I. Premovi}, N. D. Nikoli}, M. S. Pavlovi} and K. I. Panov: Geochemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary
transition boundary at Blake Nose (N. W. Atlantic): Cosmogenic Ni
G. Popovi} and M. ^akar: The effect of b-cyclodextrin and pH on bifonazole hydrosolubility
J. D. Jovanovi} and D. K. Grozdani}: Saturated-liquid heat capacity of organic compounds: New empirical
correlation model (Note)
M. S. Lazi}, K. Simovi}, V. B. Mi{kovi}-Stankovi}, P. Jovani} and D. Ki}evi}: The influence of the
deposition parameters on the porosity of thin alumina films on steel
Organic Chemistry
R. Markovi}, M. Baranac and Z. D`ambaski: Facile rearrangement of push-pull 5-substituted 4oxothiazolidines induced by pyridinium hydrobromide perbromide under homogeneous reaction conditions
M. Kidwai and A. D. Mishra: An expeditious synthesis of 3,4-dihydro-benzo[2,3-d]pyrimidines using
inorganic solid supports
Inorganic Chemistry
M. G. Abd El Wahed, S. Abd El Wanees, M. El Gamel and S. Abd El Haleem: Physico-chemical studies of
some aminobenzoic acid hydrazide complexes
Physical Chemistry
I. Gutman, B. Furtula, B. Arsi} and @. Bo{kovi}: On the relation between Zenkevich and Wiener indices
of alkanes
A. Radosavljevi}-Mihajlovi}, V. Dondur, A. Dakovi}, J. Lemi} and M. Toma{evi}-^anovi}:
Physicochemical and structural characteristics of HEU-type zeolitic tuff treated by hydrochloric acid
B. M. Sargar, M. M. Rajmane and M. A. Anuse: Selective liquid–liquid extraction of antimony(III) from
hydrochloric acid media by N-n-octylaniline in xylene
M. G. Antov, D. M. Peri~in and S. N. Pejin: Pectinases partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems: an
integration of the systems poly(ethylene glycol)crude dextran and poly(ethylene glycol)ammonium
Analytical Chemistry
V. Vasi}, J. Savi} and N. Vukeli}: Sorption-spectrophotometric method for the determination of Pd(II) in
aqueous solutions
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
S. Sukdolak, S. Soluji}, N. Vukovi}, N. Manojlovi} and Lj. Krsti}: Synthesis of some 3-(thiazol-4-yl)-4hydroxy coumarines
R. G. Patel, M. P. Patel and R. G. Patel: Synthesis and characterization of chromogenic fluoran compounds
containing 4-keto-quinazolinone moieties
G. M. Xia, P. Lu and G. B. Xu: Synthesis, as well as linear and nonlinear fluorescence properties of 5,5’bis(4-N-carbazolylstyryl)-2,2’-bithiophene
D. Stani}, M. Nikoli} and V. Niketi}: Covalent glycoinositolphospholipid (GPI) binding to hemoglobin is
associated with insulin-activation of erythrocyte membrane protease
V. ]irin-Novta, K. Kuhajda, J. Kandra~ and S. Kevre{an: Synthesis of 3a,12a-dihydroxy-23a,23b-dihomo5b-cholan-24-oic acid (Note)
Inorganic Chemistry
J. Rogan, D. Poleti and Lj. Karanovi}: Crystal structure of a new zigzag chain Cu(II) complex with
terephthalato and 1,10-phenonthroline ligands, [Cu(C8H4O4)(C12H8N2)(H2O) ]n
Physical Chemistry
J. Barkauskas and M. Dervinyte: Investigation of the functional groups on the surface of activated carbons
S. Ra`i}, I. Holclajtner-Antunovi} and M. Todorovi}: The influence of ethanol addition on the spatial
emission distribution of traces in a vertical argon stabilized DC arc plasma
R. F. de Farias, S. Alves Jr., M. F. Belian, M. R. S. Vieira, J. M. de Souza, G. G. Pedrosa and G. F. de Sá:
Spectroscopic study of the Eu(fod)3 complex adsorbed on a 3-trimethoxypropylthioethylamine modified
silica surface
Analytical Chemistry
S. Tautkus, L. Steponeniene and R. Kazlauskas: Determination of iron in natural and mineral waters by
flame atomic absorption spectrometry
K. Basavaiah and H. C. Prameela: Quantitative determination of perfloxacin mesylate by residual-base
neutralisation method
Book Review
V. Jovi}: Fundamental Aspects of Electrocmetallurgy, by K. I. Popov, S. S. Djoki} and B. N. Grgur
Organic Chemistry
N. Krsti}, M. S. Bjelakovi}, M. M. Dabovi}, Lj. B. Lorenc and V. D. Pavlovi}: Photochemical and
Beckmann rearrangement of (Z)-cholest-4-en-6-one oxime
A. N. Pankratov, O. V. Fedotova, A. V. Barabanova, T. V. Alyonkina and Yu. Yu. Eliseev:
Regioselectivity of the bromination of 1-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and 6,7-dimethyl-1-oxo1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, and thiabiscyclanones synthesis on their basis
A. N. Pankratov and B. I. Drevko: An approach to quantum chemical consideration of "hydride" transfer
E. D`unovi}, S. Tasi}, B. Bo`i}, D. Babi} and B. Dunji}: Dynamical mechanical analysis of
photocrosslinked hyperbranched urethane acrylates
A. Nastasovi}, S. Jovanovi}, D. Jakovljevi}, S. Stankovi} and A. Onjia: Noble metal binding on
macroporous poly(GMA-co-EGDMA) modified with ethylenediamine
Physical Chemistry
A. Touriño, M. Hervello, V. Moreno, G. Marino and M. Iglesias: Change of refractive indices in ternary
mixtures containing chlorobenzene + n-hexane + (n-heptane or n-octane) at 298.15 K
Analytical Chemistry
D. A. Kosti}, S. S. Miti} and G. @. Mileti}: Kinetic determination of morin nanoamounts
Z. Kori}anac, T. Jovanovi}, J. Petkovi} and D. Mini}: Spectrophotometric investigation of famotidinePd(II) complex and its analytical application in drug analysis
A. Golubovi}, R. Gaji}, I. Hini} and A. Val~i}: Phonon anomalies in optical spectra of LnNbO3 single
Book review
I. Gutman: Chemistry and Mathematics: Two Scientific Languages of the 21st Century
European Analytical Column No. 32
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
M. D. Ivanovi},
I. V. Mi}ovi},
S. Vu~kovi}, M. Prostran, Z. Todorovi}, V. D. Kricojevi}, J. B. Djordjevi} and Lj. Do{en-Mi}ovi}: The
synthesis and preliminary pharmacological evaluation of racemic cis and trans 3-alkylfentanyl analogues
F. H. Havaldar, S. Bhise and S. Burudkar: A facile synthesis of 10-methoxy-4.8-dinitro-6H-benzo[2,3c]chromen-6-one
N. Dj. Polovi}, T. D. ]irkovi} Veli~kovi}, M. Dj. Gavrovi}-Jankulovi}, L. Burazer, D. Djergovi}-Petrovi},
O. Vu~kovi} and R. M. Jankov: IgG binding of mugwort pollen allergens and allergoids exposed to
simulated gastrointestinal conditions measured by a self-developed ELISA test
Lj. Vujisi}, D. Krsti}, K. Krinulovi} and V. Vasi}: Influence of transition and heavy metal ions on ATPases activity in rat synaptic plasma membranes (Short communication)
Physical Chemistry
V. Brankov, D. Stevanovi} and I. Gutman: Equienergetic chemical trees
P. I. Premovi}: Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary deposits in Denmark: A diachroneity
I.-C. Marcu and I. S|ndulescu: Study of sulfur dioxide adsorption on Y zeolite
Analytical Chemistry
M. Nikolova, R. Gevrenova and S. Ivancheva: High-performance liquid chromatographic separation of
surface flavonoid aglycones in Artemistia annua L. and Artemisia vulgaris L.
R. S. Nikoli}, B. M. Kali~anin and G. M. Nikoli}: Potentiometric stripping analysis of lead and cadmium
leaching from dental prosthetic materials and teeth
Chemical Engineering
Lj. B. Nikoli}, V. D. Nikoli}, V. B. Veljkovi}, M. L. Lazi} and D. U. Skala: Axial dispersion of the liquid
phase on a three-phase Karr reciprocating plate column
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
J. B. Nikoli}, G. S. U{}umli}, and V. V. Krsti}: The influence of the solvent on organic reactivity. Part II.
Hydroxylic solvent effects on the reaction rates of diazodiphenylmethane with 2-(2-substituted cyclohex-1enyl)acetic and 2-(2-substituted phenyl)acetic acids
A. [ainovi}, K. Stojanovi}, I. Filipovi}, O. Cvetkovi}, B. Jovan~i}evi} and D. Vitorovi}: Interpretation of
Serbian surface sediment maturation parameters based on factor analysis
M. Rakin, J. Baras, M. Vuka{inovi} and M. Maksimovi}: The examination of parameters for lactic acid
fermentation and nutritive value of fermented juice of beetroot, carrot and brewer’s yeast autolysate
D. Patel, R. Kumar and S. Prasad: Variation in the chemical constituents of soybean due to the industrial
pollution (Short communication)
Inorganic Chemistry
F. Rafat, M. Y. Siddiqi and K. S. Siddiqi: Synthesis and characterization of Ni(II), Cu(II) and Co(III)
complexes with polyamine-containing macrocycles bearing an aminoethyl pendant arm
K. Andjelkovi}, G. Jakovljevi}, M. Zlatovi}, @. Te{i}, D. Sladi}, J. Howing and R. Tellgren: Synthesis
and characterization of zinc(II), palladium(II) and platinum(II) complexes with 2’-[1-(2-pyridinyl)ethylidene]oxamohydrazide. The crystal structure of bis{2'-[1-(2pyridinyl)ethylideneoxamohydrazido}zinc(II) trihydrate
R. N. Prasad, M. Agrawal and S. Malhotra: Ca(II) complexes of tetraazamacrocycles derived from 3,4hexenedione and diaminoalkanes
Physical Chemistry
M. Bilgin: Isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium calculations of binary systems using neural network
G.-X. Sun, Y. Cui, Zh.-W. Zhang, R.-Q. Xu, R.-T. Jiang and S.-X. Sun: The effect of diluents on the
extraction of Sm(III) using N,N,N’,N’–tetrabutylmalonamide
J. L. Vu~ina, D. M. Luki} and M. M. Stoiljkovi}: Separation of tungsten and rhenium on alumina
H. Kiliç and M. L. Berkem: Electrochemical behavior of some new pyrimidine derivatives
B. Matovi} and S. Bo{kovi}: Thermal conductivity of pressureless sintered Si3N4 ceramics with Liexchanged zeolite
Organic Chemistry
D. @. Mijin, M. M. Mi{i}-Vukovi} and S. D. Petrovi}: Alkylation of N-substituted-2-phenylacetamides
G. Petrovi}, R. N. Sai~i}, Lj. Do{en-Mi}ovi} and @. ^ekovi}: Stereoselective free radical
phenylsulfenylation of a nonactivated d-carbon atom
S. Sinadinovi}-Fi{er and J. Jovanovi}: MS analysis of biindenylidenes
D. @. Mijin and D. G. Antonovi}: Temperature dependence of the Kovats retention indices for alkyl 1,3diketones on a DB-5 capillary column
T. Kop, G. Pocsfalvi and B. [olaja: Synthesis of a steroidal dendrimer core (Preliminary communication)
Physical Chemistry
I. Gutman, D. Stevanovi}, S. Radenkovi}, S. Milosavljevi} and N. Cmiljanovi}: Dependence of the total pelectron energy on large number of non-bonding molecular orbitals
L. Luo, H. Zhong and X. Yang: Oxidative performance and surface properties of Co-containaing mixed
oxides having the K2NiF4 structure
G. Li, H. Ma, Y. Jiao and S. Chen: An impedance investigation of corrosion protection of copper by selfassembled monolayers of alkanethiols in aqueous solution
J. B. Bajat, V. B. Mi{kovi}-Stankovi}, M. D. Maksimovi}, D. M. Dra`i} and S. Zec: Electrochemical
deposition and characterization of Zn–Fe alloys
K. I. Popov, S. B. Krsti}, M. G. Pavlovi}, Lj. J. Pavlovi} and V. M. Maksimovi}: The effect of the particle
shape and structure on the flowability of electrolytic copper powder. IV. The internal structure of the
powder particles
Chemical Engineering
M. Kijev~anin, B. Djordjevi}, O. Oci}, M. Crnomarkovi}, M. Mari} and S. [erbanovi}: Energy and
economy savings in the process of methanol synthesis unsig Pinch technology
D. Vitorovi}: Professor @ivorad M. ^ekovi}. On the occasion of his 70th birthday
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry
Lj. Do{en-Mi}ovi}: Molecular modelling of fentanyl analogs (Review)
B. Mu{icki, A. M. Periers, N. Tessot and M. Klich: Synthesis of the 4’-desmethoxy analogue of RU79115
(Short communication)
V. D. Pavlovi}, M. M. Dabovi}, S. Martinovi}, Lj. B. Lorenc and J. Kalvoda: Synthesis of 5azaandrostane-3b,17b-diol protected at the 17b-hydroxyl group
M. Stojanovi}: Allosteric regulation of small-molecule binding by aptimers (Short communication)
Z. Markovi}, D. Bajduk and I. Gutman: Geometry and conformation of benzenecarboxylic acids
D. Godjevac, V. Vajs, N. Menkovi}, V. Te{evi}, P. Jana}kovi} and S. Milosavljevi}: Flavonoids from
flowers of Cephalaria pastricenis and their antiradical activity (Short communication)
T. W. Johnson and N. Kosti}: Steric effects on the rate of hydrolysis by palladium(II) complexes of the Cterminal amide bond in a series of methionine-containing dipeptides AcMet-Aa
D. Sladi}, I. Novakovi}, Z. Vuj~i}, T. Bo`i}, N. Bo`i}, D. Mili}, B. [olaja and M. J. Ga{i}: Protein
covalent modification of biologically active quinones
R. Markovi}, A. Ra{ovi}, M. Baranac, M. Stojanovi}, P. Steel and S. Joveti}: Thionation of N-methyl- and
N-unsubstituted thiazolidine enaminones
I. Opsenica, N. Terzi}, D. Opsenica, W. K. Milhous and B. [olaja: 7,8,15,16-Tetraoxadispiro[]hexadecane-3-carboxylic acid derivatives and their antimalarial activity (Preliminary
S. Bajc, A. Amblès and D. Vitorovi}: Preserved precursors in Pumpherston shale ketogen revealed by
oxidative degradation
S. Milisavljevi} and R. D. Vuki}evi}: Electrochemical chlorination of some 5-unsaturated steroids
B. @. Jovanovi}, F. H. Assaleh and A. D. Marinkovi}: Kinetics of the reaction of 5-substituted orotic acids
with diazodiphenylmethane (Short communication)
M. D. Ivanovi},
I. V. Mi}ovi}
, S. Vu~kovi}, M. Prostran, Z. Todorovi}, E. R. Ivanovi}, V. D. Kiricojevi}, J. B. Djordjevi} and Lj.
Do{en-Mi}ovi}: The synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of(±)-2,3-seco-fentanyl analogues
V. Vajs, S. Trifunovi}, P. Jana}kovi}, M. Sokovi}, S. Milosavljevi} and V. Te{evi}: Antifungal activity of
davanone-type sesquiterpenes from Artemisia lobelli var. conescens (Short communication)
S. R. Milovanovi}, Z. Ore{~anin, S. Spasi}, S. Mileti}, M. Prostran and M. B. Spasi}: Effect of MnSOD
(E. coli) on the relaxation caused by sodium nitroprusside on isolated rat renal artery
G. Tasi}, R. Matovi} and R. N. Sai~i}: Stereoselective synthesis of a-hydroxy-b-amino acids: the chiral
pool approach
Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Y. Vaghasiya, R. Nair, M. Soni, S. Baluja and S. Shanda: Synthesis, structural determination and
antibacterial activity of compounds derived from vanillin and 4-aminoantipyrine
A. Ni}iforovi}, M. B. Radoj~i} and B. H. Milosavljevi}: Gamma-radiation induced agglomeration of
chicken muscle myosin and actine
R. M. Radoji~i}, S. D. Spasi}, Z. S. Sai~i}, T. B. Jovanovi} and J. B. Simi}-Krsti}: Superoxide dismutase
activity as a function of culture aging of B-16 mouse melanoma cells (Preliminary communication)
D. Jovanovi}, M. S. Nikoli} and J. Djonlagi}: Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable aliphatic
copolyesters with hydrophilic soft segments
Z. Ka~arevi}-Popovi}, D. Kostoski, Lj.Novakovi}, N. Miljevi} and B. [e}erov: Influence of the irradiation
conditions on the effect of radiation on polyethylene
G. Ilia, E. Fagadar-Cosma, A. Popa and S. Iliesku: Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer grafted with
phosphonic acid dialkyl esters
Inorganic Chemistry
J. Husárek, R. Pstorek, M. MaloÁ, Z. [indaláÍ and M. Pavlí~ek: Nicke(II) cyclohexylethyl-dithiocarbamate
P-donor ligands in the coordination sphere
Physical Chemistry
@. N. Todorovi} and S. K. Milonji}: Determination of intrinsic equilibrium constants at
alumina/electrolyte interface
J. M. Resa, C. Gonzáles, J. M. Goenaga and M. Iglesias: Influence of temperature on the volumetric
properties of ethanol + water + 1-pentanol
D. M. Dra`i}, J. P. Popi}, B. Jegdi} and D. Vasiljevi}-Radovi}: Electrochemistry of active chromium. Part
IV. Dissolution of chromium in deaerated sulfuric acid
Z. Odanovi} and M. Djurdjevi}: Investigation of the mechanism of mercury removal from silver-amalgam
A. Golubovi}, S. Nikoli}, S. Djuri} and N. Rom~evi}: Pb1-xMnxTe single crystals and their structural
Chemical Engineering
@. Lj. Arsenijevi}, @. B. Grbav~i} and B. V. Grbi}: Modeling of adsorber/desorber/catalytic reactor
system for ethylene oxide removal
Environmental Chemistry
A. Savin, D. Veselinovi} and D. Markovi}: The correlation of the values of plant-available lead and
cadmium in soil determined using different types of extragents
M. Radenkovi}, T. Andjeli}, M. Kova~evi} and P. Vukoti}: Depleted uranium in the air during the cleanup
operation at Cape Arza
Contents of Volume 69
Subject index
Author index
J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 69 (12) 1165–1167 (2004)
Subject index
Activated carbon, functional groups, 363
Ag2O, electrochemical formation and characterization of, 153
3-Alkylfentanyl analogues, 511
Alumina films, cataphoretic deposition, deposition parameters, image analysis, porosity, 239
Alumina, surface properties, 1063
Aminobenzoic acid hydrazide complexes, 255
Antimony(III), solvent extraction, 283
Aptamers, allosteric regulation, 871
Artemisia annua, Artemisia vulgaris, HPLC, 571
Artemisia lobelii var. conescens, sesquiterpenes, 969
Aurivillius phases formation of, oxide system Bi2O5–ZnO–Nb2O5, 53
5-Azasteroids, synthesis, 861
Bentonite adsorbents, 143
Benzenecarboxylic acids, 877
Benzylation of N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-phenylacetamide, 85
Bifonazole, acidity constant, solubility, b-cyclodextrin, 225
Biodegradable aliphatic copolyesters, 1013
5,5’-Bis(4-N-carbazolylstyryl)-2,2’-bithiophene, synthesis and properties of, 335
Bromination, regioselectivity, 421
Ca(II) complexes of tetraazamacrocycles, 661
Cephalaria pastricensis, flavonoids, antiradical activity, 883
(Z)-Cholest-4-en-6-one oxime, photochemical and Beckmann rearrangement of, 413
Chromium, electrochemistry of, 1099
Chromogenic fluoran compounds containing
4-ketoquinazolinone moieties, synthesis and characterization of, 327
Co-based mixed oxides, 783
Co(III)-EDTA/hypophosphite, inhibition kinetics, 123
Copper(II) complexes, octaazamacrocycle, isocyanato ligand, isoselenocyanato ligand, antimicrobial
activity, 17
Copper(II) complexes, terephthalate ions, 1,10-phenanthroline, 353
Copper powder flowability, 43, 817
Cu(II) complexes, tpmc, 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(semi/thiosemicarbazones), 187
Depleted uranium, air, 1153
4’-Desmetoxy analogue of RU79115, 855
Diachroneity, kerogen, copper(II) porphyrins, Cretaceous-Tertiary, Fiskeler, boundary clay, 555
3,4-Dihydrobenzo[2,3-d]pyrimidines, synthesis of, 247 3a,12a-Dihydroxy-23a,23b-dihomo-5b-cholan-24-oic acid, synthesis of, 349
Dynamic holdup in a countercurrent gas – flowing solids – packed bed contactors, 84
Electrochemical behavior of some new pyrimidine derivatives, 689
Electrochemical chlorination, 5-unsaturated steroids, 941
Electrometallurgy, fundamental aspects of, 411
Electro-oxidation of copper in trichloroacetic acid, 33
Energy recovery, pinch technology, 827
Equienergetic chemical trees, 549
Essential oils in Lavandula angustifolia Miller, 1
Ethylene oxide removal, 1129
Eu(fod)3 complex, spectroscopic study of, 387
(E)-vinyl alkyl sulfides Stereoselective synthesis of, 175
Famotidine-Pd(II) complex, 485
Fentanyl analogs, molecular modeling of, 843
2-(2-Furanyl)-1,3-dioxolane, formation of, 117
Glycoinositolphospholipid, insulin, hemoglobin, 343
Heat capacity, saturated liquid, correlation, 233
Heavy lanthanides(III), yttrium(III), complexes of 2,3,4-trimethoxybenzoic acid, 195
HEU-type zeolite, physicochemical and structural characteristics of, 273
HPLC methods for the determinatiuon of acetyl- and benzoyl-tiazofurin, 69
Hydride transfer reactions, 431
Hydrolysis of C-terminal amide bond, 887
Hydrothermal synthesis of iron(III) phosphate, structure directing role of 1,3-diaminopropane, 179
a-Hydroxy-b-amino acids, stereoselective synthesis of, 981
Immobilised enzyme molecules on a biosensor surface, characterisation of, 93
Influence of the solvent on organic reactivity, 601
Iron determination, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, 393
Isobaric vapour–liquid equilibrium calculations of binary systems, 669
Karr reciprocating plate column, 581
Kerogen, Pumpherston shale, oxidative degradation, 923
Kovats retention indices, alkyl 1,3-diketones, 759
Lactic acid fermentation, 625
Litium niobate, phonon anomalies, 493
Lead, cadmium, soil, metal extraction, 1145
Lead manganese telluride, 1121
Macroporous poly(GMA-co-EGDMA), modification, 455
Mass spectrometry, biindenylidenes, 749
10-Methoxy-4,8-dinitro-6H-benzothieno[2,3-c]chromen-6-one, synthesis of, 527
Mixed tetraoxane, malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, 919
Morin, kinetic determination of, 477
Myosin, actin, gamma rays effect on, 999
Nano- and micro- particle size of SiO2 filled NBR/CSM and CR/CSM crosslinked systems, 167
Nickel, Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, ODP, Blake Nose Plateau, 205
Nickel(II) cyclohexylethyldithiocarbamate, 1053
Ni(II), Cu(II) and Co(III) complexes with polyamine-containing macrocycles, 641
N-substituted 2-phenylacetamides, alkylation of, 711
Open-chain fentanyl analogues, 955
Orotic acids, diazodiphenylmethane, 949
Pectinases, partitioning in aqueous two-phase system, 299
Pefloxacin, determination, 403
Photochemistry of aromatic ketones, 107
Polyethylene, 1029
Potentiometric stripping analysis of lead and cadmium leaching, 575
Quinones, covalent modification, 901
Radical reactions, radical phenylsulfenylation, 737
Refractive index, 461
Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), alkanethiol, corrosion protection, 791
Schiff bases, antibacterial activity, 991
Silver amalgams, mercury removal, 1111
Simulated gastrointestinal conditions, Artemisia vulgaris, 533
Si3N4 ceramics, 705
b-Si3N4 seeds, additive, 59
Sm(III), extraction using N,N,N’,N’-tetrabutylmalonamide, 675
Sodium nitroprusside, manganese superoxide dismutase, 973
Sorption-spectrophotometric method, determination of Pd(II) in aqueous solutions, 309
Soybean, chemical constituents of, 635
Steroidal dendrimer core, synthesis of, 769
Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer, 1043
Sulfur dioxide adsorption on Y zeolite, 563
Superoxide dismutase, 1005
Superoxide dismutase from the thermophilic bacteria Thermothrix sp., 9
Surface sediments, maturation parameters based on factor analysis, 611
Surfactant, active carbon, adsorption kinetics, 25
Thiazolidine, rearrangement induced by pyridinium hydrobromide perbromide, 239
Thiazolidine, thionation, 909
3-(Thiazol-4-yl)-4-hydroxycoumarins, synthesis of, 319
Total p-electron energy, non-bonding molecular orbitals, 777
Transition and heavy metal ions, influence on ATP-ases activity, 541
Tungsten, rhenium, separation factor, 683
Urethane acrylates, 441
Vertical argon stabilized DC arc plasma, 377
Volumetric properties of ethanol, water and 1-pentanol, 1073
Zenkevich and Wiener indices of alkanes, relation, 265
Zn(II), Cd(II), Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes with potassium 3-dithiocarboxy-3-aza-5-aminopentanoate, 137
Zn–Fe alloys, electrochemical deposition and characterization of , 807
Zn(II), Pd(II) and Pt(II) complex with 2’-[1-(2-pyridinyl)ethylidene]oxamohydrazid, 651.
J.Serb.Chem.Soc. 69 (12)1169–1173 (2004)
Author index
Abd El Haleem S., 255
Abd El Wahed M. G., 255
Abd El Wanees S., 255
Agrawal M., 661
Akcay M., 123
Altunata T., 123
Alves Jr S., 387
Alyonkina T. V., 421
Amblès A., 923
Andjeli} T., 1153
An|elkovi} K., 651
Antonovi} D. G., 759
Antov M. G., 299
Anuse M. A., 283
Arsenijevi} @. Lj., 1129
Arsi} B., 265
Assaleh F.H., 949
Babi} D., 441
Bajat J. B., 807
Bajc S., 923
Bajduk D., 877
Baluja S., 991
Barabanova A.V., 421
Baranac M., 239, 909
Baras J., 625
Barkauskas J., 363
Basavaiah K., 403
Belian M. F., 387
Berkem M. L., 689
Bhise S., 527
Bicer N., 123
Bilgin M., 669
Bjelakovi} M.S., 413
Bocian B., 195
Bosevska V., 145
Bo{kovi} S., 59, 705
Bo{kovi} @., 265
Bo`i} B., 441
Bo`i} N., 901
Bo`i} T., 901
Brankov V., 549
Brezovska S., 145
Budinski-Simendi} J., 167
Burazer L., 533
Burevski D., 145
Burudkar S., 527
Chen S., 791
Chen Sh., 33
Cmiljanovi} N., 777
Craus M.-L. , 53
Crnomarkovi} M., 827
Cui H., 33
Cui Y., 675
Cvetkovi} O., 611
^akar M., 225
^ekovi} Z., 737
Çelik H., 1
]irin-Novta V., 117, 349
]irkovi} Veli~kovi} T.D., 533
Dabovi} M. M., 413, 861
Dakovi} A., 273
De Farias R. F., 387
Dervinyte M., 363
De Souza J. M. , 387
De Sã G. F. , 387
Djergovi}-Petrovi} D., 533
Djoki} S.S., 411
Djonlagi} J., 1013
Djordjevi} B., 827
Djordjevi} J.B., 511, 955
Djurdjevi} M., 1111
Djuri} S., 1121
Dondur V., 273
Do{en-Mi}ovi} Lj., 511, 737, 843, 955
Dra`i} D. M., 807, 1099
Drevko B.I., 431
Dudukovi} A. P., 77
Dunji} B., 441
D`ambaski Z., 239
D`unovi} E., 441
El Gamel M., 255
Eliseev Yu.Yu., 421
Fagadar-Cosma E., 1043
Fedotova O.V., 421
Ferenc W., 195
Filipovi} I., 611
Furtula B., 265
Gaji} R., 493
Ga{i} M. J., 901
Gavrovi}-Jankulovi} M. Dj., 533
Gevrenova R., 571
Gligi} Lj., 9
Go|evac D., 883
Goenaga J. M., 1073
Golubovi} A., 493, 1121
Gonzáles C., 1073
Gooding J. J., 93
Grbav~i} @. B., 1129
Grbi} B. V., 1129
Grgur B.N., 411
Grozdani} D. K., 233
Gruji} S. A., 137
Gürkan R., 123
Gutman I., 265, 503, 549, 777, 877
Han`el D., 179
Havaldar F.H., 527
Hervello M., 461
Hini} I., 493
Holclajtner-Antunovi} I., 377
Howing J., 651
Huang X., 175
Husárek J., 1055
Iglesias M., 461, 1075
Ilia G., 1045
Iliesku S., 1045
Ivancheva S., 571
Ivanovi} E. R., 43, 955
Ivanovi} M.D., 511, 955
Jakovljevi} D., 455
Jakovljevi} G., 651
Jana}kovi} P., 883, 969
Jankov R. M., 9, 533
Jankovi} V. D., 85
Jegdi} B., 1099
Jiang R.-T., 675
Jiao Y., 791
Johnson T. W., 887
Jokanovi} M., 69
Jovan~i}evi} B., 611
Jovanovi} B. @., 949
Jovanovi} D., 1013
Jovanovi} J., 749
Jovanovi} J. D., 233
Jovanovi} S., 455
Jovanovi} T., 485
Jovanovi} T. B., 1005
Jovani} P., 239
Joveti} S., 909
Jovi} B. M., 153
Jovi} V., 411
Jovi} V. D., 153
Ka~arevi}-Popovi} Z., 1029
Kali~anin B.M., 575
Kalvoda J., 861
Kandra~ J., 349
Karanovi} Lj., 353
Kau~i} V., 179
Kazlauskas R., 393
Kevre{an S., 349
Ki}evi} D., 239
Kidwai M., 247
Kijev~anin M., 827
Kiliç H., 689
Kirbaçlar F. G., 1
Kiricojevi} V.D., 511, 955
Klich M., 855
Kop T., 769
Kori}anac Z., 485
Kosti} D.A., 477
Kosti} N., 887
Kostoski D., 1031
Kova~evi} M., 1153
Krinulovi} K., 541
Krsti} D., 541
Krsti} Lj., 319
Krsti} N., 413
Krsti} S. B., 43, 817
Krstic V.V., 601
Kuhajda K., 349
Kumar R., 635
Lazi} M.L., 581
Lazi} M. S., 239
Leka Z., 137
Lemi} J., 273
Li G., 791
Li L., 33
Lorenc Lj. B., 413, 861
Lo{i} D., 93
Luki} D. M., 683
Luki} S., 137
Luo L., 783
Lu P., 335
Ma H., 791
MaloÁ M., 1055
Maksimovi} M., 625
Maksimovi} M. D., 807
Maksimovi} V. M., 817
Malhotra S., 661
Manojlovi} N., 319
Marcu I.-C., 563
Mari} M., 827
Marina B., 145
Marinkovi} A. D., 949
Marino G., 461
Marinovi}-Cincovi} M., 167
Markovi} D., 1145
Markovi} D. Z., 107
Markovi} G., 167
Markovi} R., 239, 909
Markovi} Z., 877
Martinovi} S., 861
Matovi} B., 705
Matovi} R., 981
Matovi} V., 69
Menkovi} N., 883
Mi}ovi} I.V., 511, 955
Mijin D. @., 85, 711, 759
Mileti} G.@., 477
Mileti} S., 973
Milhous W. K., 919
Mili} D., 901
Milisavljevi} S., 941
Milonji} S. K., 1063
Milosavljevi} B. H., 999
Milosavljevi} S., 777, 883, 969
Milovanovi} S. R., 973
Miljevi} N., 1031
Minic D., 485
Miodragovi} Z. M., 17
Mishra A. D., 247
Mi{i}-Vukovi} M. M., 711
Mi{kovi}-Stankovi} V. B., 239, 807
Miti} S.S., 477
Moreno V., 461
Mu{icki B., 855
Nair R., 991
Nastasovic A., 455
Ni}iforovi} A., 999
Nika~evi} N. M., 77
Niketi} V., 343
Nikoli} G.M., 575
Nikoli} J.B., 601
Nikoli} Lj. B., 581
Nikoli} M., 343
Nikoli} M. S., 1013
Nikoli} N. D., 205
Nikoli} R.S., 575
Nikoli} S., 1119
Nikoli} V.D., 581
Nikolova M., 571
Novakovi} I., 901
Novakovi} Lj., 1029
Obradovi} M. ^., 43
Oci} O., 827
Odanovi} Z., 1111
Onjia A., 455
Opsenica D., 919
Opsenica I., 919
Ore{~anin Z., 973
Pankratov A.N., 421, 431
Panova B., 145
Panov K. I., 205
Patel D., 635
Patel M. P., 327
Patel R. G., 327
Patel R. G., 327
Pavlí~ek M., 1053
Pavlovi} Lj. J., 43, 817
Pavlovi} M. G., 43, 817
Pavlovi} M. S., 205
Pavlovic V.D., 413, 861
Pedrosa G. G., 387
Pejin S. N., 299
Peri~in D. M., 299
Periers A. M., 855
Petkovi} J., 485
Petrovi} G., 737
Petrovi} Lj., 69
Petrovi} S. D., 85, 711
Piperski V., 69
Pocsfalvi G., 769
Poleti D., 353
Polovi} N.Dj., 533
Popa A., 1045
Popi} J. P., 1099
Popovi} G., 225
Popov K. I., 43, 411, 817
Popsavin V., 117
Popsavin M., 117
Prameela H. C., 403
Prasad R.N., 661
Prasad S., 635
Predojevi} Z. J., 77
Premovi} P. I., 205, 555
Prostran M., 511, 955, 973
Pstorek R., 1053
Radenkovi} M., 1153
Radenkovi} S., 777
Radi} Lj., 117
Radoj~i} M. B., 999
Radoji~i} R. M., 1005
Radosavljevi}-Mihajlovi} A., 273
Radovanovi} B., 167
Radulovi} @., 9
Rafat F., 641
Raji} N., 179
Rajmane M. M., 283
Rakin M., 625
Ra{ovi} A., 909
Ra`i} S., 377
Resa J. M., 1073
Risti} S., 69
Rogan J., 353
Rom~evi} N., 1121
Rusu A., 53
Rusu I., 53
Sai~i} R. N., 737, 981
Sai~i} Z. S., 1005
Sargar B. M., 283
Savi} J., 309
Sãndulescu I., 563
Savin A., 1145
Shanda S., 991
Shapter J. G-, 93
Short K., 93
Siddiqi K.S., 641
Siddiqi M.Y., 641
Simi}-Krsti} J. B., 1005
Simovi} K., 239
Sinadinovi}-Fi{er S., 749
Skala D.U., 581
Skuban S., 137
Sladi} D., 651, 901
Sokovi} M., 969
Soluji} S., 319
Soni M., 991
Spasi} M. B., 973
Spasi} S., 973
Spasi} S. D., 1005
Stani} D., 343
Stankovi} S., 455
Steel P., 909
Steponeniene L., 393
Stevanovi} D., 549, 777
Stojakovi} Dj., 179
Stojanovi} K., 611
Stojanovi} M., 871, 909
Stojanovska L., 145
Stoiljkovi} M. M., 683
Sukdolak S., 319
Sun G.-X., 675
Sun S.-X., 675
Sutiman D., 53
[ainovi} A., 611
[eatovi} S., 9
[e}erov B., 1029
[erbanovi} S., 827
[indaláÍ Z., 1053
[olaja B., 769, 901, 919
Tanaskovi} S., 17
Tanaskovi} S. B., 187
Tasi} G., 981
Tasi} J., 69
Tasi} S., 441
Tautkus S., 393
Tellgren R., 651
Terzi} N., 919
Tessot N., 855
Te{evi} V., 883, 969
Te{i} @., 137, 651
Todorovi} M., 377
Todorovi} Z., 511, 955
Todorovi} @. N., 1065
Toma{evi}-^anovi} M., 273
Touriño A., 461
Trifunovic S., 137, 969
U{}umli} G,S., 601
Vaghasiya Y., 991
Vajs V., 883, 969
Val~i} A., 493
Vasi} V., 309, 541
Vasiljevi}-Radovi} D., 1099
Veljkovi} V.B., 581
Veselinovi} D., 1145
Vieira M. R. S., 387
Vitorovi} D., 611, 839, 923
Vu~ina J.L., 683
Vu~kovi} A., 59
Vu~kovi} O., 533
Vu~kovi} S., 511, 955
Vu~kovi} G., 17, 187
Vuj~i} Z., 901
Vujisi} Lj., 541
Vuka{inovi} M., 625
Vukeli} N., 309
Vuki}evi} R. D., 941
Vukoti} P., 1153
Vukovi} N., 319
Walkow-Dziewulska A., 195
Wu H., 33
Xia G. M., 335
Xu G. B., 335
Xu R.-Q., 675
Yang X., 783
Yusufo™lu A., 1
Zec S., 807
Zhang Zh.-W., 675
Zhong H., 783
Zhong P., 175
Zlatovi} M., 651
Zor, S. 25
@ivkovi} Lj., 59