O Ch. 19 ALDEHYDES AND KETONES: C Aldehydes and ketones are both carbonyl compounds. O carbonyl group Aldehydes have one aryl or alkyl group bonded to a carbonyl group. Ketones have two aryl or alkyl groups bonded to a carbonyl group. R C H aldehyde O R C R' ketone The simplest aldehyde, formaldehyde, is polymerized with phenol to make adhesives for plywood and particle board. It is prepared industrially by catalytic oxidation of methanol. OH H C D O [O] H catalyst H H + C H2 H The simplest ketone, acetone, is a common industrial solvent. It is prepared industrially by catalytic oxidation of isopropyl alcohol. D H3C CH H3C Sec. 19.1 OH Nu:- O [O] ZnO 380ºC H3C C CH3 + : O: H2 + C Properties of Aldehydes and Ketones: E+ The carbonyl group is strongly polar but does not produce hydrogen bonding. As a result, the boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than the nonpolar hydrocarbons and the alkyl halides but lower than those of alcohols. Formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature (b.p. = -21 C) but heavier aldehydes are liquids. Acetone, the simplest ketone, is a liquid at room temperature (b.p. = 56 C). Lower molecular weight aldehydes and ketones are water soluble. Acetone, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are miscible in water. Naming Aldehydes and Ketones: Aldehydes: In the IUPAC system, aliphatic aldehydes are named by replacing the terminal -e in the alkane name with -al. The alkane becomes ‘alkanal’. The parent chain must contain the CHOgroup, and this group is numbered as carbon 1 (because it is always at a chain end). If the aldehyde group is attached to a large unit (usually a ring), the suffix -carbaldehyde is used. Replacing ‘ic acid’ with ‘aldehyde’ converts common acid names to aldehyde names. Substituents locations are given using Greek letters (, , , , , .) beginning with the carbon next to the carbonyl carbon. (Recall that the -C bears the functional groups; the carbonyl group) Structure IUPAC name Common name Structure IUPAC Common name HCO2H methanoic acid formic acid HCHO methanal formaldehyde CH3CO2H ethanoic acid acetic acid CH3CHO ethanal acetaldehyde CH3CH2CO2H propanoic acid propionic acid CH3CH2CHO propanal propionaldehyde CH3(CH2)2CO2H butanoic acid butyric acid CH3(CH2)2CHO butanal butyraldehyde CH3(CH2)3CO2H pentanoic acid valeric acid CH3(CH2)3CHO pentanal valeraldehyde CH3(CH2)4CO2H hexanoic acid caproic acid CH3(CH2)4CHO hexanal caproaldehyde (CH3)2CHCO2H 2-methylpropanoic acid isobutyric acid (CH3)2CHCHO 2-methylpropanal iso-butyraldehyde (CH3)2CHCH2CO2H 3-methylbutanoic acid isovaleric acid (CH3)2CHCH2CHO 3-methylbutanal iso-valeraldehyde ALDEHYDES & KETONES 1 Name the following aldehydes. O OH CH3 CHBrCH2 C H O O (c) -bromobutyraldehyde -hydroxyvaleraldehyde (I) 3-bromobutanal 4-hydroxypentanal O O C H C H (c) benzaldehyde (I) benzenecarbaldehyde CH2 C H CH3 CHCH2 CH2 C H -phenylacetaldehyde 2-phenylethanal HO ~ cyclohexanecarbaldehyde CHO ~ 3-hydroxycyclopentanecarbaldehyde When it is necessary to name the -CHO group as a substituent, it is a ‘formyl’ group. The CH3COsubstituent is likewise named as an ‘acetyl’ group. The -CO- substituent is named ‘benzoyl’. O H C O HO3S C H O O C CH3 C O O O C (c) p-formylbenzaldehydep-acetylbenzenesulfonic acid benzoyl peroxide (I) 4-formylbenzaldehyde4-acetylbenzenesulfonic acid (di)benzoyl peroxide Ketones: In the IUPAC system, aliphatic ketones are named by replacing the terminal -e in the alkane name with -one. The alkane becomes ‘alkanone’. The parent chain must contain the C=O group, and this chain is numbered to give the carbonyl group as low a number as possible. In cyclic ketones, the carbonyl group is assigned the number ‘1’. In common nomenclature, the two groups attached to the carbonyl are named and the word ‘ketone’ is added as a separate word. It is literally an ‘alkyl alkyl ketone’. As with aldehydes, substituents locations are given in common names using Greek letters (, , , , , .) beginning with the carbon next to the carbonyl carbon. O CH3 CCH2 CH3 O CH3 CHCCHCH3 Cl O C CH2 CH2 CH3 CH3 (c) methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) -chloroethyl isopropyl ketone phenyl propyl ketone (I) 2-butanone 2-chloro-4-methyl-3-pentanone 1-phenyl-1-butanone ALDEHYDES & KETONES 2 O O CH 2=CHCCH3 (c) methyl vinyl ketone (I) 3-buten-2-one O H3 C CH3 CH2 CCH2 CCH3 O ~ ~ 2,4-hexanedione 4-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one O O CH2 BrCH2 CCHCH3 CH3 CH2 CHCC(CH3 )3 OCH3 CH3 (c) -bromoethyl isopropyl ketone (I) 1-bromo-4-methyl-3-pentanone t-butyl -methoxypropyl ketone 2,2-dimethyl-5-methoxy-3-hexanone When it is necessary to name the -C=O group as a substituent, it is named as ‘oxo’. O O CH3 CCH2 COOH CH3 CH2 CCH2 CHO (I) 3-oxopentanal 3-oxobutanoic acid Some ketones have historical names that are commonly used. For example, dimethyl ketone is always called acetone. Alkyl phenyl ketones are usually named as the acyl group followed by the suffix ‘phenone’. (h) O O O C CH3 C CH2 CH3 C acetophenone propiophenone benzophenone Do problems 19.1 & 19.2 Sec. 19.2 Preparation of Aldehydes: 1. Oxidation of 1 Alcohols: (review Sec. 17.9) with mild (anhydrous) oxidizing agents, i.e., PCC or Collins reagent (CrO3 in pyridine) in dichloromethane solvent at room temperature. CH3CH2 PCC OH CH2Cl2 25ºC ethanol 2. Cleavage of Alkenes by O3: (review Sec. 7.8) Note that tetrasubstituted alkenes yield ketones, but the presence of 1 vinylic H’s ensures aldehyde formation. CH3 1. H 2. Zn, CH3COOH ALDEHYDES & KETONES O3 3 3. Reduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives: (acid chlorides, esters, or nitriles) It is not possible to directly prepare aldehydes by reduction of carboxylic acid because any reducing agents strong enough to reduce a carboxylic acid (LiAlH4) will also immediately reduce the aldehyde formed to a 1 alcohol. However, there is a way around the problem. Several derivatives of carboxylic acids, i.e., acid chlorides, esters, and nitriles are more easily reduced than the parent carboxylic acid. These can be reduced to aldehydes with 1 equivalent of a milder reducing agent, which will not further reduce the aldehyde to a 1 alcohol. A suitable, ‘mild’ reducing agent is diisobutylaluminum hydride (DIBAH). The reaction is carried out in a cold, inert solvent (toluene at -78 C) to prevent further reduction to the alcohol. This low temperature is obtained by cooling the solvent with dry ice. Carboxylic acids can readily be converted into any of these derivatives and we will study these reactions in a later section. CH3 H CH3CHCH2 Al CH3 CH3 CH2CHCH3 CH3CHCH2 + Al CH3 CH2CHCH3 H: + _ diisobutyl aluminum hydride (DIBAH) toluene 1. DIBAH -78ºC O CH3CH2 C O CH3 methyl propanoate 2. H3O+ O _ CH3CH2 O C _ HCl CH3CH2 C Cl propanoyl chloride propanal H NH3 + CH3OH CH3CH2C N propanenitrile Do problem 19.3 Sec. 19.4 Preparation of Ketones: 1. Oxidation of 2 Alcohols: (recall Sec. 17.9) 2 alcohols are oxidized to ketones by mild (anhydrous) or strong (aqueous) oxidants like Jones reagent, cold KMnO4, cold HNO3, etc. PCC (CH3 )3 C OH or Jones reagent 2. Ozonolysis of Alkenes Yields Ketones: (recall Sec. 7.8) whenever any of the unsaturated alkenes are disubstituted. H3C 1. C CH2 O3 2. Zn, CH3COOH H3C 3. Friedel Crafts Acylation of Aromatics: (recall Sec. 16.4) yield ketones when an acid chloride is used as the electrophile. O HO + CH3CH2 C AlCl3 Cl propanoyl chloride ALDEHYDES & KETONES EAS 4 4. Hydration of Terminal Alkynes: (recall Sec. 8.5) with Hg+2 and H3O+ catalyst yields methyl ketones. Hg(OAc)2 CH3 (CH2)3 C CH + H3O 1-hexyne 5. Acid Chlorides + Lithium Dialkyl Copper: produces ketones (Sec. 21.5). The reaction is unique to these two reagents and the mechanism is uncertain. Again, a low temperature (-78 C) solvent (ether) is used to prevent reduction of the ketone product (to an alcohol). Acids, esters, anhydrides and amides are not reduced by diorganocopper reagents. O CH3 (CH2)4 C Cl dimethyl copper lithium Gilman reagent hexanoyl chloride (CH3)2 Cu- Li+ + - 78ºC ether Do Problem 19.4 Sec. 19.3 Oxidation of Aldehydes and Ketones: Aldehydes are easily oxidized to carboxylic acids, but ketones are rather inert. R C [O] R H C OH aldehyde proton replaced R C R' R C OH no proton on carbonyl The -CHO proton is abstracted during oxidation. Ketones have none which is why they are more resistant to oxidation. Many oxidants give good yields, e.g., hot HNO3, and KMnO4, various peroxy acids (RCOOOH) and often, Jones reagent (CrO3 in aq. H2SO4). Recall Sec. 17.9. O Jones reagent CH3CH2 CH2 C H 0ºC butanal O O O O Because the aldehyde group is so easily oxidized, atmospheric air must be excluded from their containers. Even weak oxidants such as Ag2O will oxidize aldehydes. This reagent is preferred when other oxidizable groups are present (such as alkene and alkyne groups). When dissolved in aqueous ammonia it is called Tollens reagent. Ammonia dissolves the solid Ag2O producing diaminosilver (I) ion, Ag (NH3)2+. Ag+ oxidizes aldehydes to carboxylic acids and is reduced to metallic silver. If the reaction is carried out slowly (cold), the metallic Ag deposits in the walls of the container as a silver mirror. If carried out quickly (hot), it precipitates as a black solid. 1º alcohol will not oxidize OH O CH2CH2 CH2 C Ag2O H 4-hydroxybutanal NH4OH , H2O ethanol Tollens reagent is used as a qualitative test for identifying aldehydes. Simple hydrocarbons, ethers, ketones and alcohols do not react in the Tollens test. (only -hydroxy ketones react). Fehling’s reagent (blue Cu+2 in aq. Na tartrate) and Benedict’s reagent (blue Cu+2 in aq. Na citrate) also oxidize aldehydes precipitating Cu2O as a brick red precipitate. ALDEHYDES & KETONES 5 Ketones are inert to most oxidants but undergo slow cleavage when treated with hot oxidants like HNO3, or acidic or alkaline KMnO4. The carbonyl-C bond on either side of the carbonyl group will cleave producing 2 carboxylic acid groups. Only symmetrical ketones are used in this reaction since product mixtures result from unsymmetrical ketones. O 1. KMnO4 , H2O , NaOH, D 2. H3O+ O H3C C [O] CH3 cyclohexanone Sec. 19.4 Nucleophilic Addition Reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones: This is the most common reaction of carbonyls. A nucleophile (Nu:-) attacks the electrophilic C in the carbonyl. The sp2 C rehybridizes to sp3 and a tetrahedral alkoxide is formed. The nucleophile may be ‘-’ (Nu:-) or neutral (:Nu-H), i.e., carrying one or more H’s that can be subsequently eliminated, e.g., NH3. Negative nucleophiles, Nu:-, include hydroxide (OH-), hydride (:H-), carbanion (R3C:-), alkoxide (RO-), cyanide (:NC:-), etc. Neutral nucleophiles, :Nu-H, include water (HOH), alcohols (ROH), ammonia (:NH3), 1 amines (RNH2), 2 amines (R2NH), etc. Nucleophilic addition to ketones and aldehydes proceed with 2 general products. 1. The tetrahedral alkoxide intermediate is protonated by HOH or HA to yield an alcohol 2. The carbonyl O can be eliminated (as HOH) yielding C=Nu, reforming the sp2 C. _ :Nu- A Nu C H R .. ..O .. :O .. R C sp 3 Nu C R R _ :NuH2 H R .. :O .. H Nu + _ HO 2 sp 2 R C Nu R H R hybridized product hybridized product sp 3 hybridized intermediates Sec. 19.5 Relative Reactivity of Aldehydes and Ketones: Aldehydes are generally more reactive than ketones toward nucleophilic addition for 2 reasons. 1. Ketones are more sterically hindered, inhibiting the approach of the Nu:- and yielding a more crowded, higher-energy transition state (hence a higher activation energy). 2. The carbonyl C in aldehydes is more electrophilic than that of ketones because aldehydes only have one alkyl group. An alkyl groups is weakly electron donating rendering the carbonyl C less electrophilic. Formaldehyde, with no alkyl groups, has a very electrophilic carbonyl carbon. - :O: Do problem 19.6 C R ALDEHYDES & KETONES + - : O: - :O: C R R + H C H + no hyperconjugation H 6 Sec. 19.6 Nucleophilic Addition of HOH, i.e. Hydration: Aldehydes and ketones react with HOH producing 1,1-diols or geminal (gem) diols. The reaction is reversible. O OH C H3C CH3 H2O + CH3 acetone hydrate (a gem diol) CH3 C OH In most cases the equilibrium favors the carbonyl over the diol. Ketones have values of Keq of about 10-4 to 10-2. For example, acetone hydration yields 99.9% ketone, 0.1% gem diol. For most aldehydes, Keq is ~ 1. Formaldehyde is an exception, i.e., 99.9% diol, 0.1% aldehyde. Formaldehyde (b.p. = -21 C) is commonly sold as a 40% aqueous solution called formalin. Nucleophilic addition of HOH to a ketone or aldehyde is slow in pure water (because water is a weak nucleophile), but is catalyzed by both acid and base. Base-catalyzed Hydration Mechanism: .. _ : O: H : O: sp 2 C .. : .. OH C + : OH .. - E Nu: Acid-catalyzed Hydration Mechanism: : O: : O+ + H3O C _ .. .. ..OH .. : .. OH :O H C sp 3 gem diol : OH .. catalyst sp 3 H : O: :O .. C H catalyst _ + H3O H C H +O .. Nu:- H gem diol .. :O H .. .. C H2O : OH .. Note that OH is a better Nu: than HOH so that base catalysis is effective. Acid catalysis is also effective because protonation of the carbonyl oxygen makes the carbonyl C a better electrophile so that it reacts with the weak Nu:-, HOH. A variety of acids will add to ketones and aldehydes by the same mechanism as acid catalyzed hydration, e.g., HCl, HBr, H2SO4, HCN, etc. As with hydration, these additions are reversible and the equilibrium strongly favors the carbonyl. HCN is an exception, in that equilibrium favors its addition product, a cyanohydrin. + E - H - Do problems 19.7 & 19.8 Nucleophilic Addition of HCN Cyanohydrin: Sec. 19.7 Aldehydes and unhindered ketones react with HCN to yield cyanohydrins, RCH(OH)CN OH CH O C H - HCN, CN C H N pH 8 benzaldehyde ALDEHYDES & KETONES NH2 1. LiAlH4 in THF OH C CH2 mandelontrile (a cyanohydrin) 2. 2-amino-1-phenylethanol H2O + H3O D OH O CH C OH mandelic acid 7 The reaction occurs slowly with pure HCN (pKa = 9.3) but addition of a small amount of base generates the strongly nucleophilic CN-. Equilibrium favors the addition product. The reaction is useful because the nitrile group (-CN) can be further reacted, i.e., reduced by LiAlH4 to a 1 amine (R-CH2-NH2) or oxidized to a carboxylic acid (-COOH) by heating in aqueous acid. Write out the mechanism for the formation of mandelonitrile. Note that both HCN and CN- are present at the pH of the reaction (pH 8). Do problem 19.9 Nucleophilic Addition of a Grignard Alcohol: Sec. 19.8 Grignards, RMgX, react with aldehydes and ketones yielding alcohols. The C-Mg bond in the Grignard is so strongly polarized that it is essentially ionic, R:- +MgX. : O: H 1. :CH +MgBr 3 C H 2. H3O+ A carbanion, :R-, is added, creating a ‘-’ intermediate which is protonated by dilute aq. acid yielding a neutral alcohol. Unlike nucleophilic additions of HOH, ROH, etc., Grignard additions are irreversible because a carbanion is a very poor leaving group in a reversal step. Nucleophilic Addition of a Hydride, i.e., Reduction Alcohol: LiAlH4 and NaBH4 yield hydride nucleophiles (:H-) that add to aldehydes and ketones. Subsequent addition of HOH or aq. acid protonates the tetrahedral intermediate yielding the alcohol. : O: H C _ 1. H: 2. H3O+ H Sec. 19.9 Nucleophilic Addition of Amines Imines & Enamines: 1 amines (RNH2) add to aldehydes and ketones producing imines (R2C=NR) 2 amines (R2NH) add similarly producing enamines (R2N-CR=CR2) .. H N H : O: NH2R H C C H R + H2O C imine NHR2 N: H C R aldehyde or ketone R N R 1º amine 2º amine R .. R N enamine C + H2O C In both cases, after nucleophilic addition, HOH is eliminated. ALDEHYDES & KETONES 8 Imines: Acid-catalyzed nucleophilic attack of a 1 amine on the carbonyl, followed by proton transfer from NO produces a neutral amino-alcohol (carbinolamine). Protonation of the carbinolamine O by acid catalyst converts -OH into HOH, a better leaving ether group. Elimination of HOH produces an iminium ion which loses a proton and regenerates the acid catalyst. H H .. _ H .. : O: + : O: :O H H3O + N R :O: H C + C .. C .. H H C H H N H C _ .. H H3O+ N H R imine H R carbinolamine H N H H H R proton transfer pH = 4.5 N H H H C H R H2O + N H R imimium ion The reaction is catalyzed in weak acid (pH = 4.5) but not strong acid or base because a little acid is required to protonate the -OH group but too much would neutralize the basic amine. Enamines: Enamine formation is similar to imine formation up to the iminium ion stage but there is no proton on N to be lost so the -C loses H yielding the enamine. Write the complete mechanism. R .. R N : O: H H C C pH = 4.5 Do problems 19.10 & 19.12 Derivatives of NH3, i.e., derived from NH3 Solid amine derivatives of aldehydes and ketones are useful for identifying unknown compounds. Important derivatives are made from hydroxylamine, semicarbazide, phenylhydrazine, and 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. H N OH H hydroxylamine ALDEHYDES & KETONES aldoximes carbonyls oximes ketoximes 9 O H N N carbonyls C NH2 semicarbazone H H semicarbazide NO2 H carbonyls N N H 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone NO2 H 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine These reagents are often sold as the hydrochloride salt (R-NH3+Cl-) because the free amine reagents are prone to oxidation whereas the hydrochloride salts are very stable. 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine forms yellow to orange solid derivatives (precipitates) with almost all aldehydes and ketones (some long chain aldehydes form oils) and thus is commonly used in qualitative testing. O CH3CH2 H + C N H OH - H2O CH3CH2 H mp = 40ºC O H C H + N OH - H2O CH3 H O H CH3 + N OH - H2O CH3 OH C N OH CH3 H acetoxime acetone 2-propanone oxime dimethyl ketoxime 2-propanone dimethyl ketone mp = 60ºC bp = 50ºC H O C N mp = 47ºC bp = 20ºC CH3 C H acetaldoxime acetaldehyde C OH propionaldoxime bp = 49ºC CH3 N H propionaldehyde CH3 C CH3 acetone + N H N H phenylhydrazine - H2O CH3 C N CH3 N H acetone phenylhydrazone mp = 42ºC ALDEHYDES & KETONES 10 CH3 C + CH3 N H acetone O O H O N C NH2 CH3 - H2O C N CH3 H semicarbazide N C NH2 H acetone semicarbazone mp = 190ºC Discretion must be applied since this reagent also forms precipitates with phenols, alkyl and aryl amines, acid anhydrides and some reactive esters. Note that oximes, semicarbazones, and phenylhydrazones are all “imines” N R OH C oximes (aldoximes & ketoximes) H O R + C N R H O N R NH C - H2O NH2 C semicarbazone N R R C IMINES N R NH C phenylhydrazone Note: In the CRC, some of these derivatives are listed under parent compound names, e.g., ... 2-propanone, oxime 2-propanone, 4-nitrophenylhydrazone 2-propanone, semicarbazone ALDEHYDES & KETONES 11 Sec. 19.10 Nucleophilic Addition of Hydrazine: (The Wolf-Kishner Reaction) Similar to imine-forming reactions, hydrazine, H2NNH2, in the presence of KOH reduces aldehydes and ketones to alkanes, R2C=O R2CH2. DMSO solvent allows the reaction to proceed at room temperature. We will not study the mechanism, however, the student should appreciate that the reaction is nucleophilic addition and so as we might expect, this reaction will not reduce olefinic unsaturation since C-to-C unsaturation is also nucleophilic. O C NH2NH2 CH2CH3 KOH DMSO propiophenone Clemmensen Reduction likewise reduces aldehydes and ketones to alkanes. The reducing agent is amalgamated zinc, (Zn[Hg]) and conc. HCl. The acid is an alternate to the strong basic conditions of the Wolf-Kishner reduction. Both Clemmensen and Wolf Kishner reduce nitro groups but do not reduce alkenes or alkynes. O Zn[Hg] C H H3O+ cyclobutanecarbaldehyde Sec. 19.11 Nucleophilic Addition of Alcohols Acetals (gem diethers): Alcohols add reversibly (acid catalyzed) to aldehydes and ketones yielding acetals, R2C(OR’)2. : O: + C H+ 2 ROH aldehyde R .. O .. .. ..O C R + H2O acetal The reaction is similar to hydration and the formation of gem diols. Alcohols, like HOH, are weak nucleophiles and add to aldehydes and ketones slowly except under acid conditions when the carbonyl is protonated. Nucleophilic addition of alcohol to the carbonyl initially yields a hydroxy ether (a hemiacetal). Equilibrium favors the carbonyl. However, further protonation of the hydroxyl and E-1 like loss of HOH produces an oxonium ion, R2C=OR+, which reacts with a second equivalent of alcohol producing an acetal. Write a mechanism for this reaction. 2 CH3OH O + ALDEHYDES & KETONESH 12 The reversible reaction is driven to acetal formation by removing HOH by distillation. The reverse reaction occurs with excess aq. acid. Alternately, acetal formation is often carried out using the alcohol as the solvent and using dry HCl (gas) or p-toluenesulfonic acid. The alcohol is present in excess and drives the reaction to the acetal. The reaction is reversed by placing an acetal in water and adding a small quantity of acid catalyst. Acetals are stable in basic solution because they are ethers. Acetals are useful as protecting groups for aldehydes and ketones. For example, ethyl 4-oxopentanoate (ester) needs ketone protection to selectively reduce the ester group to an alcohol. This can be done by converting the ketone to an acetal, then reducing the ester. Ethylene glycol is used since it forms a cyclic acetal, which is like using 2 equivalents of alcohol. Note that acetals are inert to bases, hydrides, Grignards and catalytic hydrogen. Esters react with alcohols in the presence of an acid catalyst and heat to undergo transesterification. The acetal reaction is also done with heating and so it must use a stoichiometric amount of alcohol to avoid transesterification. O O C CH3 CH2CH2 C O O CH2CH3 C CH3 ethyl 4-oxopentanoate CH2CH2 CH2OH 5-hydroxy-2-pentanone HOCH2CH2OH + H3O + H CH2 CH2 O O CH3 C O CH2CH2 C O HOCH2CH2OH + 1. LiAlH4 2. H3O + CH2CH3 CH2 CH2 O O CH3 C CH2CH2 CH2OH + CH3CH2OH Write equations to show how phenyl 2-propenyl ketone can be reduced to phenyl propyl ketone (propiophenone). O O C CH2CH CH2 phenyl 2-propenyl ketone ? C CH2CH2CH3 propiophenone Write equations to show how 6-bromo-2-hexanone can be reduced to 6-hydroxy-2-hexanone ALDEHYDES & KETONES 13 Sec. 19.14 Nucleophilic Addition to Conjugated Enones and Enals The direct addition of nucleophiles to carbonyls (which we have studied thus far) is called a 1,2addition; the nucleophile being added to the #1 C and H being added to the negatively charged oxygen atom, i.e., position #2. Examples include reaction with Grignards, LiAlH4, HCN/CN, OH-, OR-, etc. When the carbonyl is ,-unsaturated, certain nucleophiles will add by 1,4 addition, i.e. conjugate addition across conjugated double bonds. An enolate intermediate is formed. .. .. _ : O: 2. : O : :O H + H3O C C Nu:- Nu:- direct addition (1,2-addition) 1. C - Nu: E+ : O: C 3 4 .. _ : O: 2 C - C 1 Nu: : O: - C C , -unsaturated carbonyl Nu: C C H3O+ _ .. C C Nu:- enolate ion : O: C H C C Nu:- 1,4-conjugate addtion product Conjugate addition of amines: 1 and 2 amines add to ,-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones producing -amino ketones and aldehydes. The reaction occurs rapidly at room temperature with good yield. Note that only 1 equivalent of amine is used to avoid direct addition from also occurring O .. CH3 C CH 3-buten-2-one CH2 + H N(CH2CH3)2 diethylamine O .. CH3NH2 2-cyclohexanone Conjugate addition of alkyl groups: Gilman reagent (lithium diorganocopper) adds organo groups to ,-unsaturated ketones (but not aldehydes) via 1,4 addition. 1, 2, 3 alkyl, alkenyl and aryl organo groups all work well. This reagent adds directly only to acid chlorides. Diorganocopper reagents can be prepared by reaction between 1 equivalent of CuI and 2 equivalents of organolithium. RX + 2 Li R- Li+ + Li+X2 R- Li+ + CuI Li+(RCu-R) + Li+ IALDEHYDES & KETONES 14 Unlike diorganocopper reagents, stronger nucleophiles like Grignards and alkyl lithium (Li+R-) add only by the usual 1,2-addition and have no effect on the conjugate double bond (or any other unsaturation). : O: 4 1. 2 C C 3 C 1 2. Li R2 Cu : O: C + H3O H C 1,4-conjugate addtion product C R , -unsaturated carbonyl Write the products of the following reactions. O CH3 C CH CH2 3-buten-2-one 1. Li (CH3)2 Cu, ether + 2. H3O O 1. Li (CH2 2. O CH)2 Cu , ether H3O+ 1. Li (C6H5)2 Cu , ether 2. H3O+ O 1. CH3 Mg Br , ether 2. H3O+ O C CH 1. CH3 Li 2. H3O+ CH2 In general, strongly basic nucleophiles (like OH-) add quickly and irreversibly to carbonyl carbons but weakly basic nucleophiles (NH3, R2CuLi, HS-) add reversibly to the carbonyl but irreversibly to the -unsat’d C. Do problem 19.18 Omit Sec. 19.12 Whittig Reaction Omit Sec. 19.13 Cannizaro Reaction Omit Sec. 19.15 Biological Nucleophilic Addition Reactions Omit Sec. 19.16 Spectroscopic Analysis of Ketones and Aldehydes Do end-of-chapter problems: 19.25, 27, 28(all except g), 30(all except g), 31, 34, 37, 38a,b, 39(all except g), 41, 43 & 44. ALDEHYDES & KETONES 15