Month-End Close Guidelines - Core-CT

Month-End Close
Accounts Receivable
The Steps below should be used by Agencies, OSC, OTT and Production Support to maintain and
monitor the Accounts Receivable module in preparation for month-end close. The items listed below are
performed on a weekly, monthly or other interval depending on the step.
Agencies are responsible for reviewing their Pending Items, Deposits, Payments, Direct Journals, and
Maintenance Worksheets to ensure that all valid transactions are posted before the 5th CALENDAR day
of the following month. Agencies are also responsible for correcting any posting errors that result from
transactions that are not processed by the month-end close.
1. Confirm any online or external Pending Item groups have been set to a
status of ‘Batch Standard’ or ‘Do Not Post’ on the Group Action or
Worksheet Action page.
AR>Pending Items>Review Items>
o Groups Not Set to Post (optional query)
o Groups Set to Post (optional query)
EPM Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_CORE_FIN_AR_OPEN_ITEMS
2. Confirm any Pending Item groups with errors in Production have been
addressed (with the oldest Accounting Dates first).
AR>Receivables Update>Posting Results – Pending Items>All Items w/Detail, Posting Status to
AR>Pending Items>External Items>Group Entry
3. Confirm all Payment Groups not posted have been completed and are
set to a status of 'Batch Standard' on the Payment Worksheet Action page.
AR>Payments>Review Payments>
o Incomplete Payments (opt’l inquiry)
o Payments Set to Post (opt’l inquiry)
4. Ensure all incomplete deposits are completed in a timely manner.
AR>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposit
AR>Payments>Review Payments>Incomplete Deposits (opt’l inquiry)
EPM Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_INCOMPL_DEP
5. Verify all direct journal deposit budget checking errors have been
identified and corrected.
AR>Payments>Review Payments>Incomplete Deposits
6. Correct the Accounting Date on any transactions that fail to post by
period close.
AR>Receivables Update>Correct Posting Errors – External Items
AR>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposits to correct Agency Deposits (DMV, DOL,
Revised 1/3/2013
Month-End Close
1. Verify all bank statement transactions have been loaded as AR deposits
from the BANK_STMT_TBL table by the AR_PAYLOAD program.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_PICK_LIST
2. Make any necessary changes to Deposit Accounting Date and/or Budget
Only the Central GL Approver, Central AR System Technical Resource, and Central Bank Recon Analyst
can update a Treasury deposit Accounting Date and/or Budget Date online.
 AR>Payments>Online Payments>Regular Deposits
 AR>Receivables Update>Correct Posting Results>Payments
3. Confirm all AR deposits are processed successfully.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_INCOMPL_DEP
Core-CT Production Support / Comptroller’s Office
1. Confirm any Pending Items, Payments, Worksheets, and Unpost Groups
have been set to post.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_AR_GROUPS_NOT_POSTED
2. Confirm all AR item budget checking errors have been identified and
EPM Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_AR_ITEM_BUDGET_ERRORS
3. Confirm all AR item transactions have been processed by Journal
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_AR_ITEMS_NOT_JRNL_GENERATED
4. Ensure all incomplete deposits are completed in a timely manner.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_INCOMPL_DEP
5. Verify all direct journal deposit budget checking errors have been
identified and corrected.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_AR_DIRECT_JRNL_BUDGT_ERRORS
6. Verify all direct journal deposit accounting entries from the PAYMENT
and PAY_MISC_DST tables have been journal generated to GL.
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>CT_AR_DIRECT_NOT_JRNL_GEN
Revised 1/3/2013
Month-End Close
7. Confirm all AR Item Transactions are processed successfully by
AR_REV_EST (Revenue Estimate).
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>
8. Confirm all AR Item Transactions are processed successfully by
CTARB272 (Revenue Reversal).
AR>Receivables Update>AR Revenue Reversal
9. Confirm all AR Item Transactions are processed successfully by Journal
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Manager>
Coordinate with OSC for Period Close.
Treasury and OSC should communicate first about any issues that would affect a successful close of the
AR period by the Comptroller’s Office.
11. Central Accounting is responsible for reviewing AR journal entries
and following up with agencies, posting any unprocessed deposits to
Funds Awaiting Distribution, and closing the Accounts Receivable period
12. Confirm all GL Journals created from AR transactions have been
FIN Reporting Tools>Query>Query Viewer>CT_AR_GL_JRNLS_NOT_POSTED
Post any unprocessed deposits to Funds Awaiting Distribution.
Maintain Accounts Receivable Open Periods
Comptroller’s Office will close the month-end period on the 5th CALENDAR day of the following month.
OSC and Treasury should communicate first about any issues that would affect a successful close of the
AR period by the Comptroller’s Office.
 Open Periods Mass Update – AR
Revised 1/3/2013