DATE NIGHT Written by Chad Schnackel & David Dalton Pages: 3 Characters: Scott, 25+ Mary, 25+ Synopsis: Scott waits patiently for his wife to meet him for dinner at a restaurant, when a "strange woman" attempts to seduce him before she arrives. PERMISSION FOR USE Educational Use: You have permission to use this script for acting classes & workshops, general auditions, audition workshops, school entry auditions and school related competitions, and personal practice. Film or Video Productions: You have permission to film or videotape a performance of this script for the purpose of demonstration (demo reel, showreel) as long as the writer's names appear in the film/video credits in the finished production. Expansion or Development: You MUST ATTAIN expressed written permission from the MockSides administrators (writers David Dalton & Chad Schnackel) for consideration of expanding or developing this script into a short film, feature, or for any sort of episodic series, for which monetary negotiation may be required between you and MockSides administrators/writers. MockSides: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors Copyright © 2012 INT. RESTURANT - EVENING SCOTT is sitting at a table at the resturant. He is looking around like he is waiting for someone. MARY walks into the resturant. She scans all of the full tables and frowns. She spots Scott sitting alone and grins. She walks up to him and sits down next to him. MARY Hi, is anyone sitting here? Scott is taken off guard and gives her a weird look. SCOTT Actually, I am waiting for my wife. Mary looks at him with a small frown. MARY Oh, you’re married? Scott gets a little embarrassed. SCOTT Yeah. To the best woman in the world. Mary scoots a little closer. MARY Sounds like one lucky girl. Scott scoots away a little. SCOTT Um, thanks. Mary scoots closer again. MARY Can I be totally honest with you? SCOTT I guess. MARY When I saw you from across the room I had to come over here. You are the sexiest man I have ever seen in my life. Scott gets embarrassed. (CONTINUED) SCOTT Well thank you. That is very kind of you to say. Mary reaches over and touches his leg. MARY Do you think maybe we would have time to get to know each other before your wife gets here? Scott pushes her hand away. SCOTT Oh my god, what are you doing? MARY I can’t help myself. I have to have you right now. SCOTT Look lady, I... She reaches her hand out. MARY Mary. Call me Mary. SCOTT Mary? Whatever. I can’t be seen with you. I don’t want to ruin anything tonight. MARY Come on, it’s not like she’ll know. Let’s just go back to the bathroom and have a good old fashioned F... SCOTT Forget it! Not going to happen. I am a committed man. I would never cheat on my wife. MARY You don’t have to do a thing. I could... (whispers in his ear) How would that be? Scott jumps up completely in shock. SCOTT I have never even heard of that before. (CONTINUED) MARY Oh, well you don’t know what you are missing. SCOTT You are crazy. He points away. SCOTT Please leave me alone! Mary looks hurt. She gets up. As she walks past him, she hands him a note with her number and kisses him on the cheek. MARY Every now and then you have to get a little dirty. She walks away. Scott composes himself and sits back down. Mary walks back in the room and sits down next to him. There is a long awkward silence. Finally Scott looks over. SCOTT I’m sorry. That wasn’t very good was it? It’s just, that’s how I would act in real life you know. MARY Yeah, maybe next time it’s not total strangers. Let’s pick a different scenario. SCOTT That would be good. (pause) You were good though. Especially that position you made up. Mary holds his hand. MARY Who said it was made up? Scott gets a smile on his face as we... FADE TO BLACK. MockSides: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors Copyright © 2012